



1、第 1 頁 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero grammar 課時作業(yè)一.單項(xiàng)選擇:1. Is this the boss company your father once worked? A. whose B. in whose C. whoD. whom new study2. Jaiie wont jom us for dinner toniglit and.A. neither wont Tom B. Tom wont either C. Tom will too D. So will Tom3. Surely it doesn*t matter

2、who has donated the money to the organization; what is whatthey do with it.A. counts B. applies C. stresses D. fimctions 4. We had wanted to finish our task by noon, but it didnt.A. find out B. give out C. hand out D. work out 5. -1 reninided you not to forget the appomtment. -.A. So you did B. So I

3、 don*t C. So did you D. So do I 6. Will $200?-Pm afraid not. We need at least 50 more dollars. A. count B. fit C. satisfy D. do 7. Wann-heaited, he others.A. is always helpmg B. always helps C. has always helped D. will always help 8. You can use a large plastic bottle,cut off, as a pot to grow youn

4、g plants m. A. the top is B. the top of whichC. whose top D. with its top 9. - Tliey are hard working aiid theywill become engineers m the fhture. 一A. So aie we B. It is the same with us C. So will weD. We will, too10. Jenny hopes that Mr. Siiutli can suggest a good way to have her written English i

5、nashort period. A. improveB. miproving C. to improve D. improved11. -Do you have anything to say fbr yourselves? -Yes, there*s one point we mustinsist on 第 2 頁 A. why B. where C. how D. /12. Pm sure youd rather she went to school by bus,?A. hadnl you B. wouldnt you C. arent I D. didn*t she13. - Dont

6、 forget to come to to my birthday party tomonow.A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havenl14. Nobody phoned while I was out,? A. ami B does he C. did they D. B and C 15. She dislikes her present job,?A. does she B. doesnt she C. will she D. woirt she16. -1 dont think Lucy will come today,she?-, she w

7、oift. She is illand stays at home.A. wonl; No B. will; No C. won】; yes D. will; yes17. You must have missed the train that day, _ you? A. mustnt B. havenl C. neednt D. didnt18. As your spoken English gets better, so your written English. A. will B doesC. is D. has19. He is really considenng lumself

8、tothese children of the poor moimtam village.A. to devote; educatmgB. devoting; educating C. devoting; educateD. to devote; educate20. The book ten chapters,two chapters written by me. A. contanis;including B. contains; included C. includes; contauung D. mcludes; contained21. 9. 11 is a special date

9、,J think, that will be remembered by the Ainencans forever. A. whatB. itC. which D. one22. She hid herself belinid tlie curtain, from she saw what the tluefhad done. A.which B. where C. there D. here23. Last nightcame across the man you think is pleasant to. A. who; workB. whom; get along witliC. wh

10、om; work withD. who; get along with第 3 頁 24. Please take a photo stands a tower.A. in whichB. m the place C. at the place that D. wheie 25. Have theproblems they have been solved?A. concenti-ated B. concentratmg C. concentrated on D. concentrating on 26.1 was so angry at all he said I walked out. A.

11、 what; that B. that;which C. which; that D. that; that27. Scientists have been womed fbr years about the of air pollution on the earthsnatural conditions.A. reason B. cause C. efiect D. accoimt 28. - Wliat happened to the little girl in the end?-Unfortunately, her parents passed away,her an oiphan.

12、A. leftB. leavingC. keepmgD. kept29. 一 Wliy not go to the ball tonight? 一 If you go,.A. so will I B. so do I C. so I will D. so I do30. To gain good health, I would rather my bike to work every day than a bus or ataxi. A. to nde; to take B. to ride; take C. ride; to take D. nde; take二.完形填空:I have al

13、ways been ail independent person, but I have come to know that being independent does not mean refiising help. I may still be 31 with asking for help, but I tiy to accept. Furthermore, 1 will even 32 help and when my offers are refiised, I am 33 willing to walk away. And all these changes came fi-om

14、 a disaster on an island.Sometimes a persons independence is a 34 of pride, danng, stiibbonmess and luck. Iused to be too 35 smce I was little. I was once a traveler who never asked fbr 36 ) choosing mstead to stmggle with maps and signs until found my way.Then one day on the island of Koh Phaiigan,

15、 m Thailand, everything 37.1 was第 4 頁 police tnedswmimnig m the oceaii with Sean, my fianc6 (末婚夫),when he was 38 by a box jelly fish(箱型水母).He 39 witlun thiee minutes, 25 years old. Yet when onlookers and ti-avelers asked if I wanted 40,stubborn pride and force of habit 41 me accepting. But two young

16、 Israeli women stayed. 42 my protest(反對)Jhey were with me even when the to cover up the 43 of Sean*s death. It was listed as diunk drowning to avoid hurting the44_ mdustiy The Israeli women 45 have walked away. 46、without even tellmg me, they 47 then- schedule rather than leave me belund.48 I didnt

17、realize it at the tune, I now believe I would not have 49 the disaster without these great women. Actually, the person who needs help the most is usually the last person to ask for it. I have learned 50 is better than refiising because it not only helps you walk out of trouble, but also helps you kn

18、ow the real meaning of life. 31. A. stmgglmg B. dealmg C. confused D. satisfied 32. A. accept B. offer C. seek D. desu-e 33. A. occasionally B. frequently C. seldom D. usually 34. A. mix B. symbol C. wayD. range 35. A. adventxuous B. brave C. creativeD. independent 36. A, money B. duections C. equip

