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中考英語閱讀理解命題特點與答題指導中考英語閱讀理解命題特點與答題指導 教育部考試中心在對近年的中考英語閱讀理解試題進行分析總結時指出 閱讀英語文章 是我國考生接觸英語最主要的途徑 因此 閱讀理解題應該在試卷中占較大比重 綜觀近年 各地中考英語閱讀理解試題 它們有以下特點 試題難度適中 個別地區(qū)略有起伏 文章選 材符合 考試大綱 的基本要求 保證了題材 體裁類型多樣 對閱讀理解的幾種技能考查 比較全面 個別地區(qū)篇章長度和閱讀量略有增加 文章內(nèi)容積極健康 兼具知識性 思想性 和教育性 題型日益多樣化 標準選擇題 是非判斷題 主觀問答題 填寫表格題搭配合理 從整體上看 各地的中考英語閱讀理解試題基本都做到了以下三個方面 第一 閱讀 材料信息含量大 體現(xiàn)在 3 至 5 篇文章的題材與體裁多樣化方面 第二 文章有易有難 搭配適度 命題者注意到合理把握文章及句子的難度 第三 恰當控制生詞的數(shù)量 較好 地處理合成詞與派生詞 每份試題的文章都能合理安排好細節(jié)判斷題 詞意或句意猜測題 文意理解判斷題及推理判斷題的題量與出現(xiàn)的順序 命題者將知識性 趣味性和實用性融 合在一起 對考生的閱讀理解能力進行全方位的比較科學的檢測 把握好選文的難度 選 文的思想性 選文的時代性以及文章實用性是一門很深的學問 命題者對中考后的數(shù)據(jù)進 行縝密分析 透徹了解初中教學實際 本著兩個 有利于 有利于高一級學校選拔人才 有利于促進初中教學 的基本原則 在英語測試學的角度上命制試卷 試題具有非??茖W 的信度 效度與區(qū)分度 教育部考試中心對閱讀文章選材有如下要求 1 閱讀材料的主題要明確 話題要新 要有時代感 2 語言應地道 條理清晰 結構緊湊 在時間順序 空間順序或邏輯推理上要有較大的 復雜性 3 材料長短適宜 每篇文章要有足夠的信息量 以供設題之用 其中文章詞量約占 2 3 試題詞量約占 1 3 4 語言難易要適度 材料中的生詞量應控制在 1 以內(nèi) 由構詞法形成的詞不計為生詞 避免短文中出現(xiàn)太多的漢語釋義 每篇注釋的詞控制在 3 個以內(nèi) 5 材料應具有真實性 原汁原味 選材新穎 避免選用廣為流傳和人所共知的材料 可 涉及科普 社會 文化 政治 經(jīng)濟和生活等 6 體裁應多樣化 應有記敘文 說明文 議論文 應用文等 每套試題最好有一篇考查 特定信息能力的廣告 公告類材料 也可選用科普 新聞等體裁 閱讀能力重點考查點為以下八種閱讀微技能 第一 領悟文章的大意 第二 了解文章 話題的能力 第三 文章主旨歸納概括的能力 第四 理解文章的細節(jié)和細節(jié)轉換的能力 第五 了解文章的結構與寫作手法 第六 文章的寓意內(nèi)涵理解力 第七 詞義的正確理解 能力 第八 文章的推斷能力 以上摘自教育部考試中心的試題分析報告 以下是中考英語閱讀理解測試能力層次的分類 1 信息搜尋準確到位的能力 這類試題常見的測試方式有根據(jù)文章判斷選項的正誤 篩選錯誤的信息 挑選符合題意 的選項等 2 對細節(jié)語義轉換理解的能力 這類試題往往提供數(shù)字 圖表和文字描寫等特定的情景 常常要求考生換個角度思考 橫看成嶺側成峰 只不過是敘述的角度與表述的語言不同 這類試題在閱讀理解試題中占 的比例比較大 3 對詞義轉換的理解能力 這類試題常見的命題方式是根據(jù)上下文猜測劃線詞的語義或者選擇一個近義詞等 4 對文章主旨 作者意圖的分析能力 這屬于較高層次的考查思維能力的試題 包括考查形象思維 邏輯思維以及從局部到整 體的概括思維能力等 雖然一篇文章的細節(jié)內(nèi)容可能很多 但是核心意思都可以用一句或幾 句話概括 甚至三言兩語即可 歸納 和 概括 考查的重點是在理解文意的基礎上對文章 進一步分析和整理的能力 它可能要求歸納某一段落的中心思想 也可能要求對文章整篇內(nèi) 容做歸納 如給文章選擇合適的標題等 5 推理判斷能力 考查推理判斷能力是對考生潛在能力的測試 讀文章不完全是被動的 讀 而要主動的 思 探究文章之外的知識 根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行推斷時要有理有據(jù) 有時文章沒有現(xiàn)成的結 論 要根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容進行合理的想象推斷 有時試題的題目在設計時對文章中的說法變換了 敘述角度或表達方式 是否符合題意不能直接看出 需要在正確把握文章的前提下分析判斷 從而推理出符合文章意思的正確選項 綜觀 2008 年各地課改實驗區(qū)的中考英語試題 閱讀理解的選材非常豐富多彩 既有對 國內(nèi)外有關情況的介紹 又有對社會熱點問題的關注 如 2008 年湖北黃岡卷的閱讀理解既涉 及到對四川汶川大地震后的心理干預 又比較介紹了體育明星劉翔與姚明的個人傳記 2008 年江蘇省南通卷的閱讀理解則引進了對在 2008 年北京奧運會期間有關寄宿家庭情況的介紹 這些散發(fā)著時代與生活氣息的閱讀選材被引入中考試題后 哪怕是英語基礎再差的考生也會 對閱讀內(nèi)容產(chǎn)生興趣 可以這么說 現(xiàn)在的中考英語閱讀理解的選材真正做到了走近生活 貼近時代 符合英語學科學以致用的特點 編者說明 2008 年上海中考卷把 A 篇的補全對話 D 篇與 E 篇的完形填空納入閱讀理 解部分 這里不再分析 B True or False 判斷下列句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的用 F 表示 6 分 B True or False 判斷下列句子是否符合短文內(nèi)容 符合的用 T 表示 不符合的用 F 表示 6 分 Michelle was flying from Houston to London and during the flight she began talking to John the man in the seat next to her She found out that he was president of a famous jeans company based in Texas in fact she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company But that wasn t the most surprising thing He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school and it turned out that he knew Michelle s best friend who also grew up in San Francisco They continued talking And by the end of the flight they felt that they had known each other for much longer than eight 2 第一章 中考英語閱讀理解命題特點與答題指導 hours But back in Houston Michelle almost forget about the attractive man she had met on the plane One evening she was walking her dog when a much larger dog came running toward them growling The owner was running after it shouting He managed to catch the dog just as it was going to attack Michelle s dog Michelle was very angry Why don t you keep your dog on a leash 拴狗帶 She shouted Then suddenly she looked at him and stopped shouting John Michelle they said at the same time Michelle said Do you live around here I live on the next street I don t believe it John said In a city of two million people you live three blocks from me And in the end as had to happen Michelle and John began to going out