1、 PAGE PAGE 6代 收 貨貨 款 合合 作 協(xié)協(xié) 議Colleectioon off Traade CChargges Coopperattion Agreeemennt編號: 2009908211 No.: 2009908211 本協(xié)議由以以下三方于 20099 年08 月20 日在中華華人民共和和國(以下下簡稱“中中國”) 【 深圳 】市市簽訂: TThis agreeemennt iss siggned by aand aamongg thee thrree ppartiies iin Shhenzhhen,PPeoplles Reepubllic oof Chiina(“Chi
2、nna”foor shhort) in Aug. 20thh,20009:甲方(委托托方):Partyy A(CConsiignorr): 地 址:Adresss:法定代表人人:Legall Repreesenttativve:乙方(受托托方):*市XX國際貨貨運代理有有限公司Partyy B(CConsiigneee): Sheenzheen XXX Innternnatioonal Logiisticcs Coo.,Lttd地 址: Adresss: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Sheenzheen,Chinaa法定代表人人:XXXXLegall Reppreseentattive
3、: XXXX 丙方(通知知方):XXX國際貨貨運代理有有限公司Partyy C(NNotiffyingg Parrty): XXXXX IINTERRNATIIONALL FREEIGHTT AGEENT CCO.,LLTD地 址:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAdresss: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX鑒于:WITNEESSETTH:甲方為一家家根據(jù)中國國法律、法法規(guī)注冊成成立的企業(yè)業(yè)法人,有有著良好的的生產(chǎn)制造造能力(或或組織貨源源出口能力力)并已與與中國關(guān)境境外( 以以下簡稱“境外”)客客戶達成貨貨物出口的的
4、意向;1. Whhereaas Paarty A iss a llegittimatte buusineess eentitty inn Chiina, whicch haas goood pproduuctioon caapaciity (or ggoodss suppply and expoort ccapaccity), annd iss willlingg to expoort ffreigght ffor tthe ccustoomer fromm outtsidee of Chinaa(“Ovverseeas custtomerr”forr shoort);乙方為一家家根據(jù)中國國法
5、律、法法規(guī)注冊成成立的企業(yè)業(yè)法人,擁擁有除國家家限定公司司經(jīng)營或者者禁止進出出口的商品品和技術(shù)外外的各類商商品和技術(shù)術(shù)進出口自自營和合作作經(jīng)營資格格,在貨物物進出口方方面有豐富富的經(jīng)驗和和良好的信信譽;2. Whhereaas Paarty A iss a llegittimatte buusineess eentitty inn Chiina, whicch haas thhe coooperrativve annd seelf-qqualiificaationn of variious goodds annd teechnoologiies iimporrt annd exxportt e
6、xccept the Statte prrohibbitinng orr limmitinng thhe coompanny too opeeratee, andd hass a wwealtth off expperieence and goodd repputattion in iimporrt annd exxportt of goodds;丙方為一家家根椐中國國法律、法法規(guī)注冊成成立的企業(yè)業(yè)法人,擁擁有除國家家限定公司司經(jīng)營或者者禁止進出出口的商品品和技術(shù)外外的各類商商品和技術(shù)術(shù)進出口自自營和合作作經(jīng)營資格格。3. Whhereaas Paarty A iss a llegittima
7、tte buusineess eentitty inn Chiina, whicch haas thhe coooperrativve annd seelf-qqualiificaationn of variious goodds annd teechnoologiies iimporrt annd exxportt exccept the Statte prrohibbitinng orr limmitinng thhe coompanny too opeeratee.甲方匯款到到乙方帳戶戶中時,丙丙方需及時時通知乙方方,并監(jiān)督督乙方將貨貨款轉(zhuǎn)內(nèi)指指定甲方帳帳戶。4. whhereaas P
8、aarty A reemitss monney tto thha acccounnt off Parrty BB, Paarty C muust nnotiffy Paarty B prrompttly, and supeervisses PPartyy B ttranssfer the moneey foor gooods to tthe aappoiintedd acccountt of Partty A.甲方愿意與與乙方達成成合作意向向,委托乙乙方辦理向向境外出口口有關(guān)貨物物的報關(guān)、信用證等手手續(xù),乙方方愿意接受受甲方前述述合作意向向,并提供供前述貨物物之物流解解決方案服服務(wù)(以下下統(tǒng)稱
9、為“物流服務(wù)務(wù)”),包包括乙方為為甲方計劃劃及管理貨貨物出口過過程之貨物物流、信息息流及資金金流等服務(wù)務(wù)。其中,“貨物流服服務(wù)”是指指乙方可向向甲方提供供的貨物出出口之外貿(mào)貿(mào)報關(guān)、倉倉儲、等保險及其其他有關(guān)安安排等服務(wù)務(wù);“資金金流服務(wù)” 是指乙乙方可提供供的代收外外匯貨款、結(jié)匯、支支付人民幣幣貨款等服服務(wù); “信息流服服務(wù)”是指指乙方可提提供的物流流及資金流流的動態(tài)信信息服務(wù)。5. whhereaas Paarty A iss willlingg to reacch thhe aggreemment of ccoopeeratiion, entrrustss Parrty BB to han
