1、PAGE 23 -GF20000210建設工程設計合合同(二)(專業(yè)建設工程程設計合同)工 程 名名 稱: 10KVV星摩爾購物物廣場1#變變電所新建工工程工 程 地地 點: 沈陽市鐵西區(qū)北二中路66號 合 同 編編 號: (由設計人編填填)設計證書等級: 設證甲級A12110018226 發(fā) 包 人:星摩爾房地地產(chǎn)開發(fā)(沈沈陽)有限公公司 設 計 人: 沈陽電力勘察設設計院 簽 訂 日日 期: 20110-02-25 監(jiān)制中華人民共和國國建設部監(jiān)制國家工商行政管管理局GF200000210Design Contrract for CConstrructioon Prooject (II) (
2、Desiggn Conntractt for Profeessionnal Coonstruuctionn Projject) Projectt Namee:10KV Star Mall Plazaa 1 # Substaation New ConstrructioonProjectt Sitee:No.6,BeiEEr Zhoong Rooad, Tiexxi Disstrictt, Sheenyangg City Contracct No.: (Filleed in by Deesigneer)Design Certiificattion RRank: Desiggn Cerrtificc
3、ate CClass A 12100018266 EEmployyer: The Star Mall Real Estatee Deveelopmeent (SShenyaang) CCo., LLtd.Designeer: Shenyyang EElectrric Poower SSurveyy Desiign Innstituute Date: Februuary, 25, 2010 Superviised aand Maanufaccturedd byMinistrry of Consttructiion off Peopples Reppublicc of CChina and tth
4、e Sttate AAdminiistrattion oof Inddustryy and Commeerce發(fā)包人: 星摩爾房地產(chǎn)產(chǎn)開發(fā)(沈陽陽)有限公司司 設計人: 沈陽電力勘察設計計院 發(fā)包人委托設計計人承擔 110KV星摩摩爾購物廣場場1#變電所所新建工程設設計,工程地點為為沈陽鐵西區(qū)北北二中路6號號,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)協(xié)商一致,簽簽訂本合同,共共同執(zhí)行。Employeer: Sttar Maall Reeal Esstate Devellopmennt (Shhenyanng) Coo., Lttd.Designeer: Shenyyang EElectrric Poower SSurveyy
5、 Desiign Innstituute The Empployerr entrrusts the DDesignner too undeertakee 10KV Star Mall Plazaa 1 # Substaation New Constrructioon; thhe prooject site is No.6, BeiEEr Zhoong Rooad, Tiexxi Disstrictt, Sheenyangg City. Upon agreeement by booth paartiess throough cconsulltatioon, thhe twoo partties
6、sshall sign and iimplemment tthe Coontracct joiintly.第一條 本合合同簽訂依據(jù)據(jù)Articlee 1: TThis CContraact iss signned inn accoordancce witth:1.1中華人人民共和國合合同法、中中華人民共和和國建筑法和和建設工程程勘察設計市市場管理規(guī)定定。1.2國家及地地方有關建設設工程勘察設設計管理法規(guī)規(guī)和規(guī)章。1.3建設工程程批準文件。1.1 Conntractt Law of thhe Peoopless Repuublic of Chhina, Consttructiion Laaw o
7、f the PPeoplees Reepubliic of China and Markeet reggulatiions oof Connstrucction Surveey andd Desiign.1.2 Lawws andd reguulatioons off the relatted sttate aand loocal cconstrructioon surrvey aand deesign managgementt. 1.3 Doccumentts of Approoval ffor Coonstruuctionn.第二條設計依依據(jù)2.1發(fā)包人給給設計人的委委托書或設計計中標文件
8、2.2發(fā)包人提提交的基礎資資料2.3設計人采采用的主要技技術標準是:B-01R55-SJ-002-20110標準、規(guī)規(guī)程、規(guī)范Articlee 2 Deesign Basiss2.1 Thee Trusst Deeed or Desiggn Doccumentts of the ttenderr acceepted proviided tto thee desiigner by thhe empployerr;2.2 Funndamenntal mmateriials ssubmittted bby thee emplloyer;2.3 Thee majoor tecchnicaal staa
9、ndardds adoopted by thhe dessignerr are: B-01RR5-SJ-02-20010 Sttandarrds, PProceddures, Norms 第三條合同文文件的優(yōu)先次次序構成本合同的文文件可視為是是能互相說明明的,如果合合同文件存在在歧義或不一一致,則根據(jù)據(jù)如下優(yōu)先次次序來判斷:3.1合同書3.2中標函(文文件)3.3發(fā)包人要要求及委托書書3.4投標書Articlee 3 Prrioritty of Contrract DDocumeentThe doccumentts connsistiing off thiss Conttract may bb
