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1、隱秘啟用前 四川省 2022 年高職院校單獨招生統(tǒng)一考試文化素養(yǎng)(一般類)猜測試卷七留意事項:1、本試卷分為語文、數(shù)學、英語三科,每科滿分100 分,總分 300 分;2、本考試實行同堂合卷,考試時間共 150 分鐘;3、考試作答時,須將答案答在試卷相應位置,在草稿紙上答題無效;語文得分 評卷人 復查人 一、基礎學問及其運用(本大題共 3 小題,每道題 5 分,共 15分)在每個小題列出的四個備選項中只有一個是符合題目要求的,請將其代碼填寫在題后的括號內;錯選、多項或未選均無分;1以下各組詞語中,字形書寫和加點字的讀音全都正確的一組是 A采擷xi 愧疚ji 舶來品 b 贖職B囊括nng 毗鄰b

2、 協(xié)奏曲 哄堂大笑C提防t 散漫 sn 登錄 松馳D拜謁y 唇槍舌劍 壓軸戲zhu 平心而論2以下各句中,加點的詞語使用最恰當?shù)哪囊豁?A國家工商總局商標局發(fā)文裁定:長虹并未對競爭對手廈華構成侵權;至此, 環(huán)繞 “ CHDTV Ready” 的商標標識之爭塵埃落定 ;B有些黨員干部把 “ 全心全意為人民服務”這一宗旨拋于腦后,對人民群眾的困難充耳不聞,這種現(xiàn)狀應引起高度重視;C冰心老人生前三令五申強調,青年同學應當努力學好語文,有責任有義務保護祖國語言文字的純潔;D聞名制作人張紀中先后把金庸武俠力作笑傲江湖等搬上熒屏,遭到各方批判,實為對原著的狗尾續(xù)貂; 3以下各句中,沒有語病的一句是A對那些

3、刻苦訓練的年輕運動員,即使他們在競賽中有時有發(fā)揮失常的情形,依舊應當受到愛惜,我們絕不能一棍子就把人打倒;B據(jù)新華社發(fā)布的最新數(shù)據(jù)顯示,中國“ 玉兔號”月球車已經復原到休眠前正常的信號接收狀態(tài),但機構掌握反常的故障仍在分析排查中;C有的兒童文學偏重于訓練和理性,過多地注入了成人的思想,孩子天性中愛嬉戲、愛求知、愛趣味、愛幻想被忽視了;第 1 頁 共 16 頁D省政府已明確指出,廉租房可以在經濟適用住房中配建,也可以在一般商品住房小區(qū)中配 建,以防止低收入家庭遠離城區(qū),被邊緣化的現(xiàn)象;得分評卷人復查人二、文言閱讀與積存(本大題共3 小題,第 4 小題 5 分,第 5 小題 4 分,第 6 小題

4、6 分,共 15 分)許孟容,字公范,京兆長安人;擢進士異等,又第明經,調校書郎;辟武寧張建封府;李納以兵拒境,建封遣使諭止,前后三輩往,皆不聽;乃使孟容見納,敷引逆順,納即悔謝,為罷兵;累遷給事中;京兆上言“ 好畸風雹害稼” ,帝遣宦人覆視,不實,奪尹以下俸;孟容曰:“ 府縣上事不實,罪應罰;然陛下遣宦者覆視,紊綱紀;宜更擇御史一人參驗,乃可;” 不聽;浙東觀看使裴肅委判官齊總暴斂以厚獻,厭天子所欲;會肅卒,帝擢總自大理評事兼監(jiān)察御史為衢州刺史;衢,大州也;孟容仍制曰:“ 方用兵處,有不待次而擢者;今衢不他虞,總無功越進超授,群議謂何 .且總本判官,今詔書乃言權知留后,攝都團練副使,初無制授

5、,尤不見其可;假令總有可錄,宜暴課最,解中外之惑;” 會補闕王武陵等亦執(zhí)爭,于是詔中停;貞元十九年夏,大旱,上疏言:“ 陛下齋居損膳,具牲玉,而天意未答;竊惟天人交感之際,系教令順民與否;今戶部錢非度支歲計,本備緩急,如取一百萬緡代京兆一歲賦,就京圻無流亡,振災為福;又應省察流移征防當仍未仍,役作禁錮當釋未釋;負逋饋送,當免免之;沈滯郁抑,當伸伸之,以順人奉天;如是而神弗祐、歲弗稔,未之聞也;”注:好疇:地名;輦轂:稱代天子;厭:厭惡 節(jié)選自新唐書列傳第八十七,有刪減4對以下句子中加點詞的說明,不正確的哪一項 A厭天子所欲B今衢不他虞虞:擔憂C攝都團練副使攝:代理D竊惟天人交感之際竊:私下5把

