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1、2019年12月大學(xué)英語(yǔ)四級(jí)真題試卷(題后附答案及解析)(二)全 部題型 1.Writing2.LiStening COmPrehenSiOn3.ReadingCOmPrehension4 TranSlatiOnPart I Writing1. FOr this Partt you are allowed 30 IninUteS to Write a Ietter to a foreign friend WhO WantS to Iearn ChineSe PIeaSe recommend a PlaCe to him YOU ShOUId Write at IeaSt 120 WOrdS b

2、ut no more than 180 WOrdS正確答案:Dear Tom,I am delighted to Iearn that Chinese has a fascinatiOn for you and StimUlateS your enthusiasm NOW that you have asked for my advice about Where to Iearn Chinese, I Will try to PUt forward SOme USefUl SUggeStiOnS here.FrOm my perspective, the COnfUCiUS InStitUte

3、 is an ideal PIaCe for you to Iearn ChineSe TWO reasons accoUnt for this FOr One thing, the COnfUCiUS InStitUte boasts diverse and PraCtiCal IangUage Iearning PrOgrams, With PlentifUl Standard modern ChineSe teaching materials and the most qualified teaching Staff FOr another, you Can enjoy VariOUS

4、CUltUral activities in there The COnfUCiUS Institute, InOre Often than not, OfferS a good Inany displays and PerfOrmances COnCerning aspects Of ChineSe culture, including ChineSe festivals, movies, cooking, art and music, etc,WhiCh Can not OnIy boost your ChineSe Iearning but also PrOVide insights i

5、nto traditional Chinese CUltUreI hope you Will find my advice helpful and WiSh you all the bestSinCereIy yours,Li HUaPart II LiStening COmPrehensionSeCtiOn A聽(tīng)力 原文:The BritiSh government has CalIecI for more men to COnSider a Career in nUrSing. FigUreS ShOW the number Of Inale nIIrSeS has fallen in t

6、he IaSt three years Now, the number Of men WOrking in the nursing SeCtOr has reached a SeVen-year IOW NUnIberS Of male nurses increased between 2011 and 2014, and reached a Peak Of 7,168 ThiS figure has CirOPPed to OnIy 6,924 in 2017. The UK HeaIth SeCretary SaiCI, "This is CIeariy a CUltUral P

7、rOblemt and PrObably One that exists in many PartS Of the world. BUt We Can make efforts to Change that now. We Want to PerSUade males to think about Career OPtiOnS Of going into nursing There is absolutely no reason Why Inen can, t go into this PrOfeSSion. H The Health SeCretary SaiCl that the gove

8、rnment already has PIans to attract a more Varieci WOrkfOrCe into nUrSing She stated, "We are Ieading the Way On WOrkfOrCe PIarining. We WilI become the first nation in EUrOPe to PUbIiSh a natiOnaI health and Care WOrkfOrCe Plaru nQUeStiOnS 1 and 2 are based On the news report you have just hea

9、rd1. What PrOblem is Britain facing?2. What is the CaUSe Of the PrObIenI according to the UK HeaIth SeCretary?2.A. The rmmber Of nUrSeS has dropped to a record low.B. There is a growing ShOrtage Of medical PerSOnnel.C There is CliSCriminatiOn against male nUrSes.D The number Of male nUrSeS has gone

10、ClOWn.正確答案:D解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞開(kāi)頭提到,英國(guó)政府呼吁更多男性考慮從事護(hù)理工 作。數(shù)據(jù)顯示,男護(hù)士的數(shù)量在過(guò)去的三年間有所下降。3.A. CUItUraI bias.B. Inadequate pay.C EclUCatiOnaI system.D WOrking COnCIitiOns正確答案:A解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞中提到,英國(guó)衛(wèi)生大臣指出這(男護(hù)士人數(shù)下降)顯 然是一個(gè)文化問(wèn)題,而且可能是世界上很多地區(qū)都存在的一個(gè)問(wèn)題。完全沒(méi)有理 由說(shuō)男性不能從事這個(gè)職業(yè)。由此可知,英國(guó)衛(wèi)生大臣認(rèn)為是文化偏見(jiàn)導(dǎo)致了這 一問(wèn)題。聽(tīng)力 原文:A Inan from Libya WaS enjo

