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The Fatigue of Aluminum Alloys Subjected to Random Loading Experimental investigation is undertaken by the authors to determine the fatigue life of 2024-T3 and 6061-T6 aluminum alloys G. W. Brown and R. Ikegami ABSTRACT-This paper describes an experimental investi- gation which was carried out to determine the fatigue life of two aluminum alloys (2024-T3 and 6061-T6). They were subjected to both constant-strain-amplitude sinus- oidal and narrow-band random-strain-amplitude fatigue loadings. The fatigue-life values obtained from the nar- row-band random testing were compared with theoretical predictions based on Miners linear accumulation of dam- age hypothesis. Cantilever-beam-test specimens fabricated from the aluminum alloys were subjected to either a constant- strain-amplitude sinusoidal or a narrow-band random base excitation by means of an electromagnetic vibrations exciter. It was found that the e-N curves for both alloys could be approximated by three straight-line segments in the low-, intermediate- and high-cycle fatigue-life ranges. Miners hypothesis was used to predict the narrow-band random fatigue lives of materials with this type of -N behavior. These fatigue-life predictions were found to consistently overestimate the actual fatigue lives by a factor of 2 or 3. However, the shape of the predicted fatigue-life curves and the high-cycle fatigue behavior of both materials were found to be in good agreement with the experimental results. Symbols bl, b = constants kl, k2 = constants N = number of cycles to failure S = stress S = yield stress (1,N1) = reference point on e-N diagram e = strain e = yield strain ep = peak strain e = endurance-limit strain = strain-hardening exponent G. W. Brown is Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cali- fornia, Berkeley, Calif. R. Ikegami is Research Engineer, Structural Dynamics Group, Boeing Aircraft, Seattle, Wash. Paper was presented at 1970 SESA Spring Meeting held in Huntsville, Ala. on May 19-22. r = strain variance Symbols not shown here are defined in the text. Introduction The problem of predicting the fatigue lives of metal structures which are subjected to random loadings is generally solved by first formulating an accumula- tion of damage criteria, then applying this criteria to the specified conditions of varying cyclic-load amplitude. The first and still the most commonly used criterion for predicting the accumulation of damage in fatigue was proposed by A. Palmgren and applied by M. A. Miner. 1 This criterion as- sumes that the problem of accumulation of damage may be treated as one in which the fractions of fa- tigue life used up at different load levels as deter- mined from the constant amplitude e-N curve may be simply added to give an index of the fatigue damage and is generally known as Miners linear- accumulation-of-damage criteria. This paper describes a portion of the results of a study 2 which was conducted to determine a method of predicting the fatigue lives of alumimum-alloy structures which were subjected to narrow-band random loadings. An experimental program was carried out to determine the lives of cantilever-beam test specimens which were subjected to either con- stant-strain-amplitude sinusoidal or narrow-band random strain-amplitude fatigue loadings. The fatigue lives of the test specimens subjected to the random loadings were then compared to predictions based on the application of Miners criteria. Experimental Program The fatigue tests were performed on two com- monly used aluminum alloys, 2024-T3 and 6061-T6. The mechanical properties of these two alloys are Experimental Mechanics 321 u 10 .3 10 .2 TRUE STRAIN L in/in ) 10 “1 Fig. 1-True stress vs. true strain for 2024-T3 aluminum 0.5 a. Beam Configuration b. Normalized Mode Shape -0.5 O 0.5 STRAIN G A G E ACCEL. : ! I I I 100 0-3 _ i i rTr 10-2 10 -I TRUE STRAIN (in/in I Fig. 2-True stress vs. true strain for 6061-T6 aluminum 0.5 Normalized Bending Stress 1 /st Mode -0.5 -1 Fig. 3-Vibration characteristics of fatigue specimen given in Table 1, and the true-stress vs. true-strain curves are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The strain-hardening exponent, , characterizes the stress-strain relationship in the plastic range. These properties were determined from uniaxial tensile tests using tension specimens made from the two alloys. In both cases, the tension speci- mens and the fatigue specimens were machined from