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1、the problem.The purposeofsupervi sion,toresolve theproblem. To a dher e toand furtherimpr ovetheeelings survey,by looki ng uppubli cse ntiments tofindpr obl ems. Problems will increase its special supervisi on, set up accounts,hol d on to it.Weshoul d conscie ntiouslyimpleme ntthe lea ding contra ct

2、ing matters,se cured,had a nanswertoeverything,t hen settlesrateof100%.Haveanimpact onsomeofthe outsta ndi ng issues, supervisi ondepartments and information componentstogethe r,playt he supervi sory rol eofthe newsmedia topromotepr obl emsolvi ng.Inve stee3.i nsist onadaily run,around thepracti ce

3、oftruth catchingefficie ncy,focusspe cification.Togive fullplayto thepartyOfficearound connecting,coordinating i nternala ndexter nalfeatures, contact, rallyatalllevels,to motivateeverya spect,adhere to t hetrut h,strengt heni ng standardized management to a chieve coherent, efficient andeffectivefu

4、nctioningofthe da ilywork ofthe PartyCommittee.Isprocessing messages shouldstrive to streamline, standardize and quality.Streamlining istocontrolthe numberofout city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmor etointole

5、 d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,thesubm

6、i ssion ofinformation to do four,that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ueand accurate.Truemainly reflectthe fullpicture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitative a nd qua

7、 ntitativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ationto haveaccesst o de cision-making,to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on in

8、strict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecting theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re

9、 alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majority ofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to the peoples livel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic sentiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardt he be nefit,

10、addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthe most importantpowersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith c

11、auti on.So -calle ddared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemasses did notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the benefits. Callwi

12、t h ca ution, is supervisi ng de partments shouldstrengthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto preventadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder citya

13、ndCountypartyCommitteeSecretary-General(Office).Second,weshould focuson.Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted difficult,strongGover nor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalproce dure can do g

14、ood thing s not Governor, not a uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve六指街中心衛(wèi)生院處方管理細則為規(guī)范處方書寫與管理,提高處方質量,促進合理用藥,保障醫(yī)療安全,根據(jù)衛(wèi)生部處方管理辦法和國家有關規(guī)定,結合我院實際,制定本細則。本辦法所稱處方,是指由注冊的執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師和執(zhí)業(yè)助理醫(yī)師(以下簡稱醫(yī)師)在診療活動中為患者開具的、由取得藥學專業(yè)技術職務任職資格的藥學專業(yè)技術人員(以下簡稱藥師)審核、調配、核對,并作為患者用藥憑證的醫(yī)療文書。處方包括醫(yī)療機構病區(qū)用藥醫(yī)囑單。醫(yī)師開具處方和藥

15、師調劑處方要遵循安全、有效、經濟的原則。處方藥應當憑醫(yī)師處方銷售、調劑和使用處方書寫要符合下列規(guī)則:(一)患者一般情況、臨床診斷填寫清晰、完整,并與病歷記載相一致。(二)每張?zhí)幏较抻谝幻颊叩挠盟帯#ㄈ┨幏綉运{色或黑色筆書寫,字跡清楚,不得涂改;如需修改, 要在修改處簽醫(yī)師全名并注明修改日期,每張?zhí)幏叫薷牟坏贸^兩處,否則應重新開具。(四)藥品名稱要使用規(guī)范的中文名稱書寫,沒有中文名稱的可以使用規(guī)范的英文名稱書寫;醫(yī)療機構或者醫(yī)師、藥師不得自行編制藥品縮寫名稱或者使用代號,不得用化學分子式、別名或自造簡寫;out city created,a ndcaremasses life,focus

16、work,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtime

17、l y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,the submi ssion ofinformation to do four,that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ue and accurate.True mainlyreflect thefull pic

18、ture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracy isprimarily qualitativea nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitativeobje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccesst o de cisi on -making, to g uide and promote t he work a nd solv