11、ying a WaIk along the SandS at SOUthPOrt BeaCh When he WaS about half a mile OUt from the dock, he felt a bit tired SO he Iay down and fell asleep BUt the tide SWePt in quickly at the beach And the man WaS ShOCked to Wake UP and find the tide had COme in and COmPletely SUrrOUnded him, CUtting him Of

12、f from the ShOre FOrtUnately for him, the beach IifegUardS Were quickly On the SCene to StOP him from ClrOWning They act PrOfeSSiOnally to enSUre the man WaS COmfOrtable UntiI an ambulance arrived He WaS then taken to hospita1. He is now in a StabIe COn diti on. When in terviewed, Keith POrter Of th

13、e SOUthPOrt BeaCh Saidt UOUr beach is SO flat that it, S Very COmmOn for the tide to COme aroUnd the back Of PeOPIe and CUt them Off from the beach ThankfUlly the emergency SerViCeS have again WOrked WelI together to ensure a POSitiVe OUtCOme And We WiSh the gentleman a SPeedy recovery. ”QUeStiOnS 3

14、 and 4 are based On the news report you have just heard3. What does the news report Say about the Libyan man?4. What did Keith POrter Say at an interview?4.A He fell OUt Of a IifebOat.B He IOSt his Way On a beach.C He WaS almost drowned.D He enjoyed SWimming in the Sea正確答案:C解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞開(kāi)頭提到,一位來(lái)自利比亞的男

15、士正在南港海灘上 散步,在離碼頭大約半英里遠(yuǎn)的地方,他感覺(jué)有點(diǎn)累,所以就躺下來(lái)睡著了。但 潮水很快襲來(lái)并完全包圍了他,將他與岸邊隔離。幸運(yùn)的是,海灘救生員發(fā)現(xiàn)了 他,在他溺水前救了他。5.A The beach is a POPUlar tourist resortB The emergency SerViCeS are efficient.C The beach is a good PlaCe to WatCh the tideD The IifebOatS PatrOl the area round the CIOCk正確答案:B解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞中提到,南港海灘的吉斯-波特在采訪時(shí)說(shuō)

16、,這片 海灘很平坦,所以經(jīng)常會(huì)有潮水從人們背后涌來(lái),將他們與海灘隔開(kāi)。萬(wàn)幸的是, 急救服務(wù)人員再次通力合作,取得了好的結(jié)果。聽(tīng)力原文:A raccoon, a Small Cat-Iike animal, CIimbed to the top Of a 25-StOrey SkySCraPer early On WedneSday. It WaS CaPtUreCl after becoming an Online Star across the WOrld At a IittIe before 3 a. ni. , the animal made it to the roof Of the

17、building after it took a IOng break On a 17th floor window edge At the top Of the building, animal COntrol OffiCerS PUt Cat food in traps and CaPtUreCl the raccoOrL A PriVate Wiidlife management COmPany Will release the animal into the WiId The raccoon's UPWard journey began On MOnday. The brown

18、 animal WaS SPOtted StUCk On a narrow WindOW edge Of the OffiCe tower On TUeSdayT the raccoOn SIOWly CIimbed the building. It reached the 23rcl floor, and its Iegend COntinUed to grow On SOCial media With every floor it CIimbed AS it went UPf PeOPle gathered On the SideWalk below to take PhOtOS and

19、Cheer for its Safety OnIine OffiCe WOrkerS POSteeI PhOtOS and VideOS Of the raccoOn resting On WindOW edges and Climbing UP the building' S COnCrete exterior One Online POSt Said that the raccoon has SUCCeedeCl in Uniting the COUntry the Way no POIitiCian COUIdQUeStiOnS 5 to 7 are based On the n

20、ews report you have just heard5. What does the news report Say about the raccoon, a Small Cat-Iike animal?6. What WilI the WiIcllife management COmPany do With the CaPtUred raccoon?7. What did One Online POSt say?6.A It became an Online star.B. It broke into an OffiCe roomC It escaped from a IOCal Z

