1、最終版本條款范本 Final Version Sample Clauses for 中國-德國合資資經(jīng)營合同SINO - GERMAAN JOIINT VEENTUREE CONTTRACT 制作人:Elaaboratted byy: 中德德雙邊政府委委員會下設(shè)的的中德法律工作組組Sino-Geerman Legall Workking GGroup underr the Bilatteral Sino-Germaan Govvernmeent Coommisssion 合同背景說明:德國聯(lián)邦經(jīng)濟與與技術(shù)部和中中華人民共和和國商務(wù)部共共同發(fā)布了中中德合資企業(yè)業(yè)合同示范條條款。該示示范合同條款款
3、商商總會大中華華區(qū)的中德法法律專家,來來自德 國泰樂信信律師事務(wù)所所的Magddalenaa Harnnischffeger-Ksol女女士也是其中中一員,且起起到了主導(dǎo)作作用。在Haarniscchfegeer-Ksool女士的努努力下,中德德雙方進(jìn)行了了多次成功的的會議磋商,并并最終在友好好并具有建設(shè)設(shè)性的合作氛氛圍下達(dá)成共共識,確定了了該示范條款款的最終版,從從而保證了兩兩國企業(yè)的平平等利益在條條款中均有體體現(xiàn)。 目錄Tablee of ccontennts目錄I Tabble off conttents I附件清單 IIII Liiste oof Apppendicces III章節(jié)標(biāo)
4、題 CChapteer Heaading第一章 定義和和釋義 Chaapter 1 Deffinitiions aand Innterprretatiion第二章 合同雙雙方 Chhapterr 2 Paartiess to tthe Coontracct第三章 注冊資資本和出資CChapteer 3 RRegisttered Capittal annd Cappital Contrributiions第1條 投資總總額和注冊資資本 Artticle 1 Tottal Innvestmment aand Reegisteered CCapitaal第2條 出資AArticlle 2 CCapi
5、taal Conntribuutionss第3條 注冊冊資本的增加加或減少Arrticlee 3 Inncreasse andd Decrrease of Reegisteered CCapitaal第四章 股份轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓Chappter 44 Trannsfer of Shhares 第五章 小股東東保護(hù)條款 【可選條款款】 Chaptter 5 Minorrity SSharehholderrs Prootectiion Cllausess第1條 跟售權(quán) AArticlle 1 TTag-allong RRight第2條 賣出期期權(quán) Arrticlee 2 Puut Opttion第六章 董事
6、會和經(jīng)經(jīng)營管理機構(gòu)構(gòu)Chaptter 6 Boardd of DDirecttors aand Maanagemment第七章 第1條 董事會的組組成 Arrticlee 1 Coomposiition of thhe Boaard off Direectorss第八章 第2條 董事會的的職責(zé) AArticlle 2 RResponnsibillitiess of tthe Booard oof Dirrectorrs第九章 第3條 董事會會會議和董事會會決議 Articlee 3 Meeetinggs andd Resoolutioons off the Boardd of DDirectt
7、ors第4a條 管理理委員會 Artticle 4a Maanagemment BBoard 第5條 管理委委員會及其成成員的職責(zé) Articcle 5 Respoonsibiilitiees of the MManageement Boardd and its MMemberrs 第6條 管理委委員會會議和和決議 AArticlle 6 MMeetinngs annd Ressolutiions oof thee Manaagemennt Boaard第4b條 總經(jīng)理 Arrticlee 4b GGeneraal Mannager第七章 技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)讓 Chhapterr 7 Teechnoll
8、ogy TTransffer第1條 技術(shù)提提供 Arrticlee 1 Prrovisiion off Techhnologgy第2條 商標(biāo)AArticlle 2 TTrademmarks 第3條 合資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)品(可選條條款)Artticle 3 JV Produucts (optioonal) 第八章 保密 Chappter 88 Conffidenttialitty第1條 保密信信息 Arrticlee 1 Coonfideentiallity IInformmationn第2條 除外情情形 Arrticlee 2 Exxceptiions第3條 保密信信息的安全保保護(hù) Artticle 3
9、Saffeguarrding of Coonfideentiallity IInformmationn第4條 違反保密義義務(wù) Articcle 4 Breacch of Confiidentiialityy Obliigatioons 第5條 終止后后的保密義務(wù)務(wù) Artticle 5 Connfidenntialiity Obbligattion uupon TTerminnationn第九章 不競爭爭 Chaptter 9 Non-CCompettitionn第十章 違約責(zé)任 Chaptter 100 Liabbilityy for Breacch 第十一章 期期限/終止 Chaapter