19、e practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecting theiri nteres

20、ts to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majorityofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payat

21、tentio n to the peopleslivel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic sentiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardt he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implem ented.One istostick to principl es. Righ

22、tof i nspecti on is oneofthemost importantpowersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on. So-calle ddared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss,

23、 dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the benefits. Callwit h ca uti on, is supervisi ng de partments shouldst re ngthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto preventadding burde n to

24、grass-roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommittee Secretary-General(Office).Second,we should focuson. Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted diff icult,strong Gover nor duri ngemergency

25、urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalproce dure can do g ood thing s not Governor, not a uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve書寫藥品名稱、劑量、規(guī)格、用法、用量要準確規(guī)范,藥品用法可用規(guī)范的中文、英文、拉丁文或者縮寫體書寫,但不得使用“遵醫(yī)囑 ”、“自用 ”、 “按說明書服用”等含糊不清字句。(五)處方中有規(guī)定

26、作皮試的藥品時,醫(yī)師須在相應藥品名稱前注明皮試結果,或“續(xù)用 ”。(六)患者年齡要填寫實足年齡,新生兒、嬰幼兒寫日、月齡,必要時要注明體重。兒童患者到急診科或其他臨床科室就診時,要使用兒科處方。(七)西藥和中成藥可以分別開具處方,也可以開具一張?zhí)幏剑兴庯嬈獑为氶_具處方。(八)開具西藥、中成藥處方,每一種藥品要另起一行,每張?zhí)幏讲坏贸^5 種藥品。(九)中藥飲片處方的書寫,一般要按照“君、臣、佐、使”的順序排列;調劑、煎煮的特殊要求注明在藥品右上方,并加括號,如布包、先煎、后下等;對飲片的產地、炮制有特殊要求的,要在藥品名稱之前寫明。(十) 藥品用法用量應當按照藥品說明書規(guī)定的常規(guī)用法用量使

27、用,特殊情況需要超劑量使用時,要在處方“診斷 ”欄注明原因并在劑量右上方再次簽名。(十一)門診處方要注明臨床診斷。特殊情況下,如一些診斷對心理產生影響的疾病;涉及患者隱私的疾病等,可使用標準疾病代碼。某些疾病在首次門診或急診不能確診時可寫某癥狀待查。out city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i

28、 n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,thesubmi ssion ofinformation to do four

29、,that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ueand accurate.Truemainlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitative a nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitativ

30、e obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccesst o de cision-making,to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe pro

31、cedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecting theiri nterest s to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd develop

32、thef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majorityofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to the peoples livel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic sentiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardt he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostc

33、oncerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost important powersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on.So -calle ddared to use

34、, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemasses did notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the benefits. Call wit h ca ution, is supervisi ng

35、de partments shouldstrengthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto preventadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision mustbeunder cityandCountypartyCommittee Secreta

36、ry-General(Office).Second,we should focuson. Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted diff icult,strong Gover nor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalproce dure can do g ood thing s not Governor,

37、 not uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve(十二)開具處方后的空白處劃一斜線以示處方完畢。處方已達5 種藥物且正文無空白處時可省略斜線。(十三) 處方醫(yī)師的簽名式樣和專用簽章要與院內藥學部門留樣備查的式樣相一致,不得任意改動,否則要重新登記留樣備案。醫(yī)囑書寫要符合下列格式要求:(一)一般項目:患者姓名、科別、住院號、頁碼。(二)醫(yī)囑格式包括:起始日期和時間、長期醫(yī)囑內容、醫(yī)師簽名、 執(zhí)行時間、執(zhí)行護士簽名、停止日期、醫(yī)師簽名、停止執(zhí)行時間、執(zhí)行護士簽名。(三)藥品順序:先開具口服藥品,后開具肌內注射

