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TOEFL 備考專版 1 2004 年 10 月 TOEFL 試題 PART ONE Listening 1 A She likes the view of the mountains in winter B She has never been in Montana C The man should take a winter vacation D The man would not enjoy living in Montana all year 2 A He plans to go to the dance B He does not enjoy dancing C He has something else to do tonight D He plans to go to the next dance 3 A The woman should go to the game with him tonight B The game will not be on television C The results of the game were announced in the newspaper D The woman can find the information about the game in the newspaper 4 A She just finished studying for the exam B She is not certain what material will be covered on the exam C She needs to prepare a little more for the exam D She is willing to help the man study for the exam 5 A Go out to eat with her parents B Find a place to live near the harbor C Get a job at a restaurant D Introduce him to her parents 6 A Let his boss know that he plans to quit B Ask his boss to give him more time off C Recommend the woman for a promotion D Reconsider his decision about his job 7 A She is going to start a new experiment B She is planning to start the experiment on Friday C She received additional time to finish the experiment D She does not plan to finish the experiment 8 A She thinks the man is funny B She will meet the man for dinner tonight C She got sick from last night s dinner D She feels better than she did last night 9 A He has already spoken to Professor Odell B Professor Odell will probably excuse his absence C He has never missed Professor Odell s class D Professor Odell was not in class today 10 A Ask her brother for a ride to the conference B Find a different hotel C Pay for the conference in advance D Cancel his hotel reservation TOEFL 備考專版 2 11 A He forgot to phone Amy earlier today B He does not know Amy s new phone number C Amy s phone number has not changed D The woman should ask Amy tbr the phone number 12 A The store will have more shirts tomorrow B The store will not be selling blue shirts anymore C The man should check other stores for the shirt D The shirts will be less expensive after the game 13 A He likes to give parties B He does not like to attend parties C He does not work on Fridays D People enjoy his company 14 A His class lasted longer than usual B He got lost on the way to the movie C He did not know what time the movie started D He did not pay attention to the time 15 A He is much less patient thanNancy B The woman should play tennis with Nancy C Nancy will go play tennis soon D Nancy should pick up her racket at the post office 16 A His grade was not as good as the woman s grade B He thinks the course was easy C He expected to get a good grade D He did not expect to like the course 17 A The man looks very nice in a suit and tie B The man did not need to change clothes C She likes the sweater the man is wearing D She does not think jeans are appropriate 18 A He has been spending too much time doing sports B He is already a member of several social organizations C His classes already involve a lot of community work D He is very busy with his academic work 19 A Study her notes over the weekend B Give the man her notes until Monday C Take the quiz before the man does D Ask to have the quiz postponed 20 A He cannot walk because his foot is broken B He will have to see the doctor again C He needs to take some medicine D He feels relieved about his injury 21 A He does not want to continue on the project today B He will work on the project without the woman C He does not know when the project is due D It will take five hours to finish the project TOEFL 備考專版 3 22 A Look for another job B Talk to his boss about his schedule C Start work later in the day D Ask his boss for a raise in pay 23 A He thinks Betsy should take a business class B He got angry with Betsy at the meeting C He admires Betsy for expressing her opinion D He did not understand what Betsy said 24 A He cannot afford to buy a computer B He was the last person to leave the computer lab C He is worried about turning his paper in late D He used a typewriter for his paper 25 A Gather more information from other students they know B Help each other with the assignment C Ask a professor to help them D Take some time off to rest 26 A The driver s reaction was understandable B Drinking coffee is not allowed on the bus C Some of the woman s coffee spilled on the driver D The driver should not have yelled at the woman 27 A Mary owes money to her parents B Mary does well because of her parents C Mary needs more support from her parents D Mary s parents want her to change schools 28 A Inform the man about the policy B Copy the message for the man C Show the man how to use the copy machine D Call the man after she talks to the students 29 A He does not like to borrow money B He has a lot of money to lend C He rarely lends money D He lent ten dollars to the woman 30 A She will not have time to prepare lunch B She would rather wait until tomorrow to decide C She does not remember discussing the matter D She has to cancel her plans to have lunch with the man 31 A Students refuse to listen to his lectures B Very few students registered for his class C Students do not seem to understand his lectures D Too many students failed his class 32 A Musicology B Advanced physics C Film study D Introductory science TOEFL 備考專版 4 33 A His students are not really interested in science B His students are science majors who already know the material C His students have difficulty understanding English D His students find the lab work too difficult 34 A She relates ideas to students outside interests B She plays music to relax students C She creates unusual videos of her students D She applies scientific principles to filmmaking 35 A He feels unqualified to try it B He wants more information about it C He has already tried it D He does not think it will work 36 A What causes