6、文中畫橫線的句子譯成現(xiàn)代漢語;然陛下遣宦者覆視,紊綱紀;宜更擇御史一人參驗,乃可;譯文:_ 6補寫出以下語句中空缺的部分;1親小人,遠賢臣,;(諸葛亮出師表)2,壯士一去兮不復返;(戰(zhàn)國策 .荊軻刺秦王)第 2 頁 共 16 頁得分評卷人復查人三、現(xiàn)代文閱讀(本大題共3 小題,每道題 10 分,共 30 分)閱讀下面的文章,完成79 題;精神強度 雪小禪 我喜愛“ 精神強度” 這個詞;特別達利;我在看達利的油畫經經常會想起這個詞;他反對時間,把時間變成變形的鐘表掛 在樹上,把沙發(fā)做成馬桶;那種精神強度可以把一切扭曲;他的畫不凌厲,但看畢震動之后是無限 的激蕩,似乎得了腦震蕩的人,好長時間會緩不

7、過來;其實精神真是最形而上的東西;最不行靠,也最牢靠. 就象過分美于一種植物的叫法;我喜歡鐵線蕨這個植物; 只是喜愛它的叫法;在蕨類植物里, 它有一種突兀的美;我喜愛類似于它的人,潔凈、倔強、飽滿 喜愛長風浩蕩,喜愛渺目煙視 內心里越是野曠人稀,它出現(xiàn)給藝術的越 是生動疼痛;有精神強度的人,不會輕易被打倒;雖然有時候他很脆弱,但這脆弱,其實是藝術里必不行 少的精神支架,如同孤寂花園里一朵美麗的花,寂靜地開,寂靜地謝;看過一個紀錄片,是記錄清華物理系教授葉企孫的;錢學森、楊振寧全是他的同學,他開中 國物理系先河,終生未婚;把自己交給了物理,交給了同學;在文革時期,被說成特務,為了不牽 連同學,在

8、清華遇到同學時,他假裝不熟悉;有同學上前打交道,他擺著手說,不要來,不要來;那時他背已駝發(fā)已白,每天不說一句話;他的小屋,只有一張床,床上,放著整摞的物理書;而他睡覺的地方,只是一張椅子;事后有人問過他,覺得孤寂嗎. 孤獨嗎 . 失望嗎 . 他答,我有物理,有書,有天空,有深邃的精神;假如不是精神世界的強度,或許他早就和一些大師一樣挑選自殺,投湖或懸梁;他倔強地活在自己的芳香世界里,始終到生命最終;看.杜拉斯傳 .,惦念于這個女人的精神強度她的一生,總在打倒別人,從來沒有被別 人打倒過;即使愛情;她用她的文字打倒讀者,用她的愛情打倒男人;在離別時,她不哭男人哭;在愛著時,她滿意地說,你多幸運呀

9、,你愛上我,你愛上這么聞名的一個作家 . 她一點不卑微,一點不示弱,一點也不 . 我在她的強度里感覺到了無限的脆弱;她沒有性別,她是杜拉斯;而大師黃永玉,始終在用畫來表達他的精神強度;“ 三月間杏花開了,下點毛毛雨,白天晚是黃永玉同他表叔沈從文談天時說的話;黃永玉問表叔, 這樣是不是有點小題大做. 沈從文答,“ 懂了就值了” ;是啊,懂了就值了;這世間,必有一種懂得是精神,穿越靈魂,幽幽而來;總有那個明白三月間杏花開了,下點毛 毛雨的惆悵的人,總有發(fā)個信兒就剎那間說慈善的人,由于,他的精神強度恰巧與你在一個線上,第 3 頁 共 16 頁不遠,不近你說,他懂;他說,你懂;即使沒有那個一起來看杏花

