1、虛擬現實開發(fā)文檔羅維03091350功能概述運用vrml語語言構造了一一個虛擬現實實世界。運動動物體包括氣氣球,火車,汽汽車,交通燈燈等,靜止物物體包括山脈脈,樹林,房房屋,人物,花花草,電話亭亭,國旗,座座椅,廣告牌牌,雨傘等,另另外還包含背背景和聲音。使用說明2.1廣告牌截圖:程序:#VRML V2.0 utf8Transfoorm transllationn 0.0 0.0 00.0 #背背景顏色childrren Transsform trannslatiion0.0 00.0 0chilldren #創(chuàng)建廣廣告牌造型Shaape apppearaance AAppearrancemm
2、ateriial MMateriial diffuuseCollor 0.2 0.33 0.3 geeometrry Boxx #廣告告牌ssize 112 6.55 0.2 Transfoorm trannslatiion0.0 00.0 -00.02chilldren Shapee appeearancce ApppearanncetexxtureImageeTextuure uurladveertiseement.png matteriall Matteriall diiffuseeColorr 0.0 0.0 00.0 geommetry Box sizze 11 5.6 00.4 #
3、廣告屏幕DEF legg Trannsformm #廣告柱柱子transllationn 5 -44 0.1scale 0.04 0.04 0.04 chilldrenShape # Shapee 模型節(jié)點點appeaarancee Appeearanccemateerial Mateerial #空間間物體造型外外觀difffuseCColor 0.2 00.3 0.3 #一種材料料的漫反射顏顏色 geomeetry CCylindder #柱體節(jié)節(jié)點radiius 2.0 #圓柱體半徑徑heigght 1000.0 #圓柱體體高top TRUE #圓柱柱體有頂#botttom TTRUE
4、#圓圓柱體有底botttom FAALSEsidee TRUEE #圓柱柱體有曲面Transfoorm #椅椅子腿transllationn -10 0 0 chilldren USE lleg2.2熱氣球球截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8Group childrren BackgrooundskyCollor0.2 0.5 00.6#創(chuàng)建月球造型型Transfformtransllationn 0 0 0.0scale 1 1 11 chilldren Shaape #銀白顏色appeaarancee AppeearanccetexttureImageeTextuure urr
5、lballloon.ppng mateerial Mateerial #空間間物體造型外外觀 difffuseCoolor 00.5 0.5 0.77 #一種材料的的漫反射顏色色ambiientInntensiity 0.4 #多少環(huán)境光光被該表面反反射speccularCColor 0.8 00.8 0.9 #物體鏡面反反射光線的顏顏色shinninesss 0.200 #造型外觀材材料的亮度 geomeetry SSpheree #球體體radiius 4 Transfformtransllationn 0 -44 0.0scale 1 0.66 0.6 chilldren Shaape
6、appeaarancee AppeearanccetexxtureImageeTextuure urrlcoloor.pngg mateerial Mateerial #空間間物體造型外外觀 difffuseCoolor 00.3 0.2 0.00 #一種材料的的漫反射顏色色ambiientInntensiity 0.4 #多少環(huán)境光光被該表面反反射speccularCColor 0.7 00.7 0.6 #物體鏡面反反射光線的顏顏色shinninesss 0.2 #造造型外觀材料料的亮度 geomeetry CCylindder #潛艇艦橋(嘹嘹望塔)radiius 1.0heigght 3
7、.0sidee TRUEEtopTRUEbotttom TRRUE 熱氣球運動動程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8DEFflyy1 Traansforrm #引入月球造造型chilldren Inlinneurl ballloon.wwrlDEFTTime1 TimeSSensorr #時間傳傳感器cyclleInteerval 32loopp TRUEEDEFfflyintter1 PPositiionIntterpollator #移動位位置節(jié)點key #相對對時間的邏輯輯值0.00,0.0883,0.1166,0.252,00.332,0.4122,0.4996,0.5581,0.
