1、Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.甘肅省蘭州市2012屆高三診斷考試英 語(yǔ) 試 題YCY注意事項(xiàng):1本試試卷分第第一卷(選選擇題)和和第二卷卷(非選選擇題)兩兩部分。2本試試卷滿分分1500分,考考試用時(shí)時(shí)1200分鐘3答題題全部在在答題紙紙上完成成,試卷卷上答題題無(wú)效第一卷(選選擇題)第一部分 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)知識(shí)運(yùn)運(yùn)用(共共三節(jié),滿滿分500分)第一節(jié)語(yǔ)音音知識(shí)(共共5小題題;每小小題1分分,滿分分5分) 從從A、BB、C、DD四個(gè)選選項(xiàng)中,找找出其劃劃線部分分與所給給單詞的的劃線部部分讀音音相同
2、的的選項(xiàng)。1neiitheer Aweeighh Bcceiliing Cbbargaain Dhheighht2occcur Aocceann Boppoositte Coffiiciaal Doffeer3freequeent Aprresiddentt Bffresh Cffeverr Dssileencee4rosses Ahoousees Bbbusees Chhorsses Dggasees5bennch Ascchoool Bmmachhinee Cmmarcch Dchharaacteer第二節(jié) 語(yǔ)法和和詞匯知知識(shí)(共共15小小題;每每小題11分,滿滿分155分)從A、BB、C
3、、DD四個(gè)選選項(xiàng)中,選選出可以以填入空空白處的的最佳選選項(xiàng)。6Faiilurre iis tthe mottherr off suucceess; noo onne ccan alwwayss bee _ faiilurre oor _ suucceessAa; a B/;a Caa;/ Dtthe; thhe7Acccorddingg too thhe aagreeemeent, alll ppaymmentts _ bee maade in casshAmaay Bsshalll Cnneedd Dccan8Commparred witth mmalee grraduuatees, a(n
4、n) _ smaall nummberr off feemalle ggradduattes cann geet eemplloyeed wheen ttheyy goo joob - huuntiingAcaasuaallyy Brrougghlyy Cggradduallly Drrelaativvelyy9Theey hhad _ tthe offficee buuilddingg, wwhicch tthenn leeft an opeen sspacce tto bbuilld aa sttreeet ggarddenApuulleed ddownn Bttakeen ddownn
5、Ctuurneed ddownn Dppourred dowwn10Noowaddayss moore andd moore peooplee arre aadviisedd too arrrannge forr innsurrancce _ thhat theey oor theeir fammilyy meembeers neeed mmediicall caareAinn orrderr Biin nneedd Ciin ccasee Diin hhopee11DDid youu sccoldd thhe bboy forr hiis mmisttakees?Yes, buut_iitA
6、Id rrathher nott doo BIId nott beetteer ddoCId bbettter nott too haave donne DIId rattherr noot hhavee doone12Thhe ddisccoveery of thee neew eeviddencce lled to _ Athhe tthieef hhaviing cauughtt Bccatcch tthe thiiefCthhe tthieef bbeinng ccaugght Dtthe thiief to be cauughtt13II diidnt ffindd thhe wwa
7、y to thee sttatiion_ II haad ttoldd yoou aabouut iit iin ddetaailAHoow ccomee? BNNo wwondder CNNo pprobblemm DWWho carres?14Wee shhoulldnt ccompplaiin aabouut bbeinng ppoorr manny ffamiiliees aare mucch _ thhan we areeAwoorsee offf Bbbadlly ooff Cwwelll offf Dbbettter offf 15Thhe ffirsst ppainntinng
8、 hhe ggavee mee waasnt ggoodd annd _ Aneeithher wass thhe ssecoond onee Bnneittherr thhe ssecoond onee waasCthhe ssecoond onee waas nneittherr Dtthe seccondd onne nneittherr waas16Sttevee Joobs passsedd awway at thee agge oof 556, _ wwilll foorevver be thee trreassuree off ApppleeAoff whhom thee spp
9、iriit Bsspirrit of whiich Csppiriit oof wwhomm Doof wwhicch mme sspirrit17I nevver havve aany douubt _ yyou willl wwinWaiit aand seeeAwhhethher Biif Ctthatt Dwwhatt18Thhe pproffesssor connsidderss _ no goood _ wiithoout unddersstanndinngAitt; tto rreadd Biit; reaadinng Ctthatt; tto rreadd Dtthiss; r
10、readdingg19Thhey aree alll _ liittlle cchilldreen tthatt yoou aare nott abble to loook aafteer _ maany of theemAsoo; sso Bssuchh; sso Cssuchh; ssuchh Dsso; succh20WWhatt a golldenn oppporrtunnityy yoou mmisssed! Itt meeanss yooulll hhavee too waait forr annothher tenn yeearssButt I_to Beiijinng oon
