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1、/ ti file $revision: /main/8 $/ checkin $date: april 21, 2008 15:41:53 $/#/ file: example_2833xepwmupdownaq.c/ title: 空間電壓矢量產(chǎn)生程序svpwm/ assumptions:/ this program requires the dsp2833x header files. / monitor epwm1-epwm3 pins on an oscilloscope as described/ below./ epwm1a is on gpio0-5腳/ epwm1b is o

2、n gpio1-6腳/ epwm2a is on gpio2-7腳/ epwm2b is on gpio3-10腳/ epwm3a is on gpio4-11腳/ epwm3b is on gpio5-12腳/#/ $ti release: dsp2833x/dsp2823x header files v1.20 $/ $release date: august 1, 2008 $/#includedsp28x_project.h/ device headerfile and examples include file/ prototype statements for functions

3、found within this file.voidinitepwm1example( void ); voidinitepwm2example( void ); voidinitepwm3example( void ); voidsvpwmgen( void ); interruptvoidsvpwm_isr( void ); volatilefloat ualpha,ubeta; volatilefloat a,b,c; 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇

4、p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 1 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -volatilefloat t0,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6; volatilefloat taon,tbon,tcon; float ua,ub,uc; float ts; int a,b,c; int n= 0,sector= 0; #define tprd 800 #define udc 800 voidmain ( void ) / step 1. initialize system control:/ pll, watchdog, enable pe

5、ripheral clocks/ this example function is found in the dsp2833x_sysctrl.c file. initsysctrl(); / step 2. initalize gpio: / this example function is found in the dsp2833x_gpio.c file and/ illustrates how to set the gpio to its default state./ initgpio(); / skipped for this example / for this case jus

6、t init gpio pins for epwm1, epwm2, epwm3/ these functions are in the dsp2833x_epwm.c file initepwm1gpio(); initepwm2gpio(); initepwm3gpio(); / step 3. clear all interrupts and initialize pie vector table:/ disable cpu interrupts dint; / initialize the pie control registers to their default state./ t

7、he default state is all pie interrupts disabled and flags/ are cleared. / this function is found in the dsp2833x_piectrl.c file. initpiectrl(); / disable cpu interrupts and clear all cpu interrupt flags: ier = 0 x0000; 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料

8、可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 2 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - - ifr = 0 x0000; / initialize the pie vector table with pointers to the shell interrupt / service routines (isr). / this will populate the entire table, even if the interrupt/ is not used in this example. this is useful for debug purp

9、oses./ the shell isr routines are found in dsp2833x_defaultisr.c./ this function is found in dsp2833x_pievect.c. initpievecttable(); / interrupts that are used in this example are re-mapped to/ isr functions found within this file. eallow; / this is needed to write to eallow protected registers piev

10、ecttable.epwm1_int = &svpwm_isr; /pievecttable.epwm2_int = &epwm2_isr;/pievecttable.epwm3_int = &epwm3_isr; edis; / this is needed to disable write to eallow protected registers/ step 4. initialize all the device peripherals:/ this function is found in dsp2833x_initperipherals.c/ initper

11、ipherals(); / not required for this example/ for this example, only initialize the epwm eallow; sysctrlregs.pclkcr0.bit.tbclksync = 0; edis; initepwm1example(); initepwm2example(); initepwm3example(); eallow; sysctrlregs.pclkcr0.bit.tbclksync = 1; edis; / step 5. user specific code, enable interrupt

12、s:/ enable cpu int3 which is connected to epwm1-3 int: ier |= m_int3; / enable epwm intn in the pie: group 3 interrupt 1-3 piectrlregs.pieier3.bit.intx1 = 1; 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 3 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - -

13、 - - -/piectrlregs.pieier3.bit.intx2 = 1;/piectrlregs.pieier3.bit.intx3 = 1;/ enable global interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events: eint; / enable global interrupt intm ertm; / enable global realtime interrupt dbgm / step 6. idle loop. just sit and loop forever (optional):for (;) asm(

14、 nop); /main結(jié)束/=interruptvoidsvpwm_isr( void ) svpwmgen(); / set compare valuesepwm1regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = taon; / adjust duty for output epwm1aepwm2regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = tbon; / adjust duty for output epwm2aepwm3regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = tcon; / adjust duty for output epwm3a/ clear int flag for this tim

15、erepwm1regs.etclr.bit.int = 1; / acknowledge this interrupt to receive more interrupts from group 3piectrlregs.pieack.all = pieack_group3; voidinitepwm1example() 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 4 頁,共 11 頁 - - - -