8、664,00.747,0.83,0.9133,1.0keyVValue #空空間坐標的位位置值與相對對時間的邏輯輯值 0 0 -220, 6.6 0 -15, 133.2 00 -9, 200 0 0, 133.2 00 9, 6.6 0 115 0 0 20 -66.6 0 15 -113.2 00 9 -220 0 00 -113.2 00 -9 -66.6 0 -15 0 0 -200 ROUTE TTime1.fracttion_cchangeedTO fllyinteer1.seet_fraactionnROUTE fflyintter1.vvalue_changged TOOfly
9、1.set_ttransllationn2.3國旗截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8Group childrren Transsform ttransllationn -22 -3 222scalle 0.110.1 0.1 chiildrenn Transsform childdren Shapee appeaarancee Appeearancce textture IImageTTexturre url flag.gif geomeetry BBox size 27 0.1 27 Transsform trranslaation 0 15 0 chhildreen SShap
10、e appeaarancee Appeearancce textture IImageTTexturre url flaggbase.gif geomeetry CCylindder radiius 0.2 botttom TRRUE top TRUE heigght 300 sidee TRUEE Trannsformm chilldren SShape appeaarancee Appeearancce textture IImageTTexturre url flaggbase.gif geomeetry CCylindder radiius 2.0 botttom TRRUE top
11、TRUE heigght 1.0 sidee TRUEE Trannsformm trranslaation 4 28 0 sccale2 2 22 chhildreen SShape appeaarancee Appeearancce textture IImageTTexturre url chinna.giff geomeetry BBox sizee 4.0 2.0 00.01 Viewpoiint orienntatioon 0 11 0 1.2 posittion -15 -22 252.4公共汽車車截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8DEF Buss Trannsfor
12、mm childreenDEF boddy Shaape appearaanceAppeaarancee materiaalDEF LLtGrayy_Coloor Matteriall ambienttIntennsity0.25diffuseeColorr0.702213 0.702133 0.700213textureeImageeTextuure urlbuus_sidde.jpgggeometrryIndexxedFacceSet coordCCoordiinate point 1.79909 0 -7.677,1.7909 0 7.66904,1.7909 1.9822 7.6990
13、4,1.7909 3.9644 7.19949,1.7909 3.9644 -7.11745,1.7909 3.46885 -7.67,-1.80155 0 -77.67,-1.80155 0 7.6904,-1.80155 1.9882 7.66904,-1.80155 3.9664 7.11949,-1.80155 3.9664 -7.1745,-1.80155 3.46685 -77.67 coordInndex 0, 5, 4, 2, -1, 0, 2, 11,-1, 4, 3, 2, -1, 11, 66, 7,8, -1, 9, 100, 11, 8, -1 texCoorrdTe
14、xtuureCooordinaate point 0.000770666 0.0117324,0.997411 0.0117324,0.997411 0.499809,0.965499 0.977886,0.0396333 0.997886,0.00770066 0.858677,0.00770066 0.0173224,0.997411 0.0117324,0.997411 0.499809,0.965499 0.977886,0.0396333 0.997886,0.00770066 0.858677 DEF froont01 Shapee appearaanceAppeaarancee
15、materiaalUSE LLtGrayy_ColoortextureeImageeTextuure urlbuus_froont.jppggeometrryIndexxedFacceSet coordCCoordiinate point 1.79909 0 7.69004,1.7909 1.9822 7.69904,1.7909 3.9644 7.19949,-1.80155 0 7.6904,-1.80155 1.9882 7.66904,-1.80155 3.9664 7.11949 coordInndex 3, 0, 1, 4, -1, 4, 1, 22,5, -1 texCoorrd
16、TextuureCooordinaate point 0.933614 00.0185577,0.936144 0.488085,0.936144 0.977202,0.0724881 0.00185777,0.0724881 0.448085,0.0724881 0.997202 DEF topp01 Shhape appearaanceAppeaarancee materiaalUSE LLtGrayy_ColoorgeometrryIndexxedFacceSet coordCCoordiinate point 1.79909 3.964 77.19499,1.7909 3.9644 -
17、7.11745,-1.80155 3.9664 7.11949,-1.80155 3.9664 -7.1745 coordInndex 2, 0, 1, 3, -1 DEF bacck01 SShape appearaanceAppeaarancee materiaalUSE LLtGrayy_ColoorgeometrryIndexxedFacceSet coordCCoordiinate point 1.79909 0 -7.677,1.7909 3.9644 -7.11745,1.7909 3.46885 -7.67,-1.80155 0 -77.67,-1.80155 3.9664 -
18、7.1745,-1.80155 3.46685 -77.67 coordInndex 4, 1, 2, 5, -1, 5, 2, 00,3, -1 translaation0.005532 0 -0.0110212.5汽車截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8Backgroound #空間間背景中,空空中無顏色,即即黑色。topUrrl clloud.jjpg #頂部fronttUrl cloudd.jpg #前面 backUUrl ccloud.jpg #后面leftUUrl ccloud.jpg #左面righttUrl cloudd.jpg #右面bottoomUrl watee
19、r.jpgg#底部DEF carr Trannsformm rotatiion 0 1 0 11.57 childrren Traansforrm trranslaation 0 0 33 rootatioon 1 00 0 1.57 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurltiree.png maateriaal Matteriall ddiffusseColoor .1 .1 .11 geomeetry CCylindder raadius 1 heeight .5 Trannsform
