1、An alysis of rein forced con creterein forceme nt tech no logy and Con diti onsAbstract This paper discusses the rei nforced con crete structurerein forced the historical backgro und,an alysis of the com monly used methods of rein forced con cretestructurerei nforceme nt, and rein forceme nt ofthe v
2、arious methods of applicationand advantages anddisadva ntages of study in order to accumulate experie nee in rein forcedcon cretestructurerei nforceme nt,soundrei nforceme nt rei nforcedcon crete structure tech no logy,for subseque nt desig nand con structi onto providetech ni cal support.Keywordsre
3、in forcedcon cretestructure,rein forcedtech no logyA reinforcedconcretestructurerein forceme ntof backgro undRein forcedcon cretestructureis currentlythe mostwidely usedstructure,especially in the in dustrial build ing in a sig ni fica nt share of rei nforced con crete structures, but the rein force
4、d con crete structure over the useful life, it will appear obvious sig ns of damage. Some of these buildingsbeyond the use of ilimit the use of the buildi ng itself, and some poor qualitydue to construction,in this case, often will not be thedemolitio n and recon structi on, are n eeded to enhance t
5、he structure,rein forceme nt,reno vati onand maintenan ce.rein forcedcon crete structures can be divided into directrein forceme nt two typesof rein forceme nt and in directly,whe n the desig ners to choose the right accord ing to the actual methods andcon structi ontech no logy.directrein forceme n
6、t of the gen eral approach are: to in crease the cross-secti on rein forceme nt method,displaceme ntmethodofcon creterei nforceme nt,bondedsteelrei nforceme ntmethodoutsourc ing,Pastesteelrei nforceme ntmethod,paste fiberrein forcedplasticrei nforceme ntmethod,around the wiremethod,anchorbolt an cho
7、r method. prestressed rein forceme nt, i nclud ingrein forceme nt methodin direct method,an additi onalpivot rei nforceme nt method.2 commonlyused method of reinforcement2.1 Paste fiber rein forcedplastic rei nforceme nt method.Externally bon ded fiber rein forcedres in ceme nt materialwith fiber-re
8、i nforced composite materials will be posted inthe tension zonerein forceme ntcomp onen ts,it isrein forced with cross-secti on work together to achieve the rei nforceme ntof structural members improve thestructure and mecha ni cal properties of the purpose of it is a very simple and good reinforcem
9、ent approach, but asked to be rein forced con crete stre ngth not less tha n C15, and pull the concrete surface is not less than the bond stre ngth 1.5 MPa, I n additi on to the adva ntages of similar paste plate, but also resista ntto corrosi on, moistureresista nt, almost no in crease in structura
10、l weight, durable, low maintenance costs, etc., but it requires special han dli ng of fire, the n ature of the force applied to a variety of con crete structures and gen eral structures.2.2 in creasesupportrein forceme ntmethod.Additional pivot reinforcementmethod is through theadditi onof the point
11、s of support,to reduce thecalculati on of flexural spa n were rei nforced to reduce the role of load effects on the component,the purpose ofimprov ing the level of the structure carry ing, accord ing to the performa nee of the support ing structure of the force divided into rigid and flexible fulcru
12、m fulcrum two kindsof reinforcementmethod. The method is simple andreliable, but easy to damage the building s original appeara nee and use of fun cti on and may reduce the use of space, for beams, plates, truss, truss and other structural rei nforceme nt.2.3 Outsourcingbonded steel reinforcementmet
13、hod. Outsourced steel reinforcementis to steel(typically angle or channel)or plate pack corners orcorners on the comp onents of the rei nforceme nt method, the outsourc ing of steel rein forcedcon crete beams, alsoknown as outsourcing of steel reinforcementmethod ofwet that this methodrein forced co
14、n crete structures, theepoxy resin adhesive should be used for perfusion,thesteel reinforcementand are bondedto form a wholecomponent to ensure the original type steel frame and comp onentstogether to form an overall forcecharacteristics are reliable force simple in construction, site work is small,
15、 but large amount of steel, and should not be the case in the absenee of protectionfor hightemperature above 60 degrees place, does not allow for sig nifica ntlyin creased use of cross-secti on size of theorig inalcomp onen ts,but requires substa ntiallyin creasetheir carry ing capacity of rein forc
16、ed con crete structures.2.4 Paste steelrei nforceme ntmethod.Rein forced con crete flexuralexter nalbon dedsteelreinforcementis insufficientcapacity in the componentssection (now section tension zone, compression zone or section is inclined section) with high adhesive strength steel plate surface, s
17、o that the orig inal con creteand thewhole plate together as a new force, constraints on the deformati on ofcon crete,rein forcedcomp onentsin creasedstiff ness andcrackresista nee,effectivelyapasted plate bending, shear, compressionperformanee,and notin the con cretestressconcen trati on rein force