together all because of seats on an airplane and their dogs 78 Michelle and John were on the same flight from Houston to London one day 79 Michelle was wearing a pair of blue jeans made by John s company 80 During their talk they found they used to be schoolmates in San Francisco 81 Michelle s dog attacked John s when the two owners happened to see each other 82 From the story we know that Michelle and John met again in San Francisco 83 In the end Michelle and John decided they would never see each other again 答案與分析 答案與分析 78 T T 根據(jù)第一句 Michelle was flying from Houston to London and during the flight she began talking to John the man in the seat next to her 可以判斷出兩人同乘 一個航班 79 T T 根據(jù) she was wearing a pair of blue jeans from his company 判斷 80 F F 根據(jù) He had lived in San Francisco when he was in high school and it turned out that he knew Michelle s best friend who also grew up in San Francisco 可以看出他們過去不是同學 81 F F 根據(jù) One evening she was walking her dog when a much larger dog came running toward them growling The owner was running after it shouting 可以看出 Michelle 的狗被 John 的狗攻擊時 John 在后面追趕阻止 兩位狗主人還沒有見面 82 F F 根據(jù)第二段首句 But back in Houston 他們是在 Houston 而不是在 San Francisco 再次見面的 83 F F 根據(jù)文章結尾 Michelle and John began to going out together 判斷 C Choose the best answer 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容 選擇最恰當?shù)拇鸢?6 分 C Choose the best answer 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容 選擇最恰當?shù)拇鸢?6 分 Story1 Story1 In America in 1940 the twin boys went to live with two different families almost as soon as they were born The two brothers never saw each other again until 1979 when they met by chance at a party When they started talking to each other they discovered some amazing similarities 相似處 First they found out that they both enjoyed making things out of wood Later on they discovered that they had both married 3 women called Linda and that they both had one son whose first and middle names were James and Alan Besides both brothers had called their dogs by the same name Toy As if that wasn t enough they also found out that they both took their family holiday at the same place every year Story2 Story2 In 1996 a Filipino woman called Mrs Jimena told other people that her three children had three small holes on the sides of their necks below each other and that these were like the gills 魚鰓 on fish Mrs Jimena said that she didn t know how to swim and that her children were just starting to learn Her family lives in a mountain village far from the sea According to Mrs Jimena the holes in her children s necks become larger when they are underwater allowing them to stay underwater for up to six minutes Story3 Story3 On 11 th October 1994 a 10 year old English girl called Vicky Willmore told her mother that she had a headache Soon afterwards Vicky began writing in mirror image 鏡像 She wrote letters and numbers either upside down or back to front Although she could read what she wrote no one else could She was examined by different doctors but none of them could find out what was wrong with her Vicky became very upset and soon stopped reading and writing altogether Instead she started watching TV all the time On 27 th September 1995 Vicky was watching her favourite football team Manchester United play on television When the team scored a goal she became so excited that she jumped out of her seat and fell backwards hitting her head on a coffee table The next day Vicky could read and write properly again 84 The twin brothers didn t meet each other until A 1940 B 1979 C 1994 D 1996 85 The twin brothers A grew up in two different families B didn t have any similarities at all C had two sons named James and Alan D didn t like making things out of wood 86 Mrs Jimena s children could stay underwater for up to 6 minutes because A their mother was the best swimmer