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1、The digital temperature sen sor of DS18B20The digital temperature sen sor of DS18B20, This product uses theAmerican DALLASbompany's DS18B20ietwork digital temperature sensor chip package. but become wear-resista nt touch, the physical volume is small, convenient, packag ing form is varied , Suit

2、able for all kinds of n arrow space in digital temperature test and control field equipment.Un ique 1-Wire TMi nterfacerequires only one port pin for com muni cati on.Multidrop capability simplifies distributed temperature sensing applicati on s, requires no exter nal comp onen ts, Can be powered fr

3、om data line. Power supply range is 3.0V to 5.5V, Zero sta ndby power required, Measures temperatures from -55° C to+125 ° C. Fahre nheit equivale nt is-67° F to+257 °F,0.5 C accuracy from - 10° C to +85 °C, Thermometerresolutionis programmable from 9 to 12 bits, Conver

4、ts 12-bit temperatureto digital word in750 ms (max.).User-definable,nonvolatiletemperaturealarm sett in gs, Alarm search comma nd ide ntifies and addresses devices whose temperature is outside of programmed limits (temperature alarm con diti on ).Applicati onsin clude thermostaticcon trols,in dustri

5、alsystems, consumer products, thermometers, or any thermally sensitive system.1、the description oftechnique function:1) Sin gle-li ne in terfaceis uni que, DS18B20 while lin ki ngwithmicroprocessor only n eed a line can immediately carry out the doubleof microprocessor and DS18B20 toward the com mun

6、i cati on.2) measure scope- 55 °C +125 °C , proper measure resolution's 0.5°C .3) support several set nets function,several DS18B20can merge at uniquethree on-line,the most can merge 8, if amount was excessive, it wouldmakepower supply the power electric voltage over low, result i

7、n thus the signal delivers of unsteady, the realizations order to measuremore4) work the power:35V|DC5) don't n eed any outer circle comp onent in the use6) measure the result measure a way stringwith 912 numbers linetran smissi on7) sta ini ess steels protect to take care of diameter 68) be app

8、licable to DN1525, DN40 DN250 various equipme nts that liein dustrial pip ing of quality and n arrow and small space measure9) sta ndards in stall the thread M10X1, M12X1.5, the G 1|2 term chooses10) PVCelectric cable direct the line or virtuous type ball type connect li ne box line, the easy to and

9、 other electric applia nces equipme nts lin ks.2、Application1) products are applicable to cold storage, food Cang, keep a bottle, tele-co mmun icati ons engine room, electric power engine room, cable slot etc. measures moderate con trol realm2) stalk tiles, urn body, the Fang machi ne, the air con d

10、iti on, waitsin dustrialequipme nts of narrow and small space to measure a moderatecon trol.3) car aircon diti on,refrigerator, cold cab in et,and medium lowtemperature dry box of etc.s.4) provide hot|make cold pip ing calories to calculate, the cen tral aircondition divides a thermal energy to calc

11、ulate to measure a moderate con trol with in dustrial realm3、Product model number and specificationtypetemperature rangein stall threadelectric len gthcableapply pipi ngTS-18B20-55125no1.5 mTS-18B20A-55125M10X11.5mDN1525TS-18B20B-551251/2GConn ectsline boxDN40 604、Connect line instructionThe charact

12、eristics special front line connects, needs a line to correspond by letter to order more ability and simplified a distribute type the temperature spread the feeli ngapplicati ondid n'tn eed anexter nal comp onent to use data total li ne power supply, the electric voltage scope has n ever n eeded

13、 to provide for use the power diagraph temperature scope for the 3.0-5.5 Vs BE-55°C to+125 °C .The Fahre nheitis equal hen ce-67-257 Fahre nheit degree- 10 C go to+85 C accuracy in side the scope is ± 0.5 CThe temperature spreads a feelingmachine's programmable resolutionto con ve

14、rt into 12 nu mber formats for 912 temperatures biggest be worthto 750 a milli- of sec ond the customer can defi ne of not and easily lose sex temperature to report to the police to establish an applicati on to in cludea con sta nttemperature con trol,in dustrialsystem, con sumeelectr onics product

15、thermometer, or any hot sen sitive systemThe number thermometer that describes the DS18B20 provides 9-12(the programmable equipme nts temperature read a nu mber. The in formatio n is disheveled hair to send to connect through a line from the DS18B20, so central microprocessor and DS18B28nly have a p

16、er line conjunction. For read and write and the temperature conversion can acquire energy from the data line, don't n eed to circumscribe the power. Because each DS18B20 includes a special ordinal number, several ds 18 bs 20 seses can be existed to a total li ne at the same time. This makes the

