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1、模塊1:CECL 1 教學(xué)日歷Week 1 2UNIT ONEWeek 3 4UNIT TWOI TIMES1Telling the time warm-up2 DIALOGUES 1 8: Asking about and telling the time3 Timetables4 All about time readingII DATES4 University calendars5 Opening and closing hours6 CONVERSATIONS 1 & 2: “CAAC information. Yes?”7 Telephone messagesIII ROUTINE

2、S AND HABITS1 CONVERSATION 3: Comparing daily routine in England and China2 A letter reading & note-taking3 Frequency adverbs4What language students do?7Rehearsal time pair-work8CONVERSATION 4: One Saturday morning in London10Interview: How Sean spends his weekend listening for specific information1

3、lLetter reading & writingWeek 5 6UNIT THREElCOLOURS AND SHAPES1Common colours warm-up2Shades of colour interaction3More than just colour reading4+ Shapes of objects5+ Geometrical shapes dictionary work6+ Trade catalogue reading & writing7+ DIALOGUES 1 5: Which one do they mean? listening8+ Robots de

4、scribing & drawingII MATERIALS AND USE1What things are made of and used for 2Lost and found notices5 Borrowing and lending interaction6+ Dictionary work reading7Crossword puzzle: common tools pairwork & writingIIIPOSITION AND SIZE1Prepositions of location (1)2Prepositions of location (2)3Measurement

5、 systems4Measurements5Which box? problem solvingIVQUANTITY AND QUALITY1Numbers2CONVERSATIONS 1 6: At the Friendship Store 3+Quantity: Count and non-count language work4Buying presents5Souvenir shopping reading & role-play6Letter to China Daily reading7Buying shoes 8+Descriptions of objects Week 7 8U

6、NIT FOURWeek 10 -12UNIT SIXWeek 13 14UNIT SEVENWeek 15 16UNIT EIGHT模塊2:CECL 2 教學(xué)日歷Week 1 2UNIT ONEI ON FOOT1 Some signs in Britain 2DIALOGUES 1 9: Shopping district listening for specific information3Part of London4Written directions reading for specific information5CONVERSATIONS 1 & 2: Asking the w

7、ay in London6A walking tour of Oxford reading7DIALOGUES 10 13: Asking the way around Oxford listening8 Asking for and giving directions 10AddressesIIBY BIKE, CAR AND FERRY1Travelling in London reading & interaction2CONVERSATION 4: Getting around in London listening for specific information4Rules for

8、 cyclists6DIALOGUES 14 16: Asking the way in Beijing listening & note-taking7Getting about in Beijing interaction8+Giving written directions writing & cloze9How to get to my home speaking & note-takingIIIBY AIR, BOAT AND RAIL1Modernizing transportation in China reading & outline writing 2Travelling

9、in China4An American plans a trip in ChinaWeek 3 4UNIT TWOI SOCIAL EVENTS1 CONVERSATIONS 1 6: Ma Weiqiang in the U.S. (1) spoken invitation2 DIALOGUES 1 6: Inviting people in China (1) gapped dialogues3 Inviting people in China (2) role-play4 Ma Weiqiang in the U.S.(2) written invitation5+ Inviting

10、people in China (3) writing6+ Ma inviting Beazley to China cloze7 Beazleys reply to Mas letter dictation8 CONVERSATIONS 7 12: Ma Weiqiang in the U.S.(3) at the farewell party9 DIALOGUE 7: Giving a present12 Speeches and toasts oral translation13 A welcoming party role-play7II SITUATIONS: PLEASANT AN

11、D UNPLEASANT1 DIALOGUES 8 17: Compliments and congratulations (1)2 Compliments and congratulations (2) reading & matching4 Compliments and congratulations (3)5 CONVERSATIONS 13 15: Apology6+ Difficult situations writing & listening7 Dealing with complaints and compliments8 Role-play9 Complaint and a

12、pology10 A letter of complaint11 Expressing sympathy12 Inappropriate responses reading & pair-work discussionWeek 5 6UNIT THREEHOUSE AND HOME THE EXTERIOR.Vocabulary for parts of a house warm-up Houses around the worldDIALOGUES 1 3: Traditional Chinese housesBritish and American terms: What do you c

13、all it? reading & matchingDIALOGUES 4 & 5: Don and Mary describe their houses listening & discussion DIALOGUE 6: Dus new flat listening for specific information Find out the changes interaction HOUSE AND HOME THE INTERIOR Ordinary Chinese homes The layout of a house Which is Marys house? listening &