20、m trranslaation 0 0 -3 rootatioon 1 00 0 1.57 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurltiree.png maateriaal Matteriall ddiffusseColoor .1 .1 .11 geomeetry CCylindderraadius 1 heiight .5 Trannsformm trranslaation 10 0 3 rootatioon 1 00 0 1.57 chhildreen Shaape appeaaran
21、cee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurltiree.png maateriaal Matteriall ddiffusseColoor .1 .1 .11 geomeetry CCylindder raadius 1 heeight .5 Transsform trranslaation 10 0 -3 rootatioon 1 00 0 -11.57 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurltiree.png maateriaal Matt
22、eriall ddiffusseColoor .1 .1 .11 geomeetry CCylindder raadius 1 heeight .5 #車輪輪 Traansforrm trranslaation 6 2 00 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlcar_side.png maateriaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 166 3 8 Trannsformm trranslaation 6.8 44 0 chhildreen Shaap
23、e appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure urrlblacck.pngg maateriaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 144 3 7 #車身身 Trannsformm trranslaation -2 3 -3 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce maateriaal Matteriall ddiffusseColoor 1 11 1 geomeetry SSphereeradiius .55 Trannsformm trranslaati
24、on -2 3 3 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce maateriaal Matteriall ddiffusseColoor 1 11 1 geomeetry SSphereeradiius .55 #車車燈Transfoorm trranslaation 0 2 22 rotattion 00 1 0 1.5711 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlcar_frontt.png maateriaal Matteriall ge
25、omeetry BBox siize 0.01 3 8 #車正面Transfoorm trranslaation 0 4.55 0.2 rotattion 00 1 0 1.5711 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlglasss.pngg maateriaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 0.01 1.5 6.55 #車窗戶戶Transfoorm trranslaation 0 4.55 -13.8 rotattion 00 1 0 1.5711
26、chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlglasss.pngg maateriaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 0.01 1.5 6.55 #車窗戶戶 后面面Transfoorm trranslaation 3.55 4.5 -7 rotattion 00 0 1 1.5711 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlglasss.pngg maate
27、riaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 1.5 0.001 13 #車窗戶戶 側面面Transfoorm trranslaation -3.5 4.5 -7 rotattion 00 0 1 1.5711 chhildreen Shaape appeaarancee Appeearancce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlglasss.pngg maateriaal Matteriall geomeetry BBox siize 1.5 0.001 13 #車窗戶戶 側面面2.6椅子截圖:程序:#VRMLL V2.00 utf88T
28、ransfoorm trannslatiion0.0 00.0 -00.02chilldren Shapee appeearancce ApppearanncetexxtureImageeTextuure uurlchaiir_woood.jpgg matteriall Matteriall diiffuseeColorr 0.2 0.3 00.4 geommetry Box sizze 11 5.6 00.3 #椅子背Transfoorm trannslatiion0 -2.8 2.88rotaation 1 0 00 1.5771chilldren Shapee appeearancce
29、ApppearanncetexxtureImageeTextuure uurlchaiir_woood.jpgg matteriall Matteriall diiffuseeColorr 0.6 0.5 00.2 geommetry Box sizze 11 5.6 00.3 #椅子坐DEF legg Trannsformm trannslatiion5.3 -5.5 00.3 #椅子子腿rotaation 0 0 00 1.5771chilldren Shapee appeearancce ApppearanncetexxtureImageeTextuure uurlchaiir_wooo
30、d.jpgg matteriall Matteriall diiffuseeColorr 0.6 0.5 00.2 geommetry Cylinnder radiius 0.2 #圓柱體半半徑heigght 5.0 #圓柱體高top TRUE #圓柱柱體有頂#botttom TTRUE #圓圓柱體有底botttom FAALSEsidee TRUEE #圓柱柱體有曲面Transfoorm #椅椅子腿transllationn -10.5 0 00 chilldren USE llegTransfoorm #椅椅子腿transllationn 0 00 5 chilldren USE lleg
31、Transfoorm #椅椅子腿transllationn -10.5 0 55 chilldren USE lleg2.7廣告牌牌截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8Transfoorm transllationn0.0 00.0 0scale 5 5 55childrren DEF siide1 SShape appeaaranceeAppeaarancee texttureImageeTextuure uurlflagg_top.png materrialDEF BBlue_CColor Materrial ambieentInttensitty0.1977097diffuus