10、e deeemed aas demmonstrratingg mutuually; if tthere is anny ambbiguitty or discoordancce in the ccontraact doocumennt, thhe folllowinng priiorityy shalll be folloowed tto juddgmentt, 3.1 Thee Conttract;3.2 Lettter oof Accceptannce (DDocumeent);3.3 Reqquirementts of the eemployyer annd Letterr of Aut
11、horrity;3.4 Thee Tendder第四條本合同同項目的名稱稱、規(guī)模、階階段、投資及及設計內容(根根據(jù)行業(yè)特點點填寫)10KV星摩爾爾購物廣場11#變電所新新建工程 變電所電氣及110KV進線線 變電所設在地下下,內設6臺臺1600KKVA變壓器器及2臺12250KVAA 變壓器。 10KV電源分分別由勸工變變、歷工變電電所各新出電電纜新路徑電電纜敷設至用用戶變電所。Articlee 4 Naame, SScale, Phasse, Innvestmment aand deesign Conteent foor thee Conttract Itemss (filll in bas
12、edd on iindusttry chharactteristtics)10KV Sttar Mall Plazaa 1 # SSubstaation New CConstrructioonElectriic andd 10KVV inleet wirre of the ssubstaation The subbstatiion iss undeergrouund, wwith ssix 1,600KVVA traansforrmers and ttwo 1,250KVVA traansforrmers insidde. The 10KKV powwer liine iss laidd al
13、onng thee new cablee roadds of Quanggong SSubstaation and LLigongg Subsstatioon resspectiively, towaard thhe cusstomerr subsstatioon witth cabbles. 發(fā)包人向設計人人提交的有關關資料、文件件及時間本工程供電方案案 1份 20010-2-25用電負荷資料 1份 22010-22-25Articlee 5 Reelevannt matterialls, doocumennts annd timme subbmitteed to the ddesignne
14、rby the emplooyerPower ssupplyy scheeme off thiss projject 11 25 Februuary, 2010Electriicity load data 1 25 FFebruaary, 22010設計人向發(fā)包人人交付的設計計文件、份數(shù)數(shù)、地點及時時間設計圖紙 8份 22010-004-15概算書 6份份 2010-04-155注:待發(fā)包人結結清全部設計計費后,由設設計人將設計計文件交付沈沈陽供電公司司客戶工程部部Articlee 6 Documeents, numbeer of copiees, loocatioon andd timee
15、submmittedd to tthe emmployeer by the ddesignner Design drawiing 88 copiies 15 AApril, 20100Book off estiimatess 66 copiies 15 AApril, 20100Note: AAfter the pparty issuiing coontracct setttles up thhe tottal deesign fee, the aabove desiggn doccumentts willl be submiitted to thhe Prooject Divission o
16、of Sheenyangg Poweer Suppply CCompanny by the ddesignner.第七條費用用7.1雙方商定定,本合同的的設計費為設設計費按設計計價格(20002)100號文計取 萬元。收費依依據(jù)和計算方方法按國家和和地方有關規(guī)規(guī)定執(zhí)行,國國家和地方?jīng)]沒有規(guī)定的,由由雙方商定。7.2 如果上上述費用為估估算設計費,則則雙方在初步步設計審批后后,按批準的的初步設計概概算核算設計計費。工程建建設期間如遇遇概算調整,則則設計費也應應做相應調整整。Articlee 7 Exxpendiiture 7.1 Itt is aagreedd betwween bboth pp
17、artiees thaat thee desiign feee undder thhis coontracct is calcuulatedd and chargged acccordiing too the documment No.100 (20002) Deesign Pricees. Thhe chaargingg basiis andd methhod arre in accorrdancee withh releevant natioonal aand loocal pprovissions, and will be deetermiined bby botth parrties
18、throuugh neegotiaation, if tthere is noo releevant natioonal oor loccal prrovisiion.7.2 If the aabove expennse iss estiimatedd desiign feee, booth paartiess shalll cheeck thhe dessign ffee ass per the appproveed buddgetarry esttimatee of tthe prrelimiinary desiggn, affter tthe exxaminaation and aapp