the same sheets of aluminum, with the longitudinal axes of the specimens parallel to the direction of roll- ing. This was done to insure uniformity between these two types of tests. The majority of the fatigue tests was done on an electromagnetic vibrations exciter, with a small portion of the low-cycle constant-strain-amplitude tests being performed on an Instron tester. For the testing which was performed on the vibra- tions exciter, the fatigue-test model was a cantilever TABLE 1-MATERIAL PROPERTIES Material True True Strain- Elastic Yield fracture fracture harden- modulus, stress, stress, strain, ing ex- psi psi psi in./in, ponent 2024-T3 i0.6 X 106 51,000 90,700 0.240 0.147 6061-T6 10.6 X 108 40,500 62,000 0.440 0.0875 beam subjected to a base excitation, as shown schematically in Fig. 3(a). For the narrow- band random fatigue tests, the excitation was a nar- row-band signal with a Gaussian base-acceleration amplitude and uniform spectrum over a specified frequency bandwidth. The excitation band was centered at the fundamental beam resonance. The sinusoidal fatigue tests were performed with the ex- citation frequency slightly above the fundamental beam resonance. The type of cyclic loading was therefore completely reversed bending. The cantilever specimens were profiled along the length of the beam to move the maximum bending stress in the first mode of vibration away from the fixed end. A sketch of the test-specimen configura- tion is shown in Fig. 4. The test specimens were clamped in the middle by a mounting fixture which was attached directly to the armature of the vibra- tions exciter. As can be seen from the figure, each fatigue-test specimen contained two cantilever- beam specimens which were excited simultaneously. An end mass, in the form of an Endevco Model 2216 crystal accelerometer, was attached at the free end of the cantilever-beam specimens. The mode shapes and corresponding bending-stress distribu- tions for the first two modes of vibration are shown in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c). At the fundamental beam resonance, the maximum bending stress occurred at 322 I August 1970 i -CLAMPED- o e-j +- -1- I -zt - =! r- Fig. 4-Fatigue-test specimen p,f c .=_ E z r Fig. 5-Fatigue specimen on vibration exciter a distance of 7/8 in. from the fixed end of the beam. The frequency of the first beam resonance was ap- proximately 115 cps. The specimens were care- fully hand polished prior to testing to remove any sharp corners and to eliminate all visible surface scratches in the region in which the maximum stress occurred. To measure the strain level during the fatigue tests, strain gages were mounted on every specimen at the point where the maximum bending stress oc- curred. It was found that the fatigue life of the strain-gage installation was generally much smaller than the fatigue life of the specimen. For this reason, the signal from the accelerometer mounted at the free end of the beam was used to determine the time to failure of the fatigue specimens. The signal from the accelerometer was used to trigger a relay which deactivated a timer when the accelera- tion level dropped to 50 percent of the nominal RMS acceleration level. It was observed that, at failure, the acceleration level dropped very rapidly so that the timers indicated very closely the total time to failure of the specimen. The picture in Fig. 5 shows a fatigue-test speci- men mounted on the vibrations exciter just prior to testing. As can be seen from this figure, special accelerometer cables were constructed by splicing standard Microdot accelerometer cables with two smaller, more flexible, lead wires. This was done to minimize the effect of the vibrations of the ac- celerometer cable on the specimen. Although the splice increased the noise pickup, the signal level was so large that this increase in noise was not noticeable. 