32、eCollor0.1 00.2 0.3geomeetryExtruusion creasseAnglle0.5411052crosssSectiion 1.000346 0.2544188,1.118821 0.2098442,1.199964 0.1158229,1.229904 -00.0062242,1.199964 -00.1283314,1.118821 -00.2223327,1.003346 -00.2666673,1.003346 0.2541888 orienntatioon0 0 11 0scalee1 1soliddFALSEEspinee -0.1975662 0 00
33、,-0.2553993 0 0 Transfoorm trannslatiion-1.1 3.3 00rotaation 0 1 00 1.5771chilldren Shapee appeearancce Apppearannce teextureeImageeTextuure uurlflagg_midddle.pnng matteriall Matteriall diiffuseeColorr 0.1 0.2 00.3 geommetry Box sizze 2.55 3.5 0.1 #廣告屏幕幕 Transfoorm #廣告柱柱子transllationn -1.11 0.1 0sca
34、le 0.1 00.1 0.1 chilldrenShape # Shapee 模型節(jié)點點appeaarancee Appeearanccemateerial Mateerial #空間間物體造型外外觀difffuseCColor 0.1 00.2 0.3 #一種材料料的漫反射顏顏色 geomeetry CCylindder #柱體節(jié)節(jié)點radiius 1 #圓柱柱體半徑heigght 300.0 #圓柱體高高top TRUE #圓柱柱體有頂#botttom TTRUE #圓圓柱體有底botttom FAALSEsidee TRUEE #圓柱柱體有曲面2.8房屋屋截圖:程序:#VRRML V2
35、2.0 uttf8Group childrrenDEF hhouse11 Trannsformm trannslatiion-22 112 -244chilldren Shaape apppearaance AAppearrance ttexturreImageeTextuure urlhousse1.giifrepeaatSTRUErepeaatTTRUEgeeometrry Boxx ssize 220 30 202.9山脈脈截圖:程序:#VRRML V22.0 uttf8BackgrooundskyCollor 0.2 00.5 0.6#創(chuàng)建山脈造型型Shape # Shappe 模型節(jié)
36、節(jié)點appeaarancee AppeearanccetexttureImageeTextuure urrlgrasss.pngg mateerial Mateerial #空間物體造造型外觀difffuseCColor 0.2 00.8 0.5 #一種材料的的漫反射顏色色 geeometrry EleevatioonGridd #海海拔珊格節(jié)點點 xxDimennsion 10 #X-Z水平面 zzDimennsion 40 xxSpaciing2.0 #X-Z水平平面上間距 zzSpaciing1.0 cccw TRRUE ssolid TRUE hheightt #海拔珊珊格高度陣列列
37、0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,0.00.00, 0.55, 1.00, 2.00, 05.0,0.66, 1.88, 3.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00, 05.0,10.0,10.0,8.00, 5.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 2.00, 3.00, 13.0,15.0,10.0,7.00, 6.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00, 12.0,19.0,10.0,9.00, 7.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 15.0,20.0,15.0,10.0,8
38、.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,13.0,14.0,10.0, 4.0, 2.0,0.000.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,12.0,13.0, 155.0, 33.0, 11.0,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 8.00, 10.0,12.0, 144.0, 22.0, 00.0,0.00.00, 2.00, 5.00,10.00,12.00, 10.0, 133.0, 55.0, 00.0,0.00.00, 4.00, 6.00,12.00,13.00, 13.0, 122.0, 66.0, 00.0,0.00.00, 2.55
39、, 4.00, 8.00, 15.0,9.66, 12.8, 3.0, 0.0,0.000.00, 1.55, 3.00, 05.0,10.0,10.0,10.0, 5.0, 0.0,0.000.00, 2.00, 3.00, 13.0,15.0,10.0,7.00, 6.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00, 12.0,19.0,10.0,9.00, 7.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 15.0,20.0,15.0,10.0,8.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,16.0,14.0,8.00, 4.00, 2
40、.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,15.0,3.00, 5.00, 3.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 8.00, 10.0,2.00, 4.00, 2.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 2.00, 5.00, 7.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 3.00, 6.00, 5.00, 6.00, 5.00, 8.00, 6.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 0.55, 8.00, 2.00, 05.0,8.00, 1.88, 3.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00,
41、 05.0,10.0,10.0,8.00, 5.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 2.00, 3.00, 13.0,15.0,10.0,7.00, 6.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00, 12.0,19.0,10.0,9.00, 7.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 15.0,20.0,15.0,10.0,8.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,16.0,14.0,8.00, 4.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,15.0,3.00, 5.00, 3.00, 1.00,0.
