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1、Unit 2Men, Animals and PetsObjectives: Understand what animals are being described. Get to know more about animals. Get to know more about how man and animals co-exist. Catch main ideas and supporting details. Have practice in liaison and contraction.Task 1Script1) They live in Africa and India. The

2、y have four legs and a tail. They are very bigand very strong. They are intelligent, too. They have a trunk and some of themhave tusks. They sometimes live for 70 years.2) They live in Africa and Asia. They are brown. They have arms and legs, butthey dont have a tail. Their arms are very long and th

3、ey have big ears. Theyare good climbers. They are very intelligent, too.3) They live in Africa. They are very tall. They have four legs, a tail and a verylong neck. They eat leaves and twigs. They can run very fast. They are brownand white.4) They live in very cold countries. They have wings, but th

4、ey cant fly. They aregood swimmers. They eat fish. They are blue and white or black and white.5) They live in Australia. They are red or gray. They have short front legs, longback legs and a very long tail. The back legs and the tail are very strong. Theycan run very fast. The females carry their yo

5、ung in a pouch.6) They live in Africa. They have four legs and a tail. They have a beautiful coatwith black and white or brown and white stripes. They eat grass and plants.7) They live in very cold countries. They have four legs. They are very big andvery strong. They have a white coat. They can swi

6、m. They eat seals and fish.(Length: 2 min. 23 sec.)KeyA. Write down the name of the animal beings described in each case.1) elephants2) chimpanzees3) giraffes4) penguins5) kangaroos6) zebras7) polar bearsB. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape,1) They live in Africa and In

7、dia. They have four legs and a tail.2) Their arms are very long and they have big ears.TipsIn case the students dont know some of the English names for these animals,1they may give the names in Chinese. And then get them practise saying them inEnglish. Alternatively, you could elicit/introduce such

8、animal names aschimpanzee, penguin, zebra and kangaroo.Task 2ScriptThe fastest animal on land is the cheetah. It can run at a speed of about 100kilometres an hour. The fastest bird in the world can fly at 170 km/h, and thefastest fish can swim at more than 100 km/h.Human beings are not very fast. Th

9、e fastest man in the world can onlyrun at about 40 km/h. Many animals can run faster than this. But most animalsrun on four legs. Four legs are better than two, arent they? Why do we onlyhave two legs?Scientists say that we are more intelligent than other animals because westand on two legs, so we c

10、an use our hands for other things. We can pick thingsup with them. We can use tools. Human beings have used tools for millions ofyears. That is why our brains have developed. That is why we have become themost intelligent animals in the world.In the past few years, we have made all kinds of machines

11、. We have madecars, ships, aeroplanes and spacecraft. In these machines we can travel fasterthan any animal-by land, by sea, or by air. We can even go to the moon. Noother animal has ever done that!(Length: 1 min. 30 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What is the fastest animal on land?Key

12、: The cheetah.2) What is the speed of the fastest birds?Key: 170 km/h.3) What is the speed of the fastest fish?Kay: More than 100km/h.4) Why can many animals ran faster than human beings?Key: Because most animals run on four legs.5) Why can human beings travel faster than any animals?Key: Because we

13、 have machines.B. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) The fastest man in the world can run at 100 km/h. F 2) Most animals run on two legs. F 3) We have become the most intelligent animals in the world because we haveused tools for millions of years. T Tas

14、k 3Script2A: You know, were studying dinosaurs in science class. Its really interesting.B: Oh, yeah? Hey, have you learned why the dinosaurs disappeared?A: Well, no one knows for sure.B: I thought it had something to do with the climate. The temperature mighthave gotten cooler and killed them off.A:

15、 Yeah, thats one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, theres even a theory that they could have beendestroyed by aliens from outer space.A: That sounds crazy to me!(Length: 48 see.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) What are the possible reasons wh

16、y the dinosaurs disappeared?Key: Climate, lack of food and aliens from outer space might be responsible fortheir extinction.2) Does the man believe in the theory of alien invasion?Key: No.B. Fill in the missing words with what your hear on the tape.B: I thought it had something to do with the climat

17、e. The temperature mighthave gotten cooler and killed them off.A: Yeah, thats one theory. Another idea is that they may have run out of food.B: Uh-huh. And you know, theres even a theory that they could have beendestroyed by aliens from outer space.TipsTo do the first exercise well, students may be

18、encouraged to take notes whilelistening. Get them to pay attention to such expressions as it had something todo with., another idea. and thereseven a theory that.After doing the exercises, do some oral work on this topic if desired.Question like Why do you think dinosaurs disappeared? can be asked.T