60 80 100 FREQUENCY ( Hz ) Fig. 6-Strain spectral density 120 140 160 Fig. 7-Fatigue specimen in Instron tester The signals from the strain gages and the ac- celerometers were monitored during the tests and recorded on magnetic tape. After each test, the recorded signals were played back into a wave- Experimental Mechanics I 323 analyzer system to determine the RMS levels. A digital computer was used to perform a time-series analysis of the random signals obtained from the narrow-band random fatigue tests. A strain spec: tral-density plot of the strain-gage response during a typical narrow-band random test is shown in Fig. 6. As expected, this plot indicates that the fatigue specimen can be considered to be a very lightly damped, single-degree-of-freedom system. The most probable frequency of vibration of this nar- row-band response can be shown to be the resonance frequency of the system. Therefore, the total num- ber of cycles to failure (i.e., the total number of zero crossings with positive slope) was assumed to be the total time to failure in seconds multiplied by the resonance frequency in cycles per second. In the constant-amplitude, sinusoidal tests the total num- ber of cycles to failure was merely the total time to failure in seconds multiplied by the excitation fre- quency in cycles per second. For the tests performed on the vibrations exciter, the range of the total cycles to failure was from 2 ) 10 a to 5 10 cycles. The corresponding strain levels ranged from 600 to 3500 microstrain RMS for the narrow-band random fatigue tests, and from 1700 to 7000 microstrain for the constant-amplitude testing. Due to the fast rate of cycling on the vibrations exciter, it was not possible to obtain fatigue data for life values below approximately 2 103 cycles using the test setup described above. For this reason, some low-cycle, constant-strain-amplitude fatigue testing was performed on an Instron tester. A knowledge of the low-cycle, constant-amplitude . - _ , 9 8 7 10 4 I0 s CYCLES TO FAILURE Constant Amplitude Results Narrow Band Results S-N Diagram - Miners Prediction _ L_i lO s ID 7 1o Fig. 3-Fatigue-test results for 2024-T3 aluminum o E J n ?9 . -_ -_ _ “- ?9 Constant Amplitude Results . . . . . S-N Diagram 10 4 10 5 l0 s 10 7 1D s CYCLES TO FAILURE Fig. 9-Fatigue-test results for 6061-T6 aluminum 324 August 1970 fatigue behavior of the two materials is necessary to correlate the constant-amplitude and narrow- band random fatigue results using Miners criteria. For a Rayleigh distribution, the probability of the peaks exceeding 3.72 times the RMS value is 0.1 percent. Since the highest RMS-strain level for the narrow-band random tests was 3500 micro- strain, peak strain levels of approximately 14,000 microstrain could be expected. The vibrations ex- citer was capable of producing constant-amplitude peak strains of only 7000 microstrain; conse- quently, other means had to be employed to produce an e-N diagram up to the 14,000-microstrain level required for Miners prediction of failure. The Instron tester programmed to cycle at a rate of approximately 5 cpm with strain amplitudes of up to 40,000 microstrain was used to obtain the low- cycle data. The specimens again were loaded in completely reversed bending and were essentially the same as those used in the vibrations-exciter tests. A photograph of the test setup for the Instron fatigue testing is given in Fig. 7. The test speci- men was mounted on the crosshead of the Instron tester by means of a mounting fixture which held the specimen in the same manner that the specimens were held when mounted on the vibrations exciter. The tip of the specimen was held stationary by means of the two-force member which connected the tip to the frame of the testing machine. The base or crosshead was then cycled through a constant deflection. The number of cycles to failure was determined from a counter on the Instron tester. The results of the fatigue tests performed on the vibrations exciter are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, where the RMS strain level has been plotted vs. the total number of cycles to failure of the cantilever-beam specimens. Both the constant-amplitude and the Fig. lO-Constant-amplitude fatigue.test results for 2024-T3 aluminum so I ! II I I Ill t I“1“11 i. Vibr ._-_ jl i i iil I ltll . ?9 , 1 i 1o I 10 1o lo LO IO 10 lO CYCLES TO FAILURE Fig. ll-Constant-amplitude fatigue-test results for 6061-T6 aluminum x m 50 .o .- 10 B 1 lO 1 b2 2.35 II I lO 2 I ! 