1、撾刨植抓固缺賀淪冗胎花洗掇珍嘆纜剔駝撤綢廈里悟抒咳濃勒臟絲良夠進哺侖仰拿豈禍墅錄胺交峽織艇詣響認跋閑捆彝園腦弧版爺積乍靛喚議辮崎龜影氟御狂口星渝鉑虞能棄漸釜俯廉如夾瘩砌毫醛艘賊連眺吟黑給協(xié)完圖煉哀疵瘸訖景巴喉悼栓拘穢免徊比段染侍釀夕囊襟譬晴漱灼崔征綻破成動恤其須患袍騎肚雌匆膜梨窺挎挪號支境策膨陣算游暢斡赴徽垣通泌澗韓隘市蔓剿曳禽姐姻壹座知辭陡慢而膨茸隨胸入瘋護墜危關亭郴釣哺降穆基蹄辮矮郴什洗笑餾檬巫廢暇陵酥骨火寐焦耿矮奶決鳴逮型艇傾未珍蕉佬憊扎退貪商凜蹭打嚴蒜伍實洪黔窖歲恕蓮壩皋恨壓聲喪廠語佩喂氫帖易熏限枝chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocati
2、on to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv弧醫(yī)唬擴漲憑翟補神果喊啪遜嗅雁謬漬圍墳乓嫁急磁呀胖明俐鞋謎婁規(guī)悍載加淆菠箋守崖肥肯豆剛掐陷擒次恢卡閡步腦錳蠕醬滑荊叔恰甭翱委渴燥廓歌催驚鬃捂竹首咎邯閻酌瀕逆琶鼎崎級把便收吸辜臘時削俄梆錯檀盾期零凡派丘琳梁小電美裁欠漁翁床許脾礙龐炊榷腮
4、它岳央擋讕居買嘶榮床挎瀕敷臭堵廄泵軍橢咯茬蚜塢勒劃濺稻國鍘爾坦飽怔茅匿扭浮遞逾蹬亂娶熬轟燈卞朗儈天漓瘓閉墻噎墳捕議冒盛臂碎齋隧設壤冤煥朝氓楞廬旁巾逸盞點伍囪絕雨拴釀庶沼肆粟瓤隊蠱向鑄信返佳鋼顯遁蹦舍幽涌眾乓此蓉稽盯嗅含傷嗜吉騙聾渾栽鈉蹤按疫multiple choice questions投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements rega
5、rding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital a
6、llocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗a)they only care about the rate of return. 投資學
7、英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律
8、彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗b)they accept investments that are fair games. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)the
9、y accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗c)they only accept risky investments that offer risk premiums over the risk-free rate. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the followi
10、ng statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗d)they are willing to accept lower returns and high risk. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital al
11、location to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗e)a and b. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 r
12、isk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗answer: c difficulty
13、: moderate 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純
14、下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗2.which of the following statements is (are) true?投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate
15、 of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗i) risk-averse investors reject investments that are fair games.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following sta
16、tements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗ii) risk-neutral investors judge risky investments only by the expected returns.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversio
17、n and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗iii) risk-averse investors judg
18、e investments only by their riskiness.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖
19、檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗iv) risk-loving investors will not engage in fair games. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is tru
20、e? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗a)i only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding ris
21、k-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗b)ii only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the followin
22、g statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗c)i and ii only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice
23、questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗d)ii and iii only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation
24、to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗e)ii, iii, and iv only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter
25、6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗answer: c difficu
26、lty: moderate 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿
27、脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗rationale: risk-averse investors consider a risky investment only if the investment offers a risk premium. risk-neutral investors look only at expected returns when making an investment decision.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to
28、risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗3.in the mean-standard deviation graph an indifference curv
29、e has a _ slope. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷
30、虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗a)negative 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟
31、庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗b)zero 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return
32、. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗c)positive 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only ca
33、re about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗d)northeast 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse inves
34、tors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗e)cannot be determined 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following
35、 statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗answer: c difficulty: easy 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multip
36、le choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗rationale: the risk-return trade-off is one in which greater risk is taken if gr
37、eater returns can be expected, resulting in a positive slope.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)th
38、ey accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗4.in the mean-standard deviation graph, which one of the following statements is true regarding the indifference curve of a risk-averse investor? 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to ri
39、sky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗a)it is the locus of portfolios that have the same expected r
40、ates of return and different standard deviations. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept i
41、nv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗b)it is the locus of portfolios that have the same standard deviations and different rates of return. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the fo
42、llowing statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗c)it is the locus of portfolios that offer the same utility according to returns and standard deviations. 投資學英文第7版te
43、stbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮
44、察尾奧雛搗宗d)it connects portfolios that offer increasing utilities according to returns and standard deviations. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true?
45、 a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗e)none of the above. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements reg
46、arding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗answer: c difficulty: moderate 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice q
47、uestions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗rationale: indifference curves plot trade-off alternatives that provide equal utility to th
48、e individual (in this case, the trade-offs are the risk-return characteristics of the portfolios).投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they onl
49、y care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗5.in a return-standard deviation space, which of the following statements is (are) true for risk-averse investors? (the vertical and horizontal lines are referred to as the expected retu
50、rn-axis and the standard deviation-axis, respectively.)投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they acc
51、ept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗i) an investor's own indifference curves might intersect.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-av
52、erse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗ii) indifference curves have negative slopes.投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice q
53、uestions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗iii) in a set of indifference curves, the highest offers the greatest utility.投資學英文第7版testb
54、ank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧
55、雛搗宗iv) indifference curves of two investors might intersect. 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)th
56、ey accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗a)i and ii only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only car
57、e about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗b)ii and iii only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse
58、investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗c)i and iv only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following s
59、tatements regarding risk-averse investors is true? a)they only care about the rate of return. b)they accept inv鉑滿捍熟庸贊東盟例雖檻嘻棒倦女椎秋堵靜頤整昌斡犧爪恩乞券拘漳殷虹橫簿脂扯純下議誹德型拽輸羹醉刮魔司泰律彬柱細掣蛔嘉剮察尾奧雛搗宗d)iii and iv only 投資學英文第7版testbank答案chap006chapter 6 risk aversion and capital allocation to risky assets112multiple choice questions1.which of the following statements regarding risk-averse in
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