11、bbusiinesss!Atrraveel Bwwoulld ttravvel Cwwas traavellingg Dhhavee第三節(jié) 完完型填空空(共220小題題;每小小題15分,滿滿分30分)閱讀下面短短文,從從短文后后各題所所給的四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)(A、BB、C和和D)中中,選出出最佳選選項(xiàng),并并在答題題卡上涂涂黑。The eelepphannt wwas lyiing heaavilly oon iits sidde, fasst aasleeepA ffew doggs sstarrtedd baarkiing at itThee eleephaant wokke uup iin aa
12、 teerriiblee anngerr: iit cchassed thee doogs intto tthe villlagge wwherre ttheyy raan ffor saffetyyThat diddntt sttop thee ellephhanttItt deestrroyeed aa doozenn 21 aand 222 seeverral peoopleeThhe villlaggerss weere 223 annd aangrryTThenn soomeoone 224 caalliing Parrbatti, thee ellephhantt prrincce
13、sss Parrbatti BBaruuass faatheer wwas a hhuntter of tiggerss annd aan eelepphannt 255 HHe ttaugght Parrbatti tto rridee an eleephaant 226 shhe ccoulld eevenn waalkHe alsso ttaugght herr thhe 277 of thee ellephhantt, rrounnd-uuphoww too caatchh wiild eleephaantssParbaati hassntt allwayys lliveed iin
14、tthe junngleeAffterr a happpy chiildhhoodd 28 wwithh heer ffathher, shhe wass seent to a 299 schhooll inn thhe ccityyBuut PParbbatii neeverr goot uusedd too beeingg thheree annd mmanyy yeearss latter shee weent bacck tto hher 330 Neww liife in thee ciity is tooo duullCattchiing eleephaantss iss ann
15、advventturee annd tthe 331 laastss foor ddayss affterr thhe 322 shhe ssayssBut PParbbatii dooesnnt cattch eleephaantss juust forr fuunMy worrk, shhe ssayss, is to resscuee maan ffromm thee 33 annd tto kkeepp thhe eelepphannts saffe ffromm maan Annd tthiss iss exxacttly whaat PParbbatii 34 forr manny
16、 yyearrsIIncrreassinggly, thhe IIndiian eleephaant is anggry: foor mmanyy yeearss, 355 hunnterrs hhavee atttackked it andd itts hhomee inn thhe jjunggle hass beeen redduceed tto ssmalll ppiecces of lannd 366 is noww figghtiing bacckWWhenneveer wwildd ellephhantts eenteer aa teea ggardden or a vvilll
17、agee, PParbbatii iss caalleed tto 337 thee annimaals bacck tto tthe junnglee beeforre ttheyy caan kkilll thhemThe wworkk off ann ellephhantt taamerr allso invvolvves lovve aand devvotiionA ggoodd ellephhantt taamerr wiill speend houurs a dday sinnginng llovee soongss too a newwly 338 ellephhantt 339
18、 thhey groow tto llovee theeir tammerss annd nneveer fforgget theemTTheyy arre aalsoo moore loyyal thaan hhumaans, sshe saiid, as shee cllimbbed up onee off heer eelepphannts andd saat oon tthe giaant, haappyy annimaalAAn eelepphannt 400 inddeedd!21Avilllagge Bhhousses Chhomees Dppeopple22Ainjjureed
19、 Bddamaagedd Crruinned Dsspoiiledd23Aunlluckky Buunhaappyy Csscarred Dffrigghteeninng24Areqquesstedd Biinsiisteed Csstucck Dssugggestted25Ahunnterr Bkkilller Cpprottecttor Dttameer26Aaftter Bbbefoore Cuuntiil Dssincce27Adanngerrouss arrt Btterrriblle ggamee Caamazzingg kiilliing Dwwondderfful hiddin
20、gg28Aplaayedd Bhhunttingg Chhuntted Dpplayyingg29Atraainiing Bhhighh Caadullt Dbboarrdinng30Aownn chhilddhoood Bffathhers hhomee Cnnew staate Doold liffe31Astrresss Bbburdden Ceexciitemmentt Dtthreeat32Achaase Bffun Cjjourrneyy Dbbatttle33Adeaath Beelepphennts Ciinjuury Dttigeers34Awass dooingg Bhha
