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1、 國際工程招標說明書格式(英文)invitation to tender whole doc. date: tender no. 1. the peoples republic of china has-applied for a loan and creditfrom the world bank towards the cost of _ project. it isintended that part of the proceeds of this loan and credit will be appliedto eligiblepayment under various contra

2、cts for _ , _,_. tendering is open to all tenderers from eligible sourcecountries as definedunder the “guidelines for procurement” of the worldbank. 2. _ _ company now invites sealed tenders from pre-qualifiedtenderers for provision of the necessary labour, materials, equipment andservices for the c

3、onstruction and completion of the project. 3. pre-qualified tenderers may obtain further information from, andinspect the tender documents at the office of: _. 4. a complete set of tender documents may be obtained by anypre-qualified tenderer for the cost of rmb _ or us $ _on the submission of a wri

4、tten application to the above. 5. all tenders must be accompanied by a tender security in anacceptable form and must be delivered to _ comp ny at theabove-mentioned address (refer to item 3) on or before _. 6. tenders will be opened in the presence of those tenderersrepresentatives who choose to att

5、end at _ (time). 7. if a prequalified foreign tenderer wishes to form joint venturewith a domestic contractor, such a request will be considered if receivedwithin _ days before the closing date for submission of tenders. theselected local contractor shall be subject to approval by the employer. 8. t

6、he pre-tender meeting will be held on _ at the followingaddress: _.&nb sp; instructions to tenderers general1. description of works (sketch) all tenderers shall have equal access for supply of domestic labourandmaterial. the contractor shall make his own arrangements for the procurement oflocal labo

7、ur, materials, transportation and other services. the employer will assist contractor in locating potential number ofsuppliers for local labour, materials. the employer will also assist thecontractor in making his own arrangement for supply of fuel source& nbsp;of funds the peoples republic of china

8、 has applied for a loan and creditfro12345678下一頁 m the world bank (hereinafter referred to as the ifi) towards the costof _ project, and intends to apply a portion of the proceeds ofthe loan and credit to eligible payments under the contract for whichthese documentsare issued. payment by the ifi wil

9、l be made only at therequest of the chinese government and upon approval by the ifi and will besubject in all respectsto the terms and conditions of the loan party other than the peoples republic of&nbs p;china shall derive any rightsfrom the loan agreement or haveany claim to the loan proceeds. pay

10、ment from the proceeds of the world bank loan will be limitedto goods produced in, and services supplied from, switzerland and themember countries of the world bank which have commercial relations withchina. all costs not met by the ifi loan will be paid by the employerfrom funds allocated by the go

11、vernment of eligibility and qualification requirements this tender is open to all pre-qualified tenderers from eligiblesource countries as&nbs p;defined under the “guidelines for procurement” of theworld bank. all goods and services to be supplied under this contract shallhave their origin in eligib

12、le source countries, and all expenditures madeunder the contract will be limited to such goods and services. the origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationalityof the tenderer. to be eligible for award of contract, tenderers shall haveprovided evidence satisfactory to the employer of t

13、heir eligibility underclause above, and of their capability and adequacy of resources toeffectivelycarry ou t the contract. to this end, the employer and_ company may, at any time prior to award of contract, requesttenderers to amplifyor update previously submitted prequalification tenders submitted

14、 sha 【正 文】include the following information: (a) copies of original documents defining the constitution or legalstatus, place of registration and principal place of business of thecompany, firm or partnership or, if a joint venture, of each party theretoconstituting the tenderer; (b) the qualificati

15、ons and experience of key personnel proposed foradministration and execution of the contract,& nbsp;both on and off site, in theformat prescribed in schedule v; (c) major items of constructional plant and equipment proposed for usein carrying out the contract in the format prescribed in schedule iv;

16、 (d) a list of proposed sub-contractors in the format prescribed inschedule vi; (e) information regarding any current litigation in which the tendereris involved; (f) the details of the construction methods proposed. for the purposes of sub-clause , tenderers who have beenpre-qualified may update an

