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1、Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China 勞動(dòng)合同法Promulggationn datee:June 299, 20007Effectiive daate:Januaryy 1, 22007Departmment: Nationaal Peoopless ConggressOrder of the President of the Peoples Republic of China (No. 65)The Labor Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China, adopted at

2、 the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China on June 29, 2007, is hereby promulgated and shall come into effect on January 1, 2008. Hu JinttaoPreesidennt of the PPeoplees Reepubliic of ChinaaJune 29, 22007ContenttsChapterr I Gener

3、ral PrrovisiionsChapterr II Concclusioon of Laborr ConttractssChapterr III Perrformaance aand Ammendmeent off Laboor ConntracttsChapterr IVRevoccationn and Termiinatioon of Laborr ConttractssChapterr VSSpeciaal Proovisioons-Part IIColllectiive Coontraccts-Paart IIIWorkk Placcementt-Partt III Partt-t

4、imee LaboorChapterr VISuperrvisioon andd InsppectioonChapterr VIILegaal LiaabilittyChapterr VIIIISuppplemeentaryy ProvvisionnsLaboor Conntractt Lawoof thee Peopples Repubblic oof ChiinaChapterr 1Geenerall ProvvisionnsArticlee 1 TThis LLaw iss formmulateed to improove thhe labbor coontracct sysstem,

5、to sppecifyy the rightts andd obliigatioons off the partiies too laboor conntractts, too prottect tthe leegitimmate rrightss and interrests of woorkerss, andd to bbuild and ddeveloop harrmonioous annd staable eemployyment relattionshhips.Articcle 2 Thiss Law appliies too the estabblishmment oof labb

6、or reelatioonshipps bettween, the concllusionn of, perfoormancce of, amenndmentt of, revoccationn of aand teerminaation of, llabor contrracts by woorkerss and organnizatiions ssuch aas entterpriises, indivviduall econnomic organnizatiions aand prrivatee non-enterrprisee unitts in the PPeoplees Reepu

7、bliic of Chinaa (“Emmployeers”). The connclusiion, pperforrmancee, ameendmennt, reevocattion aand teerminaation of laabor ccontraacts bbetweeen staate auuthoriities, insttitutiions oor soccial oorganiizatioons annd worrkers with whom they estabblish emplooymentt relaationsships, shalll be subjeect t

8、oo thiss law. Articlee 3 TThe coonclussion oof a llabor contrract sshall be baased oon thee prinnciplees of lawfuulnesss, faiirnesss, equualityy, volluntarrinesss, neggotiatted coonsenssus annd goood faiith. AA lawffully conclluded laborr conttract shalll havee bindding fforce, bothh the Emplooyer a

9、and thhe empployeee shalll perrform theirr resppectivve oblligatiions sstipullated thereein. Articlee 4 EEmployyers sshall formuulate and iimprovve labbor ruules aand reegulattions in acccordaance wwith tthe laaw, soo as tto enssure tthat eemployyees eenjoy theirr laboor rigghts aand peerformm theii

10、r labbor obbligattions. The forrmulattions, amenndmentts andd deciisionss madee by EEmployyers wwith rrespecct to ruless on llabor compeensatiion, wworkinng houurs, lleave and rrest, occuppationnal saafety and hhygienne, innsurannce annd wellfare, traiining, workk discciplinne or work quotaa manaage

11、mennt, ettc., wwhich have a dirrect iimpactt on eemployyees immeddiate rightts andd inteerestss, or otherr mateerial matteers, sshall be prresentted too and discuussed with the eemployyee reepreseentatiive coongresss or all tthe emmployeees, aand thhe prooposall and advicce theereof shalll be ddeter

12、mmined afterr conssultattion wwith tthe laabor uunion or emmployeee reppresenntativve on the bbasis of eqqualitty. If, durring tthe immplemeentatiion off a ruule orr reguulatioon or decission oon a mmateriial maatter, the laborr unioon or any oof thee emplloyeess deemms it inapppropriiate, they shal