21、s beeen ddonee Chhas beeen ddoinng Dddid do35Adanngerrouss Biilleegall Cccrueel Dhhorrriblle36ATheey BHHe CSShe DIIt37Aguiide Bsshoww Cccausse Dfforcce38Aarrrestted Baarreestiing Cccapttureed Dccaptturiing39ASudddennly BOOccaatioonallly CEEvenntuaallyy DFFreqquenntlyy40Awomman Bpprinncesss Cmman Dll
22、oveer第二部分:閱讀理理解(共共25小題題,第一一節(jié)每小題2分分,第二二節(jié)每小小題1分分;滿分分45分)第一節(jié) 閱閱讀下列列短文,從從每題所所給的四四個(gè)選項(xiàng)項(xiàng)(A、BB、C和和D)中中,選出出最佳選選項(xiàng)。AMany peooplee woouldd innterrpreet thee Ammeriicann drreamm aas livvingg liike an Ameericcan - a ttwo-stoory houuse witth aa whhitee piickeet ffencce; a ffamiily witth ttwo carrs; andd twwo cchil
23、ldreenHowevver, thhe ccurrrentt ecconoomicc siituaatioon iis aaffeectiing thee Ammeriicann waay oof llifee foor 444 milllioon peooplee liivinng iin tthe US, acccorrdinng tto nnew cennsuss (人人口普查查) ddataaIItss gooingg too haave a llongg-teerm imppactt annd tto ssay its ggoinng tto eend is opttimiisti
24、ic, saays Cheeryll Ruusseell, foormeer eedittor-in-chiief of Ameericcan Demmogrraphhicss maagazzineeWWerre jjustt inn thhe mmidddle of a bbig traansiitioon (轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn)變)So wwhatt iss thhe nnew norrmall?*Marrryinng llateerTThe aveeragge aage of thee fiirstt maarriiagee haas iincrreassed to 287 ffor menn annd
25、 22677 forr woomenn*Feweer bbabiiesTheere werre 2200,0000 feewerr biirthhs aamonng wwomeen aagedd 200 too 344 inn 20010 commparred witth ttwo yeaars befforee*Breaakinng uup iis hhardderThee nuumbeer oof ddivoorcees hhas beeen ffalllingg foor 225 yyearrs aas ppeopple waiit lonngerr orr chhoosse tto l
26、livee toogettherr beeforre ttyinng tthe knoot*Crowwdedd liivinngUUnemmplooymeent is forrcinng mmoree peeoplle tto llivee toogettherrThhe nnumbber of houusehholdds wwherre ppeopple livved witth othher rellatiivess cclimmbedd frrom 677 peerceent in 20006 tto 772 perrcennt iin 220100*Goinng ppubllicPri
27、ivatte sschoool enrrolllmennt ddecrreassed froom 11366 peerceent in 20006 tto 11288 peerceent in 20110*Few carrsTThe perrcenntagge oof hhoussehooldss wiithoout a ccar rosse aagaiin tto 991 perrcennt aagaiinstt 88 perrcennt iin 22006641Whhat is thee paassaage maiinlyy abboutt?AThhe iinteerprretaatioo
28、n oof thee Ammeriicann drreammBThhe ssignnifiicannce of thee cuurreent ecoonommic criisissCThhe ttradditiionaal AAmerricaan wway of liffeDChhangges to thee Ammeriicann liifesstylle42Whhat migght Cheeryll Ruusseell agrree witth aaccoordiing to thee paassaage?AThhe AAmerricaan eeconnomyy wiill be looo
29、kinng uup ssoonnBA traadittionnal liffesttylee iss muuch bettterr annd hheallthiierCAmmeriicann liifesstylles aree beeingg reeshaapedd annd wwilll coontiinuee too chhanggeDThhe sspirrit of thee Ammeriicann drreamm wiill insspirre AAmerricaans to gett thhrouugh thee ecconoomicc reccesssionn43Whhat ar
30、ee thhe ccharractteriistiics of thee fuuturre AAmerricaan llifeestyyle?aDeelayyed marrriaagess, bAA loowerr diivorrce ratte cIIncrreassed carr owwnerrshiipdAnn inncreeasee inn prrivaate schhooll ennrolllmeent, eHHaviing chiildrren latterAa,b,ee Baa,c,e Cbb,d,e Dbbce44Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing st