21、ooD It Climbed 25 StOreyS at One go.正確答案:A解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞開(kāi)頭提到,一只浣熊(像小貓一樣的動(dòng)物)在星期三 早晨爬上了一座25層高的摩天大樓,成了全球網(wǎng)絡(luò)明星,隨后就被抓住了。7.A. Send it back to the zoo.B. ReleaSe it into the WiIClC. RetUrn it to its owner.D GiVe it a PhySiCal checkup.正確答案:B解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞中提到,一個(gè)私人野生動(dòng)物管理公司將會(huì)把這只動(dòng) 物(浣熊)放歸野外。8.A. A raccoOn Can PerfOrm

22、acts no human CarLB. A raccoon can Climb much higher than a cat.C The raccoOn became as famous as SOme POlitiCians.D The raccoon did SOmething no POlitiCian COUIel正確答案:D解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。新聞最后提到,網(wǎng)上有一篇帖子說(shuō),這只浣熊成功地實(shí) 現(xiàn)了國(guó)家的團(tuán)結(jié),這是任何政治家都做不到的。SeCtiOn B聽(tīng)力原文:W: I have really amazing news I just got a text message from m

23、y bank, Saying my Salary has been deposited in my accoUn匕M: Getting Paici is good BUt I don, t Understand Why you, re SO excited It happens every monthW: Well, I,Ve been WOrking for a few years In fact, I WOrked all through UniVerSity but I Only had part-time jobs then. SO this is the first time I&#

24、39;ve ever been Paid for a month Of full-time WOrkM: Wow, then you must feel great. I mean, it's been two decades, but I Can Still remember When I got my first real Saiary I WaS happy for days I felt Iike it WaS a Small fortune, even though it WaSn,tW: Yeah, I, Ve never earned SO much money befo

25、re And there are SO many things I,d Iike to do With it. What did you do With your first pay?M: I bought a new SUit for WOrk and took my ParentS to a nice restaurant to Celebrate Maybe you COUIei do the SameW: 1 have enoUgh PrOfeSSiOnaI CIOtheS And my ParentS are across the country. SO Seeing them is

26、 impossible BUt SOme PeOPIe from the OffiCe are members Of a gym I Want to join. And my UniVerSity CIaSSmateS are arranging a trip to ViSit OUr Old CamPUSt and I, Cl IOVe to go With them BUt I CanF t afford bothM: If I Were you, I,d join the gym, because it's a good Way to Stay healthy, and it m

27、ight help you build a StrOnger relatiOnShiP With your COlleagUeS And good relationships are key to a SUCCeSSfUl CareerW: Hmm. You,re right Thanks for the advice. I,m taking itQUeStiOnS 8 to 11 are based On the Conrersation you have just heard8. Why Clid the WOman feel excited?9. When CIiel the man g

28、et his first full-time job?10. What did the Inan do When he got his first pay?11. What does the WOman Say She is going to do?9.A She got a WelI-Paying job in a bank.B. She received a bonus Imexpectedly.C. She received her first monthly SaIary.D She got a Pay raise for her PerfOrmance.正確答案:C解析:目的原因題。

29、對(duì)話開(kāi)頭,女士說(shuō)她有一個(gè)著實(shí)令人驚喜的消息,她剛 剛收到了銀行的短信,說(shuō)她的工資已人賬。男士對(duì)此感到不解,說(shuō)工資每月到賬 很正常,不知道女士為什么如此激動(dòng)。女士說(shuō)她一直在做兼職工作,這是她的第 一份全職月薪。10.A. SeVeraI years ago.B. TWO decades ago.C. Right after graduation.D JUSt IaSt month.正確答案:B解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。男士在了解了女士為何如此激動(dòng)之后提到,雖然已經(jīng)20 年了,但他仍然記得自己第一次領(lǐng)到真正意義上的工資時(shí)的情形。此處,對(duì)話中 的real SaIary即問(wèn)題中的"全職工作”的工資&