19、rovval off prelliminaary deesign. Duriing thhe connstrucction of thhis prrojectt, if theree is aany addjustmment iin buddgetarry esttimatee, thee desiign feee willl alsso be adjussted ccorresspondiingly. 第八條支付付方式8.1本合同生生效后三天內內,發(fā)包人支支付設計費總總額,計 116 萬元作為定定金(合同結結算時,定金金抵作設計費費)。8.2設計人提提交 全部 設計文件之前前,發(fā)包人結結清設
20、計費,不不留尾款。8.3雙方委托托銀行代付代代收有關費用用。Articlee 8 Form of Paaymentt8.1 Thee partty isssuing contrract sshall pay tthe tootal ddesignn fee, withhin thhree ddays aafter the eexecuttion oof thiis conntractt, thaat is, 1600000 RMB as a depossit (tthe deepositt willl be sseen aas a partt of ddesignn fee, at tthe
21、tiime off conttract settllementt).8.2 Beffore tthe deesigneer subbmits all ddesignn docuumentss. the deesign chargge is all ssquareed by the eemployyer, aand noo finaal payyment left.8.3 Botth parrties commiissionn bankk to ppay annd colllect relatted feees.第九條雙方方責任9.1 發(fā)包包人責任9.1.1發(fā)包包人按本合同同第五條規(guī)定定的內容,
25、.1.8設計計文件中選用用的國家標準準圖、部標準準圖及地方標標準圖由發(fā)包包人負責解決決。9.1.9承擔擔本項目外國國專家來設計計人辦公室工工作的接待費費(包括傳真真、電話、復復印、辦公等等費用)。Articlee 9 Reesponssibiliity off Two Parties9.1 Ressponsiibilitty of the EEmployyer9.1.1 TThe Employyer shhall ddeliveer bassic maateriaals annd doccumentts to the ddesignner wiithin the sspeciffied tti
26、me iin acccordannce reequireementss stippulateed in Articcle 5, and shalll be rresponnsiblee for theirr comppletenness, correectnesss andd timee limiit. Thhe empployerr shalll nott requuest tthe deesigneer to desiggn by violaating the cconcerrned nnationnal sttandarrds.If it eexceedds thee presscrib
27、eed timme limmit wiithin fifteeen (115) daays whhen thhe empployerr deliivers abovee mateerialss and documments, the desiggner ccan poostponne acccordinngly tthe tiime off deliiverinng thee desiign doocumennts inn accoordancce witth Artticle 6 in tthe Coontracct; iff it eexceedds thee presscribeed t
28、imme limmit ovver fiifteenn (15) dayss whenn the emplooyer ddeliveers abbove mmateriials aand doocumennts, tthe deesigneer is entittled tto deccide aagain the ttime oof delliveryy of ddesignn docuumentss.9.1.2 WWhen tthe emmployeer altters eentrussted ddesignn itemms, sccale aand coonditiions, or de
29、eliverrs thee wronng matterialls, orr deliivers mostlly revvised materrials so thhat thhe dessignerr rewoork foor thee desiign, tthe emmployeer shaall paay forr rewoork coost foor thee desiigner basedd on tthe ammount of thhe worrk perrformeed by the ddesignner exxcept the ssuppleementaal agrreemenn
30、t (orr conttract ) siggned sseparaately, and the rrelevaant arrticlees speecifieed agaain byy bothh partties tthrouggh thee conssultattion.Prior tto siggning the ccontraact, iif thee emplloyer has ssatisffied tto dessign wwork wwhich is doone byy the desiggner, the eemployyer shhall ppay thhe corrre