31、aatemmentts iis TTRUEE acccorrdinng tto tthe passsagge?AThhe ttypiicall USS faamilly iis eexpeecteed tto hhavee a thrree-stoory houuse witth aa biig yyardd annd ttwo chiildrrenBThhe UUS bbirtth rratee roose sliighttly in 20110 ccomppareed wwithh twwo yyearrs bbefooreCA groowinng nnumbber of peooplee
32、 arre fforcced to shaare theeir hommes witth ootheer rrelaativves in thee USSDUSS sttudeentss prrefeer tto ggo tto pprivvatee scchoools rattherr thhan pubblicc scchooolsBEngliish teeenaggerss arre tto rreceeivee coompuulsoory (必修修的) coookinng llesssonss inn scchooolsThee iddea is to enccourragee hee
33、altthy eattingg too fiightt thhe ccounntryys inccreaasinng oobessityy raateIts ffearred thaat bbasiic ccookkingg andd foood preeparratiion skiillss arre bbeinng llostt ass paarennts turrn tto ppre-preeparred connvenniennce fooodsCookiing wass onnce reggardded as an impporttantt paart of eduucattionn
34、 inn Ennglaand eveen iif iit wwas maiinlyy aiimedd att giirlssInn reecennt ddecaadess coookiing hass prrogrresssiveely beccomee a minnor acttiviity in schhoollsIIn mmanyy caasess thhe sschooolss ,tthemmsellvess haave givven up coookinng mmealls iin kkitcchenns iin tthe schhoollsBBut thee riisinng ll
35、eveel oof oobessityy haas lled to a rrethhinkk abboutt thhe ffoodd thhat chiildrren aree giivenn annd thee skkillls ttheyy shhoulld bbe ttaugghtWhatt I wannt iis tto tteacch yyounng ppeopple howw too doo baasicc, ssimpple reccipees llikee a tommatoo saaucee, aa bollognnaisse, a ssimpple currry, a st
36、iir-ffryWhiich theey ccan usee noow aat hhomee annd tthenn inn thheirr laaterr liife, saiid EEd BBallls, thee miinissterr reespoonsiiblee foor sschooolssThe nnew lesssonns aare duee too sttartt inn Seepteembeer, butt soome schhoolls wwithhoutt kiitchhenss wiill be givven lonngerr too addapttThheree
37、iss allso likkelyy too bee a shoortaage of teaacheers witth tthe rigght skiillss, ssincce tthe treend hass beeen to teaach foood ttechhnollogyy raatheer tthann prractticaal ccookkinggAllso thee coompuulsoory lessspnns ffor hannds on coookinng wwilll onnly be onee hoour a wweekk foor oone terrmBBut t
38、hee weell-knoown coookerry wwritter, Pruu Leeithh, bbeliievees iit wwilll bee woorthh ittIf wwedd doone thiis tthirrty yeaars agoo wee miightt noot hhavee thhe ccrissis weve gott noow aabouut oobessityy annd lacck oof kknowwleddge aboout foood aand so onEveery chiild shoouldd knnow howw too coook, n
39、oot jjustt soo thhat theeylll bbe hheallthyy, bbut beccausse iitss a liffe sskilll wwhicch iis aa reeal pleeasuureThe rreneewedd innterrestt inn coookiing is priimarrilyy a ressponnse to thee leevell off obbesiity in Briitaiin wwhicch is amoong thee hiigheest in Eurropee, aand acccorddingg too goove
40、rrnmeent figgurees hhalff off alll BBrittonss wiill be obeese in 25 yeaars if currrennt ttrennds aree noot hhaltted45Whhichh off thhe ffolllowiing is NOTT thhe ppurpposee foor EEngllishh teeenaagerrs tto rreceeivee coookiing lesssonns?AToo enncouuragge tteennageers to eatt heealtthy fooodBToo reeduc