17、temperature spread a feeli ng mach ine to place in many differe nt places. Its use is a lot of, in clude an air con diti on en vir onment con trol, detect equipme nts in side the build ing or mach ine, and carry on process mon itor and con trol.The DS18B20 internalstructure mainly constitutes to fro

18、m thefour-part cent: 64 temperatures that only engrave ROMhnd temperature to spread a feeling machine and don't vaporize report to the police to trigger a machine TH and TL and allocation to deposit a machine. While equiping sig nal li ne Gao, the in ternalcapacitor stores an en ergy from a line

19、 andcorresponds by letter circuitto the film power supply, and at lowelectricityeven period for film power supply untilnext Gao Dian Ping'sarrival refreshes .The power of the DS18B28an also.5V electric voltages get from 3 Vs-5s in the exterior.The DS18B20adopts front line correspondence to conne

20、ct. Because the front linecorrespondence connects,have to previously complete ROMenactment, otherwise memoryand control function will can not use. Mainly provide following function to order any first of a:1) read ROM2) ROM match3) search ROM4) jump ROM5) report to the police a check.These instructio

21、noperation the function has no 64 sequences that only en grave ROM of a spare part, can be hanging several spare parts on the front line to make select ion a certa in spare part, at the same time, the total line can also know always on-line hang how much, what kind of equipme nts.If the instructions

22、uccessfully makes the DS18B20 completiontemperature measure, the data saves in the saving machine of DS18B20.The performa nee of a con trol fun cti on con ductor desig nati on DS18B20measures. Measure result will be placed in the DS18B20memories, andean let reading to send out the con ductor of reme

23、mberi ng the function, readi ng contents of slice ascend saving machine. The temperature reports to the police to trigger machi ne TH and TLs to all have one word sta nza EEPROM data. If DS18B20 not the use report to the police to check instruction, these deposit a machi ne to be a gen eral customer

24、 to remember use. Still carry to there is allocation word's the stanza converting by ideal solution temperature number on the slice. Write TH, TL instructionand allocationword stanza makesuse of instructioncompletion that remembers function.Pass to slowly save a machine to read to deposit a mach

25、ine. All datas read writi ng all a beg inning from the lowest.The DS18B20 has 4 main data parts:1、only engrave 64 sequences in ROMire what factory front be only engraved likes, it can see make the address sequence that is the DS18B20 code.64alignments that only engrave ROM are: Starting 8(28 Hs) is

26、the product type mark nu mber, immediately after of 48 seque ncesthat is the DS18 B20on eself, last 8 is 56 front circulati ng redu ndancy schools to check code.(CRC=X 8+ Xs 5+ Xs 4+s 1)The fun ctio n that o nly en graves ROM is to make each DS18B20 all each not same, so can carry out a purpose that

27、 is always on-I ine to hang to connect several DS18 B20s.2、the temperature in the DS18B20 spread a feeling machine to complete the diagraph to the temperature and take 12 conv ersi ons as an example: The binary system expa nding with 16 sig ns repairs code to read to counta form to provide, with 0.0

28、625°C |the LSB form express, among them, theS is a sig n.The sav ing machi ne of DS18B20 in cludes high speed to temporary save mach ine RAM and can give or get an electric shock to wipe in additi on toRAM,can give or get an electric shock to wipe in addition to RAMneludes temperature to trigge

29、r machine THand TL again, and an allocationdepositsa machine. Saving machine ability the integrity really settle the com muni cati on of fron t-li ne port, the nu mber starts using to write the order of depositing the machine to write into deposit a machine, immediately after can also use order of r

30、ead ing to deposit the machi ne to confirm these nu mbers. After confirming can use the order that the replicati on deposits a machi ne can give or get an electric shock to wipe to tran sfer thesenu mbers to in additi onto RAM in. While once modifyi ngto deposit the numberin the machine, this proces

31、s can ensure the integrity of nu mber.The high speed temporary saves machine RAM to constitute to° fromthe saving machine of 8 word stanzas; The first and the second word stanza are temperatures to show. The fourth Sha-ho word stanza is to make duplicate TH and TL, at the same time the fourth S

32、ha-ho nu mber of word sta nza can ren ew; The fifth word sta nza is to make duplicate allocati on to deposit a machine, the fifth number of word stanza can renew at the same time;6, 7, 8, three word sta nzas are calculator on eself use. Us ing reads that the order that deposit a machine can read the

33、 ninth word stanza, this word stanza is eight word stanzas to the front to carry on schools to check.64 8 ex- on eself codes that is a DS18B20 that o nly en grave ROM, next48 are a continuous number code, 8 of end is to 56 ex- of the CRC schools check.64-the light of en grave ROM and in clude the fu