10、 11 Duuratioon/Terrminattion第1條 期限 Arrticlee 1 Teerm第2條 終止 Articcle 2 Termiinatioon第3條 購買價格的的確定Artticle 3 Detterminnationn of PPurchaase Prrice第4條 清算 Arrticlee 4 Liiquidaation第4條 股權(quán)轉(zhuǎn)讓時時采取的行動動 Articlee 5 Acctionss to bbe takken inn Equiity Innteresst Traansferr第6條 其他權(quán)利 Articcle 6 Otherr Righhts第7條 持續(xù)
11、義務(wù) Articcle 7 Contiinuingg Obliigatioons第十二章 爭爭議解決 Chaptter 122 Disppute RResoluution 第1條 友好協(xié)商解解決 Arrticlee 1 Ammicablle Setttlemeent第2條 仲裁 Arrticlee 2 Arrbitraation 附件清單Lisst of Appenndicess章節(jié)標(biāo)題Chaapter Headiing合資經(jīng)營合同JJoint Ventuure Coontactt 第一章 定義和和釋義Chaapter 1 Deffinitiions aand Innterprretatiio
12、n 第二章 合同雙雙方Chappter 22 Partties tto thee Conttract 第三章 注冊資資本和出資CChapteer 3 RRegisttered Capittal annd Cappital Contrributiions第1條 投資總總額和注冊資資本Artiicle 11 Totaal Invvestmeent annd Reggisterred Caapitall1.1 雙方同同意公司的投投資總額為.人人民幣/美元/歐元(RMBB/USD/EUR).1.1 Thee Partties aagree that the aamountt of ttotal inv
13、esstmentt of tthe Coompanyy shalll be . RRenminnbi/Unnited Statees Dolllar/EEuro (RMB/UUSD/EUUR .). 1.2 公司注注冊資本的金金額為.人民幣幣/美元/歐元(RMBB/USD/EUR .)可選方案:相當(dāng)于投資資總額的百分分之.(%).1.2 Thee amouunt off the Compaanys regissteredd capiital sshall be . RRenminnbi/Unnited Statees Dolllar/EEuro (RMB/UUSD/EUUR .) Opttio
14、nall:,equualingg . perrcent (%) of the ttotal amounnt of invesstmentt. 1.3 每一方方應(yīng)按以下方方式認(rèn)繳注冊冊資本:1.3 Thee capiital ccontriibutioon to the rregisttered capittal suubscriibed bby eacch Parrty shhall bbe as folloows: 1.3.1 甲方應(yīng)出資資.人民幣/美元/歐元(RMBB/USD/EUR .),相相當(dāng)于注冊資資本的. %。1.3.1 Partyy A shhall ccontriibute .
15、 Rennminbii/Unitted Sttates Dollaar/Eurro (RMMB/USDD/EUR .), eqquivallent tto . % of thhe reggisterred caapitall. 1.3.2 乙方應(yīng)出資資.人民幣/美元/歐元(RMBB/USD/EUR .),相相當(dāng)于注冊資資本的. %。1.3.2 Partyy B shhall ccontriibute . Renmminbi/Uniteed Staates DDollarr/Euroo (RMBB/USD/EUR .), equuivaleent too . % oof thee regiist
16、ereed cappital. 1.4 除非雙雙方另有約定定,一旦一方方全額繳納出出資,其不應(yīng)應(yīng)被要求通過過出資、擔(dān)保保、貸款或其其他方式向公公司或代表公公司提供任何何進(jìn)一步的資資金。除第_條違約條款提及的外,根根據(jù)本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營合同,對對于公司的任任何損失或針針對公司提出出的任何權(quán)利利主張,任何何一方對另一一方、公司或或任何第三方方均不承擔(dān)任任何責(zé)任。1.4 Unlless tthe Paartiess agreee othherwisse, onnce a Partyy has paid-in itts conntribuution to thhe reggisterred caapital
17、l in ffull, it shhall nnot bee requuired to prrovidee any furthher fuunds tto or on beehalf of thhe Commpany by waay of capittal coontribbutionn, guaaranteees, lloan oor othherwisse. Otther tthan aas menntioneed in Articcle _ Artticle on Brreach of coontracct, ppursuaant too thiss Joinnt Vennture Co
18、ntrract, no Paarty sshall have any lliabillity ttowardds thee otheer Parrty, tthe Coompanyy or aany thhird pparty for aany loosses by orr any claimms agaainst the CCompanny. 第2條 出資AArticlle 2 CCapitaal Conntribuutionss可選方案1:以現(xiàn)金出資資OPTIION 1: Capiital CContriibutioons inn Cashh 2.1 雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)以現(xiàn)金出資資。2.1 Thee