30、#176;11.A. He Sent a Small CheCk to his ParentSB. He took a few Of his friends to a gym.C He immediately deposited it in a bankD He treated his ParentS to a nice mea1.正確答案:D解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。女士問(wèn)男士用第一個(gè)月的工資做了什么,男士回答說(shuō), 他買了一套上班穿的新衣服,并且?guī)Ц改溉チ艘患也诲e(cuò)的餐館慶祝。12.A. BUy SOme PrOfeSSional clothes.B. BUdget her Salary carefu

31、lly.C JOin her COIleagUeS for gym exerciseD ViSit her former UniVerSity CamPUS正確答案:C解析:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。對(duì)話中男士建議女士加入健身俱樂(lè)部,因?yàn)檫@是保持健 康的一個(gè)好方法,而且可能會(huì)讓女士和同事的關(guān)系更好,而良好的職場(chǎng)關(guān)系是事 業(yè)成功的關(guān)鍵,女士對(duì)男士的說(shuō)法表示贊同。由此可知,女士會(huì)與同事一起去健 身房鍛煉。聽(tīng)力原文:W: What' S going On With you lately? YOU Seenl SO distracted, Iike you aren,t really IiStening t

32、o anything I say.M: I know. I'm SOrr y. I can, t SeenI to focus On anything, because I Still haven, t decided if I ShOUleI accept the Offer for that PhD PrOgraiIl in London, Or if I ShOUId take the job Offer in NeW YOrkW: Look, it, s a tough decisioru BUt you, re running OUt Of time, arenr t you

33、? I thought you Said the COmPany expected an answer by the end Of the monthM: Actually, it,S the beginning Of next month for the job, but the UniVerSity needs a CleCiSiOn by the end Of the Week SO I have to act quickl y.W: YOU definitely need advice for an important decision Iike this SO WhO have yo

34、u talked to about it? What does your family think? And your advisor for your master,S program?M: Ir Ve asked their advice and that* S Part Of the PrOblem My ParentS Want me to get the degree, but my advisor thinks it, S time for me to get more WOrk experienceW: What do you mean by Part Of the proble

35、m? Oh, Wait It's your girlfriend, isnr t it? You* ve been dating SinCe your first year Of UniVerSityt SO that, S SiX years now. She must have an OPinion about all this I mean, isn't it time for you to think about getting married?M: Wel 1, I do Want to get married, but She thinks We need to W

36、ait Imtil We, Ve IaUnChed OUr CareerS Plus, she's not SUre What she* 11 be doing next year She* S COnSidering a job in Engiand and One in AUStraIia And her ParentS are PUShing for the IatterQUeStiOnS 12 to 15 are based On the COnVerSation you have just heard12. Why ClOeS the Inan Seem to be dist

37、racted?13. What does the WOman Say the Inan ShOUIeI do?14. What does the Inan Say is Part Of his problem?15. Why does n't the man's girlfrie nd agree to get married right now?13.A He has a CliffiCUIt deci si On to make B. He has been OVerWOrked recently.C. He has just quarreled With his girl

38、friend.D He has just too Inany things to attend to.正確答案:A解析:目的原因題。女士問(wèn)男士最近怎么了,因?yàn)槟惺靠雌饋?lái)心不在焉,沒(méi) 有在聽(tīng)她說(shuō)話。男士道歉后解釋說(shuō),他無(wú)法集中精力是因?yàn)樗匀粺o(wú)法在''去倫 敦攻讀博士”還是''接受紐約的一份工作”之間做出決定。由此可知,男士是因 為一個(gè)艱難的決定而心不在焉。14.A GiVe PriOrity to things more UrgentB TUrn to his girlfriend for assistanceC Think twice before makin

39、g the deci sion.D Seek advice from his family and advisor正確答案:D解析:細(xì)節(jié)推斷題。女士在了解了男士需要盡快做出決定后說(shuō),對(duì)于如此重 要的決定,他確實(shí)需要一些建議,并且詢問(wèn)男士都跟誰(shuí)討論過(guò)這個(gè)問(wèn)題,他的家 人和碩士課程的導(dǎo)師對(duì)此有何建議。也就是說(shuō),女士認(rèn)為男士應(yīng)該向家人和導(dǎo)師 尋求建議。15.A HiS Parents and advisor have different opinions.B. He is not PartiCUiarIy keen On the job OfferedC. He IaCkS the InOney f