34、n cti on order of 5 ROMs:Read ROM, match ROM, jump up ROM, check to seek ROM and report to the police to check to seek.The DS18B20 can use external power VDD as well as use the power in the living on of inner part. When the VDD port connects the electric voltage with 3.0 Vs Vs-5.5ses is use exter na

35、l power; When the VDD port conn ects ground used the power in the liv ing on of inner part. No matter is an inner part to live on the power or an exter nal power supply, I|the Oli ne want to conn ect a 5 K Q to or soly and up pull electric resista nee.Allocatio n's deposit ing a mach ine is the

36、conv ersi on that in stalls differe nt nu mber to make sure temperature and nu mber.R1, the RO is the decision of temperature, from the R1, the different comb in ati on of RO can in stall for 9, 10, 11, 12 temperatures show. So can knowa differenttemperature conversion to should of conversion time,

37、fourkinds of resoluti ons of allocatio ns disti nguish to 0.5°C , 0.25°C ,0.125 C and 0.0625 C , factory take installing as 12.DS18B20at factory with in stallfor 12, read temperature totally read16, so the empress is 112 en ter make to convert into 10 en ter make after at multiply 0.0625 i

38、s then measure of temperature, also need to be judged plus or minus. Front 5 piece words are sig ns, curre nt 5 is 1:00, read of temperature is minus quantity;5 is 0:00, read at present of temperature is plus quantity.16 numbers put from low to Gao Wei.The in structi on agrees on code operati ng in

39、structi ons:1) The temperature converts the 44 H start DS18B20 to carry on a temperature conv ersi on2) Read to temporary save mach ine BEH to read to temporary save mach ine9 word sta nza conten tses3) Write temporary and save the machine 4 EHsto write in a data temporaryTH of sav ing the mach ine

40、and TL word sta nza4) The replicati on temporary saves the mach ine 48 Hs temporary save theTH of mach ine and TL word sta nza to write E2 RAM5) Re- adjust the E2 RAM B8's Hs write the E2 TH within RAMs and TL wordsta nza to arrive to temporary save machi ne TH and TL word sta nza and read that

41、the signal that the B4 H start DS18B20 of the power supply method sends out the power supply method gives lord CPUThe begi nning of DS18B20 starts to turn.1) place data lin e first Gao Dia n Pin g"1".2) postp on e(what the time request isn't very strict, but possibly alittle bit shorte

42、r)3) the data line pull a low electricity even"0".4) postp one 750.(the horary time scope can from 480-960)5) the data line pull Gao Dia n Pin g"1".6) wait for while postponing(ifis early to start to becomean achievementthe n in 15-60 time in side produce a low electricity that i

43、s returnedby the DS18 B20 even"0".Can make sure its existence according to the status, but should notice can not be infinitely carry on waiting for, otherwise will makeprocedure get in to to die circulat ing, so con trol while wanting to carry on to be super).7) if CPU read the data is on-

44、I ine low to give or get an electric shock eve n"0" after, while also n eedi ng to do to postp one time for it topostp ones from send out of GaoDia n Pi ng start to calculate to at least want 480.8) pull data line again Gao Dao Gao to end after giving or getting an electric shock is eve n&

45、quot;1".As the simple structure, convenient installment, low loss and wide range of temperature test, DS18B20 temperature test sen sors are applied to the fields which n eeds the multipo int temperature test, such as the chemical industry, the grain, the environment supervision and so on. Becau

46、se of the adoption of one bus in the DS18B20 multipointtemperaturetest system, all DS18B20 are hung on one bus, and the n the temperature conversion value of each test point is read by turns. As the conversion value must be read after read in g-p in state for 8 times, and positi onandstore data must

47、 be moved, so time spe nd much in read ing one point of the data system by every time. If the temperature test system is large-scaled, the system loss caused by it is rather much, and then the alternate test speed of the system decreases obviously, which in flue nces the efficie ncy of the multipo i

48、nt temperature test system seriously .In this paper, DS18B20 are hung on some I/O buses by groupi ng DS18B20 eve nly, and the conversion temperature data is obtained by reading the state of DS18B20, the n the system loss decreases and the alternate test speed in creases obviously, which won ' t

49、in flue nee the precisi on and the reliability of the conversion.A set of multipoint temperature test of artificialen vir onment laboratory is achieved in this paper, which in creases the test efficie ncy of the former system.DS18B20 is the sin gle bus digital temperature sen sor from America n Dall

50、as Company. DS18B20 is consisted of the 64 figures ROM engraved by laser, the temperature sen sitivity comp onent, non-v olatile temperature alarms trigger (Device TH and TL).DS18B20 com muni cates with themicroprocessor by the sin gle bus port and the test range of DS18B20 is from -55 cen tigrade t

51、o +125 cen tigrade,and the in creme ntal value is 0.5centigrade.The temperature can be changed into figures within 720msandeach DS18B20has the sole 64 figures serialnumber. The specific contentis revealed as Fig 1: There are two 8 figures storages (No.0 and No.1)for storing temperature value in DS18