10、的人,仍是飽滿的; 由于內心是強大的,是蓬勃的, 是生生不息的,是杏花春雨里最美的笛聲,是一個人的自斟自飲;是徐悲鴻說的那句,“ 我就要一意孤行” ;那些有精神強度的人,是金,藏于內心;不顯露,但在合適的時間合適的地點,會出現(xiàn)出特別 動人的光線;即使放在最孤寂的地方,他不凋落;放在最喧鬧的地方,他不張揚;他用精神支撐著內心,那個花園里,嫵媚地開著一朵又一朵世間難尋的花,假如你進得去,那 么你看得到;7.結合文章內容,對文本相關內容和藝術特色分析鑒賞,至少 3 點;8.結合全文,概括文中“ 精神強度” 的含意;9.本文許多獨句成段的段落,有怎樣的表達成效. 請結合全文進行分析;得分評卷人復查人四

11、 、作文(本大題共1 小題,共 40 分)10閱讀下面的文字,依據(jù)要求作文;人而無信,不知其可也;(.論語 .)玉不琢,不成器;人不學,不知道;(.禮記 .)上善如水;水善利萬物而不爭;(.老子 .)通過一段血火般的洗禮,他信任,自己歷盡千辛萬苦而釀造的生活之蜜,確定比輕而易舉拿來的更有味道;(.平凡的世界 .)美德如同名香,經燃燒或壓榨而其香愈烈,蓋幸運最能顯露惡德,而厄運最能顯露美德;(.培根論說文集 .)離你越近的地方,路途越遠;最簡潔的音調,需要最艱苦的練習;(.泰戈爾詩選 .)第 4 頁 共 16 頁.文心雕龍 .中稱“ 經典” 為“ 恒久之至道” ,經典著作是各民族文化和學問的結晶

12、,可直探人 性本源,可吸取人生聰明,可滋養(yǎng)人類心靈;讀了上面六句來自經典名著中的名言,你有怎樣的感 觸與摸索 . 請以其中兩三句為基礎確定立意,并合理引用,寫一篇文章;要求:自選角度,明確文體,自擬標題;不要套作,不得抄襲;不少于 500字;第 5 頁 共 16 頁600700數(shù)學第 6 頁 共 16 頁得分評卷人復查人一、單項挑選題(本大題共10 小題,每道題 5 分,共 50 分)在每個小題列出的四個備選項中只有一個是符合題目要求的,請將其代碼填寫在題后的括號內;錯選、多項或未選均無分;1已知集合M= 1,0,1,2 ,N=x| 1x 2 ,就 M N= ()q3等于()A0 , 1,2

13、B 1,0,1 CM DN 2已知 a=log52,b=log 73,c=1log53,就 a,b,c 的大小關系()2Aabc Bacb Cb ac Dcba 3如tan42,就 tan2 =()A 3 B3 C-3D3444已知等比數(shù)列a n 公比為 q,其前 n 項和為 Sn,如 S3、S9、S6成等差數(shù)列,就A-1B1 C-1或 1 D 1 或1222y05如變量 x,y 滿意約束條件x2y10,就 z=3x 2y 的最小值為()x4y30A 1 B0 C3 D9 6冪函數(shù)的圖象經過點3 3,3,就 f(2)的值等于()A4 B1C22 D 247如下列圖,一個空間幾何體的正視圖和側視

14、圖都是矩形,俯視圖是正方形,就該幾何體的體積為()B2 C4 D8 A1 8直線 l 經過點 P( 3, 4)且與圓 x2+y2=25 相切,就直線l 的方程是()3 ( x 3)4Ay 4=-4(x+3 ) By 4=3 (x+3)4Cy+4=-4( x 3)Dy+4=33第 7 頁 共 16 頁9已知向量 a 1,1,b ,0 2,就以下結論正確選項()A a / b B2 a b b Ca b Da b 310數(shù)列 a n 的前 n 項和為 Sn,如 an= 1,就 S5 等于()n n 15 1 1A1 BCD6 6 30得分 評卷人 復查人 二、填空題(本大題共 3 小題,每道題 4

