1、 set HdrInfo 18 March 1999 18 March 1999 set RepSubTitle A business case A business case set ReportName Knowledge Management Knowledge Management set CoName Information Risk Management Information Risk Management ref CoName * mergeformat Informaation Risk Managgementt REF ReportName * MERGEFORMAT Kn
2、owleddge Maanagemment REF RepSubTitle * MERGEFORMAT A businness ccase ref HdrInfo * mergeformat 18 Marcch 19999This reeport contaains NUMNIRM_KMM.docContenttsTOC o 1-3 t Appendix Heading, 11Backggroundd GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140019 PAGEREF _Toc448140019 11.1Whyy has knowlledge becomme a sstrateegic bbus
3、ineess isssue? GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140020 PAGEREF _Toc448140020 11.2Thee KPMGG globbal viision and sstrateegy GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140021 PAGEREF _Toc448140021 22Knowlledge managgementt defiined GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140022 PAGEREF _Toc448140022 52.1Knoowledgge GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140023 PAGEREF _Toc448140023
4、52.2Knoowledgge mannagemeent GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140024 PAGEREF _Toc448140024 62.3Thee knowwledgee systtem GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140025 PAGEREF _Toc448140025 63Knowlledge managgementt in IIRM GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140026 PAGEREF _Toc448140026 93.1Thee Unitted Kiingdomm GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140027 PAGEREF _Toc448
5、140027 93.1.1KKM strructurres GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140028 PAGEREF _Toc448140028 103.2Thee Unitted Sttates GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140029 PAGEREF _Toc448140029 123.3Intternattionall Headdquartters (IHQ) GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140030 PAGEREF _Toc448140030 133.4Souuth Affrica GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140031 PAGEREF _Toc448
6、140031 144Beneffits GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140032 PAGEREF _Toc448140032 164.1Keyy beneefits GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140033 PAGEREF _Toc448140033 164.1.1TTangibble beenefitts GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140034 PAGEREF _Toc448140034 164.1.2IIntanggible beneffits GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140035 PAGEREF _Toc448140035 175Costss GOT
7、OBUTTON _Toc448140036 PAGEREF _Toc448140036 196Challlengess GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140037 PAGEREF _Toc448140037 236.1Wheere too starrt? GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140038 PAGEREF _Toc448140038 236.2Cullturall channge GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140039 PAGEREF _Toc448140039 256.3Knoowledgge mannagemeent sttrateggy GOTOBUTTON
8、 _Toc448140040 PAGEREF _Toc448140040 267Technnologyy GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140041 PAGEREF _Toc448140041 278Conteent annd maiintenaance GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140042 PAGEREF _Toc448140042 288.1Genneric knowlledge GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140043 PAGEREF _Toc448140043 288.2Layyout GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140044 PAGEREF _Toc
9、448140044 298.3Cliient cconfiddentiaality GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140045 PAGEREF _Toc448140045 308.4Maiintenaance aand saanitattion GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140046 PAGEREF _Toc448140046 318.5A ccompleete prrocesss GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140047 PAGEREF _Toc448140047 319The nnext ssteps GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140048 PAGEREF