18、dthis method,therequest wasrei nforcedcon cretestructures, the field measurementof concretestrengthgrade of not less tha n C15, and pull the con crete surface of the bond strength is not less than 1.5 MPa, and the plate should be desig ned only axial stress, an ti-corrosi on steel surfaces should be
19、 han dled, the surface corrosi on of steel and the adhesive material harmless. It is characterized by the con structi on is simple, fast, on short,wet job site no or only a small amount of wet plaster, etc. operati ons, producti on and impact on the life of a small, direct force tran smissi on, rein
20、 forceme nt effect, durability, and rein forced the orig inal appeara neeand structure ofthe original clearanee had no significant effect, but the reinforcing effect depe nds largely on the adhesive tech no logy and operati on al level; applicable to withsta nd the static force and the no rmal humid
21、ity en vir onment in bending or tension member rein forced.2.5 in crease the cross-secti on rein forceme nt method in rein forced con crete flexural compressi on zone plus-situcon cretelayer,in creas ingthe effectivecross-secti on height, expa nd cross-secti onal area, thereby enhancing component is
22、 cross-section bending, shearcapacity andthe diagonalsection section stiffness, playrei nforceme ntof the role to in crease the cross-secti onrei nforceme ntmethod in the design and constructionparties mustresolve the originalplus some new part ofthe overall work force issues join tly. Experime ntal
23、 studieshave show nthe process of stre ngthe ningthe forcestructure will appear in the comb in atio n of surface tension,pressure, bending, shear and other complex stress, which is critical shear stress and ten sile stress in the elastic stage, the comb in ati on of surface shear stress and no rmal
24、ten sile stress depe nds mainly on the comb in ati on of old and new concrete surface on both sides of the bond strength to bear, after crack ing and the limit state, mai nly through the comb in ati on of surface by an chor bars or an chor bolt sheargen eratedby thefricti onof the passivetran sfer.
25、2.6 prestressed rein forceme nt method. Prestressedreinforcementmethod is the use of external prestressedsteel rod or steel rod to reinforce the structure or the whole way through the prestress ingforce applied tocha nge the orig inal structure, distributi on and stress level, resultingin the genera
26、l reinforcementof the structureunique stress-strain hysteresis can be completely elim in ated, so the orig inal structure and added some can work together, the structure can sig ni fica ntly in crease the carry ing capacity, and reduce the structural deformati on, crack width of prestressed rein for
27、ced con crete horiz on tal rod bending comp onen ts, and new exter nal prestress ingload due the comb ined effect of axial tension gen erated within the rod, the rod end through an chori ng bias force tran smittedto thecomp onen ts,the comp onentsproduced in ecce ntric compressi on effect, the role
28、of theexter nalloadto overcomesomeof the rmomentgen erated,reducingthe effectofexter nalload,therebyin creas ingtheflexural capacityofthecomp onentwhilethecomp onentdue to pass bar pressure, Crackdevelopmentto alleviate, control, oblique cross-sectionshear capacity in creases.As the level rod to men
29、 ti on therole of the orig inalcomp onents of the stresscharacteristics of the bending section into the eccentric compressi on, therefore, the beari ng capacity of rein forcedcomp onentsdepe ndson the state of the orig inalcomp onents of the bending capacity.2.7 Replaceme ntofcon creterein forceme n
30、tmethod.Replaceme ntofcon creterein forceme ntmethod is the low inten sity of the orig inal structure, thecomp onent materials with poor tough ness, high stre ngth,tough ness, good con crete replaceme nt method, which applies to load-beari ngstre ngth of the con crete compressi on zone member low or
31、 serious defects of thelocal reinforcement. construction process is simple and convenient, on short, small footpri nt, does not affect functionality,but the cost is relatively low, the economyand reas on able.use this methodrein forced con cretestructures, its non-replacementof part of the originalc
32、omponents of concrete strengthgrade, according toon-site testing The results should not be less than the provisi ons of the con crete structure built to the inten sity level.replaceme ntwithcon cretestre ngth grade ofcon crete should be higher tha n the orig inal comp onents and improve the level of
33、 replaceme nt should not be lessthan the depth of C25 concrete, board of not less than 40mm, beams, colu mns artificial placeme nt should not be less tha n 60mm, the use of injectio n method of con structi on, not less tha n 50mm, replaceme nt should be based on con crete stre ngth and len gth of defect detecti on and check ing t
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