10、ddle tthe fformaalitiies oof frreighht exxportt(appply tto cuustomms、L/c etc.); PPartyy B iis wiillinng too acccept the coopperattion agreeemennt off Parrty AA, annd offfer the servvice of ffreigght ttranssporttatioon scchemee(“frreighht trranspportaationn” foor shhort), whhich inclludess Parrty BB
11、plaanninng annd maanagiing ffreigght ttranssporttatioon, iinforrmatiion fflow and fundd floow inn thee proocesss freeightt expport. Thee freeightt traanspoortattion meanns thhat PPartyy B oofferrs thhe seervicce off cusstomss cleearannce、wareehousse & packking、insuurancce annd otther relaativee arrr
12、angeementts too Parrty AA; fuund fflow meanns thhat PPartyy B offeer coollecctionn forreignn traade cchargges sserviice、surrrendeer off excchangge seervicce、RMB paymment servvice and so oon ; infoormattion floww meaans tthat Partty B offeers tthe ddynammic iinforrmatiion oof frreighht annd fuund ffl
13、ow.為發(fā)揮各自自優(yōu)勢,在在合理分工工的基礎(chǔ)上上實現(xiàn)雙方方利益的最最大化,甲甲乙雙方經(jīng)經(jīng)友好協(xié)商商,在平等等互利的基基礎(chǔ)上,根根據(jù) 中華人民民共和國對對外貿(mào)易法法、中中華人民共共和國合同同法及其其他相關(guān)法法律法規(guī),就就甲方委托托乙方的貨貨物出口合合作事宜,經(jīng)經(jīng)友好協(xié)商商,達成協(xié)協(xié)議如下:Now tthereeforee, too expploitt theeir oown sstrenngthss, att a rreasoonablle diivisiion oof laabor baseed onn thee maxximizzatioon off thee intteressts oof
14、 booth ppartiies, by ffrienndly conssultaationn, onn thee bassis oof eqqualiity aand mmutuaal beenefiit, aaccorrdingg to Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina Foreeign Tradde Laaw, Conntracct Laaw off Peooples Reepubllic oof Chhina andd othher rrelevvant lawss andd reggulattionss, Paarty B annd Paarty A ha
15、ave aagreeed onn xpoorts of ggoodss coooperaationn as folllows:一、出口收收匯、出口口退稅及貨貨款的支付付Firstt Colllecttion Charrges of EExporrt、Exxportt Tax Reebatee andd Paymeent oof Moneyy11 乙乙方負責(zé)辦辦理出口合合同項下的的出口收匯匯,甲方對對此負有配配合義務(wù);1.1 Parrty BB is respponsiible for colllectiion cchargges oof exxporttaccoordinng too thee
16、 expport conttractt, annd Paarty A hhas tthe oobliggatioon off coooperaationn;12 乙乙方應(yīng)在收收到境外客客戶所付外外匯款項到到賬后的2個工作日日之內(nèi)向甲甲方支付人人民幣貨款款; 根據(jù)據(jù)收匯當(dāng)日日銀行的外外匯現(xiàn)匯買入價價計算:乙乙方預(yù)付的的人民幣貨貨款 = 收到的外外匯金額(UUSD) 當(dāng)日銀行行外匯現(xiàn)匯匯買入價;1.2 Partty B shalll,paay Paarty A RMMB looan iin twwo woorkinng daays aafterr recceivee thee forreignn
17、excchangge ouutsidde; iin acccorddancee witth thhe daate oof reeceippt off forreignn excchangge baank ccash purcchasee priice ccalcuulateed ass folllowss: Paarty B prrepaiid RMMB paaymennt = the receeivinng ammountt of foreeign currrencyy (USSD) the bankk s foreeign exchhangee cassh puurchaase ppric
18、ee in thatt verry daay13如境境外客戶違違約或因其其他原因?qū)?dǎo)致無法按按出口合同同約定按時時收匯,乙乙方應(yīng)及時時通知甲方方并配合甲甲方采取對對外商的收收匯措施。If ovverseeas custtomerrs brreachh conntracct orr forr anyy othher rreasoon unnablee to timeely rreceiivingg thee expport charrges, Parrty BB shaall pprompptly notiify tthe PPartyy A aand iin liine wwith the P
