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1、v1.0可編輯可修改11廣西師范學(xué)院師園學(xué)院本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開題報告系(院):外國語言文學(xué)系屆別:2008屆姓名:黎澤峰學(xué)號:02專業(yè):英語專業(yè)指導(dǎo)教師姓名(職稱): 陸云(教授)教務(wù)處制二一二年一月XXXXXXX 學(xué)院v1.0可編輯可修改22本科畢業(yè)論文(設(shè)計)開題報告題目From Reading to Writing: an Effective and Practical Approachin Impro ving Stude ntsEFL Writ ing in Sen ior High Schools題目類型口 理論研究叼應(yīng)用研究口 設(shè)計開發(fā)口 其他命題來源口 教師命題呵學(xué)生自主命

2、題口 教師科研課題擬完成時間20082008 年 4 4 月 2525 日、選題依據(jù)及意義(不少于 300 字)En glish, especially En glish read ing and writi ng, has become an effective means to getaccess to all kinds of in formati on and an in dispe nsable means of intern ati onal com municati on. As a matter of fact, En glish writ ing are vital to o

3、ur in dividual developme nt because ithas bee n applied more and more in both our En glish study and future work.However, accord ing to my pers onal writi ng experie nee and teachi ng practice experienee in Bobai Middle school, I found that the stude nts EFL writ ingability is not so encouraging and

4、 satisfactory in senior high schools though they have learnedEnglish for several years in primary and middle school. Not a few of them do very poor inapplying English to express their ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in EFL writing. Someof themeven cannot produce a single correct sentence in their co

5、mpositi ons. Those stude nts mayactually have someth ing to write, but they just cannot express it correctly and appropriately inEnglish.On one hand, they do not grasp sufficient active vocabularies to express themselves. On theother hand, they lack sense of sentence structure andcomposition structu

6、re to develop their composition. The last but not least,theydon t know how to apply the materials they have read to improve their writing ability thoughthey have read a lot.Therefore, it s n ecessary and urge nt to find an effective and practical approach to solvethe poor performanee in the students

7、 EFL writing and improve their writingability. Manyscholars have proved that there is a strongrelationshipbetween reading and writing.From reading to writing caneffectivelyenlarge the students amount of vocabulary, cultivate their senseof sentence structure and composition structure, enrich their wr

8、iting materials and promotetheir ability in using words and sentences. Therefore, from readingv1.0可編輯可修改33to writing approach is highly advocated in improving EFL writingin senior highschools.二、研究目標(biāo)與主要內(nèi)容(含論文(設(shè)計)提綱,不少于 500 字)1. 研究目標(biāo):According to the NewCurriculum Standards for senior high schools, li

9、stening, speak in g,read ing and writ ing are four basic skills and requireme nts for the stude nts. However, thestude nts EFL writi ng ability in senior high schoolsis not so pleasa nt and en courag ing. The prevale nt EFL writ ing approaches (the productapproach and the process approach) in senior

10、 high schools do not do much good to improvestude nts writi ng ability. This study aims to compare these two approaches with from read ingto writi ng approach and show the adva ntages of appl ying from read ing to writi ng approach insenior high schools.From reading to writing approach advocates tha

11、t writingshould be integratedwith reading so that the students can enlarge their vocabulary in reading, learn how to useIanguage appropriately, how to apply their background knowledge, how to arrange the sentences, how to orga nize thecompositi on, how to achievecohere nce and un ity and how to acti

12、vate their mind whe n writ in g. In this way, the stude ntscan improve their writ ing ability effectively and efficie ntly.Therefore, the thesis tries to analyze the present reading and writing situation in senior highschools, expo und the n ature of read ing and writi ng, discuss the n ecessity and

13、 feasibilityof read ing towrit ingapproach, show the applicati onof readingto writing approach in EFL writing practice and prove theeffective ness and practicality of read ing and writi ng approach.2. 主要內(nèi)容(提綱):1. In troduct ionv1.0可編輯可修改342 The prese nt situati on of En glish writ ing in senior high

14、 schoolsv1.0可編輯可修改443. The n ature of read ing and writ ingThe n ature of read ingThe n ature of writ ing4. The relati on ship betwee n read ing and writi ngRead ing paves the way for writ ingWrit ing promotes readi ng5. The necessity and feasibility of reading-to-writingThe n ecessity of read in g-