19、 Partties sshall contrributee the regissteredd capiital iin cassh. 2.2 甲方應(yīng)應(yīng)以人民幣繳繳納出資。2.2 Parrty As conntribuution shalll be mmade iin Rennminbii. 2.3 除第22.3.2條條的規(guī)定外,乙乙方應(yīng)以美元元或歐元繳納納出資。2.3 Parrty Bs conntribuution shalll be mmade iin Uniited SStatess Dolllar orr Euroo exceept ass provvided in Arrticlee
20、 2.3.2. 2.3.1 用用于確定人民民幣出資金額額的匯率應(yīng)為為繳款當(dāng)日中中國人民銀行行公布的美元元或歐元的中中間匯率。2.3.1 TThe exxchangge ratte whiich shhall bbe useed forr deteerminiing thhe amoount oof thee capiital ccontriibutioons inn Renmminbi shalll be tthe miid poiint prrice oof Uniited SStatess Dolllar orr Euroo publlishedd by tthe Peeoples Ban
21、nk of Chinaa on tthe daate whhen thhe cappital contrributiions aare maade. 2.3.2 盡盡管存在第22.3條的規(guī)規(guī)定,乙方也也可以其自己己在中國境內(nèi)內(nèi)的投資產(chǎn)生生的人民幣利利潤繳納其注注冊資本份額額,如果適用用中國法律和和法規(guī)要求獲獲得政府批準(zhǔn)準(zhǔn)的,以取得得相關(guān)政府批批準(zhǔn)為前提。2.3.2 NNotwitthstannding Articcle 2.3 Parrty B may aalso uuse Reenminbbi proofits from its oown innvestmments in Chhina tt
22、o makke itss conttributtions to itts shaare off the regissteredd capiital, subjeect too releevant goverrnmenttal appprovaals, iif reqquiredd by aappliccable PRC llaws aand reegulattions. 2.4 雙方應(yīng)應(yīng)根據(jù)第0條到第0條的規(guī)定,按按照各自的股股權(quán)比例,同同時分期繳納納出資。2.4 Thee Partties sshall contrributee the regissteredd capiital aacco
23、rdding tto theeir eqquity ratioo by ppayingg in ssimulttaneouusly tthe innstalllmentss in aaccorddance with Articcle 0 to Arrticlee 0. 2.4.1 每每一方應(yīng)在公公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日起起【三(3)】個月內(nèi)繳納百百分之( %)的出出資,即甲方方繳納.人民幣幣 (RMMB),乙方繳納納. 美元/歐元 注:目目前法律規(guī)定定為在營業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之日日起3個月內(nèi)繳納納15%2.4.1 peercentt ( %) oof eacch Parrtys contrributi
24、ion too the regissteredd capiital, beingg . Rennminbii (RMB) by Partyy A annd Uniited SStatess Dolllar/Euuro (USSD/EURR .) byy Partty B sshall be paaid inn withhin tthree (3) mmonthss of the ddate oof isssuancee of tthe Coompanyys buusinesss liccense. NOTTE: Sttatutoorily at thhe momment 115% wiithi
25、n 3 monnths oof thee datee of iissuannce off the businness llicencce 可選方案2:以實物和現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資OOPTIONN 2: CContriibutioons inn Kindd and in Caash 2.5.1 甲方應(yīng)按以以下方式繳納納出資:2.5.1 Partyy A shhall ccontriibute the ffollowwing tto thee regiistereed cappital: a. 價值為.人民幣幣 (RMMB)的機械設(shè)備備。a. Machiinery and eequipmment wwith
26、 aa valuue of . Renmminbi (RMB .). b. 價價值為.人民幣幣 (RMMB)的技術(shù)、專專利和專有技技術(shù)以及相關(guān)關(guān)文件。b. TTechnoology, pateents aand knnow-hoow andd relaated ddocumeentatiion wiith a valuee of . Renmiinbi (RMB .). c. 相相當(dāng)于金額為為.人民幣 (RRMB)的.人民幣現(xiàn)金金。c. CCash iin Rennminbii equiivalennt to the aamountt of . Renmiinbi (RMB .). 以上第a)