14、 matchingDescribing a house Furniture in the houseCONVERSATION 1: Xu Kai moving house Questionnaire on house and home Describing a house to a British friend writing HOUSING DIALOGUE 10: A student in Vancouver: finding somewhere to live (1) An English semi-detached house an estate agents description

15、Comparing the situation in China discussion DIALOGUE 11: Do you worry about getting somewhere to live? listeningHousing in China How much do you pay for housing? warm-up Housing problems and housing reform reading and discussion Week 7 8UNIT FOURINATIONAL EDUCATION SYSTEMS92Education in the U.S.A. 3

16、MONOLOGUE 1: The education system in England 4The undergrad writing & reading 5*The New Zealand education system dictation 6The Chinese education system group discussion 7+Describing a school or college programme pre-writing 8+Giving a speech about education in China writing & speaking9DIALOGUE 1: F

17、inancing education in the U.K. and the U.S.A. listening 10What does it cost to go to university in China? reading 12Some statistics on education interpreting statistics IIUNIVERSITY STRUCTURE AND STUDENT LIFE 1Choosing a University reading2Ball State University 3MONOLOGUE 2: Describing an institute

18、of a university listening for information 4Describing a university structure 8DIALOGUE 2: The credit system9MONOLOGUE 4: Advantages of the credit system listening for specific information 10Advantages of a set-course system discussion & speaking 11Student life in the U.K. 12DIALOGUE 6: Student life

19、in America 13MONOLOGUE 5: Students leisure activities in the U.K. listening & note-taking 14Visiting a Chinese university role-play & interpreting15+Replying to a letter from an English student reading & writing IIIIDEAS IN EDUCATION 1What is education? reading & discourse organization 2Some definit

20、ions3+General statement & specific details 4MONOLOGUES 6 9: Chinese students in foreign teachers eyes Week 10 -12UNIT SIXIANIMALS 1Parts of animals dictionary work & information exchange 2Names of animals identifying descriptions3Classification of animals 4Dictionary entries about animals reading5*D

21、ictionary entries dictation6MONOLOGUE 1: The evolution of birds 9+Pond fish reading for main idea 10Comparing animals 11Animal names and traits reading 12Aesops fables reading for general impression 13Modern fables about animals 14MONOLOGUE 3: Animals in Britain 15News about animals IIPLANTS1Parts o

22、f a flower labelling2MONOLOGUE 4: Basic facts about plants3More facts about plants 4Describing leaves 5Describing flowers 7Plants we eat reading for specific information & note-taking 8+Spelling: plurals language work9Advice on gardening 10Directions for planting11*The significance of Chinese trees

23、extensive reading Week 13 14UNIT SEVENIHOLIDAYS AND FESTIVALS 1What does “holiday” mean? reading for specific information 2Some holidays reading 4+More holidays 6Holidays in different countries reading topic sentences 7+Different ways of expressing similar ideas language work 8Some more important fe

24、stivals in the West project work 10DIALOGUES 3 5: Which festival is it? listening 12Chinas major holidays 13Name of a festival reading 14+Irrelevant sentences reading 15+Explaining the nature of festivals language work16Talking about Chinese holidays to a visitor interaction & writing 17Chinese New

25、Year cards interaction18+Spring Festival in my province writingIIPERSONAL CELEBRATIONS1Some occasions for personal celebration listening2Getting married in the West3The wedding ring 4+More about weddings 5A traditional Chinese wedding with a difference 6MONOLOGUE 1: A modern Chinese wedding describe

26、d by a British teacher listening 7Challenging expensive weddings 8+A letter to Jennifer writing 9Talking about Chinese wedding customs role-playWeek 15 16UNIT EIGHTITHE PREPARATION OF FOOD 1Ways of cooking a chicken 2DIALOGUE 1 3The heart of a Chinese kitchen 4DIALOGUE 1 Talking about Chinese kitche

27、n utensils 5DIALOGUE 2 6Seasonings groupwork7Recipes 9DIALOGUE 3: Making jiaozi listening & note-taking 10Chinese recipes interaction IIEATING1Food around the world reading for information 2Meals: Western and Chinese 4DIALOGUE 4: Describing how to use chopsticks5Table manners 6DIALOGUES 5 10: Eating

28、 food 7A Western menu 8Menus9+Cloze 10Food and nutrition11Eating habits in Britain today Week 17 18UNIT NINEIYOUR BODY AND YOUR HEALTH 1Parts of the body 2The human organs3Common illnesses matching & quiz4DIALOGUES 1 6: When your friend is ill (1) 5When your friend is ill (2) interaction 6Basic Firs