19、artty A to ttake meassuressto ccolleectioon thhe chhargees. 根據(jù)以上條條款,甲方方同意,按按合作出口口貨物的收收款金額支支付服務(wù)費費與銀行賬賬戶費,結(jié)結(jié)算公式如如下:乙方方收取的服服務(wù)費+費費=$ X 合作出口口貨物的收收款金額數(shù)數(shù)。Basedd on the abovve prrovissionss, Paarty A aggreedd to pay servvice charrges accoordinng too thee amoount of eexporrt off gooods rreceiivablles, the cl
20、eaaringg forrmulaa is as ffolloows: Partyy Bss serrvicee chaarge + baank aaccouunt cchargge = $ _ X tthe ccoopeeratiion eexporrts oof gooods receeivabble aamounnt off a ffew. 爭議解決Seconnd. RResollutioon off Dissputee 本協(xié)議規(guī)定定的綜合費費用不包括括辦理本協(xié)協(xié)議項下仲仲裁、訴訟訟及其他所所需的費用用;2.1. Thhe prrovissionss of thiss Agrreemee
21、nt ddoes not incllude the costt of arbiitrattion 、littigattion and otheer coosts undeer thhis AAgreeementt,;因境外客戶戶方面原因因而導(dǎo)致甲甲方損失,乙乙方不承擔(dān)擔(dān)賠償責(zé)任任,但乙方方應(yīng)盡力協(xié)協(xié)助甲方向向外商提出出索賠,乙乙方因此而而支付的有有關(guān)費用或或者受到的的任何損失失,應(yīng)由甲甲方給予充充分補償;2.2. Due to ooversseass cusstomeer caausedd by Partty As loossess, Paarty B asssumees noo liaabi
22、liity, but everry efffortt shoould be mmade to aassisst Paarty A too claaims, theerefoore tthe ccostss paiid byy or for any losss of Partty B, shoould be ggivenn fulll coompennsatiion bby Paarty A;甲乙雙方同同意,在執(zhí)執(zhí)行本協(xié)議議過程中所所發(fā)生的糾糾紛應(yīng)首先先通過友好好協(xié)商解決決;協(xié)商不不成的,任任何一方均均可交由中中國國際經(jīng)經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易仲仲裁委員會會華南分會會仲裁解決決,并適用用屆時有效效的仲裁規(guī)規(guī)則;
23、仲裁裁裁決為終終局的。2.3 Alll dissputees arrisinng frrom tthe eexecuutionn of thiss agrreemeent sshalll be setttled throough frieendlyy connsulttatioons. In ccase no ssettllemennt caan bee reaachedd, thhe caase iin diisputte shhall thenn be submmitteed too thee Chinna Innternnatioonal Econnomicc andd Traade A
24、Arbittratiion CCommiissioon Soouth Chinna Brranchh inn acccordaance withh itss Proovisiionall Rulles oof Prroceddure. Thee deccesioon maade bby thhis ccommiissioon shhall be rregarrded as ffinall andd binndingg upoon booth ppartiies. 三、 違約責(zé)責(zé)任Thirdd Reesponnsibiilityy forr Breeach of CContrract 除本協(xié)議另
25、另有規(guī)定外外,本協(xié)議議項下的違違約事項應(yīng)應(yīng)按以下條條款承擔(dān)違違約責(zé)任:In addditiion tto ottherwwise provvidedd in thiss Agrreemeent, any breaach oof coontraact mmatteers uunderr thiis Aggreemment shalll beear lliabiilityy forr breeach of ccontrract as tthe ffolloowingg terrms aand ccondiitionns:因甲方不按按本協(xié)議履履行其義務(wù)務(wù)導(dǎo)致出口口合同不能能履行、不不能完全履履行、延
26、遲遲履行或履履行不符合合約定條件件的,甲方方應(yīng)償付乙乙方為其墊墊付的費用用、稅金及及利息,支支付約定的的合作費和和違約金,并并承擔(dān)乙方方因此對外外承擔(dān)的一一切責(zé)任;3.1. beecausse Paarty A dooes nnot ffulfiill iits oobliggatioons uunderr thiis Aggreemment, ressultiing tthat the expoort ccontrract is uunablle too perrformm, caan noot bee commplettely fulffilleed, ddelayy in the per
27、fformaance or nnot iin liine wwith the agreeed ccondiitionns, PPartyy A sshalll payy Parrty BB thee cosst off theeir aadvannces, taxxes aand iinterrest, andd payy coooperaationn cossts aand lliquiidateed daamagees, aand aassumme alll thhe reesponnsibiilityy Parrty BB commmitmment;由于海關(guān)對對出口貨物物的品名、規(guī)格、數(shù)