42、00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 8.00, 10.0,2.00, 4.00, 2.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 3.00, 5.00, 7.00, 8.00, 7.00, 6.00, 5.00, 0.00,0.00.00, 2.00, 6.00, 5.00, 6.00, 6.00, 5.00, 5.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 5.00, 3.00, 05.0,4.66, 3.88, 3.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 4.00, 05.0,10.0,10.0,8.00, 5.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 2.00, 3.00, 13.0,1
43、5.0,10.0,7.00, 6.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.55, 3.00, 12.0,19.0,10.0,9.00, 7.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 15.0,20.0,15.0,10.0,8.00, 3.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 3.00, 10.0,16.0,14.0,8.00, 4.00, 2.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 2.00, 10.0,15.0,3.00, 5.00, 3.00, 1.00,0.00.00, 1.00, 1.00, 2.00, 1.0,2.00, 1.00, 2.00, 0.00,0.00.00,
44、 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00,0.0 creasseAnglle 5.0 2.10路路燈截圖:程序:#VRRML V22.0 uttf8DEF B_llamp1 Transsform childreenDEF Ligght_Poost Shhape appeaaranceeAppeaarancee materrialMaterrial ambieentInttensitty0.176694diffuuseCollor0.802237 0.904255 0.844705geometrryExtruusion beginCaapFA
45、LSEEcreaseAAngle0.422219crossSeectionn -0.0530661 0.00518522,0.0510559 0.00518522,0.0510559 -0.0502665,-0.0530061 -00.0502265,-0.0530061 0.0518552 endCapTRUEorientaation0 0 11 0scale 2.11129 2.1129,2.1129 2.11229,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1 1,1.9145 1.91445,6 6,6 6 solidTTR
46、UEspine -0.55488 00.00122534 00,-0.54888 0.0331504 0,-0.54888 0.0334961 0,-0.535225 4.77744 00,-0.489669 4.88843 00,-0.41733 4.97788 0,-0.322881 5.00514 00,-0.212882 5.00967 00,-0.094778 5.11121 00,0.0231229 5.00966 00,0.133122 5.05511 0,0.227544 4.97787 0,0.300022 4.88843 0,0.345577 4.77744 0,0.361
47、1 4.65664 0,0.362911 3.84434 0,0.362911 3.69946 0,0.362911 3.57705 0,0.362911 3.52209 0 2.11交交通燈截圖:程序:#VRRML V22.0 uttf8Shape appeaarancee Appeearancce matteriall Mateerial ddiffusseColoor 1 11 1 #一種材材料的漫反射射顏色 geomeetry BBox #交通燈面面板 sizze 3 77 1.2 Shape appeaarancee Appeearancce matteriall DEF Yello
48、owLighht Matteriall #黃燈燈 ddiffusseColoor 0.55 0.5 0#一種材料料的漫反射顏顏色 geomeetry SSpheree #交通燈,球球體 Trannsformm trannslatiion 0 2 0 chiildrenn Shapee apppearannce Apppearaance matteriall DEF RedLiight MMateriial #紅燈 difffuseCColor 0.5 00 0 geommetry Spherre Trannsformm traanslattion 00 -2 00 chiildrenn Sha
49、ape apppearannce Apppearaance matteriall DEF GreennLightt Mateerial #綠燈燈 diiffuseeColorr 0 0.5 0 geommetry Spherre DEF Timmer TiimeSennsor #時時間傳感器 cycleeInterrval 22 loop TRUEDEF ReddCI CoolorInnterpoolatorr #顏色插補補器 紅燈 key 0,#相對時間間間隔值0.02,0.4, 0.42,0.92,0.94, 1 keyVaalue #顏色變變換值0.5 00 0, 1 0 00, 1 0
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52、 mateerial Materrial ggeomettry Cyylindeer #交通燈底底座 radiius 2 #Transfform # trannslatiion 0 -20 00 #chilldren # Shhape # appeaarancee Appeearancce # matteriall Mateerial # ddiffusseColoor 0 00.502 0 # # # geomeetry BBox # sizze 40 1 40 # # #Viewpooint # orieentatiion 1 0 0 -0.3# posiition 0 15 60#ROU
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58、.66 2.8 0.1 #電話亭招招牌2.14火車車截圖:程序:#VRMML V2.0 utff8PROTO WWagon Transsform chiildrenn DDEF Toop Shaape #火車頂頂部 appeearancce Apppearannce maateriaal Matteriall geommetry IndexxedFacceSet coolorInndex 1, 11, 1 cooordInndex 0, 55, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, 3, 2, 1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 33, 4, -1, 99, 8, 7, 6, 5 coolorPeerV
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