19、ask 4ScriptFor the shortest life, the first prize must go to the mayfly, which typicallyFew mayflieslive to see the sun rise again. These creatures devote their whole lives to a singledesperate mission: finding a mate and producing young. They dont even havefunctional mouths and stomachs. They simpl

20、y have no time to eat. In fact theyhave no time for anything else.3The record-holder for the longest life may be the Arctic clam, one of whichlived quietly underwater for 220 years. However it did not have any birthcertificate to prove this. One could only judge by its growth rings.If you insist on

21、better documentation, the oldest animal ever was probably atortoise that died in 1918. It had been captured already full-grown in 1766, nineyears before the American Revolution began, and it died 152 years later asWorld War I came to a close.(Length: 1 rain. 20 sec.)KeyAnswer the following questions

22、.I) What animal has the shortest life? For how long?Kay: The mayfly. A few hours.2) What do mayflies do in their lifetime?Kay: They just do two things: finding a mate and producing young.3) How do we know that one of the Arctic clams lived for 220 years?Key: We could judge by its growth rings.4) How

23、 long was the tortoise that died in 1918 kept in captivity?Key: It was kept for 152 years.Task 5ScriptEvery year about 17 million animals are used in laboratory experiments.But in many countries today, a difficult question is being asked: Do we have theright to use animals in this way?People who are

24、 for using animals in research argue that the use of animalsin medical research has many practical benefits. Animal research has enabledresearchers to develop treatments for many diseases, such as heart disease anddepression. It would not have been possible to develop vaccines for diseases likesmall

25、pox and polio without animal research. Every drug anyone takes today wastried first on animals.Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals. Which is moreimportant: the life of a rat or that of a three-year-old child?Medical research is also an excellent way of using unwanted animals.

26、Lastyear, over 12 million animals had to be killed in animal shelters because no onewanted them as pets.However those who are against it point out that the fact that humans benefitcannot be used to justify using animals in research any more than it can be usedto justify experimenting on other humans

27、. Animals suffer a lot during theseexperiments. They are forced to live in small cages, and they may be unable tomove.Much of the research that is carried out is unnecessary anyway.Animals have the same rights as humans do to be able to move freely andnot to have pain or fear forced on them. Researc

28、hers must find other ways of4doing their research, using cell culture and computer modeling. There should beno animals in research laboratories at all.(Length: 1 min. 50 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following question.What is the main idea of the passage?Key: People have different opinions on using animals

29、 for research.B. Complete the following outline of the passage.1) The case for using animals in research:a) Every drug anyone takes today was tried first on animals.b) Future medical research is dependent on the use of animals.c) Medical research is also a good way of using unwanted animals.2) The c

30、ase against using animals in research:a) Animals suffer a lot during the experiments.b) Much of the research is unnecessary.c) Animals have the same right as humans do.3) Some alternative ways for scientists to do their research:a) Using cell culture.b) Using computer modeling.TipsExercise B is desi

31、gned to help the students get an outline of the passage, andto help them understand both the main idea and the supporting details. It isrecommended that the students first take notes without referring to the outlinegiven in the textbook and then fill in the missing information based on their notes.I

32、f some of the students find it difficult to finish the task, they may read theoutline, and fill in the blanks while listening.Task 6ScriptVisitors to the National Zoo in Washington D.C. can see three new youngtigers. The rare babies met the public for the first time late last month. ChipONeal tells

33、us about them.The mother tiger sat nearby on the grass as her babies rolled, chased and biteach other playfully. Then Korenchy also jumped into the games. Her cubs wereborn at the zoo four months ago. They are called Mike, Eric and Chrisy. The newyoung tigers at the National Zoo each weigh about 13

34、kilograms. Their fur isdark orange with black stripes. They eat horse meat and drink milk fromKorenchy.Korenchy and her babies are Sumatran tigers. Sumatran tigers came fromthe Indonesian island of Sumatra. They are now in danger of disappearing fromthe earth. Fewer than 500 of these tigers remain i

35、n the world. That includesabout 60 living in zoos in North America.5Korenchy came to the National Zoo from the Jakarta Zoo in Indonesia. Thegift was part of the Sumatran Tiger Species Survival Program. Korenchy hasgiven birth to live cubs three times. The father of her new cubs is Rokan, aSumatran t

36、iger who arrived two years ago from another zoo.Korenchy and Rokan had their babies the natural way instead of thescientific method often used to produce young animals in zoos.A wire fence separates Rokan from his babies. Zoo workers who care forRokan say he reaches through the fence to wash the cub

