1、reliable.S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefiresafety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand propertysafetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safetyintoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopingthefollowingfire sa
2、fetysystem.1,strengthenfiresafetyeducationofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFireServicesAct,sothateveryone hasofkeepi ng fire controlsafety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention, reports offirelectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,foundhidden intimeforrectificati
3、on,mai ntena nce,and security. 9,do not usea nopenflameinthe cla ssroom, pr ohi bit burningstove,litca ndles,mo squitorepellent, nosm oking, and banningmessywiring.Wit houtusi ngany household appliances is nota llowed. 10,live oncampusfa cultymembers,mustleadbyexample,and educate familiesand childre
4、n readytofire.11,householduse of gas inscho ols,to master properusage, payattention tothe leak-proof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closingvalve afterusetoensuresecurity. 12, diningroom mustbe qualifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n worker s must be certified,s
5、tri ctlybyoperationoperation, gas tank andst ovesafetydistanceof 1.5meters,topreventaccidents. 13,the adverse conse quencesca used byignoring fire safety regulations,will be puni she d, until investigate dforlegalresponsibility.Song Li n Xi angLiu Jia pi ngelementary school March 2016 Xiangreliable.
6、S ongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool March2016song Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefiresafety, protecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeand propertysafetyofteachersandst udents,schoolfire safetyintoday-to-daymanagement,isdevelopingthefollowingfire safetysyste
7、m.1,strengthenfiresafetyeducationofthewhol eschool.Accor ding to therequirements oftheFireServicesAct,sothateveryone hasofkeepi ng fire controlsafety, protecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention, reports offirelectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,foundhidden intimeforrectification,mai nt
8、ena nce,and security. 9,do not usea nopenflameinthe cla ssroom, pr ohi bit burningstove,litca ndles,mo squitorepellent, nosm oking, and banningmessywiring.Wit houtusi ngany household appliances is nota llowed. 10,live oncampusfa cultymembers,mustleadbyexample,and educate familiesand children readyto
9、fire.11,householduse of gas inscho ols,to master properusage, payattention tothe leak-proof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closingvalve afterusetoensuresecurity. 12, diningroom mustbe qualifie d,and annualtesti ng ofpressurevessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n worker s must be certified,stri ctlyb
10、yoperationoperation, gas tank andst ovesafetydistanceof 1.5meters,topreventaccidents. 13,the adverse conse quencesca used byignoring fire safety regulations,will be puni she d, until investigate dforlegalresponsibility.Song Li n Xi angLiu Jia pi ngelementary school March 2016 XiangIn orderto e nsure