13、ll be eentitlled too raisse thee issuue witth thee Emplloyer and hhave iit ameended afterr conssultattion. The Empployerr shalll makke rulles, rregulaationss and decissions on maateriaal mattters that have a dirrect iimpactt on eemployyees immeddiate interrests and rrightss, pubblic oor commmuniccat

14、e tthe saame too the emplooyees. Articlee 5 TThe laabor aadminiistrattion aauthorritiess of tthe Peeoples Govvernmeents aat thee counnty leevel aand abbove sshall, togeether with laborr unioons annd entterpriise reepreseentatiives, estabblish a commpreheensivee tri-partiite meechaniism foor thee co-

15、oordinaation of emmploymment rrelatiionshiips, iin ordder too joinntly sstudy and rresolvve matteriall issuues reelatinng to emplooymentt relaationsships. Articlee 6 The llabor unionn shalll asssist aand guuide wworkerrs in the cconcluusion and pperforrmancee of llabor contrracts with theirr Emplloy

16、er, and estabblish a colllectiive coonsulttationn mechhanismm withh the Emplooyer iin ordder too prottect tthe laawful rightts andd inteerestss of wworkerrs. Chapterr IICConcluusion of Laabor CContraactsArticlee 7 TThe emmploymment rrelatiionshiip bettween an Emmployeer andd an eemployyee shhall cco

17、mmennce onn the date the eemployyee coommencces woork. TThe Emmployeer shaall keeep a regisster oof empployeees, foor futture rrefereence. Articlee 8 The EEmployyer shhall ttruthffully advisse thee emplloyee of thhe scoope off workk, thee workking ccondittions, the placee of wwork, occuppationnal ha

18、azardss, prooductiion saafety condiitionss, labbor coompenssationn and otherr mattters rrequessted bby thee emplloyee; the Emplooyer sshall be enntitleed to the wworkerr basiic infformattion oof thee emplloyee that direcctly rrelatees to the llabor contrract, and tthe emmployeee shaall trruthfuully

19、pprovidde thee samee. Articlee 9 WWhen hhiringg an eemployyee, tthe Emmployeer shaall noot rettain tthe emmployeees rresideent IDD cardd or oother docummentattion, nor ddemandd the emplooyee tto proovide securrity oor colllect propeerty ffrom hhim/heer undder soome otther gguise. Articlee 10 A wriit

20、ten laborr conttract shalll be cconcluuded wwhen eestabllishinng an emplooymentt relaationsship.Where aan empploymeent reelatioonshipp has been estabblisheed witthout the cconcluusion of a writtten laabor ccontraact, tthe wrrittenn laboor conntractt shalll be conclluded withiin onee (1) monthh fromm

21、 the date the eemployyee coommencces woork. Where aan Empployerr and an emmployeee conncludee a laabor ccontraact beefore the eemployyee coommencces woork, tthe emmploymment rrelatiionshiip shaall bee estaablishhed onn the date the eemployyee coommencces woork. Articlee 11 Wheree an EEmployyer faail

22、s tto conncludee a wrrittenn laboor conntractt withh an eemployyee beefore the eemployyee coommencces woork, aand itt is uuncleaar whaat labbor coompenssationn was agreeed upoon witth thee emplloyee, the laborr comppensattion ffor thhe newwly reecruitted emmployeee shaall bee paidd in aaccorddance w

23、ith the sstandaards sstipullated in thhe colllectiive coontracct; whhere tthere is noo colllectivve conntractt or tthe coollecttive ccontraact iss sileent onn the matteer, thhe priinciplle of equall pay for eequal work shalll applly. Articlee 12 Laborr conttractss are dividded innto fiixed-tterm lla

24、bor contrracts, openn-endeed labbor coontraccts annd labbor coontraccts thhat teerminaate uppon thhe commpletiion off a ceertainn taskk. Articlee 13 A fiixed-tterm llabor contrract referrs to a labbor coontracct wheere thhe terrminattion ddate hhas beeen aggreed upon by thhe Empployerr and the eempl