15、to-writi ngThe feasibility of readi ng-to-writi ng6. The adva ntages of appl ying readi ng-to-writi ng approachThe definition of reading-to-writing approach6.2 A comparis on of read in g-to-writi ng approach with product approach andprocess approach7. The applicatio n of read in g-to-writi ng approa

16、chThe prin ciples of appl ying read in g-to-writ ing approach7.1.1 Paying equal attention to reading and writing7.1.2 Pay ing equal atte nti on to inten sive read ing and exte nsive read ingThe select ion of good read ing materialsWays of adapti ng read in g-to-writ ing approach7.3.1 Pre-writi ng re

17、adi ng7.3.2 Writ ing from read ing7.3.3 Post -writing reading and rewriting三、研究方法和手段(1) 研究方法1. Literature research method:read releva nt books,jour nals and n ets forresearch2.Comparative analysis method: compare the product approach and the processapproach with from read ing to writi ng approach an

18、d show theadva ntages of from readi ng to writi ng approach.(2) 研究手段Collect, sort and search books, journals and dates from the library and onthe in ternet.v1.0可編輯可修改55四、參考文獻(xiàn)目錄(作者、書名或論文(設(shè)計)題目、出版社或刊號、出版年月或出版期號)1Judith Oster. 1984.FromReading to Writing: A Composition Text with Reading for English as

19、a Second Lan guageM. Columbus: A Bell & Howell Compa ny.2 Judith A. Sta ndford. 2000.Developi ng Conn ectio ns: Short Readi ng for Writers (Seco ndEditio n)M. California: Mayfield Publishi ng Compa ny.3蔡明德.論英語閱讀教學(xué)對寫作的影響及教學(xué)啟示D.華中師范大學(xué),2003.4陳立平.從閱讀與寫作的關(guān)系看寫作教學(xué)中的范文教學(xué)J.外語與外語教學(xué),2001,(04).陳昕.淺談英語閱讀與寫作的

20、關(guān)系J.科技信息(科學(xué)教研),2008,(01).高利華.英語寫作教學(xué)中結(jié)果法與過程法的對比研究J. 大同職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)報,2003, (03).7劉上扶.英語寫作論M.南寧:廣西教育出版社,1998.8劉燁.以讀促寫在高中英語寫作教學(xué)中的應(yīng)用研究D.西北師范大學(xué),2006.9羅靜.英語教學(xué)以讀促寫教學(xué)法新探J.現(xiàn)代技能開發(fā),2003,(03).10王薔.英語教學(xué)法教程M.北京:高等教育出版社,2000.11韋巖峰.提高英語閱讀能力的有效途徑J. 青海師范大學(xué)學(xué)報(哲學(xué)社會科學(xué)版),2004, (06).12相廷禮.EFL 閱讀與寫作能力的相關(guān)性分析D.山東大學(xué),2007.13肖福壽.英語寫作

21、教學(xué)的原則與策略M.上海:上海大學(xué)出版社,2007.14謝薇娜.談閱讀與寫作的交融性J.外語教學(xué),1994,(04).15熊杰.高中英語閱讀教學(xué)中結(jié)合寫作練習(xí)提高學(xué)生寫作能力的研究D.西北師范大學(xué),2006.16中華人民共和國教育部制訂.全日制義務(wù)教育普通高級中學(xué)英語課程標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(實(shí)驗(yàn)稿)M.北京:北京師范大學(xué)出版社,2003.v1.0可編輯可修改66五、文獻(xiàn)綜述(在對選題涉及的研究領(lǐng)域的文獻(xiàn)進(jìn)行廣泛閱讀或調(diào)查的基礎(chǔ)上,對該領(lǐng)域的研究 現(xiàn)狀、發(fā)展動態(tài)等內(nèi)容進(jìn)行綜述,并提出自己的見解和研究思路。不少于700 字)It is n ecessary and compulsory to lear n ab

22、out the prior studies about this thesis, sincethey are helpful to make this study more persuasive and creative.Liu Ye (2006) points out that English as a foreign Ianguage has becomea sure access toinformation of all sorts and an indispensable means of international com muni cati on. Besides,he also

23、said that with the shift from the ability of manipulating the linguistic structure to theability of using the Ianguage to com muni cate in writte n/spoke n forms in En glish, EFL writi ngwas con sidered as a tool for people to com muni cate in a real situati on.Xiong Jie (2005)also pointsout that bo

24、th read ing and writ ing are powerful and highly in dividual tools for thinking, learningand discovering, and both perform the function of com muni cati on. Judith Oster (1984) poi ntsout in his bookFrom Readi ng toWriti ng: A Compositi on Text with Readi ng for En glish as a Second Lan guage:“ Read

25、 ing puts us in touch with other mind s and feeli ngs and experie nces. We alsoexperie nee the ways in which the writers have orga ni zed in formati on, chosen words,structured arguments. Wecan see how well a good writer expresses himself; what makesthatwriting so effective, what we can learn from i

26、t. Reading gives us ideas we may not have imag ined, in formation we may not have had .It may stimulate us to think, to feel, to read, or even to argue against the writer s viewFrom the studies above, we can see that English reading and writingare veryimporta nt every one s in dividual developme nt.