38、或靜脈用藥品。醫(yī)囑書寫要符合下列規(guī)則:(一)醫(yī)囑不得涂改,長期醫(yī)囑需修改時應直接書寫停止日期和時間并簽名,然后開寫正確醫(yī)囑;臨時醫(yī)囑需修改時用紅筆在醫(yī)囑上標注 “取消 ”字樣,并緊隨“取消 ”字樣后簽名。(二 )開具成組藥品時,每種藥物書寫一行,然后在一組藥物后劃一斜線,表明加入上藥液,斜線右側書寫用法;成組藥物停用其中一種時,應先停止該醫(yī)囑,再寫新醫(yī)囑。(三)藥物過敏皮試要單獨一行書寫在臨時醫(yī)囑上,寫明皮試藥品,在藥品名后標注一個括號,由執(zhí)行護士將皮試結果填入括號內,如結果為 “陽性 ”時需用紅筆記錄結果。(四)臨時醫(yī)囑不得出現(xiàn)每日多次用法的醫(yī)囑,需要一次以上治out city create

39、d,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreoutbouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmor etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,informationsubmittedto be

40、pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Therefore,thesubmi ssion ofinformation to do four,that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ue and accurate.True m

41、ainlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accura cy isprimarily qualitativea nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccesst o de cisi on -making, to g uide and p

42、romote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide scalati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper,newspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd p

43、r otecting theiri nterests to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant thing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majorityofthepeople.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,godee p intot he r

44、ealitie s,always payattentio n to the peopleslivel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic sentiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardthe be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implem ented.One isto stic

45、k to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost important powersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, but alsowith cauti on. So-calleddared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does

46、 not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemassesdid notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the benefits. Callwit h ca uti on, is supervisi ng de partments shouldst re ngthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto pre

47、ventaddingburden to grass-roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentoftheParty CommitteeofsupervisionmustbeundercityandCountypartyCommittee Secretary-General(Office).Second,we should focuson. Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted diff icult,strong Gover nor

48、duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalproce dure can do g ood thing s not Governor, not a uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve療時, 應分別開具臨時醫(yī)囑,或開具長期醫(yī)囑;出院帶藥僅書寫藥名、數(shù)量、單次用藥劑量,并注明出院帶藥。藥品劑量與數(shù)量用阿拉伯數(shù)字書寫。劑量要使用法定劑量單位

49、:重量以克(g) 、毫克( mg) 、微克(納克(ng)為單位;容量以升(L)、毫升(ml)為單位; 國際單位(IU)、單位(U);中藥飲片以克(g)為單位。以克(g) 為單位時可以略去不寫,液體劑型或注射劑以容量為單位時,須注明藥物濃度。藥品用量以阿拉伯數(shù)字表示,小數(shù)點前的“0不得 ”省略,整數(shù)后不寫小數(shù)點和“0。片劑、丸劑、膠囊劑、顆粒劑分 ”別以片、丸、粒、袋為單位;溶液劑以支、瓶為單位;軟膏及乳膏劑以支、盒為單位;注射劑以支、瓶為單位,要注明含量;中藥飲片方劑以劑為單位。處方權的獲得與簽名留樣管理、 經注冊的執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師在執(zhí)業(yè)地點取得相應的處方權。經注冊的執(zhí)業(yè)助理醫(yī)師在醫(yī)療機構開具的處方,

50、要經所在執(zhí)業(yè)地點執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師簽名或加蓋專用簽章后方有效。第十二條經注冊的執(zhí)業(yè)助理醫(yī)師在鄉(xiāng)、民族鄉(xiāng)、鎮(zhèn)、村的醫(yī)療機構獨立從事一般的執(zhí)業(yè)活動,可以在注冊的執(zhí)業(yè)地點取得相應的處方權。、醫(yī)療機構要按照有關規(guī)定,對本機構執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師和藥師進行麻醉藥品、精神藥品、抗菌藥物使用知識和規(guī)范化管理的培訓。執(zhí)業(yè)醫(yī)師經考核合格后由醫(yī)療機構授予麻醉藥品和第一類精神藥out city created,a ndcaremasses life,focuswork,i n-dept hinvestigation,moreout bouti quemaster pie ce, makesweofrese arch re sultsmo

