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1、學位英語語法重點虛擬語氣虛擬語氣 (每次考試一般占45分)所表示的條條件根本不可可能實現(xiàn)或?qū)崒崿F(xiàn)的可能性性很小,稱為為虛擬條件句句。虛擬條件句句,主句與從從句中謂語動動詞的形式可可分為下面三三類:假設(shè)類型 條件件從句動詞的的時態(tài) 結(jié)果果主句的動詞詞的時態(tài)與現(xiàn)在事實實相反 iff + 過過去式(bee只用werre不用waas) woould/sshouldd/mighht/couuld + 動詞原型與過去事實實相反 iff hadd + 去去過分詞 wwould/shoulld/migght/coould + havee + 過去分詞詞與將來事實實可能相反 if weere too + 動動詞

2、原形iff shouuld + 動詞原形形 woulld/shoould/mmight/couldd + 動詞詞原型一、在在條件句中的的應(yīng)用:If hee had time, he woould ccome. 如果有時時間,他一定定來。(已經(jīng)經(jīng)過去)A. 現(xiàn)在在事實I wouuld ceertainnly goo if II had time. 如果果我有時間當當然去。If hee weree heree, he mightt helpp you. 如果他他在這也許幫幫能你。1、I wwould ask GGeorgee to llend uus thee moneey if I _ hiim

3、. (CC, 95年年)A. haad knoown B. haave knnown C. kknew D. kknowB. 過去去事實59、Iff Bob_ wwith uus, hee woulld havve hadd a goood tiime. (C, 95年)A. woould ccome B. wwould have come C. had ccome D. ccameC. 將來來事實we woould sstate at hoome iff it sshouldd rainn tomoorrow.If I were to doo the examiinatioon I wwou

4、ld it soome otther wway.注意:條件從句句中,如果含含有be動詞詞、助動詞、情情態(tài)動詞, had, shoulld或動詞tto havve,可省略略if,要倒倒裝,即把這這些詞放到主主語前面。1. _ yyou weere buusy, II woulldnt have botheered yyou wiith myy quesstionss. (B, 96年)A. Iff I reealizeedB. Had I reaalizeddC. DDid I have realiized tthatD. Ass I reealizeed57. HHad thhe weaath

5、er been good, the cchildrren _ oout foor a wwalk. (22001)A. haad gonne BB. couuld haave gooneCC. wouuld goo D. wentt答:B.當當虛擬語氣中中含有werre, haad, shhould, wouldd等詞時, 可以省略iif, 把這這些詞放在主主語之前。SShouldd I meeet heer, I wouldd telll her.萬一我見到到他, 我會會告訴他的。WWere II in yyour ppositiion, II woulld do it beetter.如果

6、我處在在你的位置上上, 我會做做的更好。HHad thhey maade prreparaationss, theey wouuld haave suucceedded.如果果他們準備了了的話, 他他們應(yīng)該能成成功的。本句句為和過去的的事實相反的的虛擬語氣,因因此選B.32. the advicce of his ffriendds, hee woulld nott havee sufffered such a heaavy looss inn his businness. (DD, 04004)A. Iff he ttook BB. If he shhould take C. Weere h

7、ee to ttake DD. Hadd he ttaken 條件從從句有時可以以用介詞短語語代替。有時時一個假設(shè)的的情況不用條條件從句表示示,而用其它它方式來表示示,這樣的句句子叫含蓄條條件句。常用用with,wwithouut,butt for.We coouldnt havve achhievedd so mmuch wwithouut youur hellp.要不是你們們幫忙我們不不會取得這么么大的成績36. BBut foor my classsmatess helpp, I the wwork iin timme. (D, 0404)A. diid nott finiish BB.

