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1、An alysis of stude nts improve their En glishwriti ng skillsPaper KeywordsEn glishWriti ng Strategies FAQAbstract output as an importantIanguageskills, thegrowingimportaneeof writing in English by universityteachers and En glish lear ners concern ed, however, many stude nts in vocabulary, syn tax, a

2、nd discourse level, there are still many problems affect ing their writ ing skills.I. I ntroducti onAsliste ning,speak ing,read ing,writi ng andtranslationskills in five importantpart of the level ofEnglishwritingdirectly reflects thestudent scomprehe nsive ability to use kno wledge of the Ian guage

3、, but a long time, English writing has been troubled by a major problem forChin esestude nts, in variousexam in ati ons,stude nts in En glish writ ingis the weakestlink in this article to Linyi University College of Foreign Lan guages?E nglish as a sec on d-year stude nts in thestudy, asked 10 stude

4、nts from 92 years to four years of English writingin the optional subjects five for writing,accord ing to professi onal four writi ng requireme nts, limitieach 35 minutesin 200 words or so words. This essayreceived a total of 150 valid, a total of 30,000 words in on the basis of these data, this use

5、 of qualitative , qua ntitative an alysis, the most com monerrors in writi nghas bee ncollated and categorized, and accord in gly made a nu mber of cop ing strategies.Second,classificati onof Freque ntlyAskedQuesti ons1, the vocabulary levelFrom the data, vocabulary level, the most significanterror

6、is mainly reflected in the spelling errorsand word form both part of speech errors. Misspelled word form is most com mon in terms of total error ofabout 48.7%, the highest error rate of a few words were : vacati on (writte n in the wrong vocati on, competiti on (wro ngwritte ncompetati on,disease (w

7、rong writte ndesease. The study found that some of these errors is due to careless ness or n eglige nee caused by the stude nts, and some errors are stude nts lear ning in their daily has bee n misused, such as vacati on and vocati on. only this part of speech errors in word form spell ing errors, a

8、cco unting for 23.8% of the total nu mber of words wron g. is an example:1 In modernlife, advertising on TV makes greatdiffere nt.Obviously, 1 of differe nt sentence would be wrong adjective as a noun in the sentence is in compatible with the grammar specificati on.In addition,except for the above t

9、wo errors, theword-level errors in clude a lack of vocabulary, red undan cy, ambiguity, error and fixed with Chinese-styleexpressionand so on.2, the syn tax levelCompared with the vocabulary level, syn tactic level,a greater number of errors, but also broader types of these errors in clude: tense er

10、ror,incon siste ntverb,sin gular and plural errors, refer to unknown or ambiguous pronouns, pun ctuati on errors, i ncomplete senten ces, keep senten ces and sentence structure defects, etc. This paper will focus on sentence structure defects (35.6%, in completesenten ces(28.9% andpun ctuati onerror

11、s(15.3% were discussed.En glish sentence structure defects in writ ing ofcollege stude nts one of the most com mon example:2As a teacher, whe n people in other occupati ons are busy, I can do everyth ing I want but have not time limited.Data show that student writing in order to such as and because

12、the in complete sentence to guide the most com mon.3 Our country s teachers enjoy a lot of special ben efits. Such as the two long vocati ons.In the data collected, the author also found alarge number of punctuationerrorssuch errors, commasplice (comma adhesi onsacco un tedfor the largestproporti on

13、,acco untingfor73.4%of such errors. Inadditi on,conn ect ingadverbs liketherefore, however,otherwise,moreover,etc.beforethepun ctuati onproblemsplagued themajority ofEnglish majors is aproblem. 3, the level of discourseDiscourse-level problem with the first two levels of error tha n the ofte n more

14、serious, more urge nt soluti on. First, the discourse level, the first questio n is moderati on mistakes. Zhenti with 02 years of professi onal four essaytopics: The Best Way to Stay Healthy for example, many studentsdid not understand the bestway tostayhealthy, only one way, andtwoor moremethodsare

15、discussed, major mistakes. The sec ond questi on is no clear point of view their or view equivocal and 94 years of essay topics: TV: a Good Thing or a Bad Thing? for example, many stude nts did not an swer the title questio n: good or bad, but that TV is more complex this problem is difficult to say

16、 good or bad, to objectively look at, which is obviouslycontraryto the intentionof the topic andpeople. The third level of discourse is a lot to pave the way and the default backgroundinformation,a paragraphtopic sentence late, for example, stude nts should expla in the importaneeof extra-curricular

17、 activities, but beforethey first lay out a lot of discussi on about college life, the n how importa nt it was tur ned to extra-curricular activities.Third,the cause analysisFromtheabovediscussi onwecan see,both in vocabulary,syn tax, ordiscourselevel,En glishmajors writ ingtherearemanyproblems, wri

18、t ing n eeds to be improved. I believe that thereas on forthis situati on are many. First, thereemoti onalaspects of students a long time, writinghas greatlyaffectedthe poor performanee of studentsenthusiasmand in terest in writi ng, so that their stude nts had a stro ng fear of hardship and negativ

19、e backlash. Secondly, there are aspects of students writing habits. The author questio nn aires,in terviews,etc. Many stude ntshave notlearned to modify the compositi on of the habit of writ ing in whichthere have bee n manylow-levelspelli ng,grammar and moderati onerrors in the third, weakknowledge

20、 of English grammar is the result of poor writi ng skills in En glish One reas on the fourth, the En glish mode of thi nking is an importa nt reas on for differe nces in the U.S. translationtheorist Nida pointedout that theChin ese and En glish terms, perhaps the most importa nt in lin guistics, a d

21、isti ncti on is inten ded to form together with the comparison together. English re-shape together,Chin ese re-c onsen sual. reflected in the syn tax, the Chin ese do not pay attentionto the form of norms, and thesentence means the in terface betwee n the lack of explicit, implicit grammar was Engli

22、sh, focusing on the use of explicit in terface means to achieve grammatical form of completesenten ces-orga ni zedadditi on,Wester n emphasis on in dividual-ce ntered, straightforward mannerthat attitude, thinking is lin ear, Asia ns ofte n the whole, stress ing harm ony and con tacts ofte n stated

23、view of the way twists and tur ns, thinking is a spiral.Fourth,cop ingstrategiesAccord ingtostude ntswriti ng inEn glishcom mon problem andcausean alysis,I proposethe followingcopingstrategiesandrecomme ndati ons:First,adopt flexible teach ingmethods to stimulatestudent interest in writing anden thu

24、siasm, stude nts are not in terested in En glish writ ing classes, writ ing courses both their own reas ons, also beh ind the teach ing of En glish writ ing in the teach ing ofEn glish writ ing, Teachers should continue to try new teaching methods, and effectively improve students writ ing motivati

25、on.Second, stude nts develop good writ ing habits.Good writi ng habits in a very importa nt point is to modifythe habit, as to the Road to Ding (2005 said, cha nge is avery importa nt step, but ofte n overlooked. Modified justcheck the grammar,spelli ng,pun ctuati onand writ ing errors, more importa

26、 ntly, starti ng from the content, checkthe topic sentence with the subject line, with or without irreleva nt in formati on, the structure is rigorous, words and whether it is appropriate, the logic is reas on able.Third, the En glish writi ng course and other courses such as Gen eral En glish, En glish read ing, especially English grammarlessons are closely related.Thus, in the curriculum can be consideredfor writingless ons and grammarless ons simulta neously,both forstude nts Grammar less ons lear ned on the kno wledge into practice,to a certain extent, ensure that the studen


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