11、 normaltea chi ng or der, protecti ng student s healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal(pr operty)is not lost,topreventorminimizetheoccurre nce ofsafety acci dent s,followt hepreve nt, rescueea ch othe r, ensure safetyand re ducelossespri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocalconditi ons, maket hemanage
12、me ntsystem. 1, t hepri nci pal ist heresponsi bilityofschoolsafety, schoolse curity underthe lea dership ofPresi dent securityw orklea dinggro up. The head tea chertothe l eadershipteam i s responsibl efor,impl ementation ofthe accountabilitysystem.2,schoolmonthlystudentknowle dge aboutsafetyeducat
13、ion,educationshouldbediversifiedintheformeverysafety educationforstudentsofcla sses perwe ek shoul d be targeted.To carryon emerge ncyi ssue sdealing wit h educati on inGe neral,self-hel pand mutualre scue knowle dge. Emergencycall s (such as 110, 119,122,120, and so on) use common sense in e ducati
14、on.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.Schoolst udents reportmajoraccidentwithi n a n hour ofeducation;st udentruna nd disa ppeara nces to re port; re port ofthe a cci dentto awritte n reportin tri plicate,a correcti onal ce ntre, apoli cestation,a t ownshi p pe opl es Governme n
15、tshallnot concealthe accident.4 week,tea chersare on dutysystem, esta blish andimprove the lea dership val ues;str engt hen t he e ducation,manageme nt ofteaching activities inschool s to e nsure normalteachingorder;responsibleforschool safetyleader shi palwaysmai ntaine d close contacta nd distri c
16、tpolice stations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers moral e ducation,esta blish ade dicatedlov e, improvi ng educati on quality, observe the students psy chologicalchange s at anytime a ndtake preventivemeasures,nocorporalpunishmentandcovert
17、corporalpunishment on students,st udentout ofthe classroom,schools maynotbe.6,unitsordepartments usest udent Street pr opaganda orparticipate i nthe cel ebrations,a swella s participatingi n othersocial work, without approval oftheCorrecti onal Centre ,school pri nci pals consent,without organizati
18、on. Without the approvalofreleva ntde partments, may organize studentsto partici pate infirefighti ng,disasterreliefa nd so on. 7, schoolsshould educate st udents to obeyt heschool r ules and reg ulations, on time, on time home t opreve ntaccide nts.8,schoolto school inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,f
19、ound hi ddeni ntime,and in severe cases,it is hardto eliminate immediatelyclosed,andreportedtothelocal peoples Government,e ducati on,and rule oflawse ction. 9,the school shoul d always checkthe inter nalwalls, retaini ng walls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, Windows,stair case sand avariety of
20、sports,extracurricularactivities,fa cilities such as firesafety,infrastructuresecurity,unsafefacility to immedia telyrepair anddemolition to e nsure thattea chers and students work,le arn, live ve nues andfacilitie sare safea nd地基基礎(chǔ)土石方換填施工方案一、工程概況1、環(huán)彬白帝天下濱江路北側(cè)商業(yè)、洋房工程擬建場地位于奉節(jié)縣永安鎮(zhèn)林家臺。本項目建設(shè)單位為重慶環(huán)彬房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)
