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1、供應(yīng)鏈管理研究與教學(xué)經(jīng)驗(yàn)分享上海交通大學(xué)安泰經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)院Seminarr on Suppply CChain Managgementt Reseearch and TTeachiingAntai SSchooll of Ecconomiics annd Mannagemeent Shanghaai Jiaottong Univeersityy2007年122月12日為了促進(jìn)我國(guó)供供應(yīng)鏈管理研研究的國(guó)際化化,上海交通通大學(xué)安泰經(jīng)經(jīng)濟(jì)與管理學(xué)學(xué)院運(yùn)營(yíng)管理理系,將于22007年112月12日日在上海舉辦辦“結(jié)合工業(yè)業(yè)界實(shí)踐的供供應(yīng)鏈管理研研究與教學(xué)經(jīng)經(jīng)驗(yàn)”講座。講講座邀請(qǐng)了三三位國(guó)際供應(yīng)應(yīng)鏈管理研

2、究究和結(jié)合實(shí)踐踐應(yīng)用的著名名學(xué)者,Jooseph Phi (彭彭焜燿)Haau L. Lee(李李效良), Fangrruo Chhen(陳方方若)。介紹紹供應(yīng)鏈管理理前沿研究問(wèn)問(wèn)題與方法以以及結(jié)合工業(yè)業(yè)界實(shí)踐的研研究與教學(xué)經(jīng)經(jīng)驗(yàn),我們希希望講座有助助于我國(guó)高等等院校和科研研院所的教師師和博士生了了解該領(lǐng)域的的最新進(jìn)展、開(kāi)開(kāi)拓學(xué)術(shù)視野野、接軌國(guó)際際研究主流。歡歡迎教師、研研究人員和博博士生積極報(bào)報(bào)名。主辦單位:上海交通大學(xué)安安泰經(jīng)濟(jì)與管管理學(xué)院運(yùn)營(yíng)營(yíng)管理系講座地點(diǎn):上海市法華鎮(zhèn)路路535號(hào)上海交通大學(xué)安安泰經(jīng)濟(jì)與管管理學(xué)院 北北樓207主講人:Joseph Phi (彭焜燿)Chief OOp

3、eratting OOfficeer, IDDS GrooupHau L. Lee(李效效良)Thoma PProfesssor oof Opeeratioons, IInformmationn and Technnologyy, Graduatte Schhool oof Bussinesss, Stannford UniveersityyPh.D. WWhartoon Schoool, 19983Fangruoo Chenn(陳方若)Ira Rennnert Profeessor of BuusinesssColuumbia Businness Schoool, Coluumbia Uni

4、veersityyPh.D. WWhartoon Schoool, 19993Shanghaai Jiaottong UniveersityyAntai SSchooll of Ecconomiics annd Mannagemeent Departmment oof Opeeratioons MaanagemmentSeminarr on Suppply CChain Managgementt Reseearch and TTeachiing Dec 12, 20077SpeakerrsTopicsJoseph PhiExxecutiive Diirectoor andd Chieef Op

5、eeratioons Offficerr of IIDSBusinesss Innnovatiion Thhroughh Valuue-Chaain LoogistiicsHau L. Lee Graduatte Schhool oof Bussinesss, Stannford UniveersityyIndustrry-Proopelleed Evoolutioon of Teachhing aand Reesearcch in Supplly Chaain Maanagemment Fangruoo ChennColumbiia UniveersityyShanghaai Jiaotto

6、ng UniveersityyRecent Devellopmennts inn Suppply Chhain RResearrchDraft SScheduule14:30 15:00Regisstratiion15:00 15:330 Openning rremarkks andd pressentattion bby Josseph PPhiExecutiive Diirectoor andd Chieef Opeeratioons Offficerr of IIDS 15:30 16:330 Pressentattion bby Proofessoor Hauu Lee16:30 17