10、 _Toc448140048 33Appendiix A - Sugggestedd IRM Southh Afriica knnowleddge reeposittory sstructture GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140049 PAGEREF _Toc448140049 錯誤!未定定義書簽。Appendiix B - Drafft jobb desccriptiions ffor sttaffinng of a Knoowledgge Cenntre GOTOBUTTON _Toc448140050 PAGEREF _Toc448140050 錯誤!未定定義書簽。Backg
11、rooundWhy hass knowwledgee becoome a strattegic businness iissue?Recentlly theere haas beeen a sshift away from a 揷apitaal assset” bbased econoomy too one wheree the strattegic assetts of any oorganiisatioon aree its knowlledge assetts. TThis cchangee in pparadiigm iss as ggreat as thhe shiift inn t
12、he past from an aggricullturall to aan inddustriial-baased eeconommy at the sstart of thhe Inddustriial Reevoluttion.The usee of kknowleedge, and iits suubsequuent mmanageement, as aa straategicc tooll to eenablee firmms to gain an eddge ovver thheir ccompettitorss has been enablled thhroughh:techno
13、llogicaal advvancemments allowwing tthe caapturee, mannagemeent annd dissseminnationn of vvast qquantiities of innformaation withiin orgganisaationss;the emeergencce of 搗irtuaal orgganisaationss” in whichh tradditionnal booundarries sseparaating businness uunits are bblurriing; aandknowleddge beeing
14、 uutilissed too channge orrganissationns andd openn new markeets.In addiition, the riskss of nnot maanaginng onee抯 knowwledgee asseets inncludees:loss off prodductivvity aand oppportuunitiees thrrough wasteed timme finnding inforrmatioon andd dataa withhin ann orgaanisattion;informaation overlload a
15、as a rresultt of nno toools orr proccessess beinng in placee to mmanagee and organnise ddata aand innformaation;the losss of knowlledge due tto staaff atttritiion (iit is estimmated that 50% oof knoowledgge nott actiively storeed andd manaaged iis losst eveery 5 yearss assuuming a 10% turnnover in s
16、ttaff pper annnum); andcontinuual ree-inveentingg of tthe whheel aas lesssons learnned inn the past are nnot sttored and ppassedd on tto othhers iin thee orgaanisattion.The KPMMG gloobal vvisionn and strattegy揔PMG iss the globaal advvisoryy firmm whosse aimm is tto turrn knoowledgge intto vallue foo
17、r thee beneefit oof itss clieents, its ppeoplee and its ccommunnitiess.”KPMG iss a knnowleddge-baased oorganiisatioon. WWhile that impliies thhat wee recrruit aand reetain the hhighesst callibre of peerson, it iis nott so mmuch tthe poool off knowwledgee thatt is KKPMG tthat ccountss, butt rathher h
18、oow we turn that knowlledge into valuee.Our knoowledgge cann be sseen aas parrt of our ccompettitivee edgee, sommethinng thaat setts us apartt fromm our compeetitorrs. TThe KPPMG vaalue sset alllows us too maxiimise our aadvanttage bby maiintainning tthese valuees in all ddealinngs wiith sttaff aand
19、 cllientss. In orderr to aachievve thiis theese vaalues must be emmbeddeed intto ourr proccessess and activvitiess.The vallues ffocus on thhree aareas:Clientss;People; andKnowleddge.It is tthe laatter that this businness ccase aaddressses.The vallus ass exprressedd undeer Knoowledgge staate thhat, 揥
20、揥e willl conntinuoously extennd thee fronntierss of oour shhared knowlledge by trreatinng knoowledgge as a higghly-vvaluedd asseet whiich evveryonne in the ffirm hhas a rightt and obliggationn to uuse annd a rresponnsibillity tto conntribuute toowardss.”This iss the essennce off Knowwledgee Manaagem
21、ennt (KMM): thhe proocess of tuurningg a poool off diveerse kknowleedge aand exxpertiise innto a shareed ressourcee thatt bettter alllows the ffirm tto meeet itss goalls andd objeectivees.This prroposaal willl adddress the iissue of KMM withhin thhe Infformattion RRisk MManageement (IRM) pracctice b
22、y:explainning wwhat KKM acttuallyy is;examiniing thhe proocessees folllowedd by oother practtices arounnd thee worlld, sppecifiicallyy the Uniteed Kinngdom and tthe Unnited Statees;settingg out the bbenefiits too be dderiveed froom an effecctive KM prrocesss;forecassting the cchalleenges that lie aa