21、有限責(zé)任公司, 設(shè)計單位為中煤科工集團(tuán)重慶設(shè)計研究院有限公司,地勘單位為中鐵工程設(shè)計院有限公司,監(jiān)理單位為重慶中泰工程監(jiān)理有限公司, 施工單位為重慶市軒園建筑工程有限公司。本次施工擬建建筑物為洋房部分為7+1 層、商業(yè)三層、車庫一層,地基基礎(chǔ)采用強夯法處理,即兩遍點夯加兩遍滿夯進(jìn)行處理,強夯面積約18000多nf。2、場地地質(zhì)條件:場內(nèi)地層主要有第四系全新人工素填土、沖洪積粉質(zhì)粘土以及碎石土,下伏基巖為三疊系中統(tǒng)巴東組泥巖和泥灰?guī)r。二、地基基礎(chǔ)局部換填處理前提情況2013年12月6日,在對18#商業(yè)北側(cè)80米X 32米范圍進(jìn)行第 二遍點夯,夯擊10個點位后發(fā)現(xiàn):按照3000KN.m夯能,夯4-
22、5擊, 未達(dá)到收錘標(biāo)準(zhǔn)時,夯坑深度都在2.6m-3m以上,且收錘困難,夯坑周圍隆起較大,最高至 0.8m。隨后,在夯坑中填筑中風(fēng)化填料后繼 續(xù)夯擊,6擊后,夯坑深1.8m,周圍隆起0.4m,其夯擊數(shù)與夯沉量 仍然達(dá)不到設(shè)計要求和收錘標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。賡即,我方通知業(yè)主、地勘、監(jiān)理 單位代表現(xiàn)場查看。經(jīng)業(yè)主單位林世德、林仕榮、嚴(yán)工,地勘單位薛相國,監(jiān)理單位鄒方軍及施工單位技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人現(xiàn)場查看后,決定用挖機向下深挖,以探查下層的土質(zhì)情況。挖至高程174.6 (深3.5m)后觀察發(fā)現(xiàn):其土呈軟泥狀,含水率大,有明顯水浸泡的特性。初步分析,本施工區(qū)域緊鄰朱衣河北側(cè),受三峽水庫175 米水位影響,長江水滲透后長時間浸
23、泡,使得原回填土含水率過大,土質(zhì)變?yōu)檐浤嗤粒瑹o法承受強夯能量。2013 年 12 月 6 日中午,建設(shè)單位相關(guān)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)召開現(xiàn)場辦公會,會議決定:根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實際情況,為確保工程質(zhì)量,對土質(zhì)軟弱部位作局部土石方換填處理。會上, 要求施工單位按照設(shè)計要求的填料質(zhì)量及換填的相關(guān)施工工藝,保質(zhì)保量完成局部換填的施工任務(wù)。三、換填施工準(zhǔn)備1、確定換填的具體范圍根據(jù)已發(fā)現(xiàn)的軟弱土層位置,向其四周呈放射狀用強夯機探測,以確定大致范圍。開挖后根據(jù)現(xiàn)場土層情況,由地勘單位、建設(shè)單位、監(jiān)理單位代表現(xiàn)場確定具體換填范圍。2、確定換填的深度以現(xiàn)場軟土層深度為依據(jù),按2m深度開挖,然后根據(jù)現(xiàn)場實際情況,再具體確定換填深度。3、
24、高程及范圍測量用水準(zhǔn)儀測出需換填部位的地貌高程,用全站儀測出換填范圍邊線坐標(biāo),為最終確定土石方換填的工程量作依據(jù)。4、換填施工機械準(zhǔn)備本工程地基基礎(chǔ)強夯工期緊,且土石方換填工程量較大,為不影響原施工計劃,土石方換填需240挖掘機一臺,推土機一臺,20T雙 橋運輸車5輛(外運,填料運輸車輛數(shù)臺),18T壓路機一臺。四、土石方換填施工步驟工藝流程:開挖位置的界定(撒白灰線)、原地貌收方-土方開 挖、外運一檢查軟土層是否挖完一確認(rèn)深度(范圍)并收方一塊石土 回填、分層碾壓一填至原地貌高程后清理、找平一驗收。1、按照初步確定的換填范圍,開挖一段后,根據(jù)現(xiàn)場的土質(zhì)情況,請地勘單位、建設(shè)單位、監(jiān)理單位代表
25、現(xiàn)場確定具體開挖深度及范圍。2、確定開挖順序:因業(yè)主指定的棄土場位于施工現(xiàn)場西北方向(約1Km) ,現(xiàn)場開挖時可由西向東進(jìn)行挖運。3、土方開挖:現(xiàn)場配備一臺240 型挖掘機開挖、裝土,利用自卸車運至業(yè)主指定的棄土場,棄土場用推土機堆高及修路。4、現(xiàn)場檢查:挖至要求的深度及范圍后,邀請建設(shè)單位、地勘單位、監(jiān)理單位代表,對已開挖的土層進(jìn)行檢查(設(shè)計單位可傳影像資料) 。確認(rèn)后,收測深度和范圍。5、塊石土換填:(1)用挖掘機或推土機將坑底整平,用18T壓路機碾壓。( 2)換填:換填料必須滿足設(shè)計要求。換填塊石土運至坑內(nèi),用推土機推平,然后用18T壓路機分層碾壓,分層厚度為50cmi換填碾壓密實度參照
26、原回填碾壓后的密實度。(3)填料質(zhì)量要求:填料采用中等風(fēng)化石料,填料中塊石粒徑r be. Song Li Xi ag Liu ja pi g eemenay ”ooi mac 20 16 sngLi xang Lu ja pi ng p - ay scooi ie saey .sems t ehancef. saey propery a nd the le adpropey saey o eaces and s udents scooile saey it一,” ,maaemet, s一-ng the iiwig Ie saey .sem. , stegtme sc. a_0rdng t te
27、rrqur-es 0f te Fr Sevces Ac, s ta e_none has 0f leei I g ie cnt- saey,”,ng fie cnt o -iiies “pein-e0 rs o fieicticty lnns, equipment insecions found hidden i time for ecHcaton, mai ntea nce, and lecuiy9 do not use a nopef-e ithe ca is.om.pr ohi bi burigso - , ca ndes mosqut reeknt,no sm okig, and ba
28、nning mly Wng.Wt hout us ng ay I ouehodaplaccs s not a lwd. lw on camI us a_ly m bes mus ladbype, and Iduae ies and cen scools to mlsteprope usge ppy 1atetI sonpning room mus beq lfed, and anua tesing of presue veses toegulay ceck thecate n wke s mus becei , sr cty by opeaion opeain, g ank al be pun
