



1、舉一反三造句子1、小明學會了一種解題方法,舉一反三,他又做會了好幾道類似的題目。1, Xiao Mi ng lear nt a problem solvi ng method, hecan infer other thi ngs from one fact, several similar topics.2、你如能把這訣竅弄懂,日后無論學哪一門派的功夫,一定都 能舉一反三,事半功倍。2, if you can do this trick to understandthe future, nomatter which school martial art of Kung Fu, must be

2、able toinfer other things from one fact, multiplier.3、凡事能舉一反三,正是他學習快速的原因。3, everythi ng is fast he can infer other thi ngs from one fact, reas on of lear ning.4、 原來這些招式,和他原來所學的拳法相近,更何況今遇明師 指點,他更是舉一反三,觸類旁通,進步驚人。4, the orig inal of these moves, and he had to lear n box ingsimilar, not to mentionthis c

3、ase of an enlightenedmasterpoin ti ng, he is draw ing inferen ces about other cases from onein sta nee, comprehe nd by an alogy, amaz ing progress.5、對學過的知識,經(jīng)常舉一反三,就能悟出新知識。5, the kno wledge lear ned, often can get new kno wledge ito infer other thi ngs from one fact.6、小明反應相當敏捷,只要老師教過的,他都能舉一反三。6, Xiao

4、 Ming reacti on quite agile, as long as the teacher taught, he can infer other things from one fact.7、想要了解本地行情,倒也不必貨比三家,只要挑一家來問價 錢,舉一反三,大概也就差不多了。7, want to un dersta nd the local market, but also does not n eed the goods tha n three, just pick a home to ask the price, replicability, probably also al

5、most.8、 把二連加四次就是二乘以四,舉一反三,把五連加四次就是 五乘以四。8, the two plus four is two times four, five and four to infer other things from one fact, eve n time is five multiplied byfour.9、歷史雖然漫長,但興亡之理如出一轍,舉一反三,雖百代可 知。9, although the long history, but the rise and fall of EMI that run in the same groove, infer other t

6、hi ngs from one fact, though.10、熟讀這本方法論,從此可觸類旁通,舉一反三,推求眾理。10, familiar with the methodology, then can get the physical an alogy, infer other thi ngs from one fact.11、真正聰敏的人,往往能告往知來,舉一反三。11, the really clever people, often Gaowangzhilai,inferother thi ngs from one fact.12、研究問題,需要廣蒐資料,深入分析,才能舉一反三,融 會貫

7、通。12, research questi ons, n eed wide search data, in-depth an alysis, to infer other things from one fact, mastery.13、老師說如果懂得這些知識后,就可以舉一反三地知道其他 類似的知識。13, the teacher said that if you can understand these knowledge, to know about other knowledge to infer other things from one fact.14、讀書要求靈活運用,才能舉一反三,事半功倍。14, reading requirements flexibly, to infer other things from one fact, multiplier.15、這世界上有的人舉一反三,一教就會,但也有無論怎麼教 仍是頑石難以點頭的人。15 in this world, some people will


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