40、or his ClOCtOraI PrOgram.D HiS girlfriend does not SUPPOrt his deci sion.正確答案:A解析:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。女士問(wèn)男士有沒(méi)有咨詢過(guò)家人和導(dǎo)師的意見(jiàn),男士回答 說(shuō)他已經(jīng)問(wèn)過(guò)了,而且這就是部分問(wèn)題的所在。父母希望他去獲取學(xué)位,而導(dǎo)師 則認(rèn)為他是時(shí)候去積累更多的工作經(jīng)驗(yàn)了。由此可知,他的部分問(wèn)題來(lái)自于父母 和導(dǎo)師對(duì)這件事的想法不同O16.A. They need time to make PreParatiOns.B. They need to SaVe enoUgh money for it.C They have n't

41、 StarteCl their CareerS yet.D They haven't WOn their Parents' approva1.正確答案:C解析:目的原因題。女士問(wèn)男士是否應(yīng)該考慮結(jié)婚的問(wèn)題了,男士回答說(shuō)他 很想結(jié)婚,但他的女朋友認(rèn)為他們需要等到事業(yè)起步之后再結(jié)婚。SeCtiOn C聽(tīng)力原文:Analytical SkilIS are OUr ability to UnderStand and SOlVe PrOblemS USing infOnnatiOn We have available TheSe SkillS are extremely importan

42、t for OUr professional, SOCialT and intellectual IiVeS What are the best WayS to improve them? One Way is to expand your WOrld VieW Unfortunately, this takes time UltimateIyt it Will help you better evaluate information and analyze Clifferent ideas and OUtCOmeS TraVelIing is a great Way to expand yo

43、ur WOrld VieWt although it Can be expensiveAn entertaining Way Of enhancing your analytical SkilIS is to engage them by PIay ing bra in games TheSe are games that ChalIenge you to thi nk deeply and to develop your analytical SkillS TheSe games Will get you USed to thinking in a Certain way. AS a res

44、ult, they Will help improve your ability to think. HOWeVerT OPiniOnS Vary On Whether VideO games are effective The general COnSeJnSUS is that the best OneS avoid mindless ViOlenCeT and instead focus On Strategy and Challenge US to SOlVe PrObIemS and achieve broad goalsJOining a debate Or reading CIU

45、b Or group is also a good idea ThiS PrOVideS PeOPle With the OPPOrtUnity to COme together and discuss ideas, IiteratUre and PrOblemS GrOUPS Iike these WilI help you refine your analytical SkilIS and enable you to express yourself better Any SOCiaI group that enCOUrageS free exchange Of ideas and PUr

46、SUit Of knowledge is beneficia1. It helps you to actively develop your analytical SkillSQUeStiOnS 16 to 18 are based On the PaSSage you have JUSt heard16. What kind Of ability do analytical SkilIS refer to in the passage?17. What does the PaSSage Say is an entertaining Way Of enhancing one' S an

47、alytical skills?18. What else does the SPeaker advise PeOPle to do to ImPrOVe their analytical skills?17.A ACqUiring informatiOn and PrOfeSSiOnal knoWledge.B. USing informatiOn to Understand and SOIVe PrOblemSC Enriching SOCial and intellectual IiVeSD. EXPreSSing ideas and OPiniOnS freely.正確答案:B解析:事

48、實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。短文開(kāi)頭提到,分析能力是我們使用現(xiàn)有信息來(lái)理解并 解決問(wèn)題的能力。18.A InlPrOVing Inind-reading strategies.B. Reaeling CIaSSiC SCientific IiteratUreC. PIaying games that ChalIenge one,S mind.D TraVeling to different PIaCeS in the world.正確答案:C解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。短文中提到,一個(gè)有趣味性的方法可以提高你的分析能 力,那就是玩智力游戲。19.A GiVe OtherS freedom to express thems

