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1、Unit B, 22/FF Unitted Ceentre, 95 QQueenssway, Hong Kong.Tel: 22866 88311 Faax: 28866 83380Websiite: HYPERLINK 2006 Seervicee & CoourtessyAward WWinnerrs4 June 2007MEMORANNDUM TTO:Memberss of tthe Hoong Koong Reetail Managgementt Assoociatiionand Felllow RRetaillersSUBJECTT:Seminarr on:Increassing P

2、Profittabiliity Thhroughh Highher Prroducttivityy16 Julyy 20077 (Monnday)講座:增加利利潤生產(chǎn)力力 The Asssociattion iis pleeased to innform membeers thhat a seminnar onn “Increeasingg Proffitabiility Throuugh Hiigher Produuctiviity” will be heeld onn Mondday, 116 Jully 20007. WWe havve invvited Mr. TThomass Cho

3、ww, a vvery eexperiiencedd manaagemennt andd traiining consuultantt, to addreess meemberss on tthis ooccasiion. Mr. Choow hass moree thann 35 yyears of trraininng andd conssultanncy exxperieence iin thee airlline, touriism, ttravell, hottel, bbroadccastinng, auutomottive aand reetail indusstriess. H

4、ee has embarrked oon a vvarietty of reseaarch aand trraininng proojectss withhin Assia Paacificc. A brieff outlline oof Mr. Chowws preesentaation is ass folllows:Vision for CCorporrate SSuccesss Top Managgementt GoallAchieviing Hiigher Perfoormancce Thrrough High ProduuctiviityThe Praacticee of EEff

5、ecttive MManageementThe Mannagemeent Prrocesss in AActionnDynamicc Leaddershiip in Stafff MotiivatioonSystem Approoach tto Mannpowerr Traiining & DevvelopmmentDetailss of tthe fuunctioon aree as ffollowws:Date:Monday, 16 July 2007Time:2:30 pm 5:30 pmVenue:Lecture Theatre (UT)City University of Hong

6、KongSCOPE Admiralty Learning Centre8/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, HKTarget Audience:Senior Managers & Executives, SME ownersLanguage:CantoneseFee:HK$300.- per person (for HKRMA members)HK$600.- per person (for non-HKRMA members)2006 Seervicee Retaailerss of tthe YeearEnrolmeent :Please compllete

7、aand reeturn the aattachhed ennrolmeent foorm too HKRMMA viaa fax at 28866 83380 beefore Monday, 9 July 22007. (Faxx copiies shhould be foolloweed by an orriginaal coppy of enrollment form via mmail aalong with the eexact paymeent.)Paymentt Methhods:By CheqquePlease send the ooriginnal coopy off the

8、 enrollment form with a croossed chequue madde payyable to thhe “Hoong Koong Reetail Managgementt Assoociatiion Lttd” beefore the ddeadliine. Post-datedd cheqques wwill nnot bee acceepted.By Amerrican Expreess CaardThe duee amouunt wiill bee debiited ffrom yyour ccreditt cardd oncee the enrollment h

9、as bbeen rreceivved. If yoou chooose tto setttle tthe paaymentt throough AAmericcan Exxpresss cardd, pleease ffill iin youur carrd infformattion sstatedd on tthe ennrolmeent foorm.Seats aare liimitedd. Appplicaationss are on a firrst-coome-fiirst-sservedd basiis. Pleease cconsidder yoour ennrolmeent

10、 suuccesssful uupon rreturnning tthe ennrolmeent foorm too the Assocciatioon by fax oor maiil. Kiindly note that succeessfull enroolmentts willl nott be rreconffirmedd by ttelephhone.No canccellattions will be acccepteed aftter ennrolmeent. (i.e. Transsferraable oon thee samee evennt butt non-refunn

11、dablee.)Should you hhave aany fuurtherr querries aabout the seminnar, ppleasee conttact MMs. Glladys Chan of thhe Asssociattion aat Tell.: 28866 83311. For bookkings, pleaase coontactt Ms. Peggyy Ng aat Tel: 28666 83111.To: Hoong Koong Reetail Managgementt Assoociatiion 4/6/2007Unit BB, 22/F Uniited

12、 CCentree, 95 Queennsway, Hongg KonggTel:28866 83311Fax: 2866 8380Websiite: ENROLMEENT FOORMSeminarr on 講座:“Increaasing Profiitabillity TThrouggh Higgher PProducctivitty”增加利潤 + 生產(chǎn)力Monday, 16 July 22007My Namee: Posittion: Companyy: Addresss: Tel: Fax: Date: (Pleaase reeturn beforre 9 Julyy 07)I * wi

13、ill / will not aattendd the captiioned seminnar. (* pleease ddeletee wherre apppropriiate.)I wouldd likee to nnominaate thhe folllowinng perrsons to atttend:NameCompanyyPositioonMr/Ms:_Mr/Ms:_Mr/Ms:_Mr/Ms:_(Pleasee use photoocopy for mmore pparticcipantts.)Paymentt Methhods (pleasse ticck wheere appproprriate):Chequee Paymment:Encloseed is a cheeque ffor HKK$ _ (madde payyable to “HHong KKong RRetaill Manaagemennt Asssociattion LLtd”) beingg feess for the ffunctiion.Americcan Exxpresss (AE) Cardd Paymment (all iinformmationn MUSTT be ccompleeted):Card Meember Name: Card Nuumber: Card Mem


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