



1、闖關(guān)大作戰(zhàn)一.熱身練習(xí)(按要求寫單詞5個能量值)l.good (比較級)2.taller(反義詞)3.stjdy(過去式)4.thh(比較級)5.young (反義詞)二第一關(guān)(填寫單詞的正確形式5個能量值)1 .Tom(get)up at6 :30 every m omhg.2 .H ow did you (go)tp B eijhg?3 .They 31bl b)a m ountah lastw eek.4.1 fcee)the fiillm oon lastnight5.They are6v ateh) TV now .三,第二關(guān)(單項選擇8個能量值)()1. Look! Lucy is

2、A. W ith B. puton()2.-?A. W hat is itC. W here is ita new red. dress. She is beautifiiltodayC . h D . w ear一M y bke is broken.B . W hat is w tong w ith youD , W hose is this)3. Ihave two good pen frfends. 0 ne is an Am erfcan,is h England.A. 1he olherB. anolheroneC . Anolher D . other)4. are his fco

3、lballcbthes?U nder 1he bed.A. W hereB. W hoC . W hoseD . W hat()5M ike is than Tom .A .older B. oH C . heavy()6. -Thank you very m uch !.A. Y ouw right B. A llrght C . You aw w ehom e()7.H e pbyhg foolballvety m uch.A .like B .likes C .liked()8.Look,there two desks h the room .A .am B .isC .aw四,第三關(guān)

4、熊擇適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語填空12個能量值)I' m sad. It ' s tin e to leave school I' m gohg back to England nextw eek. Ito leave C hha and allm y friends here. Sol' m gohg to gie 1hem presents GL物).John Ikes playing sports. Iw illgi/e hin .M ke likes phyhg 1he vi)lh 6岡琴).Iw ill give hin aiah likes wading. I

5、w Hlgive her. Ann ikes eating good food. Iw ilgive her .C oco likes draw hg. Iw Hlgive her .Am y Ikes taking prtures. Iw fllgive her.A. a book B. a box of chocolates (15 克力) C . a foolballD . a C D w ith violin m usr E. a cam era F. som e co Lured pencils 五,第四關(guān)(連詞成句20個能量值)1.1 han, shorter, m e, you&

6、#39; re2.big, your, how, are, feet3.on, did, 1he, you, do, weekend, what4.on, did, go, you, weekend, sw in m hg, 1he5.go, whew, you, holiday, on, your, did六.第五關(guān)(讓對話更完整 選擇正確的句子 其中兩個是多余選項20個能量值) A. W hat did you do yesterday? B. H ow did you go 1here?C . W hatday is today?D. W hatdil you do there?E. W

7、 hat day w as yesterday?F. D id you phy com puter gam e w ith yourcoush?G . Yes, Idid.A;?B : Itw as S atuiday.A:2B : Iw entto visitm y coush.A: 1B : Iwentby bike.A: 2B : Ipbyed com putergam e w ith m y coush.A : D id you eatgood food in your coush' s hom e?B :. Itwas delrbus.(二)A : H elb, Tom .?

8、B : Itw as a busy one.A:W hy?B cleaned 1he ioom , w ashed cblhes and then visited m y grandpawnts. They live h a village. It ' s very fer fiom m y hom e.A :.B : That ' s rfehtA:?B :Iw ent shopping w ith m y m om and then cooked m eaJs form y fem 加. Y oure helpA. 0 h, Isee. _ B : Thank you.A.

9、 They m ustbe happy to see you.B. H ow w as yourw eekend?C. W hatdid you do on Sunday?D Thatw as really a busy w eekend.E. W hatdid you do on Saturday?F. W hatdo you do on Sundays? G . H ow are you?七第六關(guān)俄是閱讀小達人正確的打“,錯誤的打“義” 30個能量值)(一)H 1 Im Lii Y ang. Lastw eekend Ivisited m y uncle and aunt in H ang

10、zhou. Iw ent 1hew by bus. I got to H angzhou atabout 10 :00 in 1he m omhg. Then m y aunt, m y cousinT ony and I took a taxi to the W estLake (西湖).W e w entthere qurkbecause m y uncle is 1he taxidriver W e row ed 1he boaton the hke. Then w e w ent to 1he Tafeiv an Patk on foot Itw as a hotday. The su

11、n w as shhhg in the sky. W e felthotand hungry. W e satundera bfe tree and had our hnch. W e ate bread, orange jire, ham butKei; m flk and som e bananas. Tony saw a fish h 1he water So w e fed (feed, 喂養(yǎng) )the jSsh w ith bread. M ow and m ore fish sw am to us and opened theirm oulhs. W e fed 1hem . W

12、e were very happy Ihatday.()1.Lii Y ang lives h H angzhou.()2. Jenny w ent to tiie W estLake by tah.( )3.They had linch under a big tree.( )4.They fed fish h TaE iw an Park.()5.Lii Yang's felher is a taxidriver(二)出s Sunday m omhg. The students ofC hss 3 aw giving theirchssioom a good cbaniig. M

13、iss Huang, 1heirteacher; is working w ith 1heni . The children are busy.S om e are carrying w ater; som e aw cleaning 1he w indow s; otheiB are sw eephg 1he fbor ZhangH ua is putting up a m ap on 1he w all It is a m ap ofC hha. W ang Feiand W eiQ hg aib m endhg som e broken chains. The children are

14、listeniig to the radb while they are wotkhg. The classroom boks nice and brfehtafter 1he cleaning. The children are very happy. They go hom e for hnch atnoon.()6.The chUdin are phyhg h 1heirclassroom on Sunday m omhg.()7.M iss H uang, theirm olhei; is wotkhg w Uh 1hem .()8.There is a m ap ofC hha on

15、 the w all()9.Two ofthem are impairing the broken chairs.()10.They ae singing while 1hey arc workhg.(三)Jack w as busy lastw eekend. H is parents w ere notathom e. H e w a Iked to 1hepatk h 1he m omhg ,he wad English books and did sports thetB. Then he took a busback hom e. H e had to clean 1he room

16、and w ashed cbthes before 12 :00. A fterfiiishhg 1hese 1hhgs, he had hnch h 1he canteen. Then he w entto S a rah' s hoand studfed m a th w ith her They played m any m a th gam es togelher In the evening, Jack w entto 1he supem aiketand boughtm any food back hom e. W hen he cam e back, his parents w ere athom e, too. They w atehed TV. Then Jac


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