49、elves.B EXPOSe themselves to different CUltUreSC DiSCarCl PerSOnal biases and PrejUdiCeSD PartiCiPate in debates Or CIiSCUSSiOns.正確答案:D解析:細(xì)節(jié)辨認(rèn)題。短文中提到,參加辯論、加入讀書(shū)俱樂(lè)部或組織也是提 高分析能力的好方法。聽(tīng)力 原文:There, S an endless amount Of SCientific data PrOVing that dogs Can develop StrOng bonds With their OWnerS PeOPIe a

50、re,t kidding When they Say they U IOVen their dog, Or their dog U IOVeSn them BUt Wer re rather ignOrant about the nature Of the relationships that form between dogsIn an effort to Understand the matter further, I SPOke With Dr. MarC BekOfft a researcher and former PrOfeSSOr Of animal behavior The d

51、octorr S response to the question Of Whether Or not dogs Can fall in IOVe Iike humans do WaS a Straight "Of course, n He Went On to Say that if IOVe is defined as a IOng-term COmmitment meaning dogs Seek One another OUt When they, re apart, they, re happy When theyr re reUnited, they PrOteCt on

52、e another, they feed One another, they raise their ChiIdren together then Of COUrSe dogs IOVe each OtherNOW OUr furry friends don't really experience Uromanticn IOVe Iike in the movies, but they Can form deep and IaSting bonds With their fellow dogs as Well as humans In fact, evidence ShOWS that

53、 InOSt dogs Stay With One Partnet their WhOle IiVeS In actuality, IOVe between dogs Can be even more intimate than human relationships When they interact, they aren't afraid to Smell each Other and Will express themselves CIearIy and honestly. OnCe again, it SeemS We have a IOt to Iearn from dog

54、sQUeStiOnS 19 to 21 are based On the PaSSage you have just heard19. WhatdoesthePaSSage SayWe don't know InUChabout?20. WhatdoesDr.MarC BekOffSay about dogs?21WhatdoestheSPeaker Sayabout InOSt dogs?20.A The nature Of relatiOnShiPS between dogsB The reason a great Inany PeOPIe IOVe dogs.C Why ClOg

55、S Can be faithful friends Of humans.D HOW dogs feel about their bonds With humans正確答案:A解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。短文中提到,人們?cè)谡f(shuō)他們“愛(ài)"狗或者狗“愛(ài)"他們 的時(shí)候并不是在開(kāi)玩笑,但人們對(duì)狗與狗之間關(guān)系的本質(zhì)卻一無(wú)所知。21.A. They have an UnUSUaI SenSe Of respOnSibilityB. They Can respOnd to humans* questiOns.C They Can fall in IOVe just Iike humans.D They

56、 behave Iike Other animals in Inany WayS正確答案:C解析:事實(shí)細(xì)節(jié)題。短文中提到,為了進(jìn)一步了解狗與狗之間的關(guān)系,講話 者與馬克-柏柯夫博士進(jìn)行了一場(chǎng)對(duì)話。當(dāng)被問(wèn)及狗是否會(huì)像人類一樣陷入愛(ài)情 時(shí),馬克-柏柯夫博士給出了肯定回答。22.A. They have their OWn joys and sorrows.B. They experience true romantic love.C They help humans in VariOUS ways.D They Stay With One Partnet for life.正確答案:D解析:事實(shí)細(xì)

57、節(jié)題。講話者在短文最后提到,實(shí)際上有證據(jù)表明,大多數(shù)狗 一生只有一個(gè)伴侶。聽(tīng)力原文: A PieCe Of history has been found thanks to a boy tripping On a rare, 1. 2milIiOn一year-old animal fossi1 In NOVember 2016, JUde SParkSt now 10, WaS On an OiIting With his family near their NeW MeXiCO home Wherl he tripped OVer What he thought WaS a COW bone

58、. Now, researchers at NeW MeXiCO State UniVerSity are PreSerVing this discovery, WhiCh WaS identified as an ancient elephant-like anima1Kyle SParks, father Of Jude, Said he Iet his SOn decide What to do With the fossi 1. SO JUde reached OUt to Peter HOUdeT a PrOfeSSOr at NeW MeXiCO State UniVerSity, WhO had experience With the Same type Of fossil in the PaSt The nex


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