



1、Dictati onTalkHow to Speak Good En glishI、IntroductionA、Many lear ners havi ng difficulty in com muni cati ng due to the lack of(1) and right methodsB、Features of En glish lear ners:having neither idea nor courage of expressing themselves;therefore con versatio n (2)C、3-D methods to improve oral En

2、glish: Dialogue,Discussi on and Debaten、Importa nee of dialoguesSpeak ing good En glish not only means making prese ntati on and(3) but concerns expressing ideas and perception of ordinary matters、 ways to makedialoguesI1) talking about weather, education,music, (4) ,hobbies, travel,etc、rather tha n

3、 inq uiri ng about the othern ame or job2) making preparati ons before going to En glish Corner3) not talk ing with people whose En glish level is (5)川、Significanee of discussion and debate(6) being even more importa nt tha n Ian guage ability andacademic accomplishme ntsN、Other methodsA、(7) being n

4、ot a proper way to improve ones oral EnglishB、Use the Ian guage everyday and resort to (8)C、(9) being the only way to lear nV、Favorable attitudesbeing con fide nt and (10) in the course of studyCon versatio n One1、A They are convenient、C They provide standard service、2、A Better service with lower pr

5、ice、C The same level of service with lower、3、A Writing a vocation memo、C Maki ng a con tract before sending4、A Get extra place for private talk、C Avoid disturbing neighbors、5、A Florida、B Hawaii、C ChicagoB They are easy to book、D They offer greater options、B Better service with higher price、D Lower l

6、evel of service with lower price、B Writing to the former renters、D Using credit card to make an order、B Get extra place for playing、D Maintain some daily rout ine at home、D Mexico、Con versatio n Two6、A Mood and feeling、C Way of thi nki ng、7、A Potatoes,cereals and fish、C Milk and dairy products、B Str

7、ess cop ing ability、D Depth of thinking、B Fruits and vegetable、D Crun chy foods、8、A Foods with healthy fat、B Dairy products、C Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks、D Foods rich in protein and vitamin B6、9、A Liquid like water、B Eggs and soy、C Chocolate、D Coffee and tea、10、A Fish has no fat and is full o

8、f vitamin A、B Lean beef contains both protein and vitamin B12、C Pea nut butter contains healthy fat、D Tea helps export poisonous substanee from the brain、British Holidaying HabitsIn the late 1970s, air travel became affordable for the average family in the UK, and more peoplestarted traveling abroad

9、 for their summer holidays、In the 1980s and 1990s, youngpeople in the UK became wealthier on average、As a result, they started to go abroad in groups toplaces such as Spain and Greece British holidaying habits have begun to change, however、Becausegoing abroad is more expensive, more British people a

10、re choosing to spend their summer holidays inthe UK、How to Speak Good En glishGood morning,ladies and gentlemen、Having authentic and polished oral English is everylearners dream, however,(1) many of my students spent a lot of years,money and efforts on speakingthis Ian guage well but failed to be ab

11、le to com muni cate and speak out.the reas on to which might bemainly the lack of con fide nee and right methods、(2) Many En glish lear ners have no courage to starta topic and face m awkward sile nee after the in itial greet ing was give n,thus the conversation comesto an end、Here I would like to g

12、ive you some advice on how to speak good En glish、There are 3-Dmethods (Dialogue, Discussion and Debate) to improve your eloquenee、First of all,itimportant to be involved in dialogues、I notice that many students do well in speaking whe n con duct ing a prepared speech or prese ntati on in class、(3)

13、But speak ing Englishflue ntly is not just about making prese ntati ons and givi ng speeches、It is about express ing yourideas and in sight on the mm mundane of thi ngs around you、The ability to make dialogues is very important in social communication、(4) Topics forcasual con versati on could in elu

14、de the weather, educati on, music, curre nt affairs, hobbies, travel,etc、Do not always ask foreigners“what is your name and how is your job”find one to practice your English with、Before going to English Corner, please read up on yourarea of interest and try framing sentences to express your opinions

15、、(5) Talk about it withsome one close to you or some on es higher tha n yours, so you can check for your Ian guageaccuracy and fluency、Secondly, discussion and debate play a key role、(6) I always enlighten my students thatwhe n you want toyour ability and academic achievements are very important and

16、 imperative,but the most important of allis your eloquence to communicate in the personal relationships、Elite may not have eloquenee, butan eloquent person must be an elite、Of course, other methods may work,too、Many students do want to improve their Englishby all means、(7) Its setivident that all of

17、 us like taking down notes when we are listening tothe lectures given by teachers at school、But its not a correct way to speak good languag8)Uni ess you use the Ian guage every day, you will n ever know how good you are at it、Ask your friendswho are good at English to help、Try to speak it as much as

18、 possible, and let them interrupt youwhenever you make mistakes and ask them to correct you、(9) Do not feelembarrassed to make mistakes,for that is the only wav you will learn、Enjoy losing face and enjoymaking mistakes because that is the way how the process of acquiri ng flue ncy in a Ian guage occ