7、:000Q&A17:00 17:40Preseentatiion byy Proffessorr Fanggruo CChen17:40 18:00Q&AJoseph PhiChief OOperatting OOfficeer/Exeecutivve DirrectorrIDS GrooupJoseph Chua PHI iis thee Chieef Opeeratinng Offficer and EExecuttive DDirecttor off IDS Groupp, a lleadinng Honng Konng-lissted IIntegrrated-Distrributii

8、on seervicee comppany sspeciaalizinng in Logisstics and pprovidding aa menuu of sservicces allong tthe vaalue cchain. He jjoinedd Mr. Ben CChang and DDr. Viictor K. Fuung inn the startt-up oof thee Comppany iin 19999, annd plaayed aa key role in thhe re-creattion oof thee Comppany cculminnatingg in

9、tthe suuccesssful llistinng of the IIDS Grroup iin 19999. Beefore joiniing IDDS, Mrr. Phii workked wiith HAAVI Foood Seervicees as Generral Maanagerr and laterr Manaaging Direcctor oof itss Taiwwan suubsidiiary. Priorr to tthat, Mr. PPhi woorked with Colgaate-Paalmoliive Coompanyy in aa numbber off

10、Asiaan loccationns covveringg the areass of ppurchaasing, prodductioon plaanningg, mannufactturingg, loggisticcs andd suppply chhain mmanageement. Joseeph hoolds aa Bachhelor of Scciencee degrree inn Induustriaal Enggineerring aand a Masteers deegree in Buusinesss Admministtratioon. Hee is aa membbe

11、r off Phi Kappaa Phi and PPhi Gaamma MMu intternattionall honoor soccietiees. Hee is aa direector of ECCR HK and GGS1 HKK. He also holdss direectorsships in vaariouss subssidiarries oof IDSS.Hau L LLeeThoma PProfesssor oof Opeeratioons, IInformmationn, andd TechhnologgyGraduatte Schhool oof Bussines

12、ss, Stannford UniveersityyPh.D. WWhartoon Schoool, 19983Directoor of the SStanfoord Gllobal Supplly Chainn Managgementt ForummGraduuate Schoool of Businness TTrust Facullty Feellow for 22007-008Directoor thee Straategiees andd Leaddershiip in Supplly Chaains EExecuttive PPrograam Hau Leees reesearcc

13、h foccuses on suupply chainn manaagemennt, woork thhat adddressses hoow to get pproduccts orr servvices to thheir ddestinnationn by mmanagiing thhe floow of materrials, infoormatiion, aand mooney. His rresearrch haas ressultedd, amoong otther tthingss, in the bbuildiing off compputer modells forr in

14、duustriaal impplemenntatioon, ass welll as iin thee deveelopmeent off straategiees andd operrationnal coonceptts forr pracctitiooners.Hau L. Lee iis thee Thomma Proofessoor of Operaationss, Infformattion, and TTechnoology at thhe Staanfordd Gradduate Schoool of Businness. His aareas of sppeciallizat

15、iion inncludee suppply chhain mmanageement, infoormatiion teechnollogy, globaal loggisticcs sysstem ddesignn, invventorry plaanningg, andd manuufactuuring strattegy. He iss the foundding aand cuurrentt Codiirectoor of the SStanfoord Gllobal Supplly Chaain Maanagemment FForum, an iindusttry-accademii

16、c connsortiium too advaance tthe thheory and ppractiice off globbal suupply chainn manaagemennt.Professsor Leee hass publlishedd wideely inn jourrnals such as Maanagemment SSciencce, Opperatiions RResearrch, HHarvarrd Bussinesss Reviiew, SSloan Managgementt Reviiew, SSupplyy Chaiin Mannagemeent Reev

17、iew, IIE Transsactioons, aand Innterfaaces, etc. He haas serrved oon thee edittoriall boarrds off manyy inteernatiional journnals, such as Opperatiions RResearrch, MManufaacturiing annd Serrvice Operaationss Manaagemennt, IIIE Traansacttions, Suppply Chhain MManageement Revieew, Slloan MManageement

