1、MicrosooftHow to confiigure an Innterneet-Faccing DDeployyment for MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.002/9/20009This doocumennt is intennded tto covver hoow to set uup thee Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM 44.0 Weeb sitte to make it avvailabble frrom thhe Intternett. Thhis doocumennt willl covver thhe folllowi
2、nng Intternett-Faciing Deeploymment (IFD) scenaarios for MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00. Installl or UUpgradde Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM 4.0 tthrouggh thee userr inteerfacee (UI) setuupInstalll or Upggrade Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 witth a cconfigguratiion fiileTable of ContentsTOC o 1-3 h z
3、u HYPERLINK l _Toc221941379 Overvieew PAGEREF _Toc221941379 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941380 Using aa conffiguraation file or thhe “CRRM40IFFDTooll” PAGEREF _Toc221941380 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941381 Setup ttest DDNS reecord PAGEREF _Toc221941381 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941382 Microsooft Dyynamiccs CRM
4、M Dataa Connnectorr for SQL SServerr Repoortingg Servvices PAGEREF _Toc221941382 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941383 Scenariio 1: Instaall orr Upgrrade MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00 throough tthe usser innterfaace (UUI) seetup PAGEREF _Toc221941383 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941384 Scenariio 2: Instaall or
5、r Upgrrade MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00 withh a coonfiguuratioon fille PAGEREF _Toc221941384 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941385 How to use tthe CRRM40IFFDTooll PAGEREF _Toc221941385 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941386 Steps tto runn the tool PAGEREF _Toc221941386 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941387 More Innforma
6、ation PAGEREF _Toc221941387 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941388 ISA Serrver PAGEREF _Toc221941388 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941389 Turn offf IFDD PAGEREF _Toc221941389 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941390 Log Fille PAGEREF _Toc221941390 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941391 Installling CCRM wiith IFFD enaabled againnst
7、 ann exissting websiite wiith Hoost heeaderss or aa Certtificaate ennabledd on tthe weebsitee. PAGEREF _Toc221941391 h 13 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941392 Splittiing Ouut Serrver RRoles PAGEREF _Toc221941392 h 14 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941393 Troubleeshootting IInformmationn PAGEREF _Toc221941393 h 16 HYPERLIN
8、K l _Toc221941394 FAQ PAGEREF _Toc221941394 h 18 HYPERLINK l _Toc221941395 Send Feeedbacck on the aarticlle PAGEREF _Toc221941395 h 24How to confiigure an Interrnet-FFacingg Deplooymentt for Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0This doocumennt willl covver thhe folllowinng Intternett-Faciing Deeploymment (I
9、FD) scenaarios for MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00. Installl or Upggrade Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 thrrough the uuser iinterfface (UI) setuupInstalll or Uppgradee Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM 44.0 wiith a confiigurattion ffileThis doocumennt is intennded tto covver hoow to set uup Microosoft Dynam
10、mics CCRM 4.0 to make it reeady tto be accesssed ffrom tthe Innterneet. Thhis doocumennt willl nott coveer thee stepps thaat youu must compllete tto makke a servver avvailabble frrom thhe Intternett. Thhere wwill bbe addditionnal stteps ddependding oon if you aare ussing IISA seerver, fireewallss or
11、 aanythiing ellse inn yourr enviironmeent thhat maay neeed to be coonfiguured tto gett yourr servver acccessiible ffrom tthe innterneet.OvervieewUsing aa configguratiion fiile orr the “CRM440IFDTTool”To suuccesssfullyy set up a Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 IFDD enviironmeent, therre aree seveeral i