15、 分,共 12 分)請在每小題的空格中填上正確答案;錯填、不填均無分;11、已知集合 A=x| 2x7 ,B=x|m+1 x2m 1 且 B,如 A B=A ,就 m 的取值范疇是2 212、已知直線 l : x y 4 0 與圓 C : x 1 y 1 2,就 C 上各點到 l 的距離的最大值與最小值之差為;13、執(zhí)行如下列圖的程序框圖,如輸入 n 的值為 3,就輸出 S 的值是 . 得分 評卷人 復查人 三、解答題(本大題共 3 小題,第 14、15 小題各 13 分,第 16小題 12 分,共 38 分)解答應寫出文字說明、證明過程或者演算步驟;14、設 an是等差數(shù)列, bn是各項都為

16、正數(shù)的等比數(shù)列,且a 1b 11, 3 ab 521, 5 ab 313(1)求 an, bn的通項公式;(2)求數(shù)列an的前 n 項和S b n第 8 頁 共 16 頁15、如圖,在底面是菱形的四棱柱ABCD A 1B1C1D1中,ABC=60,AA 1=AC=2 ,A 1B=A 1D=2,點 E 在 A 1D 上,且 E 為 A1D 的中點(1)求證: AA 1平面 ABCD ;(2)求三棱錐:D ACE 的體積 V D ACE 3,),Q 是圓上一動點,AQ 的垂直平分線交OQ 于點16、已知圓Ox32y216 ,點A(M ,設點 M 的軌跡為 E(1)求軌跡 E 的方程;(2)過點 P

17、(1,0)的直線 l 交軌跡 E 于兩個不同的點A、B, AOB(O 是坐標原點) 的面積S4,5求直線 AB 的方程英語第 9 頁 共 16 頁得分評卷人復查人一、單項挑選題(本大題共10 小題,每道題 2 分,共 20 分)從A、B、C、D四個選項中,挑選出正確選項填入右邊的括號內;錯選、多項或未選均無分;()1. As the two-child policy was carried out on January 1st, 2022, the Chinese couples can have _ second child. A. a B. an C. the D. / ()2. She

18、works hard _ she can pass the final exam. A. since B. as if C. unless D. so that ()3. Hi, Madam. Can I take the story books out. No, my boy. They _ be taken out of the reading- room. Its a rule. A. mustnt B. needn t C. couldnt D. wouldnt()4. I m n ot sure whether I can hold a party in the open air,

19、because it _ the weather. A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with ()5. When _ the 24th Winter Olympic Games _ in Beijing. In 2022. A. is; held B. will; hold C. do; hold D. will; be held ()6. _ the environment, many supermarkets in China stopped providing free plastic bags. A. To prote

20、ct B. Protect C. Protects D. Protected ()7. _ will you stay in China for your further study. For three years. (A. How often B. How soon C. How far D. How long s life much )8. Recently publi c bicycles _ in some big cities in China. It makes peoplemore convenient when they go around. (A. appear B. wi

21、ll appear C. have appeared D. were appearing )9. Driving to work used to be popular. That was true. But _, more and more people go to work by bike to avoid traffic. A. suddenly B. luckily C. widely D. lately ()10. If you want to improve your study, you must be away from the computer. Our math teache

22、r says. It means _ you play computer games, _ your study will be.A. the more; the better B. the more; the more C. the less; the better D. the less, the more 第 10 頁 共 16 頁得分評卷人復查人二、語言應用(本大題共10 小題,每道題 2 分,共 20 分)從 A、B、C三個備選項中,挑選出可以填入空白處的正確選項,請將其代碼填寫在橫線上;錯選、多項或未選均無分;()11.What do you think of when seein

23、g this picture. A. Movies B. Study C. Travelling ()12.This is a receipt from a _. C. shop A.cinema B. parking lot ()13.If you order a large cup and cookiewich, you have to pay _. A. $10.75 B. $12.75 C. $12.25 ()14.The sign shows that_. 第 11 頁 共 16 頁A.you can leave your car here if you pay 50 B. you

24、can not leave your car here C. the parking fee is 50 ()15.Bob is searching for something on the website, the pop-up window reminds that he has to _ first before searching. A.pay for the membership B. apply for a membership C. do nothing for the membership ()16.He spent the least money in _. A. Jul B

25、. Sep C. August ()17.According to the sign, we know that _. 第 12 頁 共 16 頁A. Remind us that there is a dangerous zone B. we should be careful while turning left C. we should not ride on this sidePart B WANTED: SPACE TOURIST Have you always dreamed of seeing the earth from space. Do you want to feel a