41、ce tthe couuntrryss inncreeasiing obeesitty rrateeCToo prreveent bassic coookinng aand foood pprepparaatioon sskillls froom bbeinng llosttDToo sttop parrentts ffromm tuurniing to pree-prrepaaredd coonveenieencee fooodss46Inn whhat wayy wiill coookinng llesssonss beeneffit thee sttudeentss?AThhey wil
42、ll bbe aablee too doo soome bassic, siimplle rreciipess liike a ttomaato sauuceBThhey willl bbe hheallthyy annd eenjooy tthe pleeasuure of succh aa liife skiill as welll:CThhey willl bbe aablee too maake foood eexpeerimmentts wwithh thhe kknowwleddge andd skkilllsDThhey willl bbe aablee too coontrro
43、l thee leevell off obbesiity in thee whholee coounttry47Thhe uundeerliinedd woord in thee laast parragrraphh prrobaablyy meeanss _ Acoontiinueed Bsstopppedd Csspreead Dkkeptt48Itt caan bbe iinfeerreed ffromm thhe ppasssagee thhat _ Acoookiing hass allwayys bbeenn ann immporrtannt ppartt off scchoool
44、 eeduccatiion in EngglanndBEnngliish teeenaggerss wiill havve ttheiir ccookkingg leessoons twiice a wweekk foor oone yeaarCthhe oobessityy raate in Briitaiin hhas beeen rrapiidlyy grrowiing in reccentt deecaddesDthhe sstuddentts wwilll paay aa loot oof mmoneey tto tthe schhooll foor ttheiir ccookkin
45、gg leessoonsCAny fforeeignner whoo haas ttrieed tto llearrn CChinnesee caan ttelll hoow hhardd itt iss too maasteer tthe tonnes reqquirred to speeak andd unnderrstaandAndd annyonne wwho hass trriedd too leearnn too pllay thee viioliin oor ootheer iinsttrummentts cann reeporrt ssimiilarr chhalllengge
46、sNow rreseearccherrs hhavee fooundd thhat peooplee wiith mussicaal ttraiininng hhavee ann eaasieer ttimee leearnningg ChiinesseWWrittingg inn thhe oonliine ediitioon oof NNatuure Nennrosscieeme, reeseaarchherss frrom Norrthwwestternn Uniiverrsitty ssay thaat bbothh skkillls ddraww onn thhe ssamee pa
47、artss off thhe bbraiin tthatt heelp peooplee diiscooverr chhangges in pittch (音調(diào)調(diào))One oof tthe stuudys aauthhorss, NNinaa Krrauss, ssaidd thhe ffinddinggs ssugggestted thaat sstuddyinng mmusiic acctuaallyy tuuness ouur ssenssoryy syysteemThiis mmeanns tthatt scchoools thaat wwantt chhilddrenn too do
48、o weell in lannguaagess shhoulld hhesiitatte bbefoore cutttinng mmusiic pproggrammsDDrKKrauus ssaiddShhe ssaidd muusicc trrainningg migght alsso hhelpp chhilddrenn wiith lannguaage proobleemsMandaarinn (普普通話) speeakeers havve bbeenn shhownn too haave a mmoree coompllex enccodiing (編碼碼) oof pittch pa
49、ttterrns in theeir braainss thhan Engglissh sspeaakerrs ddoTThiss iss beecauuse in Manndarrin andd ottherr Assiann lannguaagess, ppitcch pplayys aa ceentrral rolleAA siinglle ssylllablle wwordd caan hhavee seeverral meaaninngs deppenddingg onnhow iit iis iintooneddFor tthiss sttudyy, tthe ressearrch
50、eers loookedd att 200 noon CChinnesee sppeakkingg voolunnteeers, haalf witth nno mussicaal bbackkgrooundd annd hhalff whho hhavee sttudiied an insstruumennt ffor at leaast sixx yeearssAs thhey werre sshowwn aa mooviee, tthe volluntteerrs aalsoo heeardd ann auudioo taape of thee Maandaarinn woord mii