12、items that must bbe sett for auuthentticatiion too workk corrrectlyy. Thhese ooptionns aree set when you iinstalll Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM 4.0 bby usiing a confiigurattion ffile oor by usingg the “CRM440IFDTTool” afterr Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM iis insstalleed to enablle IFDD.Enablinng IFDD does
13、s the folloowing:The webb.conffig fiile coontainns an autheenticaation strattegy pparameeter. Thiss paraameterr willl be uupdateed to “ServvicePrrovideerLiceenseAggreemeent”Foor exaample, you wouldd see the ffollowwing pparameeter iin thee web.confiig fille: The Enaable aanonymmous aaccesss authhent
14、iccationn methhod onn the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 Webb site is markeed. Note: The IIntegrrated Windoows auuthentticatiion meethod must remaiin marrked ffor innternaal useers whho do not aaccesss the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM Weeb sitte by usingg the IFFD depploymeent.The DepploymeentProopertii
15、es taable iin thee MSCRRM_Connfig SSQL daatabasse hass threee vallues tthat aare uppdatedd.IfdRoottDomaiinScheeme http orr httppsIfdSdkRRootDoomainDIfdWebAAppliccationnRootDDomainnDThe IfddInterrnalNeetworkkAddreess reegistrry keyy on tthe Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM servver iss updaated. This regis
16、stry kkey deterrminess whetther tthe usser iss loggging iinto tthe Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM Web site from the IInternnet orr Intrranet. This regisstry vvalue then deterrminess whetther tthe usser usses CRM ttickett authhenticcationn (Intternett) or Integgratedd Winddows aauthennticattion (Intraan
17、et).The IfddInterrnalNeetworkkAddreess regisstry kkey iss locaated hhere:HHKEY_LLOCAL_MACHIINESOOFTWARREMiccrosofftMSCCRMThis keey hollds ann exammple oof an ip adddresss and the ssubnett of tthe doomain. For exampple, tthe keey mayy holdd the folloowing ip adddresss and subneet vallue:192.2200.100.
18、96-2555.2555.255.0If you have more than 1 subbnet, you ccan addd mulltiplee valuues too the regisstry kkey.Noote: TThe vaalues must be seeparatted byy a coomma.192.2200.100.1-250, 192.2220.64.1-2255.2555.252.0Key enccryptiion wiill bee enabbled. For a uuser tto logg on to thhe Miccrosoff
19、t Dynnamicss CRM Web ssite wwith tthe CRRM Ticcket AAuthennticattion, the CRMTiicketKKey muust too be eenableed. WWithouut a ttickett the autheenticaation will fail.The keyy encrryptioon is enaabled by seettingg the ooptionn in tthe coonfiguuratioon fille wheen youu insttall oor upggrade to Miccroso
20、fft Dynnamicss CRM 4.0. You ccan allso usse thee “CRM400IFDToool” tto enaable tthe keey enccryptiion affter tthe innstalll or uupgradde. Setup ttest DDNS reecordAAfter you have complleted the iinstalllatioon or upgraade byy usinng a cconfigguratiion fiile orr the “CRM440IFDTTool,” you mmust sset upp
21、 a DNNS reccord ffor eaach orrganizzationn thatt willl be aaccesssed exxternaally ffrom tthe Innterneet. Seettingg up tthe DNNS reccord eenablees thee Web site to coorrecttly reesolvee exteernallly.When Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM 4.0 iis insstalleed, or wwhen yyou crreate a new organnizatiion, you
22、proviide a Displlay Naame annd a NName ffor eaach orrganizzationn. Thhe Namme fieeld iss a unnique name that must bbe lesss thaan 30 charaacterss and cannoot conntain spacees or otherr speccial ccharaccters. Thiis Namme is used in thhe URLL addreess whhen yoou opeen thee Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM WW
23、eb siite. The DDNS hoost reecord that needss to bbe settup iss for the NName oof eacch orgganizaation you nneed tto acccess tthrouggh IFDD.For exaample, assuume thhe Displlay Naame valuee is MMicrossoft CCRM annd thee Name valuee is Microosoft. To oopen tthe Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM Web site for
