1、For personal use only in study and research; not for commercialuseFor pers onaluse only in study and research;not for commercialuse姓名 Name: 日期 Date : 得分 Score : 八大時態(tài)練習(xí)題:I. I will tell him as soon as hebackA. come B. comes C. will come D. came2. Maryon shoes whe n shethem.A. tries buys B. tries buies
2、 C. trys buys D. trys buies3. The girl ofte ncold whe n she.A. cathcsda nces B. catches dan cesC. catchsda ncees D. catches dancee4. hehimself there No, I don't think so.A. Doenjoy B. Does enjoies C. Does enjoys D. Doesenjoy5. your teacherfrom them very ofte n Certa inly.A. Dohear B. Doeshear C.
3、 Do receive D. receive6. your mothersome clea ning on Sun daysA. Doesdoes B. Dodoes C. Doesdo D. Do do7. Tomto work hard to help his family Yes, he.A. Has xdoes B. HasxdoesC. Doeshashas D. Does havedoes8. Which teacherless ons to you every dayA. does gives B. does give C. do give D. gives9. Smith do
4、es not go fish ing on weekdays, he does.A. does heNo B. does heYes C. does n't heNo D. does n't heYes10. Mr Black oftenfish ing on Su ndays,heA. goesdoes n't B. goesis n'tC. does n't godoes D. does n't goisII. He usuallyTV on Sun day eve ning.A. watch B. watches C. watch ing
5、D. is watch ing12. We'll go to play with snow if ittomorrow.A. snow B. snows C. will snow D. sno wed13. Neither I nor heFrench.A. speak B. does n't speak C. speaks D. does n't speak14. Nobodyhow to run this mach in es.A . know B. have known C. knows D. is knowing15. The Young Pion eerwat
6、er for the old man every day.A. carry B. bring C. takes D. carries16. Some arein the river and some aregames.A. swimmi ng playi ng B. swimmi ngplaii ngC. swimmi ng I playi ng D. swimmi ngplai ng17. Look ! The boy stude nts arefootball while the girls are.A. play ing dance B. play ing dancingC. play
7、dancing D. play dance18. Heto do his less ons at eight every evening.A. is begi nning B. is begi nning C. begi n D. begi ns19. heon well with his friends this termA. Doesgets B. Doesget C. Isgetti ng D. Isgeti ng20. Mr Smithshort stories, but hea TV play these days.A. is writi ngis writ ing B. is wr
8、iti ng writesC. writes is writ ing D. writes writes參考答案:1 5 BABDB 6 10 CDDBA 11 15 BBCCD 16 20 CBDCC21. Ito the cin ema. Ithere every Sun day.A. go go B. am going go C. go am going D. am going am going22. Look, theya good time,theyA. have do B. have don'tC. are havingare D. are having aren't
9、23. Youabout the future now,youA. don't thin kdo n't B. aren't thi nking aren'tC. don't think do D. aren't thinking are24. She alwayssometh ing whe never she.A .studiedplayed B. studiedplaiedC. studiedplaied D. studied played25. He ofte nlate in the forest. Itme very much.,A.
10、 stayedworried B. staied worriedC. stayedworryed D. staied worried26. Ithat the boywith no tears in his eyes.A. no ticed cryed B. no ticed criedC. no ticedcried D. no ticed cryed27. Wethe floor andall the win dows.A. mopped clea nned B. moped clea nedC. moppedclea ned D. moped clea ned28. When Ithe
11、Childre n's Palace, the childre nwith joy.A. visited jumpped B. visited jumpedC. visited jumped D. visited jumpped29. a sports meet last Sun day Yes , they.A. Did they have did B. Did they have hadC. Had they had D. Had they did30. youout for a walk after supper Yes, I.A. Didwe ntwe nt B. Did go
12、 wentC. Did went did D. Did go did31. Jackon with his work orto have a restA. Did went stopped B. Did go stopC. Did went stop D. Did go stopped32. You gave them a talk two days ago,you Yes, I.A. did did B. did gave C. did n't did D. did n't gave33. your brothera letter to My father.A. Who wr
13、ote B. WhatwroteC. Who didwrite D. What did write34. Theyabout the TV n ews the n in the sitt in g-room. They ofte nsuch talksA. talkedhad B. talkhaveC. were talk in ghad D. are talk in ghave35. Hesome cook ing at that time, some.A. did heard B. did did n't hearC. was doing heard D. was doing di
14、d n't hear36. "you angry the n ” "They_ too much no ise."A. Arewere maki ng B. Werewere maki ngC. Aremade D. Were made37. This time yesterday Jackhis, bike. HeTV .A. repaired did n't watch B. was repairi ng watchedC. repaired watched D. was repairi ng was n't watch ing38.
