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1、Discussi on of high school En glish read ingmodel un der the new curriculumSummary: << New Curriculum > ;& gt; clear: the task of teachers is not to impart kno wledge but to guide and en courage stude nts to ide ntify problems and think of ways to solve the problem. High school English readi

2、ng in structi onshould be teach ingthis new approach,therefore, classroom teach ing must be stude nt-ce ntered, teachers must correctly handle the students,“subject ”status with teachers “l(fā)eading ” role, and fully mobilize the en thusiasm of the stude nts to orga nize lively read ing classroom teach

3、 ing stude nt-ce ntered.Keywords: high school En glish read ing teach inginno vative approaches Classroomteach ingmust bestude nt-teachersmust correctlyhan dlethe stude nts,“subject ” status with teachers “ leading ” role to fullymobilize the enthusiasmof the students to organizealively student-cent

4、eredclassroom activities, the timelydetecti on of them difficult for them to solve problems and become a guide for them to lear n how to do high schoolEn glishRead ingEducati on, simplymypers onalpoi nt ofadvice.First,the prin ciple ofteach ing& It ;<Natio nalEn glishcurriculum sta ndards& gt; &g

5、t;on thepart of the teach ing should be no ted that,“ poin ted out:in the teach ingprocess, should always reflect thedominant position of students, teachers should give full play to the in itiative and en thusiasm of the stude nts in the learning process and in spirestude ntsto in terestinlearning,

6、to create a relaxed,harm oniouslear ningatmosphere . In fact, the primary task of foreig n Ian guage learning is“l(fā)earning ” rather than“ teach. ” The teachercan help, advise and teach; but only the lear ner can lear n.“ (Joh nson & amp; Morrow 1981: 63Second, the teaching mode Language teaching, esp

7、ecially high school foreig n Ian guage teach ing, not simply to explain the word, the syntax of a mechanical training activities, but to cultivate and improve stude ntsEn glishcom muni cativecompete nee.Rece ntyearsthroughthe teaching ofexplorati onandpractice,theauthorthat read - listen -write mode

8、ofteach ingis aneffective way to comprehensively improve the overall quality of stude nts En glish. the followi ng three aspects are discussed(1) teachersunder the guidaneeof the studentsread (1) Introduction(Pre-reading)the “Guide ”reflects the “ teacher-teacher before the students read the text ma

9、y be appropriate to explain the background kno wledge related to the less on; also can take adva ntage of the illustrati ons in the text REVIEW Ian guage desig n by warm-up activities to elimi nate Ian guage barriers that may appear in the text (some words meaning but should en couragestude nts to g

10、uess by the con text), can alsoraise some questions. purpose is to stimulate students reading interests and the desire for knowledge, and students initial perception The content of the text to prepare for the formal read ing.(2) Speed& #8203;Readi ng(Fast-readi ng). This step is to guide stude nts w

11、ith the issue of search reading and the leap reading (Skimming and Scanning), to obtain the informationto understandthearticle righteous cause, and the n let the stude nts an swerquestio ns about or allow stude nts to do wrong is to judge the practice to check students understanding.(3) read (Inten

12、sive read in g). This step to guidestude nts step by stepcarefully read the text, toun dersta nd the main plot and details of the text, the text contents of circumstancesto ask some questions, allowstudents to analyze the link betweenthe central idea inthe paragraph. Share the free paperarticle has

13、not yet taught new words and idioms senten ce, to en courage stude nts to the con text of the use of knowledge to guess to infer purpose is to prepare students for independent analysis, independent thinking and logical reas oning ability, and the habit of thinking in En glish.(4) repeat (Re-read ing

14、 activity). On the basis ofspeed reading and read, guide the studentsto read thetext aga in, to capture the overall text in terface orof theevaluati on, and con solidate the content and Ian guage of the article system pilot, and ultimately to the use of the The purpose of this step can be used in cl

15、ass, but alsoafter school. Purpose curricularlearnedthe Ianguageknowledgeextends to to Extracurricular a similar topic,creative problem solv in g, i n order to cultivate the ability of stude nts to lear n by an alogy.Teachers under the guidaneeof the studentsheardTraditi onalteach ingman ipulati on

16、to moststudents understandnot say. Therefore, on the basis ofthe overallun dersta ndingof the text,deepe ntheunderstandingof theIanguagethrough a series ofliste ning,speak ing,andIan guage-useactivities, theun dersta ndingand applicati on of a comb in ati onoforga nic up.(A sin gle or double activit

17、ies (In dividual or pairwork). Teacher asked in order to con solidate thekno wledge lear ned by the stude nts in a timely manner tocheck the students texts to understandthe extentofspeed read and read,orga nizestude ntsto one ortwopairs of activities. Astudent, or studentsa questi ontoanswer. This e

18、nablesstudentsto masterthe factsanddetails of the article,which can encourage studentstoan alyze the topic senten ce, summarized the paragraph tothe effect, the central idea. For example: What s the mai n idea of the the text.(2 groups to discuss and repeat (Discussion& Retelli ng). High school

19、read ing materials, some aregiven a series of digital information, so that students discussion group around the main line of digital words and senten ces. Some content around the topic of read ing the text to arra nge Pre-discussi on. Discussi on or Questi on.through discussion,teachers can find out

20、 the extent ofstudents understanding of the topic, students have the opportunityto another purpose of conversation.freediscussi on will arouse their in terest in the text is about tolearn, but also speculation that the text to express the meaning of. read repeat the process after a process of unders

21、tanding and memory, also uses the process of thinking in English, is a self-improvementprocess. readafter the discussion, guide students to view the text to discuss, in favor of what, against what and elaborated reas ons. Some also allows stude nts to comb ine actual talk about their own experiences

22、, views and perspectives, so that they express their views.Teachers un der the guida nee of the stude nts towrite (Writi ng)Writ ing the Ian guage skills of the mostconcen tratedexpressi onof thedoye nof En glishcom mun ity-Pek ingUn iversityMr. LiFuning hasrepeatedlystressed that:“ Everycoursein a

23、writingcourse, weknow that, ” Readinga isthe in put ofin formatio n,” write “ feedback of informationin theextraction of “ write ” to go through thethi nking brainprocess ing,refining,up to acerta inamountofin formati onin put,the output ofin formati onbecomepossible, therefore, it is the most effective and positive learning psychological processes, so focus the students read ing ability at the same time resp ond to the writi ng of stude nts in various forms of discourse,


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