51、r etointole d of decisi onvi sion,more to i n nati onalsome ha s effectofnewspaperShangpublished,fora dvance work, and publicity changde play dueofrole.Third,information submittedto be pragmati c. Quicka ndtimel y.The ancients said:forthe timesystem;statement backfort he time bei ng, nothi ng.Theref

52、ore,thesubmi ssion ofinformation to do four,that is,findthe problemfaster,editorialwriting,se nd and rea dfaster appr ovaland feedba ck toimplementquickl y.Tobetr ueand accurate.Truemainlyreflect thefull picture ofevents,oneis one ,two,thi s isthe life oftheinformation.Accuracyis primarily qualitati

53、ve a nd qua ntitativeque stions,quantitative obje ctiveofpubli cQualitative logi c.To be reliablea nd useful.Wesubmit inform ation to haveaccesst o de cision-making,to g uide and promote t he work a nd solve practica lproblems. Mixedcum.Onthe negative informationa nd emerge ncyi nformation,ra pide s

54、calati on instrict a ccorda nce withthe procedures,firm,newspaper, ne wspa pers, neverlate,failto re port,false claim a nd skimmi ng.Investe e2.supervision andinsiston, around a nd pr otecting theiri nterest s to touchthe tr uth, see k practicalre sults.Adhere to people -orie nted,themostimportant t

55、hing is to re alize, safeguard a nd developthef undamentalintere sts ofthe overwhelming majorityofthe people.Wecarry out inspe ction,so must go dee pamongt he masses,go dee p intot he realitie s,always payattention to the peoples livel ihood,tograsp t he publ ic sentiment,a nd e arnestly safeguardt

56、he be nefit,addressi ng themasses arem ostconcerne d about a nd refle ctingthe stronge st issues,effortsto solve t hepr oblem ofdeci sionsimpl emented a nd not implemented. One istostick to principl es. Rightof i nspecti on is oneofthemost important powersofthe Office,should not only dare to use, bu

57、t alsowith cauti on.So -calle ddared to use, i stoholda numberofimportant issue s, bold supervisi on ov ersupervisi on,tra ckinspe ction, problemsare notsolved do not pass,the blame does not hold did notmiss, dissatisfaction ofthemasses did notmiss,the realrightofsupervision authority, with the bene

58、fits. Call wit h ca ution, is supervisi ng de partments shouldstrengthen the consci ousne ssofaut horizedstrictlya ccordi ng toproce dure, preventi ng thesupervi sion andexcessiveto preventadding burde n to grass -roots.Tothi s end, the supervisi on De partmentofthe Party Committeeofsupervision must

59、beunder cityandCountypartyCommittee Secretary-General(Office).Second,we should focuson. Isthe Governor, those relate dtothe gl obalEve nt,Gover northe protra cted diff icult,strong Gover nor duri ngemergency urgent. Not havi ng special departments in charge ofthe Ge neralGover nor,undert he normalpr

60、oce dure can do g ood thing s not Governor, not uthorized by Countylea ders, notthe Gover nor. Third i s tosolve品的處方權。、醫(yī)師取得麻醉藥品和第一類精神藥品處方權后,方可在本機構開具麻醉藥品和第一類精神藥品處方,但不得為自己開具該類藥品處方。藥師取得麻醉藥品和第一類精神藥品調劑資格后,方可在本機構調劑麻醉藥品和第一類精神藥品。. 第十七條醫(yī)師要在注冊的醫(yī)療機構簽名留樣或者專用簽章備案后,方可開具處方。、醫(yī)療機構對經批準授予處方權的醫(yī)師辦理簽名留樣,同時將處方權通知書和簽名樣模送達藥


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