B their village was close to the sea C they had holes like gills below ears D they had gills like fish in their necks 87 The 10 year old English girl changed her proper writing habit A soon after she had a headache for nearly three years B while she was watching a football match C when she hit her head on a coffee table D as soon as she stopped reading and writing 4 第一章 中考英語閱讀理解命題特點與答題指導 88 From the third story we know that A Vicky wrote backwards for nearly three years B doctors didn t know what was wrong with Vicky C hitting one s head can make him write backwards D watching football on television can cause trouble 89 This passage consists of three stories A traditional B historical C frightening D amazing 答案與分析 答案與分析 84 B B 根據(jù)第一則故事中 The two brothers never saw each other again until 1979 判斷 85 A A 根據(jù)第一則故事的首句中 the twin boys went to live with two different families almost as soon as they were born 判斷 B D 項應該改為肯定句 C 項錯在 two 他們都 只有一個兒子 86 C C 根據(jù)第二則故事中 three children had three small holes on the sides of their necks below each other and that these were like the gill on fish D 項是最大干擾項 87 A A根據(jù)第三則故事的首句On 11 th October 1994 a 10 year old English girl called Vicky Willmore told her mother that she had a headache Soon afterwards Vicky began writing in mirror image She wrote letters and numbers either upside down or back to front 判斷出Vick在頭疼后出現(xiàn)寫字異常的 Vicky后來在看電視時頭碰到了咖啡桌 上 寫字習慣又恢復了正常 88 B B 根據(jù)第三則故事中的 She was examined by different doctors but none of them could find out what was wrong with her 可以看出醫(yī)生們都查不出病因 89 D D 綜合三篇故事 都是趣聞 所以選擇 D 項 令人驚奇的 A 項 傳統(tǒng)的 B 項 歷史 的 與 C 項 令人恐懼的 都應該被排除 F Answer the questions 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題 12 分 F Answer the questions 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答下列問題 12 分 I was very nervous as I waited to interview one of the most successful woman of our times Kathy Howe I was just a young reporter and she was not only a popular singer but also a famous actress starring in many movies As soon as the door opened however and her slim figure appeared I immediately relaxed She looked great with her kind brown eyes her excellent black hair and her beautiful smile I looked for bags under her eyes but there were none How do you manage to look so good and live life in the fast lane at the same time I asked her She laughed and her whole face shone It s tiring to be famous You have to work hard be on time and take care of yourself Also you have to go to Hollywood parties be taken photos for magazines and give interviews As we talked I found out that Kathy is a very warm and kind person and that her family is more important to her than being a star At the same time she wants to do everything as well as she can so she can sometimes seem to be hard When I asked her if she thought of herself as lucky she didn t answer immediately Then she said Well perhaps I m lucky But I also work very hard and being famous has weak points too In fact I ve missed out on lots of things I really enjoy doing 5 like spending time with my daughter I felt sad when it was time to leave as Kathy is a wonderful woman I have never met anyone else who has such a busy life and still manages to look so beautiful 104 How did the writer feel before the interview began 105 What did Kathy Howe look like when she entered 106 Kathy Howe thinks being famous is tiring doesn t she 107 What does Kathy Howe think of her family 108 Does Kathy Howe have much time to spend with her daughter 109 What kind of person do you think Kathy Howe is 答案與分析 答案與分析 104 very nervous very nervous 根據(jù)第一段首句 I was very nervous as I waited to interview one of the most successful woman of our times 105 She looked great with her kind brown eyes her excellent black hair and her beautiful smile She looked great w


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