23、head, shouuld a KM sttructuure bee impllementted inn antiicipattion oof thee Soutth Afrrican firm as a wholee migrratingg to KKWorldd;investiigatinng thee techhnologgical resouurces availlable to ennable a succcessfful immplemeentatiion off KM; andsettingg out what the nnext ssteps shoulld be.The pr
24、ooposall is bbased on thhe undderlyiing asssumpttion tthat tthe Soouth AAfricaan firrm willl be impleementiing annd miggratinng to the KKWorldd plattform in thhe neaar futture; in alll likkelihoood byy Junee20000. Anny iniitiatiives, recommmendaationss and decissions arisiing frrom thhis doocumennt
25、shoould ttake tthat iinto aaccounnt, annd shoould bbe in line with what is pllannedd. Too thesse endds theere woould nneed tto be closee colllaboraation and cco-opeeratioon bettween IRM aand Teechnollogy SSupporrt (TSS) in any vventurres.Howeverr, KM is noot deppendennt on the ttechnoologiccal toool
26、s tthat aare too be uused. Rathher itt is aa proccess, mind-set aand cuulturee channge thhat wiill neeed too be iintrodduced and eembeddded wiithin IRM. Thiss proccess wwill uultimaately feed into the KKWorldd migrrationn at tthe appproprriate time.Knowleddge maanagemment ddefineedKnowleddgeKnowledd
27、ge caan be seen as:Experieence, factss, rulles, aasserttions and cconceppts abbout ssubjeccts crruciall to tthe buusinesss;A key rresourrce ussed thhroughhout aan orgganisaation to suupportt:decisioon-makking;forecassting;planninng; anndassessmment oof proojectss, staaff, eetc.;design of prroductts
28、andd servvices;analysiis andd bencchmarkking; andBeing fformall, sysstemattic annd reccordedd, or alterrnatelly as inforrmal, or evven ass someethingg heldd in aa persson抯 mindd.Knowleddge maanagemmentKnowleddge maanagemment sseeks to caapturee knowwledgee, as definned abbove, into sourcces off data
29、a and inforrmatioon thaat aree easyy to ffind aand ree-use. Theese soourcess makee up tthe 搆nowleedge ssystemm”, diiscusssed fuurtherr beloow.Knowleddge maanagemment ccan bee seenn as cconsissting of twwo sepparatee proccessess:the gattherinng, caapturiing annd forrmalissing oof knoowledgge; anndthe
30、 stooring, orgaanisinng, seearchiing annd harrnessiing off thiss knowwledgee.A usefuul anaalogy is thhat off a frruit ttree. The plantting oof thee seedd, tennding and wwateriing off the tree can bbe seeen as the iinitiaal proocess of seettingg up tthe Knnowleddge Reeposittoriess or ddatabaases. The
31、 fruitt thatt the tree ultimmatelyy bearrs is the aactuall usagge, shharingg and contiinual learnning tthat tthe orrganissationn抯 peopple exxperieence tthrouggh utiilisattion oof thee storred exxpertiise.A cruciial faactor in thhe succcess of anny KM proceess iss the creattion aand enncouraagemennt
32、of a cullture of shharingg of iinsighhts annd expperiennces bbetweeen co-workeers. Ultimmatelyy therre neeeds too be ccollabboratiion, ssharinng andd conttinuall learrning by peersonss withhin ann orgaanisattion.The knoowledgge sysstemA knowlledge systeem is a sysstem iin thee broaadest sensee of tt
33、he woord inn thatt it iincluddes peeople, proccessess, tecchnoloogy annd finnally conteent.Culturee playys a ccentraal rolle in the ssuccesss of any kknowleedge ssystemm impllementtationn , siince iit is only withiin a cculturre of knowlledge shariing thhat thhe inttellecctual assetts of a commpany
34、can bbe harrnesseed. SShouldd emplloyeess feell thatt the only way ffor thhem too advaance aand bee succcessfuul is for tthem tto hoaard thheir sskillss withhin thhemsellves, then knowlledge shariing annd mannagemeent caannot take placee. Emmployeees shhould be enncouraaged, or evven foorced, to cco
35、ntriibute to thhe knoowledgge basse andd shouuld bee actiively rewarrded ffor dooing sso. TThis mmay bee achiieved throuugh thhe expplicitt settting oof perrsonall objeectivees in the KKM sphhere uupon wwhich appraaisalss, andd ultiimatelly remmuneraation will be baased. It iis accceptedd thatt curr