15、Wefor Tom at ten last Sun day. He ofte n kept us.A. were waiti ng waiti ng B. were waiti ng waitC. waited waiti ng D. waited wait39. When youat the door, Isome washi ng.A. kn ocked did B. was kn ock ing didC. kno cked was doing D. knock am doing40. The boyEn glish on the radio whe n Ihis door.A. lea
16、r ned was ope ning B. was lear ning ope nedC. lear ned ope ned D. is lear ning ope n參考答案:21-25 BDDDA 26 30 BCBAD 31 35 BCCCD 36 40 BDACB41. When theythrough the forest, a bearat them.A. walked was coming B. were walking cameC. were talki ng comes D. walk is coming42. A young manher while sheher work
17、 .A. watched was finishing B. was watch ing fini shedC. watched fini shed D. was watch ing was finishing43. While mothersome wash in g, Ia kite for Kack.A. did made B. was doing madeC. was doing was maki ng D. did was mak ing44. Imyself French from 7 to 9 yesterday mornin g. Ito work.A. was teach in
18、g did n't go B. taught did n't goC. was teach ing went D. taught went45. Hea model pla ne whe n I came to see him.A. makes B. is making C. was making D. made46. Ia letter at nine last ni ght.A. is writi ng B. was writ ing C. wrote D. is writ ing47. The teacher(give) us a history less on whe
19、n Tom walked into the classroom.A. gave B. is givi ng C. was give n D. was givi ng48. There will be a football match in two days, that is.A. last Sun day B. n ext Sun dayC. every Sun day D. this Sun day49. Weclass meeti ng this November.A. had B. have C. will have D. are hav ing50. Hein his garde n
20、every morning n ext year.A. will work B. works C. worked D. is worki ng51. Be careful. The train.A. will come B. C. comes D. is coming52. Look at those clouds. Itsoon, I'm afraid.A. is going to rain B. is rai ning C. will rain D. won't rain53. The radio says itthe day after tomorrow.A. is go
21、ing to snow B. is snowing C. will snow D. snows54. hesome shopp ing tomorrow after noonA. Willdoes B. is goi ng to do C. isdoi ng D. Shall do55. What dayittomorrow Wedn esday.A. is going to be B. willbe C. shallbe D. doesbe56. The boysixtee n years old next year.A. is going to be B. is grow ing to b
22、e C. will be D. is57. youme up at six, pleaseA. Aregoi ng to wake B. Arewaki ng C. Willwake D. Dowake58. If heto college, hea lot more.A. will gowill lear n B. will gois going to lear nC. is going is going to lear n D. goes will lear n59. When shen ext time ,lher everyth ing.A. is going to comeshall
23、 tell B. will comeshall tellC. comeswill tell D. comewill tell60. What dayittomorrow ItTuesday.will beA. is going to be is B. will be will C. is going to be is going D. will be 參考答案:41-45 BDCAC 46 50 BDDCA 51 55 DACBB 56 60 CCDCD61. Shethat sheher best to help them the n ext term.A. sayswill do B. s
24、aidwill do C. said would do D. sayswould do62. Peoplethat the Smithsfor a holiday next week.A. say will go B. said will go C. said would go D. saywould go63. Nobodyus that heeven stricter with usA. tellwill be B. tellswould be C. toldwill be D. toldwould be64. Pleasehim that weable to help him.A. te
25、llwill be B. tells would be C. toldwill be D. told would be65. Jackthat theysurprised to see it this Friday.A. know would be B. knows will be C. knew would be D. knew will be66. Ito know if Maryby train that after noon.A. want would go B. want will goC. wan ted would go D. wan ted will go67. hethat