25、oyyee. A fixedd-termm laboor conntractt may be cooncludded beetweenn an EEmployyer annd an emplooyee uupon cconsulltatioon. Articlee 14 An oopen-eended laborr conttract refeers too a laabor ccontraact whhere tthe Emmployeer andd the emplooyee hhave aagreedd not to sttipulaate a definnite tterminnati

26、onn datee. An openn-endeed labbor coontracct mayy be cconcluuded bbetweeen an Emplooyer aand ann emplloyee upon consuultatiion. IIf an emplooyee pproposses orr agreees too reneew andd concclude a labbor coontracct in any oof thee folllowingg circcumstaances, an oopen-eended laborr conttract shalll b

27、e cconcluuded, unlesss thee emplloyee requeests tthe coonclussion oof a ffixed-term laborr conttract insteead:(1)TThe emmployeee hass beenn workking ffor thhe Empployerr for ten (10) cconseccutivee yearrs;(2)Wheen thee Emplloyer firstt intrroducees thee laboor conntractt systtem orr the statee-ownee

28、d entterpriise thhat emmployss him re-cooncluddes itts labbor coontraccts ass of rrestruucturiing, tthe emmployeee hass beenn workking ffor thhe Empployerr for ten (10) cconseccutivee yearrs andd is lless tthan 110 yeaars awway frrom hiis leggal reetiremment aage; oor(3)Wheere a laborr conttract was

29、 cconcluuded aas a ffixed-term laborr conttract on twwo connsecuttive ooccasiions aand thhe empployeee, in the aabsencce of any oof thee circcumstaances stipuulatedd in AArticlle 39 and iitems (1) aand (22) of Articcle 400 of tthis llaw, rrenewss suchh conttract.If an EEmployyer faails tto connclude

30、e a wrrittenn laboor conntractt withh an eemployyee wiithin one (1) yeear frrom thhe datte thee emplloyee commeences work, theyy shalll be deemeed to have enterred innto ann openn-endeed labbor coontracct. Articlee 15 A laabor ccontraact thhat teerminaates uupon tthe coomplettion oof a ccertaiin tas

31、sk reefers to a laborr conttract wheree the Emplooyer aand thhe empployeee havee agreeed thhat thhe conntracttual tterm iis bassed onn the complletionn of aa speccific task. An Emplloyer and aan empployeee may, uponn conssultattion, concllude aa laboor conntractt withh a teerm thhat iss baseed on th

32、e ccompleetion of a certaain taask. Articlee 16AA laboor conntractt shalll beccome eeffecttive aafter the EEmployyer annd thee emplloyee have both signeed or sealeed succh conntractt uponn reacching a neggotiatted coonsenssus. The Empployerr and the eemployyee shhall eeach kkeep oone coopy off the e

33、mplooymentt agreeementt. Articlee 17 A labbor coontracct shaall inncludee the folloowing itemss:(1)namme, doomicille andd legaal reppresenntativve or main persoon in-chargge of the EEmployyer;(2)namme, reesidenntial addreess annd nummber oof thee resiident ID caard orr otheer vallid iddentitty doccu

34、mentt numbber off the workeer;(3)terrm of the llabor contrract;(4)scoope off workk and placee of wwork;(5)worrking hourss, resst andd leavve; (6)labbor coompenssationn; (7)soccial iinsuraance;(8)labbor prrotecttion, workiing coonditiions aand prrotecttion aagainsst occcupatiional hazarrds; aand(9)ot

35、hher isssues requiired bby lawws andd reguulatioons too be iincludded inn the laborr conttract. Apart ffrom tthe maandatoory teerms mmentiooned aabove, an EEmployyer annd an emplooyee mmay aggree tto incclude otherr mattters iin thee laboor conntractt suchh as pprobattion pperiodd, traainingg, connf

36、idenntialiity, ssuppleementaary innsurannce annd wellfare, etc.Articlee 18 Shoulld a ddisputte ariise duue to the aambiguuous nnaturee of tthe sttandarrds foor labbor coompenssationn or wworkinng connditioons orr otheer mattters, the Emplooyer aand emmployeee mayy reneegotiaate; iif succh neggotiatt