8、 couuld noot finnish CC. willl nott finiish DD. wouuld noot havve finnishedd32. WWithouut heaat andd sunllight, plantts on the eearth welll. (A, 0411)A. woould nnot grrow B. willl not grow C. hhad noot groown D. woulld nott be ggrown 條件從從句有時可以以用介詞短語語代替。有時時一個假設(shè)的的情況不用條條件從句表示示,而用其它它方式來表示示,這樣的句句子叫含蓄條條件句

9、。常用用with,wwithouut,butt for.We coouldnt havve achhievedd so mmuch wwithouut youur hellp.要不是你們們幫忙我們不不會取得這么么大的成績36. BBut foor my classsmatess helpp, I the wwork iin timme. (D, 00404)A. diid nott finiish BB. couuld noot finnish CC. willl nott finiish DD. wouuld noot havve finnishedd32. WWithouut heaat

10、andd sunllight, plantts on the eearth welll. (A, 0411)A. woould nnot grrow B. willl not grow C. hhad noot groown D. woulld nott be ggrown二、以wiish(thhat)引導導的表示“愿望”的賓語從句句,虛擬語氣氣中時態(tài)類似似在非真實條條件從句中時時態(tài)的應(yīng)用時態(tài)后移, 引導從句的的that可可以省略表示現(xiàn)在在或?qū)淼脑冈竿喾吹挠糜眠^去時:主主語wissh 從句句(過去時) wereI wissh (thhat) II weree as yyoung as yo

11、ou. 我真真希望和你們們一樣年青I wissh (thhat) II kneww his addreess. 我真希望知知道他的地址址與將來的愿愿望相反即愿愿望難以實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)(用過去將將來時),II wishh I coould bbe of more use iin thee futuure.我希希望我將來有有點用處。表示與過過去沒有實現(xiàn)現(xiàn)的愿望用過過去完成時:主語wiish +從從句(主語過去完成時時)I wisshed hhe haddnt madde thee big mistaake.他要要是不犯那個個大錯誤,該該有多好!32. PPeter wishees thaat he _ ll

12、aw innsteadd of lliteraature when he waas in colleege.(C, 22000)A. coould sstudyB. sstudieedC. had studiiedDD. wouuld sttudy53. II didnnt go to thhe parrty, bbut I do wiish I _ therre. (C, 2001)A. weereBB. wouuld beeC. had bbeenD. wiill bee三、以suuggestt,proppose, orderr, commmand, demannd,reqquire,rr

13、equesst, innsist, desirre, addvise, ask等詞詞后引導的賓賓語從句,從從句結(jié)構(gòu)為sshouldd+動詞原形形,shouuld可省略略They requeested that the sstudennts (sshouldd) leaarn thhe seccond llanguaage.他們要求學學生要學第二二外語。1、Thee docttor addvisedd thatt Mr. Malann _ an ooperattion rright away so ass to ssave hhis liife.A. haad BB. wouuld haave

14、CC. havve D. was ggoing to haave (C,988年)58、Hiis motther iinsistted thhat hee _ thee coatt whenn goinng outt. (AA, 99年年)A. puut on B. puts on C. too put D. puttiing onn答案:D.應(yīng)改為 hhave. suggeest, iinsistt, ordder, ddemandd, reqquest, commaand, rrequirre等動詞引引導賓語從句句時, 要用用虛擬語氣,謂謂語動詞要sshouldd (可以省省略)+原形形動

15、詞。 (20002)51. WWe strronglyy sugggest tthat SSmith is toold abbout hhis phhysicaal connditioon as soon as poossiblle.答案:C, 改為be told, (22003/111)42. TThe dooctor advissed heer thaat shee eenoughh restt befoore gooing bback tto worrk.A. too get B. geet C. gets D. goot (B, 0401)四、在某些些主語從句中中的虛擬語氣氣 It i

16、s that引引導的主語從從句中,從句句的謂語動詞詞要用shoould+原原形動詞,sshouldd可以省略。ssuggesst,proopose, orderr, reqquire, desirre, assk It is + 形容詞tthat引導導的主語從句句中,從句的的謂語動詞要要用shouuld+原形形動詞,shhould可可以省略。iimporttant, necesssary, vitall, dessirablle, prreferaable, advissable, urgennt, essseneiial, rrequessted,oordereedIt iss straan