27、和bb)項所述的的作為實物出出資的資產(chǎn)在在附件中列出。The asssets tto be contrributeed in kind as sttated in a) and b) abbove aare liisted inn Anneex . 2.5.2 乙方應(yīng)按以以下方式繳納納出資:2.5.2 Partyy B shhall ccontriibute the ffollowwing tto thee regiistereed cappital: a. 價值為.人民幣幣 (RMMB)的機械設(shè)備備。a. Machiinery and eequipmment wwith aa valuue
28、of . Renmminbi (RMB .). b. 價價值為.人民幣幣 (RMMB)的技術(shù)、專專利和專有技技術(shù)以及相關(guān)關(guān)文件。b. TTechnoology, pateents aand knnow-hoow andd relaated ddocumeentatiion wiith a valuee of . Renmiinbi (RMB .). c. 相相當(dāng)于金額為為.人民幣 (RRMB)的美元/歐元(USDD/EUR .)現(xiàn)金。c. CCash iin Uniited SStatess Dolllar/Euuro (USSD/EURR .) eqquivallent tto thee a
29、mouunt off . Rennminbii (RMBB .). 以上第a)和bb)項所述的的作為實物出出資的資產(chǎn)在在附件中列出。The asssets tto be contrributeed in kind as sttated in a) and b) abbove aare liisted in Annnex . 2.5.3 各方聲明并并保證其向公公司注冊資本本出資的所有有資產(chǎn)均不存存在任何請求求權(quán)、留置權(quán)權(quán)、抵押權(quán)和和負(fù)債。甲方方(注:為中中方合作伙伴伴)聲明并保保證其已經(jīng)遵遵守了有關(guān)國國有資產(chǎn)評估估和轉(zhuǎn)讓的所所有相關(guān)法律律法規(guī)。2.5.3 Each Partyy reprrese
30、ntts andd warrrants that all aassetss conttributted byy it tto thee regiistereed cappital of thhe Commpany shalll be ffree oof claaims, lienss, morrtgagees andd debtts. Paarty AA (remmark: beingg the Chineese paartnerr) reppresennts annd warrrantss thatt it hhas coomplieed witth alll releevant laws
31、and rregulaationss regaardingg the evaluuationn and transsfer oof Staate-owwned aassetss. 可選方案2aa:OPTIION 2aa:2.5.4 如果在繳付付上述實物出出資時,根據(jù)據(jù)第2.5.2條中的驗驗資報告所確確定的實物出出資價值已經(jīng)經(jīng)發(fā)生變化,出出資與本第22.1條所確確定的價值不不符的一方應(yīng)應(yīng)當(dāng)向公司支支付所要求的的余額請與財務(wù)顧顧問核對:或或者應(yīng)各自從從公司領(lǐng)取超超出的金額以確保達(dá)到到第1.2條要求求的注冊資本本額以及第11.2條中所所規(guī)定的各方方的股權(quán)比例例。2.5.4 In thhe eveen
32、t thhe vallue off the contrributiions iin kinnd as deterrminedd in tthe veerificcationn repoort acccordiing too Artiicle 22.5.2, has changged byy the time the aaforemmentiooned ccontriibutioons inn kindd are made, the Partyy whosse conntribuution does not ccorresspond to thhe vallue deetermiined iin
33、 thiis Artticle 2.1 sshall pay tthe reemainiing ammount requiired tto thee Comppany checkk withh accoountinng advvisor: or sshall receiive thhe excceedinng amoount rrespecctivelly froom thee Comppany to ennsure the rregisttered capittal ass per Articcle 1.2 andd the Partiies eequityy ratiio as set o
34、out inn Artiicle 11.2 arre atttainedd. 可選方案2bb:OPTIION 2bb:如果任何評估值值超過第2.5條中規(guī)定定的每一組資資產(chǎn)的價值,任任何超出的數(shù)數(shù)額均應(yīng)被視視為是公司的的儲備金。低低于第2.55條中規(guī)定的的每一組資產(chǎn)產(chǎn)價值的任何何評估值應(yīng)由由各方在收到到出資證明書書后日內(nèi)采用其其現(xiàn)金出資所所用貨幣以現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金進(jìn)行補足足。If any assesssed vvalue exceeeds thhe vallue seet forrth inn Artiicle 22.5 foor eacch grooup off asseets, aany suurpa
35、sssing aamountt shalll be treatted ass reseerve oof thee Comppany. Any aassesssed vaalue lless tthan tthe vaalue sset foorth iin Artticle 2.5 ffor eaach grroup oof assset shhall bbe covvered by thhe resspectiive Paarty iin cassh in the ccurrenncy off its cash contrributiion wiithin . dayss afteer re