51、 iin tthreee oof iits meaaninngs: sqquinnt, bewwildder andd riiceThee reeseaarchherss reecorrdedd acctivvitiies in theeir braain steems to seee hoow wwelll thhey werre pproccesssingg thhe ssounndsThoose witth aa muusicc baackggrouund shoowedd muuch morre bbraiin aactiivittiess inn reespoonsee too th
52、he CChinnesee soounddsThe lleadd auuthoor oof tthe stuudy, Paatriick CMMWoong, saaid it migght worrk bbothh waaysIt apppearr? TThatt nattivee sppeakkerss off toonall laanguuagees mmay do bettterr att leearnningg innstrrumeentss49Whhen leaarniing Chiinesse, a fforeeignner willl ffindd _Ahee haas aa d
53、iiffiicullt ttimee leearnningg muusicc att thhe ssamee tiimeBhee haas aan eeasiier timme llearrninng mmusiic aat tthe samme ttimee ?Citt iss haard to massterr thhe ttonees rrequuireed tto sspeaak aand unddersstanndDitt iss eaasy to usee thhe bbraiin tto hhelpp hiim ddisccoveer cchanngess inn piitchh
54、50Whhy ddoess Chhineese leaarniing havve ssomeethiing to do witth mmusiic ttraiininng?ABeecauuse theere is thee saame diffficcultty iin llearrninng CChinnesee annd mmusiicBBeecauuse skiillss too leearnn thhe ttwo makke uuse of thee saame parrts of thee brrainnCBeecauuse mussic traainiing migght hell
55、p ppeopple witth llangguagge sstuddyDBeecauuse peooplee whho ddo wwelll inn Chhineese stuudy do welll iin mmusiic51Thhe uundeerliinedd woord inntonned inn thhe ffourrth parragrraphh caan bbe rrepllaceed bby tthe worrd _Acrreatted BsspellleddCseeemeed Dppronnounncedd52Whhat wouuld be thee beest tittl
56、e forr thhis passsagge?AMaandaarinn Sppeakkerss Arre SSmarrterr thhan Engglissh SSpeaakerrsBSkkillled Earr foor MMusiic MMay Hellp LLangguagge SStuddyCPiitchh Pllayss a Cenntraal RRolee inn Chhineese LeaarniingDScchoools Neeed tto DDeveelopp Muusicc PrrogrramssDIn thhe 119thh ceentuury thee noovell
57、caame intto iits ownnThhoussandds uuponn thhoussandds oof nnoveels werre pubblissheddOff thhosee noovells, verry ffew aree reememmberred toddayHowweveer, theere aree exxcepptioons; thhe worrks of Janne AAustten - PPridde aand Preejuddicee, SSensse aand Sennsibbiliity - ffor exaamplleTTheyy acchieeve
58、dd onlly mmodeest succcesss aat ffirsst bbut greew aand greew iin ffamee annd rrepuutattionnHow ddid Janne AAustten beccomee soo poopullar?Of cooursse, thee noovells aare rommantticEveeryoone knoows thee loove stoory of Mr Darrcy andd Ellizaabetth Bennnettt (iin PPridde aand Preejuddicee), andd hoow
59、 ttheyy ovverccomee thheirr owwn ppridde aand preejuddicee too liive happpilly eeverr affterrThhe lloveers aree allmosst aas ffamoous todday as Rommeo andd JuulieetBut ttherre iis mmoree too Auusteenss poopullariity thaan tthe facct tthatt shhe wwrotte aabouut lloveeThhe bbookks aare verry wwittty a
60、and iroonicc, aand shoow aa grreatt unnderrstaandiing of soccietty aand of peoopleePrridee annd PPrejjudiice opeens witth wwhatt muust be thee moost fammouss seenteencee inn thhe EEngllishh noovell: It is a ttrutth uunivverssallly ackknowwleddgedd, tthatt a sinnglee maan iin pposssesssionn off a goo
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