29、ised, until iestggaed for、a esonsii y Song Lii ang Lu ja pi ng eetay scoolMac 16 -ag不宜大于50cmi為確保地基整體沉降均勻,本次局部換填與原回填土土料盡可能保持一致。( 4) 高程控制:換填碾壓整平后的高程為設(shè)計要求的夯前高程,即 178.00。6、驗收:換填處理完成后,請相關(guān)單位代表現(xiàn)場驗收,合格后,立即進(jìn)行強夯施工。五、質(zhì)量保證措施1、嚴(yán)格控制開挖深度及范圍。2、嚴(yán)格控制填料中塊石的粒徑、含量及填料的含水率。3、抓緊時間,在降雨前一次性完成回填。4、控制好回填面高程,嚴(yán)禁超填。換填完成面平整,達(dá)到強夯面要
30、求。六、安全保證措施1、所有機械操作人員必須持有效證件上崗,并進(jìn)行安全生產(chǎn)的教育和培訓(xùn)。2、所有進(jìn)場施工人員必須正確佩戴安全防護(hù)用品。3、自卸汽車卸料前,司機先察看周圍環(huán)境,確認(rèn)安全后方可卸4、嚴(yán)禁酒后上班。嚴(yán)禁酒后上班。重慶市軒園建筑工程有限公司環(huán)彬白帝天下工程項目部 二0一三年十二月八日Inorde t e nnue normal ea chi ng or deeci ng su.et s heat I y gowh, enuig that natona (pr opety s not ls, tpeent or miimize teoccurence of saey accdet s f
31、lw the peent rrs . e m c ote r, ensue saey ad redue lsel prnci pe a ccdi ng tte l I cal cndiions male t he malaement ss. 1, the prncipa is t he esonsbiiyof scool - feyscool se cuiy unde te lla deshi of Prsi dent scu w o. la dig gru. Theheldta ce tte l shie-i s rrsponsilScool s udens epor majraccnt w
32、ihi n an hourof ld . ain; st_et ru a nd dia pppaa nces to e po*re |or of the a cci det to a wte nepor i ti l,ae, a corret I na ce nte a pol ce stain, a t owshi p pe opl es Goverment shal not cncea the acieI t 4ek ta ches ae I n .y ss, esabls ad .prete ea -rsiicpae i fire fgtI g, dsste reef and sI n.
33、 7, scoos shoude sudens t obby tontme home t oo prevent iccde nt. 8, ichool tsc cinson a eg ua bbss fud hiddde i n time and ie fr,mpl em etai a ccunabily ss.| scool monthy s udet kowe dge aout - ey educain, educain soudbe dier Siid i td clo contct a nd dSti ct polce stains ca nvass ng Surm te pokest
34、ain on scool - ey a nd hep I sre ngte .ig tta ches mora e . -1 I emiae immidiaclsd, and reortd to tI e lca I eples Govenmet educat on, and ueof law se cin. I, te scoolshoU d H .i the form eve saeyCek teineriaey Iduaton fr st uiel s of -ses pe soul d be tagetd. To caybls a de dcatd lv e mprovi ng e d
35、ucain quaiy obsee thes_es psynal was reaiing wls I ond s al ngs hadais doors.n0.ge i ssue s delng wi h eai inGe n-l, sefhel | and muua eicue kowledge Emegency calcholgca Cage s a ay ime a ndtae pr et mesue s nocror. puni sment ad Covel cr a punismet 一 一.一.W do , sai cse s ad a a - y of sorts eXacuri
36、 ar a, , a cltis luc ie saety ifastueS(_c 10,19 m, II ad.o on)u- cmmon i e duain. I t he eSablsment of maor a ccent e poring sysem.on s_ens, s udent out of te clssoom, scoos may not be. 6 unis or de 1ames e sudent Seet pr oppgadaL-. L . . -I r . I . . I . I - I . . . . . . _ _- L _I _ -. . I .tey ep
37、ai ad d olin to ensue tattta ches and s_es wrk e an,lie - nuus ad faiites ae sae and換填方案審批表審批單位審批意見施工單位(蓋章)重慶市軒園建筑工程有限公司負(fù)責(zé)人簽字:口月 日地勘單位(蓋章)中鐵工程設(shè)計院后限公司年責(zé)人簽字:口月 日監(jiān)理單位(蓋章)重慶中泰工程監(jiān)理有限公司年責(zé)人簽字:口月 日建設(shè)單位(蓋章)重慶環(huán)彬房地產(chǎn)開發(fā)有限 責(zé)任公司年責(zé)人簽字:口月 日其他單位(蓋章)年責(zé)人簽字:口月 日Lu ja pi ng ee ntay lie 11Pps surundig -fey manentsys- itta
38、ces and s . ets t he surudng araof te ichool ggvera nce coves pesna a nd food.ofcas or the loie staion i n a tmey manne,tproe ct the saey of s_e nts 4, y beore scool eaces r-id su nt“py atet on t tafic saety 5, sou d ld - aeFula u in cage of - cui y 2, lac a civy slou d hhae a specfc resonnilty ppy ateton to t he pe sns ae, ph2sial mach. Roue 3, ictvites, lcain, fed lunes soud be careh
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