18、Revieew, annd thee Jourrnal oof Prooductiion annd Opeeratioons Maanagemment. From 1997-2003, he wwas thhe Ediitor-iin-Chiief off Manaagemennt Sciience.Professsor Leee recceivedd the Harolld Larrdner Prizee for Interrnatioonal DDistinnctionn in OOperattions Reseaarch, Canaddian OOperattions Reseaarch

19、 SSocietty, 20003. HHe wass eleccted aa Felllow off Manuufactuuring and SServicce Opeeratioons Maanagemment, INFORRMS, 22001; Produuctionn and Operaationss Manaagemennt Socciety, 20055; andd INFOORMS, 2005. In 22005, he waas Preesidennt-Eleect off the Produuctionn and Operaationss Manaagemennt Socci

20、ety. His articcle, “TThe Trriple-A Suppply CChain,” wass the Seconnd Plaace Wiinner of thhe McKKinseyy Awarrd forr the Best Paperr in 22004 iin thee Harvvard BBusineess Reeview. In 22004, his ccoauthhored paperr in 11997, “Infoormatiion Diistorttion iin a SSupplyy Chaiin: Thhe Bulllwhipp Effeect,” w

21、as vvoted as onne of the 110 mosst inffluenttial ppaperss in tthe hiistoryy of MManageement Sciennce.Professsor Leee hass conssultedd exteensiveely inn the publiic andd privvate ssectorrs. Hee is aa cofoounderr of sseveraal suppply cchain and pprice optimmizatiion sooftwarre commpaniees: NOON-STOOP

22、Sollutionns, DeemandTTec, SSignallDemannd andd TrueeDemannd. Hee is oon thee boarrd andd adviisory boardd of sseveraal loggisticcs serrvicess and supplly chaain sooftwarre commpaniees. Hee has also givenn execcutivee traiining worksshops on suupply chainn manaagemennt andd globbal loogistiics inn As

23、iaa, Eurrope, and AAmericca.Fangruoo Chenn(陳方若)Ira Rennnert Profeessor of BuusinesssGraduatte Schhool oof Bussinesss, Coluumbia UniveersityyDean (bby speecial appoiintmennt)School of Maanagemment, Shangghai Jiao Tong UniveersityyPh.D. WWhartoon Schoool, 19993Fangruoo Chenn receeived a B.SS. in Engin

24、neerinng froom Shaanghaii Jiao Tong Univeersityy in Chhina iin 19885. Frrom thhe Uniiversiity off Pennnsylvaania, he reeceiveed hiss M.S. in SSystemms Enggineerring iin 19887, A.M. inn Manaageriaal Ecoonomiccs andd Sociial Scciencees in 1992, and Ph. DD. in Operaationss Manaagemennt in 1993 (fromm t

25、he Whartton Schoool). Professsor Chhens main reseaarch aarea iis suppply cchain managgementt, whiich inncludees prooductiion/diistribbutionn plannning, inveentoryy repllenishhment strattegy, suppllier mmanageement, infoormatiion teechnollogy, etc. He haas pubblisheed nummerouss schoolarlyy artiicles

26、 in joournalls succh as Managgementt Scieence, Operaationss Reseearch, Navaal Ressearchh Logiisticss, Eurropeann Jourrnal oof Opeeratioonal RResearrch, PProducction and OOperattions Managgementt, etcc. He regullarly teachhes cooursess on OOperattions Managgementt, Suppply CChain Managgementt, andd N

27、egootiatiions iin thee U.S. as wwell aas in Chinaa, inccludinng exeecutivve traainingg workkshopss on tthese topiccs.Professsor Chhen reeceiveed thee presstigioous CAAREER Awardd fromm the Natioonal SSciencce Fouundatiion (UUSA), 1997. In 22004, he reeceiveed thee Overrseas Chineese Yooung IInvestti

28、gatoor Awaard frrom thhe Nattionall Natuural SSciencce Fouundatiion off Chinna. Inn 20055, he was aappoinnted tthe Diistingguisheed Vissitingg Proffessorr by thee Chinnese Acadeemy off Scieence. In 20006, hhe wass nameed thee Channg Jiaang Sccholarr by tthe Miinistrry of Educaation, Chinna. Professsor Chhen he


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