16、 - - - - - / setup tbclkepwm1regs.tbprd = tprd; / tprd=800,period = 1600 tbclk countsepwm1regs.tbphs.half.tbphs = 0; / set phase register to zeroepwm1regs.tbctr = 0 x0000; / clear counter/ setup counter modeepwm1regs.tbctl.bit.ctrmode = tb_count_updown;/ symmetrical modeepwm1regs.tbctl.bit.phsen = t

17、b_disable; /master moduleepwm1regs.tbctl.bit.prdld = tb_shadow; epwm1regs.tbctl.bit.syncosel = tb_ctr_zero; / sync down-stream module/ setup tpwmepwm1regs.tbctl.bit.hspclkdiv = tb_div2; / clock ratio to sysclkoutepwm1regs.tbctl.bit.clkdiv = 5; / 原為 tb_div1 , 對于上下計數(shù):tpwm = 2 x tbprd x ttbclk fpwm = 1

18、 / (tpwm)/setup shadowingepwm1regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwamode = cc_shadow; epwm1regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwbmode = cc_shadow; epwm1regs.cmpctl.bit.loadamode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ctr=zeroepwm1regs.cmpctl.bit.loadbmode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ctr=zero/ set actionsepwm1regs.aqctla.bit.cau = aq_set; / set actio

19、ns for epwm1aepwm1regs.aqctla.bit.cad = aq_clear; / set dead-bandepwm1regs.dbctl.bit.out_mode = db_full_enable; / enable dead-band moduleepwm1regs.dbctl.bit.polsel = db_actv_hic; / active hi complementaryepwm1regs.dbfed = 50; / fed = 50 tbclksepwm1regs.dbred = 50; / red = 50 tbclks/ interrupt where

20、we will change the compare valuesepwm1regs.etsel.bit.intsel = et_ctr_zero; / select int on zero eventepwm1regs.etsel.bit.inten = 1; / enable intepwm1regs.etps.bit.intprd = et_3rd; / generate int on 3rd event /*/ set compare values/=epwm1regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = 500; / adjust duty for output epwm1aepwm2

21、regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = 600; / adjust duty for output epwm2aepwm3regs.cmpa.half.cmpa = 700; / adjust duty for output epwm3a*/精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 5 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - - voidinitepwm2example() / set

22、up tbclkepwm2regs.tbprd = tprd; / tprd=800,period = 1600 tbclk countsepwm2regs.tbphs.half.tbphs = 0; / set phase register to zeroepwm2regs.tbctr = 0 x0000; / clear counter/ setup counter modeepwm2regs.tbctl.bit.ctrmode = tb_count_updown;/ symmetrical modeepwm2regs.tbctl.bit.phsen = tb_enable; / slav

23、e moduleepwm2regs.tbctl.bit.prdld = tb_shadow; epwm2regs.tbctl.bit.syncosel = tb_sync_in; / sync flow-through/ setup tpwmepwm2regs.tbctl.bit.hspclkdiv = tb_div2; / clock ratio to sysclkoutepwm2regs.tbctl.bit.clkdiv = 5; / for up and down count-tpwm = 2 x tbprd x ttbclk; fpwm = 1 / (tpwm)/ setup shad

24、owingepwm2regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwamode = cc_shadow; epwm2regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwbmode = cc_shadow; epwm2regs.cmpctl.bit.loadamode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ctr=zeroepwm2regs.cmpctl.bit.loadbmode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ctr=zero/ set actionsepwm2regs.aqctla.bit.cau = aq_set; / set actions for epwm2aepwm2re

25、gs.aqctla.bit.cad = aq_clear; / set dead-bandepwm2regs.dbctl.bit.out_mode = db_full_enable; / enable dead-band moduleepwm2regs.dbctl.bit.polsel = db_actv_hic; / active hi complementaryepwm2regs.dbfed = 50; / fed = 50 tbclksepwm2regs.dbred = 50; / red = 50 tbclks/ interrupt where we will change the c

26、ompare valuesepwm2regs.etsel.bit.intsel = et_ctr_zero; / select int on zero eventepwm2regs.etsel.bit.inten = 1; / enable intepwm2regs.etps.bit.intprd = et_3rd; / generate int on 3rd event / set compare values 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f -