36、rentlyy therre is an immpliciit exppectattion oof staaff too provvide mmentorring aand knnowleddge shharingg to oother stafff as ppart oof theeir daay-to-day aactiviities. Howwever, for KM too be ssuccesssful, therre neeeds too be eexpliccit reecogniition of acctive knowlledge shariing.It is rrecogn
37、nised that this form of reeward, and ultimmatelyy the embeddding of knnowleddge shharingg intoo the day-tto-dayy cultture oof thee firmm can only come aboutt withh fulll and contiinual backiing frrom toop mannagemeent.The proocessees putt in pplace to ennsure knowlledge shariing acctuallly happpens
38、in ann orgaanisattion pprovidde thee linkk betwween ppractiice, oor whaat hass takeen plaace, aand leearninng froom passt misstakess and succeesses.The tecchnoloogy iss simpply ann enabbler tto thee knowwledgee manaagemennt proocess. It is onnly wiith reecent devellopmennts, aand thhe avaailabiility
39、 of vaast sttoragee spacces annd doccumentt manaagemennt sysstems that knowlledge managgementt has been possiible iin anyy commmerciaally vviablee formm.The conntent of thhe knoowledgge sysstem iis a ffunctiion off whatt it iis to be uttiliseed forr. Thhis iss a keey deccisionn thatt needds to be ta
40、aken pprior to thhe impplemenntatioon of any mmanageement systeem.Knowleddge maanagemment iin IRMMThe Uniited KKingdoomCurrenttly thhe UK practtice iis leaading the wway inn rollling fforwarrd thee KM iinitiaative. A KKnowleedge RReposiitory (KR) was eestabllishedd in JJanuarry19999, annd hass recee
41、ived upwarrds off 200 submiissionns. AAccesss to tthe reeposittory iis thrrough the UUK inttranett, UKnnow, aand prrovidees a ccompreehensiive seearch facillity tto quiickly and aaccuraately identtify aand loocate documments.A monthhly neewslettter iis pubblisheed on the IIRM inntraneet sitte, accce
42、ssiible tthrouggh OpeenAcceess frrom Soouth AAfricaa on MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor PRIVATE HREF= detaiiling new kknowleedge ssubmittted, lessoons leearnedd, mosst poppular documments, and usefuul hinnts annd tipps.IRM havve beeen reqquesteed to chairr forttnighttly 揅ommunnity oof intterestt” grooups
43、ffor alll UK Knowlledge Managgers. Thiss is ddue too the entirre IRMM teamm haviing maaintaiined aa highh pro the UUK KM groupp, andd throough IIRM ass a whhole hhavingg embrraced the iidea aand cuulturee of kknowleedge ssharinng.In addiition, the UK KMM grouup is invesstigatting tthe prroducttion o
44、of an interrnal ccase sstudy documment ddetailling IIRM抯 KM pprograamme. The proceess unndertaaken bby IRMM is aacknowwledgeed as best practtice iin thee deveelopmeent off a KMM proggrammee and may wwell fform tthe baasis ffor ann inteernatiional IRM, if noot firrm-widde, moodel ffor thhe devvelopmm
45、ent aand rooll ouut of the KKM iniitiatiive.The KM Managger wiithin the FFinanccial SSectorr grouup, Waalter Palk, is aan ex-KPMG Johannnesbuurg emmployeee, annd willl be returrning to thhe Johhannessburg officce forr a peeriod of siix monnths sstartiing Seeptembber19999. He haas beeen parrticullarl
46、y activve in the KKM devvelopmment pprocesss in the UUK andd is kkeen ffor Soouth AAfricaa to llever off hhis skkills in thhis arrea, rratherr thann re-iinventting tthe whheel.KM struuctureesFigure 1Knowleddge ceentressKnowleddge ceentress havee beenn set up too act as 揷leariing hoouses” for iinform
47、mationn and knowlledge, actiing ass focaal poiints aand pllayingg a keey rolle in encouuraginng knoowledgge shaaring. As can bbe seeen froom thee grapphic aabove, knowwledgee centtres hhave bbeen sset upp in eeach BBusineess Unnit annd Speecialiist Unnit wiithin KPMG UK.Their rroles incluude:the fac