36、cceipt of thhe Cappital Contrributiion Ceertifiicate. 2.6 甲甲方應(yīng)以人民民幣繳納其現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金出資。2.6 PParty As ccash ccontriibutioon shaall bee madee in RRenminnbi. 2.7 除除第2.3條的規(guī)規(guī)定外,乙方方應(yīng)以美元或或歐元繳納其其現(xiàn)金出資。2.7 PParty Bs ccash ccontriibutioon shaall bee madee in UUnitedd Stattes Doollar or Euuro exxcept as prrovideed in Arti
37、ccle 2.3. 2.7.1 用于確定人人民幣出資金金額的匯率應(yīng)應(yīng)為繳款當(dāng)日日中國人民銀銀行公布的美美元或歐元的的中間匯率。2.7.1 The eexchannge raate whhich sshall be ussed foor detterminning tthe ammount of thhe cappital contrributiions iin Rennminbii shalll be the mmid pooint pprice of Unnited Statees Dolllar oor Eurro pubblisheed by the PPeoplees Baank of
38、f Chinna on the ddate wwhen tthe caapitall conttributtions are mmade. 2.7.2 盡管存在第第2.3條的規(guī)規(guī)定,乙方也也可以其自己己在中國境內(nèi)內(nèi)的投資產(chǎn)生生的人民幣利利潤繳納其注注冊資本現(xiàn)金金出資份額,如如果適用中國國法律和法規(guī)規(guī)要求獲得政政府批準(zhǔn)的,以以取得相關(guān)政政府批準(zhǔn)為前前提。2.7.2 Notwiithstaandingg Artiicle 22.3 Paarty BB may also use RRenminnbi prrofitss fromm its own iinvesttmentss in CChina t
39、o maake itts cassh conntribuutionss to iits shhare oof thee regiistereed cappital, subjject tto rellevantt goveernmenntal aapprovvals, if reequireed by appliicablee PRC laws and rregulaationss. 2.8 雙雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)第第0條到第0條的規(guī)定,按按照各自的股股權(quán)比例,同同時分期繳納納出資。2.8 TThe Paartiess shalll conntribuute thhe reggisterred caap
40、itall accoordingg to ttheir equitty rattio byy conttributting ssimulttaneouusly tthe innstalllmentss in aaccorddance with Articcle 0 to Arrticlee 0. 2.8.1 每每一方應(yīng)在公公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日起起三(3)個月內(nèi)繳納百百分之( %)的出出資,即甲方方繳納.人民幣幣 (RMMB),乙方繳納納. 美元/歐元 注:目目前法律規(guī)定定為在營業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之日日起3個月內(nèi)繳納納15%2.8.1 peercentt ( %) oof eacch Parrtys
41、 contrributiion too the regissteredd capiital, beingg . Rennminbii (RMB) by Partyy A annd Uniited SStatess Dolllar/Euuro (USSD/EURR .) byy Partty B sshall be coontribbuted withiin thrree (33) monnths oof thee datee of iissuannce off the Compaanys businness llicensse. NNOTE: Statuutorilly at the mmom
42、entt 15% withiin 3 mmonthss of tthe daate off issuuance of thhe bussinesss liceense 出資時間表表Contrributiion Scchedulle可選方案 11:OPTIION 1:2.8.2 雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)本合資經(jīng)營營合同附件_中規(guī)定的時時間表或者董董事會所確定定的其它時間間表繳納公司司注冊資本的的其它部分。董董事會應(yīng)有權(quán)權(quán)按照雙方在在注冊資本中中的比例要求求雙方繳納一一期或一期以以上的出資,并并及時行使其其該要求權(quán),使使得全部出資資能夠在公司司營業(yè)執(zhí)照頒頒發(fā)之日起兩兩(2)年內(nèi)或董董事會所確定定的任何其他他時
43、間(須受受制于法律的的強制性要求求)內(nèi)繳足?!咀⒆ⅲ悍墒侵钢溉魏我压疾疾⒖晒_獲獲得的中國法法律、法規(guī)和和規(guī)章。】2.8.2 The PPartiees shaall coontribbute tthe fuurtherr porttions of thhe reggisterred caapitall of tthe Coompanyy in aaccorddance with the sscheduule seet forrth inn Anneex . to tthis JJoint Ventuure Coontracct or as ottherwiise deetermiined