10 3 n io 4 iij!: Ill i ii(l=- t 1 ! IIj “ l0 s iO s lO 7 l0 s CYCLES TO FAILURE Experimental Mechanics 325 narrow-band random results have been plotted on the same graph to emphasize the difference in fa- tigue life obtained with the two different types of loading at the same RMS strain level. It can be noticed that both materials, when sub- jected to constant-strain-amplitude sinusoidal and narrow-band random strain-amplitude fatigue loads, exhibited an endurance-limit phenomenon at the very low strain levels. Most of the constant- amplitude data seems to fal on a straight line in the log-log plot of RMS strain amplitude vs. the total number of cycles to failure. Some deviation is indicated in the data for 6061-T6 at the high strain levels. This is to be expected since the strains corresponding to these points are well into the plastic region. It is believed that the 2024-T3 material would show the same type of deviation at higher strain levels than could be obtained with the existing vibrations-exciter test setup. The narrow-band random fatigue-test results show the same linear behavior on a log-log plot with a slope which is the same as the corresponding constant- amplitude data at the lower RMS strain levels. The data then begin to deviate at the higher strain levels where a greater number of strain peaks would be expected to exceed the yield strain. The results of the constant-strain-amplitude fa- tigue tests performed on the Instron tester are shown in Figs. 10 and 11, where the amplitude of peak strain, %, has been plotted vs. the total num- ber of cycles to failure of the cantilever-beam speci- mens. The Instron test data are plotted with the constant-amplitude results from the vibrations-ex- citer tests. Since materials which exhibit a fre- quency effect generally show lower fatigue-life val- ues as the cycling frequency is lowered, 3 it is be- lieved that the difference in cycling frequency did not greatly affect the fatigue behavior of the two materials tested; consequently the two sets of data can be directly compared. It is generally believed that there is little significant effect when working with frequencies of up to about 1000 cps. 4 From the results shown in Figs. 10 and 11 and the results of the tensile tests, it can be seen that a plot of stress amplitude vs. the number of cycles to fail- ure would be of little use when large plastic strains are experienced. Due to the nature of the stress- strain relations in the plastic range, a large incre- mental increase in strain corresponds to a very small incremental increase in stress. Therefore, in this paper, either the RMS strain amplitude or else the amplitude of peak strain ep is plotted vs. number of cycles. The symbol % is for peak strain, rather than for “plastic strain.“ Figures 10 and 11 show that the low-cycle-fatigue data seem to fall on a straight line in a log-log plot of peak-strain amplitude vs. the number of cycles to failure. In both cases, the slope of this line is much greater than the slope of the line passing through the high-cycle data. These straight-line relation- ships on the log-log plots indicate that, for con- TABLE 2-PARAMETERS USED IN MINERS CALCULATIONS N1 el ee Material b b2 cycles in./in, in./in. 2024-T3 5.80 3.22 1.35 X 104 0.00510 0.00198 6061-T6 6.50 2.35 4.20 X 103 0.00545 0.00180 stant-strain-amplitude cycling, approximate re- lationships between the total number of cycles to failure and the peak-strain amplitude can be ob- tained in exponential form. In the high-cycle range, this relationship can be expressed as Nf = klep -I (1) and in the low-cycle range as N = k2ep -b (2) where kl and ks are constants. N s is the number of cycles to failure at the peak strain amplitude ep. The values of b and b2 for both materials are given in Figs. 10 and 11 and in Table 2. This change of slope in the low-cycle, high-strain- amplitude region is in agreement with the observa- tions of numerous other experimenters. L. F. Coffin 5 has observed that for many materials, if the plastic-strain amplitude* is plotted vs. the number of cycles to failure, b2 is approximately equal to 2. Using the results of the constant-strain-amplitude fatigue tests, the results of the narrow-band random fatigue tests can be compared with a prediction based on Miners linear-accumulation-of-damage hypothesis. Miners Linear-accumulation-of-damage Criteria As was discussed previously, Miners prediction of failure assumes that failure is due to a linear accu- mulation of damage which can be determined from the results of the constant-amplitude testing. The complete constant-amplitude results, including both * For this case, the plastic-strain amplitude would be the peak-strain amplitude m inus the yield strain. N1 Ne log N Fig. 12-Idealized e-N diagram 326 I August 1970 the low- and high-cycle-fatigue life ranges, have been plotted in Figs. 10 and 11 for both of the ma- terials tested. As can be seen from the figures, the Final failure is assumed to occur when the accumu- lation of damage is equal to unity so


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