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We love English,Unit 8,Sports,The Olympic Games,北京奧申委展示2008年奧運會主會場模型,Warming Up,1. When and where did the Olympic Games begin?,In 776BC, Greece.,2. When and where were the first modern Olympic Games held?,In 1896, Athens,3. What is the symbol of the Olympic Games?,Five rings,4. What is the motto of the Olympic Games?,“Faster. Higher. Stronger.”,5. How many gold medals did China win in the 28th Olympic Games?,32,6. When will Beijing host the 29th Olympic Games?,In 2008.,Well done!,Skim the text and answer the questions.,1. How many kinds of Olympic Games? 2. What happened in 776 in Greece? 3. What happened to the Olympic Games after about the year 393 AD ? 4. Where were the first modern Olympic Games held? 5. What is the situation of Chinese team in the 2000 Olympic Games ?,6. Who was the most famous athlete in the 1984 Olympic Games? 7. When did the 27th Olympic Games happen? 8. What happened to China in 2001? 9. When and where will China host the Olympic Games?,Good job!,Judge the following sentences, which are false and which are true?,1. ( ) In the early Olympic Games, only men were allowed to compete and watch the Games 2. ( ) The motto of Olympic Games is “Faster , Higher ,Further”. Carl 3. ( ) Lewis won three gold medals in the 1984 Olympic Games .,T,F,F,4. ( ) The 27th Olympic Games were held in Los Angeles . 5. ( ) The 28th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. 6. ( ) The Winter Olympic Games are held every three years.,F,F,F,Congratulations,Go through the main idea of each paragraph, and then please try to recite the text according to them.,1. The Olympic Games are held every four years. There are_ and _Olympic games.,summer,winter,Answer the following questions about the text you have just read .,How have the Olympic Games changed since the old Olympic Games were held in ancient Greece ? What will be done in preparation for the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing ? China won 28 gold medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games . What were the events ?,2. Something about the old Olympic Games. The _Olympic Games began around the year _BC in _. It has almost the same events as we have now. However it was stopped about the year _ _.,ancient,776,Greece,393,AD,3. Something about the Olympics in modern times and the 27th Olympic Games. The first Olympic games in _times happened in _in_. In this Games there are _athletes from _countries. The 27th Olympics take place in_ in_ in Australia, in which there are over_ competitors from nearly _ countries. And there are _different events.,modern,1896,Greece,311,13,Sydney,2000,10000,200,300,4). The Olympic motto and something about the track star: Carl Lewis and Chinese team in Sydney Olympics. The motto is “Faster, Higher, Stronger“. In the 1984 Olympic games, Carl Lewis from _ is the best one. He won _gold medals in track and field. In Sydney China won _gold medals, ranking the _ place in the world.,America,4,third,28,5. Beijing will host and is making preparations for the 29th Olympic Games. In _,China got the chance to host the _Olympic games in _, so people in Beijing and all over the country are now in _for it.,Try!Try!Try!,summer,2001,preparation,2008,Post reading 1.Discuss the good and bed effects that the Olympic Games have on the host country. 2.Think about what we can do for the 2008 Olympic games.,Thank you!,; jch58kcf 必說了,多么清凈!乳娘動了動。尤五姨娘怕乳娘醒來,手臂一顫,小魚兒噴出一口氣,難受的彈彈舌尖,正巧尤五姨娘乳頭在小魚兒嘴前,小魚兒出于本能,一口咬住了,吮吸起來。尤五姨娘還沒有出奶,但她感覺到一種神奇的涌動,好像身體從前都是死的、或者說沒有真正活過,現(xiàn)在卻像一根枯枝用盡全力應(yīng)和著春風呼喚似的、應(yīng)和起小魚兒的索求來。這么小、連人形都不太具備的一個東西,怎么可以吸得這么有力?像它全部的的生命都系在她身上。它全部的生命,就系在她身上。她忽然領(lǐng)悟,這才是母親。它一切索求,她天然的不能拒絕?,F(xiàn)在再殺它,它仍然不會反抗,但尤五姨娘已經(jīng)沒有能力再舉起手。酥麻、疼痛而幸福的任它吮吸著。它哪怕吸的是她的血,她也會給它。乳娘睜開眼醒來時,很驚愕的發(fā)現(xiàn)十 已經(jīng)不在搖籃里了,而在她親娘的懷里,吸著娘的奶。初產(chǎn)婦,出奶不是很快,十 老得不到滿足,氣得越吸越大力,尤五姨娘乳頭已經(jīng)被吸出血,十 嘗到些腥味,更加用力,尤五姨娘乳頭上終于有絲絲奶水滲出來。老太太午憩后,跟蘇小橫一起來探望十孫女兒,驚愕的看見尤五姨娘親自摟著嬰孩哺乳,說什么也不肯放。她不管人家說什么了。她的命根子摟在這里了!“這是”老太太咂了咂嘴,很不滿意。但尤五姨娘臉上那蠢煞了的堅持,不知怎么打動了她,她嘆了口氣:“自己奶孩子,苦著呢!你不怕,就先試試罷。撐不住了,就讓乳娘幫你。到底人家奶多,別餓著孩子?!边@就是由著尤五姨娘了。尤五姨娘奶著小魚兒,奶了三天,小魚兒額上的血斑,果然依著婆子所論,漸漸淡了。尤五姨娘奶水已比乳娘還旺盛。她醒時,就喂孩子,還學著換尿布,等孩子睡,她也睡。她這個人像是完全變成了一只為孩子活著的動物。第三天,明柯跑了。他跑的時候,尤五姨娘剛奶完一頓孩子,在睡。窗外一片灰蒙,似黃昏暮色,然而實在是午后,只因鉛云壓得實在太低,遮蔽了日色。爐子里,上好的炭火規(guī)規(guī)矩矩燒著,偶爾“噼啪”一聲。寶音側(cè)耳聽著外頭的風。往常這時候,第一場雪早該下了罷?今年冬天旱,好像所有的雨水都在秋天下完了,這時候天公就干著臉、屏著,


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