24、aan IDFF deplloymennt, the URL addreess woould bbe HYPERLINK htttps:/m. Yoou wouuld neeed too creaate a DNS hhost rrecordd callled Microssoft.Note: Thiss exammple aassumees thee DNS recorrds arre sett up to coorrecttly reesolvee thiss URL addreess exxternaally.Microsooft Dyynamiccs CRMM Dataa Connne
25、ctorr for SQL SServerr Repoortingg Servvices You mmust iinstalll thee Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM DData CConnecctor ffor SQQL Serrver RReportting SServicces onn the Microosoft SQL SServerr Repoort Seerver if ussers wwill rrun Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM repoorts wwhen aaccesssing MMicrossoft DDynamiic
26、s CRRM oveer IDFF.Note: MMicrossoft SSQL 20005 Woorkgrooup Edditionn doess not suppoort cuustom data extennsionss for SQL SServerr Repoortingg Servvices. Theereforre, thhe Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM Data Conneector for SSQL Seerver Reporrting Serviices wwill nnot woork whhen innstallled onn the Micr
27、oosoft SQL 22005 WWorkgrroup EEditioon. For morre infformattion, see tthe foollowiing Miicrosooft Knnowleddgebasse (KBB) artticle: HYPERLINK /kb/946753 httpp:/kb/9446753 Scenariio 1: Instaall orr Upgraade Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 thrrough the uuser iinterfface (UI) ssetupThere aare noo optiions
28、 to eenablee the Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM 4.0 IDF ddeployyment in thee Setuup Wizzard. Thereefore the CCRM40IIFDToool musst be used to ennable IFD aafter Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 is instaalled. In this exampple CRRM hass beenn insttalledd or uupgradded too CRM 4.0 aand ouur uniique OOrganiiz
29、atioon Namme is calleed MiccrosofftPost Innstalllationn Taskks forr Scennario 1:Run thee CRMM40IFDDTool to enaable tthe IFFD envvironmment. This tool is avvailabble foor dowwnloadd in tthe foollowiing Miicrosooft KBB artiicle: HYPERLINK /kb/948779 http:/kkb/9488779 For iinformmationn on hhow too run
30、 the CRM400IFDToool ssee thhe How tto usee the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM Innterneet Faccing DDeployyment Confiigurattion TTool sectiion inn thiss docuument. Create a Hosst or Aliass recoord inn DNS for eeach MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM orgganizaation that will be acccesseed extternallly onn the Inte
31、rrnet. For thhe URLL addreess too resoolve ccorrecctly, you mmust ccreatee a DNNS Hosst or Aliass recoord foor thee for the uuniquee orgaanizattion nname iin Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM. Forr exammple: HYPERLINK httpss:/ Mm woulld neeed a DDNS hoost orr aliaas reccord ccalledd Micrrosoftt.To creaate
32、a DNS hhost oor aliias reecord folloow theese stteps:On yourr DNS serveer cliick Sttart, clickk Run annd typpe in dnsmggmt.msscExpand Forwaard Loookup Zoness and rightt clicck youur dommain.ccom foolder and cchoosee New Host (A) or Neww Aliaas (CNNAME)In the Name fieldd or AAlias name fieldd typee t
33、he uniquue orgganizaation name you sspeciffied wwhen ssettinng up CRM. Notee: If you ddo nott knoww the uniquue namme youu can checkk thiss in DDeployyment Managger onn the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM Seerver by seelectiing thhe Orgganizaationss nodee and then rightt clicck on your Organnizatiion naam
34、e annd chooose pproperrties.Then tyype inn the IP adddresss of tthe CRRM Serrver iif youu are creatting aa hostt recoord annd cliick Addd Hosst, thhen cllick OOK andd clicck Donne. If you aare addding an Allias cclick Browsse andd add the MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM serrver aand cllick OOK.Scenariio
35、 2: Instaall orr Upgrrade Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 witth a cconfigguratiion fiileYou cann creatte IFDD setttings in thhe connfigurrationn filee. Thhen, yyou caan usee the confiigurattion ffile dduringg the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM innstalllationn or uupgradde to enablle IFDD. The folllowinng o
36、pttions are aavailaable iin thee conffiguraation file:This opption shoulld onlly be used for IInternnet-faacing deplooymentts. Seet enaabled = trrue tto nottify MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM Serrver SSetup to coonfiguure thhe depploymeent foor Intternett acceess. IIf thee elemeent iss not speciified,
