



1、人教修訂版英語高三上Unit 5 Getting the MessageWriting教案內容說明:1. 本節(jié)課設計的指導思想以及課后反思;2. 本節(jié)課的教學過程;3. 本節(jié)課授課中所需材料。1本節(jié)課的設計與反思這節(jié)寫作課是充分利用人教社新編版高三教材第五單元的內容,結合高三教學的特點來設計的一堂議論文寫作課。這節(jié)課的總體設計指導思想就是:充分利用教材提供的有用信息,結合教學的實際需要,把握教學的最佳時機。因為廣告這一話題對于學生來說是一個熟悉的話題,即使不進行專門學習,他們也有很多想法。但是,在學完課文之后,學生能不能學以致用,能不能在語言表達上有相應的提高,就有待于教師設計好教學任務,進行

2、必要的指導和訓練。而另一方面,考慮到議論文的寫作教學也是高三寫作教學的一個重點,所以我就抓住契機,給學生設立了一個真實的情景(real context),讓他們對廣告利與弊的各抒己見,從而把課本上有用的表達法變成自己的語言。在設計教案前,我主要考慮了以下幾個因素:1 教學時間和階段教學計劃。這節(jié)課是在高三講授新課階段進行的,根據(jù)我們學科的階段教學計劃和學校的安排,我把這堂課確定為議論文寫作的啟蒙課,即這是高三階段對議論文寫作的第一次指導,所以在指導的深度上還未達到高考的要求。這節(jié)課的主要目標是讓學生明確議論文的結構,結合課文所學語言,寫出一篇語言水平相對較高,結構較為嚴謹?shù)奈恼隆? 議論文的命

3、題意圖和評分標準。在備課過程中,我反復研讀高考作文評分標準,并對作文的內容、語法及篇章結構方面都一一作了分析。我首先考慮的是從哪些角度入手去幫助學生解讀范文, 對評分標準有一定的認識,從而使學生明確如何展開議論文寫作。3 學生現(xiàn)在的實際寫作水平。高三學生已經具備了一些寫作的基本知識,但是,學生目前面臨兩個問題: (1) 拿到作文題目能寫一些東西, 但是在內容和結構安排上還不夠規(guī)范; (2) 語言表達能力不強, 尤其是針對日常熟悉的話題, 詞匯重復率太高, 語言膚淺貧乏。作為議論文寫作的啟蒙課, 這節(jié)課要著力達到兩個目的: (1) 規(guī)范議論文寫作的框架;(2)充分利用課文的經典語言,來擴大學生對

4、于廣告這一話題的詞匯量。在對學生和教學內容進行了充分的分析之后,我進行了精心的準備。授課當天是我給學生講的第六節(jié)課,師生之間的互動還沒有達到最高峰。 此外,通過課堂提問,暴露出一部分同學課下沒有對課文進行及時的復習,導致在課堂上不能用順暢的語言表達出自己的觀點,在這一部分耽誤了一些時間。但學生聽講的認真程度并沒有降低,事實上整個課堂教學的實施過程還是比較順暢的。課后反饋:在課堂上,我給了學生12分鐘現(xiàn)場寫了一篇作文,并且拿了學生的作文進行現(xiàn)場點評。重點是看文章的結構和連詞的使用。課后,我把全班學生的作文都收上來進行了批改,在結構方面,學生沒有出現(xiàn)失誤,并且水平較好學生的作文語言也比較生動,使用

5、了較為豐富的詞匯。所以,總的說來,我覺得這節(jié)課達到了我預期的目標。2Lesson Plan教師蘭香學科英語課型寫作班級高三(3)授課時間2005.9課題On Argumentative Essay教學目標知識與技能1. arrange an argumentative essay by paying special attention to coherence and structure;2. use vocabulary related to the topics of advertisements.過程與方法Communicative approach and PPP approach (