44、 bby thee boarrd of direcctors. The boardd of ddirecttors sshall be enntitleed to call for tthe coontribbutionns in one oor morre insstallmments from both Partiies inn propportioon to theirr partticipaation in thhe reggisterred caapitall and shalll exerrcise its ccalls so tiimely that all tthe coont
45、ribbutionns aree to bbe madde witthin ttwo yeears oof thee datee of iissuannce off the Compaanys businness llicensse or withiin anyy otheer perriod ddetermmined by thhe Boaard off Direectorss subjject tto manndatorry reqquiremments of Laaw. Note: Law shalll meann any publiished and ppubliccly avvail
46、abble PRRC lawws, reegulattions and rrules. 可選方案 2:OPTIION 2:2.8.3 根根據(jù)第2.55條和第2.110條,雙方方應(yīng)根據(jù)項目目的實際進(jìn)展展繳付雙方的的其余出資。董董事會將在收收到總經(jīng)理的的提議后起草草出資時間表表。繳付出資的日期期應(yīng)由董事會會基于其根據(jù)據(jù)項目建設(shè)進(jìn)進(jìn)度準(zhǔn)備的預(yù)預(yù)算以及根據(jù)據(jù)法律的強制制性要求所規(guī)規(guī)定的任何最最后期限而決決定。2.8.3 SSubjecct to Articcle 2.5 andd Artiicle 22.10 tthe Paartiess shalll payy in tthe reest off t
47、heiir cappital contrributiions aaccordding tto thee actuual prrojectt proggress. The Boardd of DDirecttors wwill ppreparre thee conttributtion sscheduule uppon reeceiptt of aa propposal by thhe Genneral Managger.The dattes off paymment oof cappital contrributiions sshall be deecidedd by tthe Booard
48、oof Dirrectorrs bassed onn the budgeets prrepareed acccordinng to the pprogreess off the projeect coonstruuctionn and any ddeadliines pprovidded foor undder maandatoory reequireementss of LLaw. 可選方案3:OPTIION 3: 2.8.4 雙方應(yīng)根據(jù)據(jù)第2.100條的規(guī)定自自公司營業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之日日起繳付以下下比例的出資資:2.8.4 The PPartiees shaall coontribbute
49、ssubjecct to Articcle 2.10 thhe folllowinng perrcentaage off the regissteredd capiital sstartiing frrom thhe datte of issuaance oof thee Comppanyss busiiness licennse: a. 公司營業(yè)執(zhí)執(zhí)照頒發(fā)之日日后的第 . ()個營業(yè)日日繳納注冊資資本總額的百百分之( %);a. On thhe . (th) BBusineess Daay folllowinng thee datee of tthe isssuancce of the CC
50、ompannys bbusineess liicensee: perccent ( %) of the ttotal Regissteredd Capiital; b. 公公司營業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日后后的第 . ()個月的第第 . ()個營業(yè)日日繳納注冊資資本總額的百百分之( %)。b. OOn thee (tth) Buusinesss Dayy of tthe (rd) monthh folllowingg the date of thhe isssuancee of tthe Coompanyys buusinesss liccense: perceent ( %) of tthe toot
51、al RRegisttered Capittal. 董事會可以,通通過董事的多數(shù)票/三分之二票票/一致同意/表決,推遲遲出資時間表表;但是,所所有出資必須須自營業(yè)執(zhí)照照頒發(fā)之日起起. ()個月內(nèi)繳足。如如果工廠建設(shè)設(shè)的實際進(jìn)度度加快,董事事會可以,通通過董事的多數(shù)票/三分之二票票/一致同意/表決,根據(jù)據(jù)公司的財務(wù)務(wù)需要加快出出資時間表。在在任何此種情情況下,董事事會應(yīng)當(dāng)確定定修改后的出出資時間表的的確切出資額額和日期。The Boaard off Direectorss may, by majorrity/ttwo thhird/uunanimmous/ votte of the DDirec