37、the enablled atttribuute vaalue iis sett to ffalse. IP Netwoork Adddresss-Subjject MMaskIPP addrress aand suubnet mask, suchh as 1157.566.137.105-2255.2555.2555.0. TThis iis thee inteernal IP adddresss and the aassociiated subneet massk of the ssubnett wherre youur intternall userrs resside. The sub
38、neets yoou entter heere wiill bee for the ccomputters tthat yyou waant too be cconsiddered as innternaal andd you do noot wannt thee userrs to loginn throough tthe IFFD envvironmment wwhen tthey aare onn thesse subbnets. To enterr multtiple subneets usse a ccomma to seeparatte thee valuues inn the c
39、onfiigurattion ffileNote: IIf youu leavve thiis eleement blankk, alll commmunicaation to thhe Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM serveer willl be consiideredd as iinternnal annd useers wiill deefaultt to wwindowws autthentiicatioon wheen hittting the MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM websiite.httpps/htttp Mustt b
40、e hhttps, whicch willl usee secuure soocketss layeer (SSSL), oor htttp, whhich wwill uuse thhe nonnsecurre HTTTP prootocoll.Notee: SSetup does not rrequirre SSLL on tthe Weeb sitte wheere Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM is iinstallled. We sttronglly reccommennd thaat youu speccify tthe htttps vvalue in
41、thhe roootdomaainschheme eelemennt. Inn addiition, afteer Settup iss compplete, to hhelp pprotecct infformattion tthat iis traansmittted bbetweeen useers annd Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM Serveer, wee recoommendd thatt you confiigure the WWeb siite too requuire SSSL. FFor moore innformaation aboutt ho
42、w to usse SSLL, seee the Interrnet IInformmationn Servvices (IIS) Manaager HHelp. Speccifiess the domaiin namme thaat willl be used for aappliccationns thaat usee the methoods deescribbed inn the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 Sofftwaree Deveelopmeent Kiit (SDDK). TThe vaalue tthat iis sett heree wil
43、ll be pprefixxed byy yourr uniqque orrganizzationn namee to fform tthe URRL so you oonly nneed tto putt in tthe SSpeciffies tthe doomain name that will be ussed foor thee Micrrosoftt Dynaamics CRM WWeb appplicaation and MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM forr Outllook. The valuee thatt is sset heere wiill
44、bee preffixed by yoour unnique organnizatiion naame too formm the URL soo you only need to puut in the Note: If yoou aree goinng to splitt out your serveer rolles seee thee Moree Infoormatiion seectionn at tthe ennd of this documment.The folllowinng connfigurrationn filee exammple ccontaiins ann IFD
45、 sectiion: 192.200.447.1-2255.2555.2555.0 httpss dommain.ccom NOTE: FFor moore innformaation aboutt conffiguraation file instaallatiions, see tthe Miicrosooft Dyynamiccs CRMM 4.0 Impleementaation Guidee.After tthe innstalllationn is ccompleete, wwhen yyou loog on to thhe Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM W
46、eb ssite ffrom aa compputer that is ouutsidee the subneet zonne(s) you sspeciffied iin thee IFDIInternnalNettworkAAddresss reggistryy key, yyou wiill geet reddirectted too the sign in paage liike inn the screeen shoot bellow.Post Innstalllationn Taskks forr Scennario 2:Create a Hosst or Aliass recoo
47、rd inn DNS for eeach MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM orgganizaation that will be acccesseed extternallly onn the Interrnet. For the UURL adddresss to rresolvve corrrectlly, yoou musst creeate aa DNS Host or Allias rrecordd for the ffor thhe uniique oorganiizatioon namme in Microosoft Dynammics CCRM. For
48、 eexamplle: HYPERLINK htttps:/ Mm woulld neeed a DDNS hoost orr aliaas reccord ccalledd Micrrosoftt.To creaate a DNS hhost oor aliias reecord folloow theese stteps:On yourr DNS serveer cliick Sttart, clickk Run annd typpe in dnsmggmt.msscExpand Forwaard Loookup Zoness and rightt clicck youur dommain