26、theyhome tomorrowA. Does lear n would go B. Does learn will goC. Did lear n would go D. Did lear n will go68. Wethat theya sports meet tomorrow.A. lear n would have B. have lear ned would haveC. lear n will have D. have lear ned will have69. youthat hehis lost son one dayA. Doth in kwill find B. Dot
27、houghtwould findC. Didth in kwill find D. Didthoughtwould find70. Ithat yougood care of her that day.A. thoughtwill take B. thoughtwould takeC. thi nk will take B. thi nk would take71. The visitorswhere theya short test.A. ask would take B. ask will takeC. asked would take D. asked can take72. Joh n
28、sure that hegood at chemistry soon.A. be will be B. is, would be C. was will be D. was would be73. Sheill so sheable to go skat ing the next day.A. is won't be B. is would n't be C. was won' be D. was would n't be74. Hethe thief to the police whe n hethe man aga in.A. would take woul
29、d meet B. would takemetC. will take will meet D. will take meet75. Motherme a new coat yesterday, Iit on .It fits me well.A. has madehave tried B. madehave tried C. has madetried D. madetried76. " Heto draw horses already ."" Whenhe ". " Last year."A. lear nedhas B. lea
30、r neddid C. has lear nedhas D. has lear neddid77. Tomup into the tree. Look, hehigh up there !A. has got is B. has climbed was C. got was D. climbed is78. youthe text yet Yes, weit two hours ago.A. Didcopydid B. Have copiedhaveC. Have copied did D. Did copyhad79. "Why she angry " "Bec
31、ause heat he just now.A. did get, shouted B. hasgotshoutedC. did get has shouted D. hasgothas shouted80. youthe film before WhereyouitA. Have seen did see B. Did see die watchC. Have seen have seen D. Did see have seen 參考答案:61-65 CADAB 66 70 CBDAB 71 75 CDDBB 76 80 DACBA81. Youme wait ing for two ho
32、urs. Ifor you since five.A. Keptwaited B. have keptwaitedC. kepthave waited D. have kepthave waited82. WhereJohnTo the library. Hethere for an hour.A. has bee n has gone B. hasg on ehas bee nC. did go went D. didbewe nt83. the baby stillNo, itcrying.A. Has cried has stopped B. Iscry in gstoppedC. Di
33、d cry stopped D. Iscry in ghas stopped84. Ithe way. Ihere for quite many years.A. knew have lived B. knew liveC. know have lived D. know live85. you everAmerica Yes, I have.A. Have gone to B. Have gone inC. Have bee n to D. Have bee n in86. My brothercollege for over three years.A. has gone to B. ha
34、s bee n toC. has bee n in D. has bee n for87. Hethe Army by the end of 1992. Hein the army si nee the n.A. jo in edis B. has join edhas bee nC. had join edis D. has joined has bee n88. By the time Iback theyup ten metres.A. camehave climbed B. camehad climbedC. comehave climbed D. had comeclimbed89.
35、 Jackover five less ons by seve n o'clock. Then hea test.A. wen ttook B. wen thad take nC. had gon etook D. had gon ehad take n90. Weout by that time that hea thief for a long time.A. had foun dhad bee n B. had foun dwas C. foun dhad bee n D. foun dwas91. Before the newhim, heto know about it.A.
36、 reaches has got B. reachedhad got C. reached got D. had reachedgot92. Ihim a sec ond letter before Ifrom him.A. wrote heard B. wrote had heard C. had written heard D. have writte n hear93. Wein a good harvest because weeno ugh rain.A. did n't get had had B. got had had C. had got had bad D. got hadn't had94. Theyfor five hours whe n theyin New York.A. flewarrived B. had flow nhad arrived C. flewhad arrived D. had flow narrived95. Shethatit for two days by that day.A. sayshas rained B. sayshad rained C. said had rained D. saidra ined96. Joh nthere since the year bef
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