31、spoondingg desiign chharge.9.1.3 DDuringg impllementtationn of tthe Coontracct, whhen thhe empployerr requuests to teerminaate annd cancel the ccontraact, tthe doown paaymentt paidd by tthe emmployeer shaall noot be returrned iif thee desiigner doesnnt beegin tthe deesign work; if tthe deesigneer st
32、aarts tthe deesign, the emplooyer sshall pay hhalf oof dessign cchargee in tthe phhase iif it is leess thhan haalf off the actuaal amoount oof worrk perrformeed by the ddesignner; iif it exceeeds thhe hallf, thhe fulll dessign cchargee in tthe phhase sshall be paaid inn all.9.1.4 TThe emmployeer sha
33、all paay thee downn paymment iin acccordannce wiith sttipulaationss of tthe Coontracct. Reeceptiion off the down paymeent iss the mark of coommenccementt of ddesignn workk for the ddesignner. IIf thee downn paymment iis nott receeived, the desiggner iis enttitledd to pput offf thee timee of ccommenn
34、cemennt of desiggn worrk, annd posstponee accoordinggly thhe timme of delivvery oof doccumentts.9.1.5 TThe Emplooyer shoulld pay chargges for desiggn to the Desiggner at the amounnt and date proviided in this Contrract. For each day of overddue paymeent, 2 of the overddue paymeent shalll be paid as
35、damagges for overddue paymeent and the time for delivvery by the Desiggner shalll be extennded accorrdinglly. Wheree the delayy of paymeent has exceeeded 30 days, the Desiggner shalll have the rightt to suspeend the perfoormancce of the work at the next stagee and give writtten noticce to the Emploo
36、yer. In case the higheer authoority or compeetent deparrtmentt of desiggn approoval wouldd not approove the desiggn documments or the enginneerinng consttructiion of this contrract is suspeended or stoppped, the Emplooyer shoulld pay the payabble chargges for desiggn. 9.1.6 TThe emmployeer reqquests
37、s the desiggner sshouldd deliiver tthe deesign documments aheadd of tthe tiime sppecifiied byy the Contrract, it shhall nneed tthe appprovaal of the ddesignner, aand shhall nnot deeviatee gravvely ffrom tthe raationaal dessign pperiodd, andd the emplooyer sshall pay ffor thhe craashingg charrge.9.1.
38、7 TThe Emplooyer shoulld offerr conveeniencces in aspeccts of workiing, livinng and trafffic and necesssary laborr-prottectioon equippmentss. 9.1.8 TThe Emplooyer shalll be respoonsiblle for the natioonal standdard drawiing, minissteriaal standdard drawiing and locall standdard drawiings. 9.1.9 TThe
39、 Emmployeer shaall beear thhe exppensess for receiiving foreiign exxpert in chharge of thhe enggineerring tto thee Desiigners offfice (incluuding expennses oon faxx, tellephonne, coopy annd offfice aaffairrs).9.2設計人責責任9.2.1設計計人應按國家家規(guī)定和合同同約定的技術術規(guī)范、標準準進行設計,按按本合同第六六條規(guī)定的內內容、時間及及份數(shù)向發(fā)包包人交付設計計文件(出出現(xiàn)9.11、9.