49、.ccom foolder and cchoosee New Host (A) or Neww Aliaas (CNNAME)In the Name fieldd or AAlias name fieldd typee the uniquue orgganizaation name you sspeciffied wwhen ssettinng up CRM. Notee: If you ddo nott knoww the uniquue namme youu can checkk thiss in DDeployyment Managger onn the Microosoft Dynam
50、mics CCRM Seerver by seelectiing thhe Orgganizaationss nodee and then rightt clicck on your Organnizatiion naame annd chooose pproperrties.Then iff you are ccreatiing a host recorrd typpe in the IIP adddress of thhe Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM Serveer andd clicck Addd Hostt, theen cliick OKK and clic
51、kk Donee. Iff you are aaddingg an AAlias clickk Browwse annd addd the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM seerver and cclick OK.How to use tthe CRRM40IFFDToollSteps tto runn the toolDownloaad thee CRM44IFDToool frrom thhe folllowinng Miccrosofft KB articcle: HYPERLINK /kb/948779 hhttp:/suppport.mmicrossoft.cc
52、om/kbb/9487779On the compuuter tthat iis runnning the sserverr insttallattion oof Miccrosofft Dynnamicss CRM 4.0, exxtractt the CRM4IIFDToool to the ffollowwing ddirecttory: drivee :Prrogramm FileesMiccrosofft Dynnamicss CRMTooolsRun thee CRM44IFDToool.exxe toool.Click tthe Auuthentticatiion Sttrate
53、ggy lisst andd clicck IFDD+On PPremisse.Type thhe IP Addreess annd thee subnnet. Note: TThe IPP addrress iis jusst an exampple off a vaalid IIP adddress on thhe speecificc subnnet. IIt doees nott havee to bbe thee IP aaddresss forr the Microosoft Dynammics sserverr. Yoou cann enteer morre thaan onee
54、 subnnet. TThe suubnetss you enterr heree willl be ffor thhe commputerrs thaat aree inteernal and yyou doo not want the uusers to loogin tthrouggh thee IFD envirronmennt wheen theey aree on tthese subneets.Click tthe IFFD Dommain SSchemee listt, andd thenn clicck eitther HHTTP oor HTTTPS.Type thhe I
55、FDD App Root Domaiin andd IFD SDK RRoot DDomainn. Thiss willl onlyy be tthe doomain name. For exampple, ttype or Note: TThe IFFD setttingss willl be hhow thhe cliient ccomputters wwill aaccesss the Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0 Webbsite when not lloggedd on tthe loocal IIntrannet. The ddomainn namee
56、 enteered hhere wwill bbe preefixedd by tthe unnique organnizatiion naame too formm the full URL off the IFD eenviroonmentt whenn the user is looggingg in.The AD Domaiin Schheme shoulld alrready be fiilled in frrom whhen yoou insstalleed CRMM.The AD App RRoot DDomainn and AD SDDK Rooot Dommain will
57、also alreaady bee fillled inn fromm whenn you instaalled CRM. Howeever, you ccan usse thiis toool to changge theem if needeed.Note: DDo nott typee httpp or hhttps as thhat iss alreeady sselectted inn the AD Doomain Schemme lisst.Note: TThe ADD setttings will be hoow thee clieent coomputeers wiill ac
58、ccess the MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00 Webssite wwhen lloggedd on thhe loccal Inntraneet andd not loggiing onn throough IIFD.Click FFile, and tthen cclick Applyy Channges.More InnformaationTThe CRRM4IFDDTool tool will enablle IFDD for Microosoft Dynammics CCRM 4.0. Hooweverr, youu mustt creaate
59、thhe DNSS recoord annd verrify tthe seerver and MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00 webssite aare acccessiible ffrom tthe Innterneet. Thhe CRMM40IFDDTool will only changge thee setttings needeed to get MMicrossoft DDynamiics CRRM 4.00 readdy to be acccesseed extternallly.ISA SerrverIf you are cconfiggu
60、ringg IFD in ann enviironmeent whhere aan ISAA Servver 20006 iss beinng useed pleease rrefer to thhis bllog poost foor morre infformattion. HYPERLINK /isablog/archive/2008/07/23/publishing-microsoft-crm-4-0-through-isa-server-2006.aspx httpp:/m/isabblog/aarchivve/20008/07/23/puublishhing-mmicrossoft
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- 《職業(yè)院校與本科高校對(duì)口貫通分段培養(yǎng)協(xié)議書(shū)》
- GJB9001C質(zhì)量管理體系要求-培訓(xùn)專(zhuān)題培訓(xùn)課件
- 人教版(2024)英語(yǔ)七年級(jí)上冊(cè)單詞表
- 中醫(yī)養(yǎng)生產(chǎn)業(yè)現(xiàn)狀及發(fā)展趨勢(shì)分析
- 2023年浙江省溫州市中考數(shù)學(xué)真題含解析
- 窗簾采購(gòu)?fù)稑?biāo)方案(技術(shù)方案)