27、There are many EFL writi ng approaches, among which the process approach and theproduct approach are the two prevale nt on es. Wang Qia ng (2000) poi nts out that the productapproach pays great atte nti on to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process.The product approach is a traditi

28、onal one, which follows this pattern: the teacher gives a topic,a set of requirements, and a time limit the stude nts finish the task with in the time limit andhand in the final productthe teacher evaluates thestude nts compositi ons. Liu Shangfu(1998) thinks that the disadva ntages outweigh its adv

29、a ntages in the product approach. Theadva ntage is that the stude nts can get a clear idea of the style, organization, etc. of thecomposition. But there are obvious disadvantages: the stude nts don t feel free to writebecause the give n topic will leadthem toimitate, copy or tran slate the give n mo

30、dels or materials; the teachers mai nlyv1.0可編輯可修改77evaluate and correct the words, spellings and grammarsbut give very few comments after thestudents works are handed in and, most importantly, the studentsusually put their works aside after handed down. In this way, the product approach does littleg

31、ood to improve students writing ability because it only trains their usage of words andgrammar knowledge but not improves their mind and sense of writing composition.Wang Qiang (2000) con siders that the process approach does not only pay attention to whatstudents do while they are writing but also

32、attaches great importa nee to what the stude nts(and the teacher) do before they start writ ing and after they finish writi ng.Liu Shangfu(1998) thinks that the processapproach puts much emphasis on the students writing process and help to discover, analyzeand solve problems in the students writing

33、process. In process approach, writing is a processof brainstorming, outlining,drafting, sharing,revising and evaluating.In this approach, the students can feel free to expressthemselves, get guidanee from their teachers or peers, experienee every details of writingand broaden their mind. But it stil

34、l has its disadvantages: it coststhe students a lot of time and it does no good to the students to form a habit of writing in a limittime. That is because the students usually have a heavy learning tasks in senior high schoolsand all kinds of exam in ati ons require the students to write in a given

35、time.As mentioned above, we can see that the product approach and process approach are notso feasible and practical in En glish lear ning in senior high schools.As a matter of tact, the positive effects of comb ining read ing to improve writing has beenrecognize for ages. It can be testified by Chin

36、ese proverbs“ He who reads tremendously owns a gifted pen ” and “You will become a poet yourselfif you have read three hundred Tang poemsthoroughly ” . Wecan see that the integrationof reading and writing in reading have long been used in nativeIanguage learning and considered as an effective way in

37、 improving native Ianguage learning.However, the comb in atio n of read ing and EFL writi ng in China has just beg un. Yang Ji ng(2003) made a study on improvi ng stude nts En glish writ ing ability through the course ofcomprehensive English. She deemedthat the course of comprehensive Englishplayed

38、animportantrole in providing Ianguageknowledge as well as training in Ianguage skills.Liu Ye (2006) points out thatfrom read ing to writi ng approach can motivate stude nts into active read ing and writi ng,prese nt a real life com muni cative situati on and improvi ng writingv1.0可編輯可修改88skills. Fro

39、mthe internal law of language development, reading and writingskillswere related closely. The process of read ing was actually the one that readers gained andintern alized the in formati on of Ian guage kno wledge, the process of in put. However, theprocess of writi ng was the one that writers prese

40、 nted the kno wledge that they had lear ned oracquired, the process of output. There was no doubt that read ing in put, was the foun dation of writ ing output. And on the other hand, writ ing output was the result of readi ngin put.All in all, some scholars have expo un ded the possibility of in teg

41、rat ingreading and writing on the perspective of theoreticalexplanation and empiricalinferen ce. Some others have carried out experime ntal researches to testify the feasibility andefficiency of the integration of reading and writing.In short, researches both at home and abroad on EFL writi ng have made greatcontributions to this field. This thesis lays its emphasis on the importance of preparing forwriting in commorEnglish reading


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