40、12、9.14、9.15、規(guī)定有關關交付設計文文件順延的情情況除外)并對提交的的設計文件的的質量負責。9.2.2設計計合理使用年年限為25年。9.2.3負責責對外商的設設計資料進行行審查,負責責該合同項目目的設計聯(lián)絡絡工作。9.2.4設計計人對設計文文件出現(xiàn)的遺遺漏或錯誤負負責修改或補補充。由于設設計人設計錯錯誤造成工程程質量事故損損失,設計人人除負責采取取補救措施外外,應免收受受損失部分的的設計費,并并根據(jù)損失程程度向發(fā)包人人支付賠償金金,賠償金數(shù)數(shù)額由雙方商商定為實際損損失的 。9.2.5由于于設計人原因因,延誤了設設計文件交付付時間,每延延誤一天,應應減收該項目目應收設計費費的千分之二二
41、。9.2.6合同同生效后,設設計人要求終終止或解除合合同,設計人人應雙倍返還還發(fā)包人已支支付的定金。9.2.7設計計人交付設計計文件后,按按規(guī)定參加有有關上級的設設計審查,并并根據(jù)審查結結論負責不超超出原定范圍圍的內容做必必要調整補充充。設計人按按合同規(guī)定時時限交付設計計文件一年內內項目開始施施工,負責向向發(fā)包人及施施工單位進行行設計交底、處處理有關設計計問題和參加加竣工驗收。在在一年內項目目尚未開始施施工,設計人人仍負責上述述工作,可按按所需工作量量向發(fā)包人適適當收取咨詢詢服務費,收收費額由雙方方商定。9.2 Ressponsiibilitiess of tthe Deesigneer9.2
42、.1 TThe deesigneer shaall peerformm the desiggn in accorrdancee withh provvisionns of the SState and tthe teechniccal coodes aand sttandarrds sttipulaated iin thee Conttract, deliiver tthe deesign documments in acccordaance wwith ccontennts, ttime aand nuumber of coopies to thhe empployerr speccifie
43、dd in AArticlle 6 (excluusion of thhe casse wheere thhe dessign ddocumeents sshall be prrolongged acccordiingly stipuulatedd in AArticlle 9.111, 9.12, 99.14 aand 9.15), and bbe ressponsiible ffor quualityy of tthe deeliverred deesign documments. 9.2.2 The desiggn life of thhe enggineerring cconstrru
44、ctioon shaall bee 25 yearss. 9.2.3 RResponnsiblee for examiining for ddesignn mateerialss of fforeiggn bussinesssman, and rresponnsiblee for desiggn liaaison off the Contrract pprojecct.9.2.4 TThe deesigneer shaall bee respponsibble foor revvisionn or ssuppleement to thhe misstakess or oomissiion of
45、f the desiggn doccumentts. Thhe dessignerr shalll be free of thhe dessign cchargee of lloss ppart bbesidees remmediall meassures takenn for casuaalty lloss oof connstrucction qualiity caaused by thhe dessignerr due to thhe wroong deesign, and shalll pay compeensatiion mooney ffor thhe empployerr bas
46、eed on degreee of loss. Amouunt off comppensattion wwhich is deecidedd by ttwo paartiess throough cconsulltatioon is % off actuual looss.9.2.5 IIf thee deliivery of deesign documments is deelayedd for the DDesignners reasoon, eaach daay oveerdue will resullt in the rreducttion oof 2 of thhe dessign
47、cchargees forr the projeect.9.2.6 AAfter the ccontraact ennters into forcee, thee Desiigner may rrequirre terrminattion oor canncellaation of thhe conntractt and the DDesignner shhould returrn thee downn paymment iin douuble.9.2.7 UUpon ddeliveery off the desiggn doccumentts, thhe Dessignerr shalll
48、parrticippate iin thee insppectioon on the ddesignn by tthe reelevannt higgher aauthorrity aas proovide and sshall be reesponssible for nnecesssary aadjusttment and ssuppleementss to tthe coontentt withhin thhe oriiginall scoppe of the ddesignn accoordingg to tthe innspecttion cconcluusion. The Desi
49、ggner sshall startt the consttructiion wiithin one yyear uupon ddeliveery off the desiggn doccumentts witthin tthe sppecifiied tiime liimit aand shhall bbe ressponsiible ffor thhe tecchnoloogicall discclosurre to the EEmployyer annd connstrucction unit, handdling with relevvant mmatterrs on desiggn