blisters on feet B How to stay cool on a hot day C What happened in today s physics class D What is meant by specific heat 37 A The cold water B The hot sand C His physics class D His college 38 A Its temperature does not change very much from season to season B Its specific heat is hard to measure C It takes quite a lot of energy to raise its temperature D It becomes warmer as it comes in contact with sand 39 A The growth of the American Elm Society B Growing new kinds of elm trees C The importance of elm trees D A problem affecting the American elm 40 A Their inability to circulate water B Their increased sensitivity to heat C Low reproductive rates D Heavy pollution in the atmosphere 41 A It is damaged by extremely dry weather B It loses water to stronger trees C Insects destroy the tree s bark D Certain beetles introduce a fungus to the tree 42 A By controlling the carriers of the disease B By growing a stronger kind of the elm C By watering infected elm trees D By cutting down all infected elms 43 A Why nave art is so popular today B The influence of French art on American art C Some characteristics of naive American art D The education of naive artists TOEFL 備考專版 5 44 A They painted in their spare time B They lacked formal art training C They used a more traditional approach to color D They followed rules established by art schools 45 A They lack bright colors B They are realistic depictions C They follow ancient traditions D They are inferior to French naive paintings 46 A Their works were unsigned B Many of their works were destroyed C They never stayed in one place for a long time D They worked for only a few years 47 A Why American industries grew rapidly in the nineteenth century B How advances in transportation helped American cities develop C Transportation between the cities of the United States D Great American inventors of the nineteenth century 48 A It was no longer possible to keep horses B It was difficult to find jobs C They could no longer walk to work D They had to pay more for their housing 49 A They could be controlled independently B They were fire resistant C They could keep operating for a longer period of time D They offered more room for passengers 50 A It made the subways much quieter B It brought electric light to the tunnels C It allowed passengers to breathe cleaner air in the tunnels D It allowed subways to be repaired inexpensively PART TWO Grammar 1 Inertial navigation a vital role in space exploration employs devices called accelerometers to measure accelerations of spacecraft A it plays B which plays C which it plays D in which plays 2 they rely on external sources of warmth amphibians in cool regions hibernate through the winter A Because B By reason of C Due to D Since that 3 In 1846 agreed upon the boundaries separating what would become Washington and TOEFL 備考專版 6 British Columbia A when the Canadian and United States governments B the Canadian and United States governments which C with the Canadian and United States governments D the Canadian and the United States governments 4 Prized for centuries for their beauty roses are probably the world s plants A cultivated ornamental most widely B ornamental widely cultivated most C most widely cultivated ornamental D widely ornamental most cultivated 5 In area Montana is the fourthlargest state in the United States it ranks forty fourth in population A nor B in spite of C how D but 6 Larch and spruce trees in bogs and wet areas of the northern United States A found B are found C have found D finding 7 Ostrich eggs are larger of any Other living animal they may be 150 mm long and 127 mm wide and have a shell 1 97 mm thick A than those B of those C those that D than 8 Although rain falls throughout most of the world in Antarctica and in a few other places precipitation occurs as ice and snow A and all B all C where all D it is all 9 to learn about human origins and evolution the physical anthropologist studies fossil remains and observes the behavior of other primates A Because trying B Do they try C There is trying D In trying 10 where the American craft movement seems to have flourished most vigorously partly through its association with the Prairie School of Architecture A Was the Midwest B The Midwest as C It was the Midwest TOEFL 備考專版 7 D The Midwest being 11 as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell A To which we refer B What do we refer to C That we refer to it D What we refer to 12 Lorraine Hansberry s play A Raisin in the Sun was to be produced on Broadway A the first drama that all African American woman B an African American woman whose first drama C an African American woman s drama that first D the first drama by an African American woman 13 When changes in the tilt of the Earth relative to the Sun shift the location of South America s warmest zone with it A the rains go B as go the rains C which the rains to go D and the rains going 14 The United States government shares governmental powers with the states under the federal system by the United States Constitution A established it B which established C and established D established 15 A challenging new area in inorganic chemistry is the role of transition metals in the biochemical catalysts called enzymes A that of understanding B to have understanding C the understanding D understanding that 16 The hermit crab a crustacean that uses an empty shell as a portable refuge to cover its soft A B C abdomen changes shells as grows D 17 In the mid 1960 s many artists began to working outdoors on a large scale making the landscape rather than the studio their arena 18 Electoral politics in the United States has been dominated by two political parties since the administer of George Washington 19 Art Deed a style of design popular in the 1920 s and 1930 s was used primarily in furniture jewel textiles and interior decoration A BC D AB C D AB C D TOEFL 備考專版 8 20 Initially introduced in 1852 the gyroscope consists a