37、ion ffails, the proviisionss of tthe coollecttive ccontraact shhall aapply. If tthere is noo colllectivve conntractt or iif thee colllectivve conntractt is ssilentt on tthe isssue oof labbor coompenssationn, thee prinnciplee of eequal pay ffor eqqual wwork sshall applyy; if theree is nno colllectiiv

38、e coontracct or the ccollecctive contrract iis sillent oon thee stanndardss for workiing coonditiions oor othher maatterss, thee releevant regullationns of the SState shalll applly.Articlee 19 If a laborr conttract has aa termm of mmore tthan tthree monthhs butt lesss thann one year, the probaation

39、periood mayy not exceeed onee montth; iff a laabor ccontraact haas a tterm oof morre thaan onee yearr but less than threee yearrs, thhe proobatioon perriod mmay noot excceed ttwo moonths; for a fixxed-teerm laabor ccontraact wiith a term of moore thhan thhree yyears and aan opeen-endded laabor ccont

40、raact, tthe prrobatiion peeriod may nnot exxceed six mmonthss. The samme Empployerr may only stipuulate one pprobattion pperiodd withh any givenn emplloyee. The proobatioon perriod sshall not aapply to laabor ccontraacts wwith aa termm of lless tthan tthree monthhs or to laabor ccontraacts tthat tte

41、rminnate uupon tthe coomplettion oof a ccertaiin tassk. The proobatioon perriod sshall form part of thhe terrm of the llabor contrract. If a laborr conttract merelly conntainss a prrobatiion peeriod, suchh probbationn periiod shhall bbe rennderedd voidd and be deeemed as thhe terrm of the llabor con

42、trract. Articlee 20 The wwages paid to emmployeees duuring theirr probbationn periiod shhall nnot bee lesss thann the minimmum waage leevel ffor thhe samme possitionn withh the Emplooyer oor lesss thaan 80% of tthe waage aggreed upon in thhe labbor coontracct, annd shaall noot be less than the mmini

43、muum wagge of the pplace wheree the Emplooyer iis loccated.Articlee 21 An Emmployeer shaall noot terrminatte thee laboor conntractt duriing thhe proobatioon perriod uunlesss the emplooyee ffalls into any oof thee circcumstaances stipuulatedd in AArticlle 39 and iitems (1) aand (22) of Articcle 400 o

44、f tthis llaw. IIf an Emplooyer tterminnates a labbor coontracct durring tthe prrobatiion peeriod, it sshall explaain thhe reaasons to thhe empployeee. Articlee 22 If aan Empployerr is ppayingg for a worrkerss speccial ttrainiing exxpensees andd provvidingg him with profeessionnal teechniccal trraini

45、nng, itt may enterr intoo an aagreemment sspeciffying a terrm of serviice wiith suuch emmployeee. If the emplooyee bbreachhes thhe agrreed tterm oof serrvice, he sshall pay lliquiddated damagges too the Emplooyer iin acccordannce wiith thhe terrms off the agreeement. The amounnt of the lliquiddated

46、damagges shhall nnot exxceed the aamountt of tthe trraininng alllowancce proovidedd by tthe Emmployeer. Thhe amoount oof thee liquuidateed dammages requiired bby thee Emplloyer shalll not exceeed thee porttion oof thee traiining allowwance alloccated to thhe unpperforrmed pportioon of the tterm oof

47、serrvice. Thee agreeementt betwween aan Empployerr and an emmployeee on a terrm of serviice shhall nnot afffect the iincremment oof thee workkers laborr comppensattion dduringg the term of seervicee in aaccorddance with the nnormall wagee adjuustmennt mecchanissm.Articlee 23 An Emmployeer andd an ee

48、mployyee maay incclude in thheir llabor contrract cconfiddentiaality proviisionss in rrespecct of the EEmployyers tradee secrrets aand otther cconfiddentiaal mattters with regarrd to intelllectuual prropertty.If an eemployyee haas a cconfiddentiaality obliggationn, thee Emplloyer may ccontraact wiit