50、andd partticipaation in thhe accceptannce uppon coomplettion oof thee engiineeriing coonstruuctionn. In case the eengineeeringg consstructtion hhas noot staarted withiin onee yearr, thee Desiigner shalll stilll be respoonsiblle forr the abovee workk and may ccollecct reaasonabble seervicee charrge f
51、oor connsultaancy ffrom tthe Emmployeer acccordinng to the nneededd workkload. The amounnt of the sservicce chaarge sshall be diiscusssed annd detterminned byy the Partiies. 第十條保密密雙方均應保護對對方的知識產(chǎn)產(chǎn)權,未經(jīng)對對方同意,任任何一方均不不得對對方的的資料及文件件擅自修改、復復制或向第三三人轉讓或用用于本合同項項目外的項目目。如發(fā)生以以上情況,泄泄密方承擔一一切由此引起起的后果并承承擔賠償責任任。Articlee
52、 10 CConfiddentiaality Both Paartiess shalll prootect each otherrs inntelleectuall propperty rightts. Wiithoutt prioor connsent, neitther pparty shalll reviise, ccopy oor traansferr to aa thirrd parrty orr use for tthe prrojectt otheer thaan thee projject oof thiis Conntractt any materrials and ddoc
53、umeents oof thee otheer parrty. UUnder such circuumstannces, the ddiscloosing partyy shalll be respoonsiblle forr all the aany coonsequuence it reesulteed andd shalll beaar thee releevant compeensatiion. 第十一條仲仲裁本建設工程設計計合同發(fā)生爭爭議,發(fā)包人人與設計人應應及時協(xié)商解解決。也可由由當?shù)亟ㄔO行行政主管部門門調解,調解解不成時,雙雙方當事人同同意由沈陽仲裁委員會會仲裁。雙方方當事人未在
54、在合同中約定定仲裁機構,當當事人又未達達成仲裁書面面協(xié)議的,可可向人民法院院起訴。Articlee 11: Arbittratioon If any dispuute arrises in coonnecttion wwith tthis EEngineeeringg Servvice CContraact, iit shaall bee setttled bby friiendlyy conssultattion oof thee Partties, or bee submmittedd to tthe coompeteent loocal cconstrructioon admminist
55、tratioon deppartmeent foor meddiatioon. Whhere tthe diisputee can not bbe setttled by mmediattion, it shhall bbe subbmitteed to the Shenyyang AArbitrrationn Commmitteee for settllementt. Wheere thhe Parrties have nott agreeed onn the arbittratioon orgganizaation in thhe Conntractt nor concllude aarb
56、itrrationn agreeementt in wwritteen forrm, thhe disspute will be brroughtt to tthe Peeoples Couurt. 第十二條合合同生效及其其他12.1發(fā)包人人要求設計人人派專人長期期駐施工現(xiàn)場場進行配合與與解決有關問問題時,雙方方應另行簽訂訂技術咨詢服服務合同。12.2設計人人為本合同項項目的服務至至施工安裝結結束為止。12.3本工程程項目中,設設計人不得指指定建筑材料料、設備的生生產(chǎn)廠或供貨貨商。發(fā)包人人需要設計人人配合建筑材材料、設備的的加工訂貨時時,所需費用用由發(fā)包人承承擔。12.4發(fā)包人人委托設計人人配
58、的義義務后,本合合同即行終止止。12.9雙方認認可的來往傳傳真、電報、會會議紀要等,均均為合同的組組成部分,與與本合同具有有同等法律效效力。12.10未盡盡事宜,經(jīng)雙雙方協(xié)商一致致,簽訂補充充協(xié)議,補充充協(xié)議與本合合同具有同等等效力。Articlee 12: Contrract eeffecttive aand miiscelllaneouus 12.1 Ass per the rrequesst of the EEmployyer foor disspatchh of ppersonnnel tto staay on the CConstrructioon sitte so as too c
59、oorrdinatte andd solvve rellevantt issuues, tthe inndividdual ttechniical cconsulltant serviice coontracct shaall bee signned byy bothh partties. 12.2 Seervicee provvided by thhe Dessignerr for the PProjecct in this Contrract wwill bbe conncludeed unttil thhe commpletiion off consstructtion aand inn
60、stalllationn. 12.3 Inn the projeects oof thee Conttract, Desiigner shalll not appoiint maanufaccturerrs or Desiggners of coonstruuctionn mateerialss and equippmentss. Wheere thhere iis a nnecesssity tthat DDesignner shhall ccooperrate wwith EEmployyer inn ordeering the pprocesss of consttructiion ma
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