28、數(shù)量、價格格等方面提提出異議而而造成本協(xié)協(xié)議書不能能正常執(zhí)行行的,由此此引起的責(zé)責(zé)任由甲方方承擔(dān),若若由此給乙乙方造成直直接或間接接經(jīng)濟損失失的,乙方方有權(quán)向甲甲方提出賠賠償要求;3.2. beecausse thhe cuustomms haave ssome objeectioon onn thee namme, sspeciificaationns, qquanttity, andd priice oof exxportts off gooods,aand ccauseed thhat tthe aagreeementt cann nott be execcutedd norrmalll
29、y, tthus Partty A shalll beear tthe rrespoonsibbilitty, iif itt makke Paarty B haave eeitheer diirecttly oor inndireectlyy ecoonomiic looss, Partty B has the righht too claaim ccompeensattion;由于乙方因因工作失誤誤而未及時時給甲方辦辦理合作出出口手續(xù),并并因此而給給甲方造成成經(jīng)濟損失失的,乙方方對甲方負負有相應(yīng)的的賠償責(zé)任任;3.3. As a reesultt of Partty Bs errrorss
30、 andd Parrty BB doees noot offfer Partty A the coopperattion expoort pproceedurees tiimelyy, annd thhus llead to eeconoomic lossses tto Paarty A; PPartyy B hhas tthe ccorreesponndingg liaabiliity tto Paarty A;除非本協(xié)議議另有規(guī)定定,若本協(xié)協(xié)議任何一一方違反其其在本協(xié)議議項下的任任何義務(wù)導(dǎo)導(dǎo)致另一方方遭受損失失,違約方方應(yīng)賠償守守約方的該該等損失,在在該等損失失難以計算算的情況下下,違約方
31、方應(yīng)當(dāng)向守守約方支付付貨物標(biāo)的的按成交時時中國銀行行外匯買入入價匯率折折人民幣總總貨值的55%作為違違約金。3.4 IIn addditiion tto ottherwwise provvidedd in thiss Agrreemeent, if aany PPartyy of thiss agrreemeent vviolaates any obliigatiion uunderr thiis aggreemment and thuss cauuses otheer paartiees lloss; in the circcumsttancees off diffficuult tto c
32、aalcullatinng thhe loossess , tthe ppartyy in breaach sshoulld paay thhe obbservvant partties 5% oof thhe tootal goodds vaalue whicch iss thee RMBB excchangge raate ddiscoount by tthe BBank of CChinaa forreignn excchangge raate wwhichh is the ratee of purcchasee priice aat thhe tiime oof gooods trad
33、ding as tthe lliquiidateed daamagees.四、 雜項項Four ssundrries 若因任何原原因致使本本協(xié)議項下下的任何條條款無效,本本協(xié)議其它它條款的合合法性和有有效性不受受任何影響響;4.1. If ffor aany rreasoon maakes any of tthe pproviisionns unnder thiss Agrreemeent iinvallid, the legiitimaacy aand eeffecctiveenesss of otheer prrovissionss of thiss Agrreemeent aare nn
34、ot aaffeccted;對于本協(xié)議議項下重要要事項的聯(lián)聯(lián)絡(luò),甲乙乙雙方應(yīng)以以書面形式式進行,緊緊急事項可可用電話聯(lián)聯(lián)系,但事事后應(yīng)采用用書面方式式加以確認認;4.2. For the impoortannt isssuess conntactting undeer thhis AAgreeementt, booth PPartyy A and Partty B shouuld bbe ruunninng inn wriitingg; a mattter oof urrgenccy caan usse teelephhone conttactiing, but afteerwarrds iit shhouldd be conffirmeed inn wriitingg;如果甲、乙乙任何一方方被撤銷或或解散時,其其在本協(xié)議議項下的權(quán)權(quán)利及義務(wù)務(wù)由其接收收方承擔(dān);4.3. IIf anny paarty of PPartyy A aand PPartyy B ttakess revvocattion or diissollutioon thhe riightss andd oblligattionss undder tthis Agree
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- 股權(quán)收購協(xié)議書樣式年
- GB/T 45177-2024人工光型植物工廠光環(huán)境技術(shù)規(guī)范
- 2025年個人學(xué)習(xí)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)講話心得體會和工作措施例文(6篇)
- 2025大連機場招聘109人易考易錯模擬試題(共500題)試卷后附參考答案
- 2020-2025年中國中小企業(yè)行業(yè)市場調(diào)研分析及投資戰(zhàn)略咨詢報告
- 物流中心原材料入庫流程
- 新HSK一至六級詞匯表
- 過松源晨炊漆公店(其五)課件
- 安全事故案例圖片(76張)課件
- 預(yù)應(yīng)力錨索施工方案
- 豇豆生產(chǎn)技術(shù)規(guī)程
- MES運行管理辦法