49、h thhe worrker tto incclude non-ccompettitionn provvisionns in the llabor contrract oor connfidenntialiity aggreemeent, aand aggree tto payy finaanciall comppensattion tto thee emplloyee on a monthhly baasis dduringg the non-ccompettitionn periiod affter tthe teerminaation or reevocattion oof thee l

50、aboor conntractt. If the eemployyee brreachees thee non-compeetitioon proovisioons, hhe shaall paay liqquidatted daamagess to tthe Emmployeer in accorrdancee withh the stipuulatedd termms. Articlee 24 The ppersonnnel ssubjecct to non-ccompettitionn obliigatioons shhall bbe limmited to thhe Empployer

51、rs seenior managgementt, sennior ttechniicianss and otherr indiividuaals wiith coonfideentiallity oobligaationss. Thee scoppe, geeograpphicall limiitatioons annd terrm of the nnon-coompetiition obliggationns shaall bee agreeed uppon byy the Emplooyer aand thhe empployeee, andd theyy shalll nott viol

52、late aany laaws annd reggulatiions. After tthe reevocattion oor terrminattion oof a llabor contrract, the nnon-coompetiition periood forr any of thhe perrsons mentiioned in thhe preecedinng parragrapph in termss of hhis woorkingg for a commpetinng Empployerr thatt prodduces or deeals wwith tthe saam

53、e tyype off prodducts or enngagess in tthe saame tyype off busiiness, or iin terrms off his settiing upp his own bbusineess too prodduce oor deaal witth thee samee typee of pproduccts orr to eengagee in tthe saame tyype off busiiness, shalll nott exceeed twwo yeaars. Articlee 25 Save for ccircummsta

54、ncces sttipulaated iin Artticle 22 annd Artticle 23 off thiss law, an EEmployyer shhall nnot ennter iinto aan agrreemennt witth an emplooyee rregardding lliquiddated damagges too be bborne by thhe empployeee. Articlee 26 A labbor coontracct shaall bee whollly orr parttiallyy invaalid iif:(1)thrrough

55、 fraudd, coeercionn or eexploiitatioon of the oother partyys diisadvaantageeous ppositiion, aa partty cauuses tthe otther pparty to cooncludde or amendd the laborr conttract agaiinst tthe laatters truue inttent; (2)thee laboor conntractt absoolves the EEmployyer frrom leegal lliabillity aand deenies

56、 the eemployyee hiis rigghts; or(3)thee laboor conntractt is iin vioolatioon of the mmandattory pprovissions of laaws orr admiinistrrativee reguulatioons. If therre is any ddisputte oveer thee invaaliditty or partiial innvaliddity oof thee laboor conntractt, it shaall bee subjject tto detterminnatio

57、nn by aa laboor disspute arbittratioon insstituttion oor a PPeoplees coourt. Articlee 27 The ppartiaal invvalidiity off the laborr conttract shalll not affecct thee valiidity of thhe remmaininng parrt of the ccontraact, tthe reemainiing prrovisiions sshall contiinue tto be validd. Articlee 28 Wheree

58、 a laabor ccontraact iss heldd to bbe invvalid and tthe woorker has pperforrmed hhis obbligattions, the Emplooyer sshall pay tthe emmployeee labbor coompenssationn for such obliggationns. Thhe amoount oof labbor coompenssationn shalll be deterrminedd withh refeerencee to tthe laabor ccompennsatioon

59、forr emplloyee s in the ssame oor a ssimilaar possitionn withh the Emplooyer.Chapterr IIIPerfoormancce andd Amenndmentt of LLabor ContrractsArticlee 29TThe Emmployeer andd the emplooyee sshall fullyy perfform ttheir respeectivee obliigatioons inn accoordancce witth thee termms of the llabor contrrac

60、t.Articlee 30 Emplooyers shalll pay theirr emplloyeess laboor commpensaation on tiime annd in full in acccordaance wwith tthe laabor ccontraact annd staate reegulattions.An emplloyee may, in acccordaance wwith tthe laaw, appply ffor ann ordeer to pay aat thee locaal Peoopless Courrt in the eevent th


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