37、s with his tongue. Theysay this means he recognizes Mike, Eric and Chrisy as his cubs. However, zooofficials are hoping that Rokan will produce more cubs with another femaleSumatran tiger at the zoo, so they do not want him to become too interested inthis family.The National Zoo hopes to keep the Su

38、matran tiger cubs for at least 18months before sending them to other zoos. That is about the age when most tigercubs in the wild leave their mothers. The National Zoo has placed cameras in theSumatran tigers living area, so people with computers can see them. To do this,use your computer to find the

39、 National Zoos Website at /natzoo.(Length: 3 min. 40 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) Was the mother tiger born in the National Zoo as well?Key: No.2) Why is the father tiger separated from his cubs?Key: Because zoo officials want him to produce cubs with another femaletiger, so they don

40、t want him to become too interested in this family.B. Complete the following sentences with what you hear on the tape.1) The young tigers are four months old.2) Each of them weighs about 13 kilograms.3) They eat horse meat and drink their mothers milk.4) People with computers can see the daily life

41、of these tigers by visiting theNational ZoosWebsite at www. /natzoo.C. Choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1) How many Sumatran tigers remain in the world? ( c)a) About 60.2) Korenchy has given birth to _. ( c )a) three cubs b) four cubs c) five or more cubsb) More than 500.c)

42、Less than 500.3) After 18 months, these cubs will be sent_ (b)a) to the wild b) to other zoos c) to the Jakarta Zoo Cats in AmericaTask 7ScriptAn old expression says, Mans best friend is his dog. Today, however, itseems that cats have replaced dogs as the most popular pets in American homes.6America

43、ns have more than 62 million pet dogs. But even more cats-morethan 64 million-live in American homes.These pet cats may have long hair or short hair. They are different colors andsizes. Some are costly animals that take part in competitions. Many more arecommon American mixtures of several kinds of

44、cats.Most house cats live a good life. They are not expected to work for their food.Instead, they rule their homes like furry kings and queens. They wait for theirowners to serve them.Americans are increasingly serious about their cats. These concerns havemade the care of cats into big business.Each

45、 year, cat owners buy tons of food especially prepared for cats. They buytoys and other equipment. They buy jewelry and clothes for themselves withimages of cats on them. Some owners even bury their dead pets in special burialgrounds.Humans have loved and respected cats for centuries. Scientists hav

46、e evidencethat cats and people lived together as long as 8,000 years ago. The small housecat was once a highly honored animal. In ancient Egypt for example, people whokilled a cat could be punished by death.Early in American history cats were not treated as gods, however. Theyprobably arrived in the

47、 United States with settlers and traders from Europe.These cats worked. They killed rats and mice.Sometimes, Americans mistreated their cats. During the early days of thenation, religious extremists believed that some cats were working for the devil.Black cats were especially suspected of being evil

48、.Later, American families who had enough food began taking cats into theirhomes. People cared for the cats because the animals gave them pleasure. Thecats thanked people for feeding them by making a purring sound. This pleasantnoise usually means a cat is happy.Animal experts offer several reasons w

49、hy cats have become so popular ashouse pets. They say cats need less care than dogs. And cats do not seem to sufferas much as dogs from being alone if the owners are away.Still, millions of other people do not like cats at all. They say dogs are betterand more loving pets. They say cats do not have

50、much feeling. They believe catsstay with people only to be fed. Cat owners defend their pets against suchcriticism. They say cats are just much more independent than dogs.A student of animal medicine explains the situation this way: dogs follow youaround they want you to talk to them and play with t

51、hem a lot of the time. Catslike more space and more privacy-this does not mean they do not love theirowners.(Length: 4 min. 27 sec.)KeyA. Answer the following questions.1) Which have become more popular in America, dogs or cats? How do you7know that?Key: Cats have become more popular, because there

52、are more pet cats inAmerican homes.2) How long have humans had cats in their homes?Key: About 8,000 years.3) Where did American house cats come from?Key: They probably arrived in the United States from Europe.4) Cats have been treated well in the United States all along, havent they?Key: No.B. Fill

53、in the missing words in the summary.1) The care of cats has become a big business, because cat owners:a) buy tons of food especially prepared for cats.b) buy toys and other equipment.c) buy things with images of cats on them.d) bury their dead pets in special burial grounds.2) People who prefer cats say cats:a) give their owners pleasure.b) need less care.c) suffer less from being alone.d) are more independent.C. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the tape.1) Most house cats lived a good life. F 2) Early American cats were treated li


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