19、urs、Then, there are attitudes that count most、(10) If you do want to learn something well, youare supposed to have con fide nee and passi on、And that is why I hope all of you can be con fide nt andfor what you have done and what you will be doing、Fin ally, I want to say: try to be con fide nt and pa

20、ssi on ate in the journey of study and life; all youneed is a will to learn and the initiative to begin、對話1W: We con ti nue now with someth ing to think about as you pla n your summer vacati on、Now a grow ing group of travelers are finding comfort in a full-fledged home away from home、And here with

21、more is Travelzoo editor Gabe Saglie、Good morning,Gabe、M: Good to see you、W: I would love to go away and rent a house、A lot more people are doing it,so is this a tren d?M: Well、I love the great hotel,and hotels are always going to be the No、1 choice really fortravelers、(1-1) They are convenien t,eas

22、y to book and you know what you are gett ing、Butmore people are traveling today than ever before, for a greater variety of reasons than ever before、(1-2) So vacati on ren tals offer probably greater opti ons now, depe nding on the kind oftrip that you want to take、Youre literally renting somebodyhom

23、e, right?W: Yes、(2-1) You usually think itgoing to be more expensive automatically than a hotelwould be, bug thatoften not the case、The only concern that I might raise would be that, with a hotel,if you have any problems, you go and compla in to the man ageme nt、You are going to n eed thatsame level

24、 of service if you have any problems in a ren tal type situati on、M: The answer is yes、I mean, you neednworry about that, (2-2) because they can providelevel of service to you、But you have to do a little bit more homework on your own to guara ntee that,first of all, you are protect ing your in vestm

25、e nt、(3) Do a vacati on memo.see thereviews by former ren ters, and get a con tract before you send any money、Use a credit card in steadof cash, or money order, and make sure you get an array of con tact in formati on once you are at thevacation rental、W: What about a couple romantic get-away? In so

26、me cases, you say, that sounds like an ideal、M: Yes My wife and I have spent a large sum of money on a hotel in Hawaii、(4) But if now we arecon sideri ng a vacati on ren tal, we like mak ing our own breakfast in the morning, almost feeli ng likewe get some of the man ageme nt we have at home, while

27、traveli ng thousa nds of miles away fromhome、W: Do you have any particular locations where they are better to rent and do the hotel thin g?M:(5) Cities like New York,San Francisco, Chicago with a hotel industry just as good as it can be,the hotel is probably the best way to go in those peak seasons、

28、In other areas like Florida?Souther n Califor nia, Hawaii,Mexico, vacati on ren tals could be a great optio n for you、W: Good stuff here、Gabe Sagile, good to see you again、Thanks、M: See you the n、Happy travels、1、Which of the followi ng is NOT the adva ntage of hotels?2、What is the adva ntage of voca

29、ti on ren tals?3、Which of the followi ng do you NOT n eed to do to en sure your renting safety?4、What is the adva ntage of choos ing vacati on ren tals for couples in stead of hotels?5、Which of the follow ing is NOT the area where vacati on ren tals are a good optio n?對話2M: Eati ng the right dishes

30、can lift our spirits and swallow up stress、Well, here with more on howfood affects our mood is Doctor Susa n Klein er,a nu triti oni st, and the author of the Good Mood Diet、Susan, good morning、W: Good morning,Kim Bold、M: Are there foods that actually have happy chemicals in them?W: Oh, absolutely、(

31、6) You know,how we feel, how we cope with stress,how we think,howclearly we think are all directly affected by the foods that we eat、M:OK、As for me, Pizza would be my happy food、But those arenthe foods that actually makeyou happy、Right?W:Well, it could be、You know,both of those are part of it、But th

32、ere are foods that reallydirectly affect our brain with certa in chemicals、Fish is really a big happy food、Itgot protein in brain,and (10-1) it is free of fats and full of vitamin D、All of those help raise our neural chemistry and thatmakes us feel happy、Potatoes, cereals, great carps actually get t

33、he protein into the brain、Fruits andvegetables, (7-1) milk and dairy products, all are great for raising mood、And crunchy foods, likepopcorn, are fabulous for making us feel happy、M: OK、Then you got a very happy dinner, right?W: YesM: OK、Let s talk about stressed-out food or foods that you do tend t

34、o eat whe n you,re stressedPeople in terviewed said that they might prefer anything salty, or a piece of chocolate, or even somekind of drinks、Well, as far as you are concerned,what are the real stress busters?W:Well、(8 - 1) Healthy fats.believe it or no t.are great for cop ing with stress.such as n

35、u ts,seeds, olive, olive oil and etc、(10 - 2) A great stress buster: pea nuts and pea nut butter、M:YesW:(7-2)(8-2) And the n aga in, dairy foods are great、They help reduce stress and decrease anxiety and an ger、And so agai n,(8- 3)combin atio ns get in prote in and vitam in B6、So (10 - 3) leanbeef and turkey are good choices、Maki ng yourself a turkey san dwich on the whole-grainbread seems a great idea、M:OK, our final mood here is en ergetic、How to be en ergetic? Peo


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