17、ge tthat hhe(shoould)ggo himmself.真奇怪,他他怎么自己獨獨自去呢?29、Itts dessired that she _ to teeach uus at leastt twicce a wweek. (CC, 97年年)A. coomes B. wwill ccome C. ccome D. mmay coome43 、IIt is desirrable that he _. (B, 2000)A.givves upp tryiing B.give up trrying C.wouuld giive upp tryiing D.is gooing tto g

18、ivve up tryinng45、Itts urggent tthat aa meetting _ beforre thee finaal deccisionn is mmade. (C, 2003)A. wiill bee arraangedB. muust bee arraanged C. bee arraanged D. woould bbe arrrangedd24. IIts vittal thhat ennough moneyy colleected to geet thee projject sstarteed.A. iss B. be CC. musst be D. ccan

19、 bee (B, 00411)五、在某些些表語從句和和同位語從句句中的應(yīng)用, 形式:shhould + 動詞原原形,shoould可省省略。 表語語前及同位語語that前前的名詞:ssuggesstion, propoosal, motioon, orrder, requeest,pllan, iidea, advicceMy suuggesttion iis thaat we (shouuld) ssend aa few peoplle to help the oother groupps.我的建議是是我們派幾個個人去幫助其其他小組。47. HHer suuggesttion tthat e

20、everybbody _ was nnot apppreciiated. (AA,同位語從從句,20001)A. siing a songB. ssang aa songgC. sung a sonngD. singging aa songg48. TThe geeneralls coommandd was that the ssoldieers _theeir foort annd carrry ouut morre impportannt tassks. (BB,表語從句句,20022)A. woould lleaveB. lleaveC. lleftD. haave leeft六、以as

21、s if,aas thoough引導導的方式狀語語從句中 表示對對現(xiàn)在的情況況有所懷疑,動動詞用過去式式1、He talkss as iif he _ everrythinng in the wworld.A. knnows B. kknew C. hhad knnown D. wwould have knownn(答B(yǎng).本本句表示說話話人對現(xiàn)在的的情況有所懷懷疑,用過去去時。)2、Youu are talkiing ass if yyou haad seeen theem你談的那么么起勁,好像像你真的見過過似的。(表表示想象中的的過去的動作作) 表示對對過去的情況況有所懷疑,動動詞用過去分分

22、詞七、用在由由last, for ffear tthat, in caase(免得得,以防萬一一)引導的目目的狀語從句句,表示憂慮慮或擔心。 形式:shhould + 動詞原原型, shhould不不能省略27. II wrotte it down_I shoulld forrget iit. (20002)A. inn caseeB. in caase offC. in orrder tthatD. foor feaar of答:A.iin casse:(連詞詞)。本句意意思:我寫了了下來,免得得忘了。又如如:Keepp the windoow cloosed iin casse it ra

23、inss.把窗子關(guān)關(guān)好,以防下下雨。in case of (介介詞短語):假使、如果果發(fā)生。Inn casee of ffire, ring the aalarm bell.如遇火警,即即按鈴。Inn ordeer thaat (連詞詞,引導目的的狀語從句)為為了In orrder tthat hhe shoould nnot bee latee , hiis motther wwoke hhim att 6. 為為了不使他遲遲到,母親在在6點種叫醒醒他。forr fearr of:(介介詞)生怕、以以免。Shee leftt an hhour eearly for ffear oof misssing her ttrain. 她提早一一小時離開以以免誤了火車車。59. WWritteen appplicattions shoulld be sent to uss in ccase _ some probllems wwith tthe ellectriic verrsion. (CC,20022)A. thhere wwill bbeB. therre isC. tthere beDD.


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