48、cilitaation, captture aand diissemiinatioon of knowlledge;a qualiity asssurannce annd fillterinng rolle to ensurre thaat onlly quaality, or bbest ppractiice, mmateriial fiinds iits waay intto thee Knowwledgee Repoositorries;identifficatiion off suppportinng infformattion ssourcees botth intternall a
49、nd exterrnal tto thee firmm;providiing siignpossts too apprropriaate peerson/s or sourcces off infoormatiion, aand accting as a commuunicattor off wherre knoowledgge cann be ffound;ensurinng thaat staaff arre rewwardedd for shariing quualitaative knowlledge throuugh reecogniition and oother meanss;d
50、eveloppment of awwareneess off whatt knowwledgee is aavailaable aand whhere tto finnd it; andthe upkkeep aand maaintennance of thhe conntent of thhe knoowledgge reppositoory.DatabassesThe maiin dattabasee currrentlyy in uuse ass far as KMM is cconcerrned iis thee knowwledgee repoositorry sett up iin
51、 Jannuary1999. A ffull ttime ssupporrt staaff meember has bbeen eemployyed too co-oordinaate thhe cappture, storrage aand diissemiinatioon of inforrmatioon andd knowwledgee storred inn the databbase.In addiition, a seeparatte areea on the nnetworrk is proviided ffor thhe stoorage and rretrieeval oof
52、 cliient sspeciffic daata. This area is coontrollled tthrouggh nettwork securrity, with accesss onlly beiing grrantedd to IIRM.The Uniited SStatessThe US practtice iis parrt of the ffirst wave of thhe KM and KKWorldd migrrationn. Currrentlly theey aree:rebuildding tthe innternaationaal KPMMG webb si
53、tee, MACROBUTTON HtmlResAnchor PRIVATE HREF= ;populatting KKWorldd withh theiir libbrary documments (thiss invoolves removving iinformmationn currrentlyy storred onn KMann and migraating it innto knnowleddge reeposittoriess acceessiblle thrrough the KKWorldd porttal); andworkingg on tthe ovvervieew
54、of IRM pproduccts annd serrvicess.They haave noot hirred ann IRM Knowlledge Managger ass yet, howeever tthis iis in the ppipeliine. This persoon willl be requiired tto, ammongstt otheer tassks, ccollatte rellevantt infoormatiion annd enssure tthat iit is forwaarded to thhe rellevantt perssons tthrou
55、ggh thee avaiilablee channnels.They arre loooking to reely heeavilyy on wweb-baased ttechnoologiees in orderr to ffree uup thee e-maail annd mannual pprintiing coommuniicatioon chaannelss.Internaationaal Heaadquarrters (IHQ)Joanna Parr, on sseconddment to IHHQ froom thee Londdon offfice, is ccurrenn
56、tly iinvolvved inn a nuumber of innternaationaal iniitiatiives ffrom aan IRMM persspectiive. TThese incluude:The devvelopmment oof a sset off 揷ore” IRM sservicces thhat wiill foorm thhe bassis off the IRM ssuite of seervicees;Buildinng a ggloball KWorrld arrea too be ppopulaated wwith ccore mmethodd
57、ologiies, ttoolkiits, ccheckllists, etc. Thiis infformattion iis currrentlly helld, too a grreaterr or llesserr exteent, oon OpeenAcceess;Overseeeing aand prrovidiing guuidancce forr smalller ppractiices aas thee movee towaards tthe gllobaliisatioon of KPMG gatheers sppeed;The deffiningg of aadditii
58、onal 揷ore” serviices tto be proviided bby IRMM as ggloballisatiion addvancees;The mannagingg of tthe miigratiion off OpennAccesss ontto thee KWorrld pllatforrm by Marchh20000, at whichh poinnt OpeenAcceess wiill bee disccontinnued; andProvidiing a pointt of ccontacct forr IRM practtices worldd-widee
59、.South AAfricaaFrom diiscusssions with Richaard Saamson and PPhil HHartriidge oof Tecchnoloogy Suupportt, it appeaars thhat Soouth AAfricaa willl be ppart oof thee thirrd wavve of KWorlld rollloutss. Thhis iss expeected to taake pllace nnot soooner than Septeember1999, but more realiisticaally aas f
60、room Junne20000. TThis ppresennts a challlenge to thhe Souuth Affricann IRM practtice aas reggards impleementiing anny forrm of KM prrior tto beiing 揔Worldd抎”. AAny deecisioons, oor iniitiatiives tthat wwe mayy takee mustt cleaarly bbe in line with the KKM/KWoorld sstrateegy woorld-wwide. To tthese
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