19、ment D. suggestions 37. A. changed B. messedC. happened D. disappeared 38. A. impressedB. cauglit C. followedD. attacked 39. A. sunkB. failedC. diedD. recovered 40. A. advice B. company C. conifbrtD. evidence 41. A. keptB. pre-ented C. deiuedD. suggested 42. A.In tenns of B. In case of C. hi spite o

20、f D. As a result of 43. A. proof B. newsC. factD. cause 44. A. tounsni B. entertainment C.fishingD. medicine 45. A. could B. need C. should D. must 46.A. Therefore B. Othenvise C. Besides D. histead 47. A. delayed B. madeC. considered D. threw 48. A. When B. Because C.WluleD. If 49. A. suivived B. e

21、xpenenced C. avoided D. suffered 50.1. refiising B. acceptmg C. giving D. begging 三.閱讀理解A baby can quickly damage a new mothers well-laid plans for getting back to prepregnancy(孕 前的)weight and shape.第 5 貞 The constant demands, together with the exhausting effects of mtemipted sleep, can make it hard

22、 to find the time and energy to exercise or prepare healthy meals. Here are some tips fbr common problems new moms face:Problem: No time to cook proper meals. Wlien youle caring for a baby, cooking proper meals seems like a luxury. Instead you rely on convenience meals and processed foods.Solution:

23、Try to get more support. Fnends, family members, and neighbors are often delighted to help, so dont feel you have to do everything yourself. Use the extra tune to prepai-e some healthy meals. Follow the basic niles of cutting down on fat and mcreasmg fruit aiid vegetable intake.Problem: Sugaiy or hi

24、gli-fat snacks (零食).Tiredness can leave you feeling sleepy, run-down, and in need of an immediate help from sweets and high-fat snacks.Solution: Turn snackuig to your advantage. Eat high-fibei; low-fat, low-sugar snacks; these will fill you up without adding too many calories. For an energy boost, e

25、at a banana, which is high 111 potassium - a mineral essential for muscle and nerve fiinction - or tiy a handfUl of raisins, which are high 111 iron but low in fat.Problem: No tune or energy to exercise. A baby is a constant demand on your time, so youre too tued or busy to exercise.Solution: Increa

26、sing activity levels will help you obtain a net calone loss, while toiinig exercises will tighten yotw muscles. Though you may feel too tired to do any exercise, it is worth persevemig because ni the long mn your energy levels will increase. Involve your baby m your posti】atal(產(chǎn)后)exercises; start by

27、 walking with the child m a carnage or sling. Swimiiung is another aerobic exercise that you can both eiyoy byjommg a mother and baby class. Many pools have cluldcare facilities, so you can swim a few laps on your own.Problem: Lack of sleep. The new baby niteinipts your sleep, depleting your energy

28、and leaving you tense and exhausted.Solution: Practice some relaxation techniques whenever you have a few free moments. Meditation, visualization, or yoga can help your body recover and give you more energy. 51. Wliafs the subject of the text?A. The mfluence of babies on their mother B. Weight-loss

29、solutions for new moms第 6 頁 C. The reasons of new moms1 fatnessD. How to exercise aiid prepare healthy meals52. Whats the common problem that new moms dont face?A. Living on convenience meals and processed foods. B. Having sweets to get nd of tiredness aiid sleepiness quickly. C. That new moms find

30、it hard to have time aiid energy to exercise. D. Sleepmg too long can make them fat.53. The imderlmed word “ depleting in the passage means.A. using up B. gatheniig C. concentrating D. saving 54. Winch of the following is tme?A. Its impossible to do any exercise with your baby.B. You cant swim alone

31、 in the pool with a baby.C. Meditation or yoga can make you energetic.D. Low-fat and high- fiber snacks will add you too many calones.四:任務(wù)型閱讀 I used to be the messiest person alive. Over the years, through watclmig others and by tnal and error, I have finally found ways to come up with plans, organi

32、ze them and follow tluough with them.Make ail outline of eveiytliuig you need to have and do to make your plan happen. Make a list of all of the steps tliat need to be accomplished and think about what needs to be done. Detail everything thorouglily and read it over so you can start coming up with s

33、ome mental solutions of how to carry out your plans.You should ensui-e that if fbr some reason way one doesnt work, you have way two and way tliiee to lean back on. Therefore, difierent ways are needed at hand. Ifs just a matter of bemg organized. Chances are that there is always more than one way o

34、f domg things, and chaiices are that if one of those ways doesnt work, one of the other ones will.Committing (承諾)yowself to finishing at least part if not all of your plan at once is also necessaiy It will show that you not only have initiative to get thmgs rolling, but that you are interested m the

35、 results obtained with making the move to get eveiything done.If you make a commitment to finish before a specific time, make sure that you carry that out, 第 7 頁 and be sure to do everything m the way you said you would, witlini the time-frame you set fbr yourself.Donrt try to tackle more tliuigs al

36、l at a time. All that does is delay your progress, distract you and make you lose your interest, motivation and energy.Canymg out an effective plan requires bemg as organized as possible. Ybu will only aclueve tlus by stickuig to the order of the plan and not deviating or tiymg to do more at a time. Last but not least, you should never abandon things mid-project. It will only annoy ev


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