52、ttors oof thee Boarrd, poostponne thee conttributtion sscheduule prrovideed thaat alll conttributtions shalll be ppaid iin witthin () mmonthss fromm the date of isssuancce of the bbusineess liicensee. In the eevent that the aactuall proggress of thhe connstrucction of thhe Plaants iis accceleraated
53、tthe Booard oof Dirrectorrs mayy, by majoority/two tthird/unaniimous/ voote oof thee Direectorss of tthe Booard, accelleratee the contrributiion scchedulle bassed onn the finanncial needss of tthe Coompanyy. In any ssuch eevent the BBoard of Diirectoors shhall ddetermmine tthe exxact aamountts andd
54、datees of the rreviseed cappital contrributiion scchedulle. 2.9 每每一方均應(yīng)支支付因其出資資而產(chǎn)生的其其各自的稅費費和其它收費費,包括但不不限于印花稅稅等。2.9 EEach PParty shalll pay its rrespecctive taxess and chargges inncurreed duee to iits caapitall conttributtion, incluuding but nnot liimitedd to, stampp dutiies ettc. 2.10 只只有當(dāng)下述各各項前提條件件已
55、經(jīng)實現(xiàn)或或者雙方通過過書面形式進(jìn)進(jìn)行豁免,各各方才有義務(wù)務(wù)對公司的注注冊資本進(jìn)行行出資:2.10 NNo Parrty shhall hhave aany obbligattion tto makke anyy conttributtion tto thee Comppanyss regiistereed cappital untill eachh of tthe foollowiing coonditiions ppreceddent hhas beeen fuulfillled oor waiived bby thee Partties iin wriiting: a. 主管機關(guān)已已經(jīng)批準(zhǔn)
56、了項項目報告、本本合資經(jīng)營合合同和公司章章程,且沒有有變更其條款款或條件或施施加額外條款款或條件(除除非經(jīng)雙方書書面同意);a. The ccompettent aauthorrity hhas appproveed thee Projject RReportt, thiis Joiint Veenturee Conttract and tthe Arrticlees of Assocciatioon of the CCompanny witthout varyiing thheir tterms or coonditiions oor impposingg any addittionall
57、termms or condiitionss unleess coonsentted byy the Partiies inn writting; b. 主主管的國家工工商行政管理理局已經(jīng)頒發(fā)發(fā)了反映本合合資經(jīng)營合同同下經(jīng)營范圍圍的約定內(nèi)容容的公司營業(yè)業(yè)執(zhí)照(但是是不必使用相相同的措詞)。b. TThe coompeteent Sttate AAdminiistrattion oof Inddustryy and Commeerce hhas isssued the CCompannys bbusineess liicensee refflectiing thhe agrreed cconte
58、nnt, buut nott neceessariily thhe samme worrding, of tthe buusinesss scoope unnder tthis JJoint Ventuure Coontracct; 可選方案:根根據(jù)特定情況況(包括_等)所所增加的其它它前提條件OPTIONNS: otther ccondittions preceedent to bee addeed acccordinng to the sspeciffic caase inncludiing e.g. 【本合資經(jīng)營合合同附件.中公公司和.之間所所簽訂的【技術(shù)許可協(xié)協(xié)議/商標(biāo)許可協(xié)協(xié)議】經(jīng)簽
59、署并經(jīng)經(jīng)主管機關(guān)登登記;】The ttechnoology licennse aggreemeent/trrademaark liicensee agreeementt bettween the CCompaany annd . atttacheed herreto aas Annnex . wwere ssignedd and becamme reggisterred byy the compeetent authooritiees; 【令.方滿意的證證據(jù):即:將將根據(jù)附件.的的規(guī)定頒發(fā)的的第.條中所確確定的授予項項目土地使用用權(quán)的證明】;Evidennce too the satissfa
60、ctiion off Partty thatt the certiificatte on grantting oof thee landd use rightts forr the projeect ass defiined iin Artticle wwill bbe isssued iin acccordannce wiith Annnex ; 【公司董事會根根據(jù)本合資經(jīng)經(jīng)營合同和章章程設(shè)立?!縏he Coompanyys Booard oof Dirrectorrs wass estaablishhed inn accoordancce witth thiis Joiint Veentu
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