17、d a ugment the information supplied with theirapplication for pre-qualification, and, in particular, shall giveparticularsof work in hand at the date of tendering. tenders submitted by a joint venture of two or more firms aspartners shall comply with the following requirements: (a) the tender, and i

18、n case of a successful tender the form ofagreement, shall be signed so as to be legally binding on all partners; (b) one of the joint venture members shall be nominated as sponsor;andthis authorisation shall be evidenced by submitting a power ofattorneysigned by legally authorised signatories of all

19、 the members ofthe joint venture; (c) the joint venture sponsor shall be authorised to incur liabilitiesandreceive instructions for and on behalf of any and all members of thejoint venture and the entire execution of the contract including paymentshall be done exclusively with the joint venture spon

20、sor; (d) all members of the joint venture shall be liable jointly andseverally for the execution of the contract in accordance with thecontract terms, and a relevant statement to this effect shall be includedin the authorisation mentioned under (b) above as well as in the form oftender and the for m

21、 of agreement (in case of a successful tender); and (e) a copy of the agreement entered into by the joint venture partnersshall be submitted with the tender. domestic tenderers or combinations or joint ventures of domesticandforeign tenderers applying for eligibility for the application of a_% margi

22、n of preference in the comparison of their tender with othertenders shall supply all information required to satisfy the criteria foreligibility as described in clause 29 of these cost of tendering the tenderer shall&nbs p;bear all costs associated with the preparation andsubmission of his tender an

23、d neither the employer nor his agent_ company will in any way be responsible or liable for thosecosts, regardless of the outcome of the tendering site visit the tenderer is advised to visit and examine the site of the worksandthe surroundings and to obtain for himself on his own responsibility,all i

24、nformation that may be necessary for preparing the tender andentering into a contract. the costs of visiting the site shall be at thetenderers own expense. arrangements for a visit to site, including transportation andaccommodation. will be made by the employer or his agent _ companyand will be advi

25、sed to tenderers at the pre- tender meeting, details ofwhich are given in clause 16 of these instructions to tenderers., the tenderer and any of his representatives will be grantedpermission by the employer or his agent _ company to enter uponits premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection

26、 by priorarrangement, but only upon the express condition that the tenderer and hisrepresentatives, will release and indemnify the employer or his agent_ companyand its personnel from and  against all liability inrespect thereof and willbe responsible for personal injury (whether fatalor otherwi

27、se), loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage,costs and expenses however caused, which, but for the exercise of suchpermission, would not have arisen. tender documents6. content of tender documents the set of documents issued to pre-qualified tenderers for thepurpose of tendering wil

28、l cost rmb_ or us $ _ and will includethe stated number of copies of the following: number of copies description 1volume 1 instru tions to tenderers conditions of contract: part i-general part ii-conditions of particular application 1volume 2 specification (incl. list of drawings) 3volume 3 form of

29、tender andappendix thereto form of tender security bill of quantities schedules of supplementary&nbs p;information 1volume 4 drawings tender documents shall include any addenda issued prior to theclosing date of tenders in accordance with clause 8 and any minutes ofpre-tender meetings issued in acco

30、rdance with clause 16 of theseinstructions to tenderers. further copies of the documents may be purchased by pre-qualifiedtenderers for a non-refundable fee as follows: (sketch) sub-contractors, manufacturers, suppliers and others who requirecopies of the documents shall not request them directly fr

31、om _but shall obtain them only from pre-qualified tenderers. & nbsp; on return of the documents in an undamaged and useable condition,either as part of a tender or otherwise, within the specified time limits,the tenderers pre-qualification fee will be refunded, as follows: (a) tender submitted: _% r

32、efund of fee (b) tender not submitted but _% refund of fee documents returned prior to closing date of tender the tenderer is expected to examine carefully all instructions,conditions, forms, terms, specifications and drawings in the tenderdocuments. failure to&n bsp;comply with the requirements of

33、the instructions totenderers wi 【正 文】be at the tenderers own risk. tenders which are notsubstantially responsive to the requirements of the tender documents maybe rejected. the four volumes of the tender documents have been collated andbound by mechanical means and tenderers should check to ensure t