6、Presentation-Practice-Product)情感態(tài)度價值觀At the end of the class, the students will be able to tell what a good argumentative essay will be like, concerning its logic structure and appropriate wording.教學重點1. brainstorming the advantages and disadvantages of ads;2. discussing the logical structure of an

7、argumentative essay;3. designing a proper writing task for the students;4. evaluating pieces of work by the students with the whole class;5. summarizing the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.教學難點1. brainstorming the advantages and disadvantages of ads;2. discussing the logical structure

8、 of an argumentative essay.3. summarizing the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.學生學情分析與學法指導The students are expected to write an essay within 12 minutes. After that, they take an active part in evaluating their own work together with the teacher, paying special attention to coherence an

9、d structure. As for the structure, none of them fail to follow the instructions; meanwhile, a few students are able to employ accurate vocabulary and a variety of sentences.教學過程設計教師活動學生活動評價內容Step 1:Revision and brainstorming: Teacher helps students to recall advantages and disadvantages of ads.Step

10、2:Creating a real context for the writing taskTeacher motivates and activates students by asking themselves to vote.Step 3:Guided writingTeacher guides students to analyze the structure and coherence of the sample and encourages them to organize an essay in a logical way.Step 4:Writing practiceTeach

11、er monitors all the students and offers help to individual student.Step 5:SummaryTeacher analyzes the structure of a piece of writing by a student as feedback. Step 6: HomeworkStudents brainstorm some ideas and tell each point.Students decide whether they are for or against ads and vote. Two of the

12、students count and calculate the percentages of each group.Students listen to the teacher attentively and answer the questions.Students practice writing.Students evaluate the work by themselves and work together with the teacher to summarize the evaluation criteria for an argumentative essay.Polish

13、their own writing according to the assessment criteria.Some students fail to tell the advantages and disadvantages because they didnt go over the text after class.Encourage the students to learn to make decisions.The teacher needs to be well prepared to ask logical questions so as to enable the stud

14、ents to have a quick understanding of the structure. For example: How many parts can this passage be divided into? What is the topic sentence of the second paragraph? How many reasons are mentioned to support this idea? What kinds of words or expressions does the author use to connect the ideas? Rem

15、ember to give a time limit!Consolidate the structure of an argumentative essay. Feedback is always necessary.They also can exchange their work and make suggestions to each other.3. Supplementary materials1. A list of advantages and disadvantages of advertisements2. Writing task3. A sample of an argu

16、mentative essay 4. Structure of an argumentative essay5. The standard criteria of an argumentative essay1. A list of advantages and disadvantages of advertisementsAdvantagesDisadvantages1.help us make informed choices2.increase product sales3.may lead to reduced prices4.help consumers choose among a

17、ll the available vide useful information6.allow consumers compare prices and quality without going to the store7.help government make people aware of social problems and government policies1.mislead us by making us believe that a certain product is better than it really is2.use illegal

18、ways to promote the products2. Writing task本班級44名學生中做了一次題為“Views on Advertisements”的調查。請你根據(jù)下表中的提示給我校雜志社編輯寫信,客觀介紹調查情況,并簡單陳述你的看法。_%的人_%的人為廣告辯護,認為:1.廣告幫助消費者作出明智的選擇2.廣告有助于增加產品的銷售額3.廣告向人們介紹新產品4.廣告幫助政府部門進行宣傳,使人們了解社會問題和政府政策對廣告提出批評,認為:1.公司濫用廣告誤導消費者2.公司投入大量資金作廣告,可能會提高產品價格3.誤導青少年盲目追求時髦4.有些廣告太吵鬧,令人感覺不舒服3. A sa

19、mple of an argumentative essayDear editor, Im writing to tell you about the discussion weve had about whether it is necessary to include a test of spoken English in NMET. Opinions are divided on the question. 60% of the students are against the idea of an oral test in NMET. For one thing, students may not get just results because oral test is so subjective. For another, most students spoken English is not good enough so it is too early to add an oral test. However, about 40% students have quite a different opinion. They think spoken English should be tested bec


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