29、t Aid7DIALOGUES 7 & 8: Medical experiences IITHE CLINIC AND THE HOSPITAL 1DIALOGUE 9: At the school clinic listening 3Doctor-patient interviews 5Definitions of types of disease reading 6At a hospital7Medicine labels 8+Word formation 12Doctor-patient interviews 5 7 oral translation 13Medical and heal

30、th services 模塊3:CECL 3 教學(xué)日歷周次教學(xué)內(nèi)容教學(xué)手段作業(yè)1 2 Course orientationUnit 1PROCESSES & CYCLESI Process 1.1 Silk-reading 1.2 Tea-listening 2. Coffee-reading 3. Tea- Comparison and Contrast 4. Spoken descriptions of processes4.1 How Jill makes coffee4.2 The perfect cup of tea 8. Visiting a clothing factory 9

31、Role-play: Visiting factories in China II Cycles 1. Water cycle 2. Carbon cycle 3. Life cycle of a plant labeling 4. Attractive butterfly 5. industrial cycle 6. an economic cycle 7. a vicious cycleMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, presentation, library researchDescribing a process (W

32、ritten and Oral Practice)3 4Unit 2ADVERTISINGIAdvertising in the west1. classified ads2. what is a good advertisement3. a successful advertising campaign4. How advertisements work5. You cant always say what you likeII. Advertising in Chinaadvertising in China todayFavorite Chinese ads.Comparison of

33、English and Chinese brand namesQuestionnaire: Chinese brand names translated into English- interview listeningTranslations of foreign brand names into Chinese- project workListening- Translating brand namesListening- English language advertisements in ChinaMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discu

34、ssion, presentation, role-play, projectProject: Design a TV commercial and demonstrate it in class & Presentation5Mid-Autumn Festival & National Day Holiday 6 7Unit 3SPORTSI Playing sports 1. Sports names 2. the sporting spirit- reading, listening and discussion II Sports eventOlympic gamesComparing

35、 Chinas records with Olympic recordsresearch projectInterview with some former Olympics champions- ListeningForeign reports interviewing Chinese sports starsInterpretingSports newsreading and writingMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, presentation, library research Writing a sport news

36、 8 9Unit 4JOBSWorkingOccupationsListening: Mrs Brians ProfileJobs in the US ListeningJobs in China: a taxi driver in Guangzhou- Role Play: Interviewing Ou HongII. Applying for a job1. newspaper ads2. C.V. reading and writing3 Interview- Working for a joint-venture company in China4. An interview pro

37、ject role-playTo work or not to workMonologue: why workBen Chiu: an entrepreneur in Silicon Valley reading and discussionMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, library research, role playDesigning a C.V. and Writing an application letterMid-term Exam (unit 1-4)10 12-13Unit 6FAMILY & GENER

38、ATIONSPrologue: The family album listening & discussionThe family in Chinadifferent types of familyThe Chinese family through history readingProblems with contemporary families listeningInterview 1: interpretationFamily life in the westAn overview of family life in the U. S. readingParental roles re

39、adingINTERVIEW 2: Adoption listeningMarriage and Divorce in the UK and ChinaMarriage & Divorce in the UKSocial Trends (1) Conversation 2: Men and divorce listening Women and divorce: lone parents readingMarriage & divorce in China social trends (2) reading & discussionYoung people in the familyINTER

40、VIEW 3 &4A sociological and psychological interpretation readingThe generation gap in China reading and translationRole-playV. The Elderly1. CONVERSATION 3: The elderly in China2. CONVERSATION 4: The elderly in Britain3. Retirement Homes reading & speakingMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discus

41、sion, information transfer, interpretation, role play, debateDebate: Moral of DivorceWriting: Letter to a pen-friendSchool Games 14 15-16Unit 7HISTORY & GOVERNMENTI. History 1. Reading for information: Chronology 2. Industrial revolution reading, discussion & writing 3. World War II reading & writin

42、g 4. A page from an encyclopedia scanning 5. Famous sayings in history listeningII. Government 1. Warm up reading cartoons 2. Definitions and terms 3. CONVERSATION 2: Radio interview listening 4. Recognizing & expressing attitudes to the truth of a statement5. The U.S.A. reading and information tran

43、sfer6. Analysis of the electoral system reading7. Election manifestos reading8. DIALOGUES 1 4: Politics and the man in the street listening9. MONOLOGUE 3: A guided tour of the House of Commons listening10. A House of Common debate readingExtension debate on cruelty to animalsMultimedia, reading, pai

44、r-work, group discussion, library research, information transfer, surveySurvey and writing: Government of China17-18Unit 8TOURISMI. Travelers and Tourists 1. reading 5 excerpts 2. Planning a trip- Scanning, Reading and discussion 3. Different personalities on a tour listening & writing 4. Means of t