27、 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 6 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -voidinitepwm3example() / setup tbclkepwm3regs.tbprd = tprd; / tprd=800,period = 1600 tbclk countsepwm3regs.tbphs.half.tbphs = 0; / set phase register to zeroepwm1regs.tbctr = 0 x0000; / clear counter/ setup counter modeepwm3regs.tbctl.bit.ctrm

28、ode = tb_count_updown;/ symmetrical modeepwm3regs.tbctl.bit.phsen = tb_enable; / slave moduleepwm3regs.tbctl.bit.prdld = tb_shadow; epwm3regs.tbctl.bit.syncosel = tb_sync_in; / sync flow-through/ setup tpwmepwm3regs.tbctl.bit.hspclkdiv = tb_div2; / clock ratio to sysclkoutepwm3regs.tbctl.bit.clkdiv

29、= 5; / for up and down count:tpwm = 2 x tbprd x ttbclk; fpwm = 1 / (tpwm)/ setup shadowingepwm3regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwamode = cc_shadow; epwm3regs.cmpctl.bit.shdwbmode = cc_shadow; epwm3regs.cmpctl.bit.loadamode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ctr=zeroepwm3regs.cmpctl.bit.loadbmode = cc_ctr_zero; / load on ct

30、r=zero/ set actionsepwm3regs.aqctla.bit.cau = aq_set; / set actions for epwm3aepwm3regs.aqctla.bit.cad = aq_clear; / set dead-bandepwm3regs.dbctl.bit.out_mode = db_full_enable; / enable dead-band moduleepwm3regs.dbctl.bit.polsel = db_actv_hic; / active hi complementaryepwm3regs.dbfed = 50; / fed = 5

31、0 tbclksepwm3regs.dbred = 50; / red = 50 tbclks/ interrupt where we will change the compare valuesepwm3regs.etsel.bit.intsel = et_ctr_zero; / select int on zero eventepwm3regs.etsel.bit.inten = 1; / enable intepwm3regs.etps.bit.intprd = et_3rd; / generate int on 3rd event / set compare values 精品學習資料

32、 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 7 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -voidsvpwmgen( void ) /clarke ualpha= 0.6666667*(ua-0.5*ub-0.5*uc);/ 0.8660254 = sqrt(3)/2 ubeta = 0.6666667*(0.8660254*ub-0.8660254*uc );/0.6666667=2/3/sector

33、 a= ubeta; b= 1.7320508*ualpha-ubeta; c= -1.7320508*ualpha-ubeta; if(a= 0) a= 1; else a= 0; if(b= 0) b= 1; else b= 0; if(c= 0) c= 1; else c= 0; n=a+2*b+4*c; switch(n) case 1: sector = 2; break ; case 2: sector = 6; break ; case 3: sector = 1; break ; case 4: sector = 4; break ; case 5: sector = 3; b

34、reak ; case 6: sector = 5; break ; default: break ; /time ts=2*tprd;/ts為開關周期與載波周期(計數(shù)周期)相等if (sector= 1) t1= 1.5*ts*(ualpha-0.5773503*ubeta)/udc;/0.5773503=1/sqrt(3) t2= 1.7320508*ts*ubeta/udc; t0= ts-t1-t2; if(t1+t2ts) t1= t1*ts/(t1+t2); t2= t2*ts/(t1+t2); t0= ts-t1-t2; 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - -

35、 - - - - - - - 第 8 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 8 頁,共 11 頁 - - - - - - - - -elseif (sector= 2) t2= 1.5*ts*(ualpha+0.5773503*ubeta)/udc; t3= 1.5*ts*(0.5773503*ubeta-ualpha)/udc; t0= ts-t2-t3; if(t2+t3ts) t2= t2*ts/(t2+t3); t3= t3*ts/(t2+t3); t0= ts-t2-t3; el

36、seif (sector= 3) t3= 1.7320508*ts*ubeta/udc; t4= 1.5*ts*(ualpha+0.5773503*ubeta)/udc; t0= ts-t3-t4; if(t3+t4ts) t3= t3*ts/(t3+t4); t4= t4*ts/(t3+t4); t0= ts-t3-t4; elseif (sector= 4) t4= 1.5*ts*(0.5773503*ubeta-ualpha)/udc;/0.5773503=1/sqrt(3) t5= 1.7320508*ts*ubeta/udc; t0= ts-t4-t5; if(t4+t5ts) t4= t4*ts/(t4+t5); t5= t5*ts/(t4+t5); t0= ts-t4-t5; 精品學習資料 可選擇p d f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 第 9 頁,


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