spinning device usually in the form of a wheel that exhibits strong angular momentum 21 The membrane surrounding a single celled animal or plant or any individual cell in a multicellular organism is important in the respiratory and nutritionally processes of that cell 22 In the nineteenth century moving from crowded Britain to relatively sparsely populated North America were seen by many British as an act of patriotism 23 The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States regulates the right of the government to search a citizen s personal and property 24 The color and pageantry keen rivalry and high level of competition both contribute to the great worldwide interest in the Olympic Games 25 Although have there been better singers and actresses than Ethel Waters none typifies the rise from rags to riches more dramatically than she 26 The college that became Harvard University the oldest institution of higher learning at the United States was founded in Cambridge Massachusetts in 1636 27 In a eclipse of the Sun the regions of umbra experience total eclipse and those of penumbra partial eclipse 28 Paleoanthropologists examine fossil remains of extinct primates while physical anthropologists concern with ethology study the behavior of primates in their natural settings 29 Most ocean waves are generated by wind current that agitate the water s surface 30 Some seeds are viable or capable of growing into healthy plants for only a few days after A BCD A BC D A B C D AB C D AB C D A B C D A BC D A BC D A B C D A B CD A B C D TOEFL 備考專版 9 fall from the parent tree 31 Statistics indicate that approximate every 22 years within a range of 3 to 4 years a major drought occurs in the United States 32 The work of Sarah Oarne Jewet care nineteenth century writer reflects a concern in the alienating consequence of condustrialization and urbanization 33 Seismic waves generated by an earthquake or large explosion can be recorded thousands of kilometer from there source 34 After the United States became independent the cure of more fertile lands drew steadily New Ennglanders into the Ohio Vallye and the British colony of Upper Canada 35 Found in all oceans the various species of electric rays use the charge they can generate for both stunnmg prey or warding off predators 36 Barium is a soft heavy silvery white metallic element that readily reacts with another elements to form useful compounds 37 Among the most complex cryslals are that of silicon dioxide which has seven different structures at varjous temperatures and pressures the most common being quartz 38 Animals have to cope with and control physical and chemical processes that do not necessarily act to benefit of the animal 39 By 1810 the 23 towns of Hampshire County Massachusetts had reached a remarkable uniform of economic development as well as population density 40 With more than half the world s annual yield of 50 million tons of soy beans an important source of protein is grown in the United States C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C D A B C A B D TOEFL 備考專版 10 Part Three Reading The French word renaissance means rebirth It was first used in 1855 by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France then adopted by historians of culture by art historians and eventually by music historians all of whom applied it to European culture during the 150 years spanning 1450 1600 The concept of rebirth was appropriate to this period of European history because of the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that began in Italy and then spread throughout Europe Scholars and artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries wanted to restore the learning and ideals of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome To these scholars this meant a return to human as opposed to spiritual values Fulfillment in life as opposed to concern about an afterlife became a desirable goal and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasures of the senses were no longer frowned on Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing These changes in outlook deeply affected the musical culture of the Renaissance period how people thought about music as well as the way music was composed experienced discussed and disseminated They could see the architectural monuments sculptures plays and poems that were being rediscovered but they could not actually hear ancient music although they could read the writings of classical philosophers poets essayists and music theorists that were becoming available in translation They learned about the power of ancient music to move the listener and wondered why modern music did not have the same effect For example the influential religious leader Bernardino Cirillo expressed disappointment with the learned music of his time He urged musicians to follow the example of the sculptors painters architects and scholars who had rediscovered ancient art and literature The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques Furthermore music changed so rapidly during this century and a half though at different rates in different countries that we cannot define a single Renaissance style 1 What is the passage mainly about A The musical compositions that best illustrate the developments during the European Renaissance B The musical techniques that were in use during the European Renaissance C The European Renaissance as a cultural development that included changes in musical style D The ancient Greek and Roman musical practices used during the European Renaissance 2 What does the author mean by using the word eventually in line 3 A That music historians used the term Renaissance after the other historians did B That most music historians used the term Renaissance C The term Renaissance became widely used by art historians but not by music historians D That music historians used the term Renaissance
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