45、ravel readingII. The Travel businessTravelese vs realityDIALOGUES 7 10: The incompetent information office listeningtour commentaryDIALOGUE 11: Tour organizers viewDIALOGUE 12: Travel representatives discuss a holiday listeningIIITOURISM A LOCAL, NATIONAL AND GLOBAL ENTERPRISE Tourism in general rea

46、dingEcotourism readingMONOLOGUES 5 7: The future of ecotourism listeningProblems in tourism: written complaints reading DIALOGUE 13: A young persons reasons for travelling listeningMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, role play, library research, information transferWriting: a letter of

47、 complaint模塊4:CECL 4 教學(xué)日歷周次單元教學(xué)手段作業(yè)1 3UNIT 1LANGUAGEIORIGINS 1. According to the Bible reading2. According to linguistic theory reading 3. The origin and development of letters listeningII. ChineseReading for main ideaPutonghua and dialects readingDiscussing opinions listeningDebateNews from China D

48、aily reading & writingINTERVIEWS 1 & 2: The reform of written Chinese listeningForeigners problems with the Chinese language listening & note-takingA Chinese course oral interaction III. English1The history of the English language2Varieties in register reading3. Varieties in accent listening4. Secon

49、d-language varieties of English reading5. INTERVIEW 3: Which is the most “advanced” language? listening6. English world-wide reading7. The future of English listeningIV. Language and CommunicationInterpreting gestureWhat do these gestures mean? discussionDescribing gesture Gestures and cultural diff

50、erencesGestures in England matching What is lost and what is added? problem solving The language of discretion readingMultimedia, reading, pair-work, presentation, group discussion, library research, debateUnit Writing (p23)The popularization of Putonghua3 5UNIT 2ENTERTAINMENTPopular forms of entert

51、ainmentListeningSleepless in Shanghai reading & discussionFollow-up researchMusicA programme readingVocabulary workCONVERSATION 2: Which event to go to? listeningWho is who in classical music a quizBeijing opera compared with Western operaCONVERSATION 3: Fidelio listening & note-takingCONVERSATION 4

52、: Seeing Beijing opera reading & listeningA synopsis of an opera writingA mini-lecture on pop music listeningThe rock and records business readingLife of a rock star readingFilms and TVFilm reviews readingServices available in a cinema complex scanningDelight in the fantasy world of the films readin

53、gA Universal Language readingMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, presentation, debate Unit Writing (p93)A synopsis of an opera6 7UNIT 3ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONI. Overview- Early civilizations around the world 1. The emergence of civilization reading 2. Ancient civilizations around the worl

54、d library researchII. Chinese CivilizationsMONOLOGUE 1 listeningMONOLOGUE 2: Dynasties and events listeningInvention of paper reading & listeningFurther inventions speakingThe Chinese Emperors eternal army readingIII. The ancient civilizations of EuropeGreek civilization reading & note-takingThe Rom

55、an The Roman Empire speaking, listening & writingVI. Studying and Preserving the pastMONOLOGUE 3 listening & note-takingStonehenge: Theories and controversies reading & discussionDIALOGUES 2 & 3 listeningVocabulary work matchingPreserving the urban past readingPlanning a new ring road group workSust

56、aining the historic environment readingMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, presentation, library research Unit Writing (p150)A letter of reply“Something about the terracotta army”8 9UNIT 4SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGYIntroductionFamous scientists- discussionAn obituary scanningMONOLOGUES 1 & 2:

57、Speech at a memorial service listeningEast meets West discussionthe 20th centuryRank ordering important discoveries and inventionsChinese discoveries of the twentieth century listening for gistReading an introductory paragraphGenetic Engineering and the human genome projectReading & DiscussionGeneti

58、c code and DNAA BBC interview listeningGenetic applications discussionExploring the universeLanguage related to space and space exploration vocabularyExploring the outer space listeningSpace tourismTouch and sight: the earth and the heavens readingV. The new MillenniumMONOLOGUES 3 9: What the scient

59、ists think listeningMultimedia, reading, pair-work, group discussion, role play, library research, Unit Writing (p201)A paragraph about changes sci-tech brought about to China in the 20th century.10MID-TERM EXAM11 13UNIT 6SOCIAL PROBLEMSI Population 1. 1.1 Multimedia, reading, pair-work, group discu

60、ssion, information transfer, interpretation, role playUnit Writing (p301)A letter to the editor13 14UNIT 7INTERNATIONAL RELATIONSInternational OrganizationsAcronyms discussionThe Charter of the UN reading, discussion & role playThe Organs of the UNStatement of the Secretary General listening & readi


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