26、bsolutely weightless. All this is possible if you enter our out-of-this-world competition to be a space tourist. The winner wil l experience ten days on board the space shuttle Caelum as it circles the earth. To enter, write a letter stating why you would be an ideal space tourist. Then post your le

27、tter to the competition Curator at th e address below. Hong Kong Science Museum 2 Science Museum Road Tsim Sha Tsui East Kowloon, Hong Kong()18. What you have just read is probably a _. A. note B. poster C. schedule ()19. According to the above, you can be a space tourist if you _. A.win in the out-

28、of-this-world competition B. have enough money C. write a letter to the Museum (得分)20. Whom should you write to if you want to be space tourist. A. The Curator. B. Tsim Sha Tsui. C.2 Science Museum Road 評卷人復查人三、閱讀懂得題(本大題共10 小題,每道題 3 分,共 30 分)閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個選項(A、B、C、D)中,選出正確選項填入左邊的括號內;錯選、多項或未選均無分;ATh

29、ere are many different kinds of festivals around the world. Here are four of them. Saint Patricks Day in Irelandan important holiday in Ireland. This Saint PatrickDay is on March 17. It holiday is to remember Saint Patrick. He did good things for the people of Ireland. During the holiday, there are

30、parades 游行 and lots of green. You can see people in green clothes, and you can even see green buildings. Red Wednesday in Iran Red Wednesday is a fire jumping festival in Iran. It is on the eve of the last Wednesday of the year. People jump over the fire. They hope that it will take all the bad thin

31、gs away. The Winter Carnival in Canada The Quebec Winter Carnival is all about outdoor fun. It starts from the first Sunday in February and lasts for 10 days. One of the most popular events is the dog sled 雪橇 race. It has more than 30 teams and the race goes on for 6 kilometers. You can see joy and

32、happiness on every face. The Desert Festival in Tunisia Every year on the last Sunday in December, the Desert Festival is held in Tunisia. As “ships of the desert”camels have the leading role in the festival. There are camel racing and camel wrestling 摔跤 . ()21 On Saint Patricks Day, you can see the

33、 following EXCEPT _.A. camels B. parades C. people in green D. green buildings ()22 What do people do on Red Wednesday in Iran. A. They run in the snow. C. They jump over the fire. B. They wear red clothes. D. They watch the camel racing. ()23Which of the following is TRUE about the dog sled race ac

34、cording to the passage. A. The race happens on March 17. C. The race has a history of about 10 years. B. The race goes on for 6 kilometers. D. About 30 people go to the race every year. ()24When is the Desert Festival in Tunisia every year. A. On the first Sunday in February. C. On the eve of the la

35、st Friday of the year. B. On the last Sunday in December. D. On the eve of the last Wednesday of the year. ()25Where can we probably find this passage. A. In a storybook. B. In a cookbook. C. In a travel magazine. D. In a sport magazine. B In many high schools, there are strict rules about using mob

36、ile phones If your phone rings in class, for example, the teacher will be very angry Every mobile phone has a ringtone 鈴聲 It tells you that someone is calling you Now, there is a ringtone called “mosquitotone 蚊子鈴聲 ”Mosquitotone has a special sound Only children and teenagers can hear it As we get ol

37、der, we are unable to hear some sounds with high frequencies 頻率 As a result, a child or teenager can hear the mosquitotone ringtone, but someone of 20 or older cant.studentphone uses But sometimes, people over 20 can hear the ringtone One British 第 14 頁 共 16 頁mosquitotoneIn class, the students phone

38、 rangThe 22-year-old teacher looked at the student and became “Usiunhappy“I heard thatYou know the rule :no mobile phone in class ”Not all the students are interested in mosquitotone Jerry Jones, a high school student of 17, says, mosquitotone too often is bad for our hearing I may use it for pleasu

39、re, but not in class It s unfair 不公平的 to the teachers!”What do parents think of mosquitotone?“I think it is perfect for places like movie theaters, ”Connie Neeson, 44 “Think about it Youre watching a film and someones mobile phone ringsMosquitotone is good because many people donHowever, it also has a bad influence(影響) on their study if students use it in class ”()26Mosquitotone works because _ A. it is very loud B. it has no sound C. it has a beautiful sound D. it is mainly for children and teena


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