34、hat theycontaina 【正 文】pages (which are numbered consecutively) and that allsupplementsreferred to are also clarification of tender documents a prospective tenderer requiring any clarification of the tenderdocuments may notify _ i n writing or by telex at the followingaddress: _. the employer or his

35、agent _ will respond in writing to anyrequest for clarification which is received more than _ days prior tothe deadline for submission of tenders. written copies of the response(including an explanation of the query, but without identifying the sourceof the inquiry) will be sent to all prequalified

36、tenderers who have beenissued with tender amendment of tender documents prior to the deadline for submission of tenders, the employer may,foran y reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to aclarification requested by a prospective tenderer, modify the tenderdocuments bythe issue of an a

37、ddendum. the addendum will be sent in writing or by telex or telegram toallpre-qualified tenderers who have picked up the tender documents andwill bebinding upon them. prospective tenderers shall promptlyacknowledgereceipt thereof by telex or telegram to _. in order to afford prospective tenderers r

38、easonable time in whichto take an addendum into account in preparing their tenders, the employeror his agent _ may, at their discretion,&nb sp;extend the deadline forthe submission of tenders in accordance with clause 19 hereof. preparation of tenders9. language of tender the tender and all correspo

39、ndence relating to the tender exchangedby the tenderer and the employer or his agent _ shall be inenglish. supporting documents and printed literature furnished by thetenderer with the tender may be in another language provided they areaccompanied by an appropriate english translation of pertinent t

40、he purpose of interpretation of the tender, the english version documents comprising the&nb sp;tender the tender to be prepared by the tenderer shall contain thefollowing: the form of tender and appendix thereto; the tender security; the priced bill of quantities; the schedules of supplementary info

41、rmation; the information on eligibility and qualifications; alternative offers, if any; and any other information required to be submitted in accordance withthese instructions. the forms, bill of quantities and schedules provided in volume 3 ofthese do cuments shall be used without exception (subjec

42、t to extensions ofthe schedules in the same format, and to the provisions of clause regarding the alternative forms of tender security). all documents issued for the purpose of tendering as described inclause and addenda issued in accordance with clause 8 shall be deemedincorporated in the tender. t

43、ender documents not required to be signed andsubmitted in accordance with clauses 17 and 18 shall be returned to theoffice of issuebefore the expiry of the tender validity period, but mustnot be enclosed with the tender. tenderers shall submit with their tender a preliminary programmein the format r

44、equired by clause 14 of the conditions of contract. the successful tenderer will be required to revise or augment hisprogramme as set out in the tender prices unless explicitly stated otherwise in the tender documents, thecontract shall be for the whole of the works _ as described in clause1 hereof,

45、 based on the schedules of unit rates and amounts submitted bythe tenderer. the&n bsp;tenderer shall fill in rates and amounts for all items ofwork described in the bill of quantities, whether quantities are stated ornot. items against which no rate or amount is entered by the tenderer willnot be pa

46、idfor by the employer when executed and shall be deemed coveredby the other rates and amounts entered in the bill of quantities. all duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractorunder the contract, or for any other cause, as at the date _ daysprior to the date for submission of tenders sh

47、all be included in the ratesan d amountsand total tender sum submitted by the tenderer, and theevaluation and comparison of tenders by the employer shall be madeaccordingly. the rates and amounts entered by the tenderer shall be subject toadjustment during the performance of the contract in accordan

48、ce with theprovisions of the conditions of contract. the tenderer shall completeschedule iii-price adjustment provisions and shall submit with his tendersuch other supporting information as is required under clause 70 of theconditions of currencies of tender and payment the unit rates and prices sha

49、ll be quoted by the ten der entirelyin rmb. a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in other currencies forinputs to the works supplied from outside china (referred to as “theforeign currency requirements”) shall indicate in schedule i of “foreigncurrency requirements” the percentage of the tende

50、r price (excludingprovisional sums) needed by him for the payment of such foreign currencyrequirements either (i)entirely in the currency of the tenderers homecountry or, at the tenderers option, (ii) entirely in us dollars, alwaysprovided that a tenderer expecting to incur expenditures in a currency orcurrencies other than those stated in (i) and (ii) above for a portion oft


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