52、B20. No.0 storage stores complement of the temperature value, and No.1 stores symbols of the temperature value. The user can define non-volatiletemperature alarms sets and distinguishthe alarms search order and seek the comp onent temperature alarms state outside the scheduled limit. There are two a

53、lter native ways of power supply: Signal bus high-level borrow power is adopted, or the +5v power supply externally is adopted directly.DS-18B20數(shù)字溫度傳感器DS-18B20數(shù)字溫度傳感器,該產(chǎn)品采用美國DALLAS公司生產(chǎn)的DS18B20可組網(wǎng)數(shù)字溫度傳感器芯片封裝而成,具有耐磨耐碰,體積小,使用方便,封裝 形式多樣,適用于各種狹小空間設(shè)備數(shù)字測溫和控制領(lǐng)域。DS18B20數(shù)字溫度傳感器,具有3引腳TO92小體積封裝形式;溫度測量 范圍為55C+ 1

54、25C,可編程為9位12位A/D轉(zhuǎn)換精度,測溫分辨率可達 0.0625 C,被測溫度用符號擴展的16位數(shù)字量的方式串行輸出;其工作電源既 可在遠端引入,也可采用寄生電源方式產(chǎn)生;多個DS18B2C可以并聯(lián)到3根或2根線上,CPU只需一根端口線就能與諸多 DS18B20通信,占用微處理器的端口較 少,可節(jié)省大量的引線和邏輯電路。以上特點使DS18B20非常適用于遠距離多點 溫度檢測系統(tǒng)。1、技術(shù)性能描述:1)獨特的單線接口方式,DS18B20在與微處理器連接時僅需要一條口線即可實 現(xiàn)微處理器與DS18B20勺雙向通訊。2)測溫范圍一55E+ 125C,固有測溫分辨率 0.5 C。3)支持多點組網(wǎng)

55、功能,多個DS18B20可以并聯(lián)在唯一的三線上,最多只能并聯(lián) 8個,如果數(shù)量過多,會使供電電源電壓過低,從而造成信號傳輸?shù)牟环€(wěn)定, 實現(xiàn)多點測溫4)工作電源:35V/DC5)在使用中不需要任何外圍元件6)測量結(jié)果以912位數(shù)字量方式串行傳送7)不銹鋼保護管直徑68)適用于DN1525, DN40DN25各種介質(zhì)工業(yè)管道和狹小空間設(shè)備測溫9)標準安裝螺紋 M10X1, M12X1.5, G1/2 任選10)PVC電纜直接出線或德式球型接線盒出線,便于與其它電器設(shè)備連接。2、應(yīng)用范圍:1)該產(chǎn)品適用于冷凍庫,糧倉,儲罐,電訊機房,電力機房,電纜線槽等測溫和控制領(lǐng)域2)軸瓦,缸體,紡機,空調(diào),等狹小

56、空間工業(yè)設(shè)備測溫和控制。3)汽車空調(diào)、冰箱、冷柜、以及中低溫干燥箱等。4)供熱/制冷管道熱量計量,中央空調(diào)分戶熱能計量和工業(yè)領(lǐng)域測溫和控制3、產(chǎn)品型號與規(guī)格:型號測溫范圍安裝螺紋電纜長度適用管道TS-18B20-55125無1.5 mTS-18B20A-55125M10X11.5mDN1525TS-18B20B-551251/2G接線盒DN40 604、接線說明:特點 獨特的一線接口,只需要一條口線通信 多點能力,簡化了分布式溫度 傳感應(yīng)用 無需外部元件 可用數(shù)據(jù)總線供電,電壓范圍為 3.0 V至5.5 V無需 備用電源 測量溫度范圍為-55 C至+125C。華氏相當于是-67到257華氏度

57、-10 C至+85C范圍內(nèi)精度為土 0.5 C溫度傳感器可編程的分辨率為912位溫度轉(zhuǎn)換為12位數(shù)字格式最大值為 750毫秒 用戶可定義的非易失性溫度報警設(shè)置 應(yīng)用范圍包括恒溫控制,工業(yè)系 統(tǒng),消費電子產(chǎn)品溫度計,或任何熱敏感系統(tǒng)描述該DS18B20的數(shù)字溫度計提供9至12位(可編程設(shè)備溫度讀數(shù)。信息 被發(fā)送到/從DS18B20通過1線接口,所以中央微處理器與DS18B20只有一個一 條口線連接。為讀寫以及溫度轉(zhuǎn)換可以從數(shù)據(jù)線本身獲得能量, 不需要外接電源。 因為每一個DS18B20的包含一個獨特的序號,多個 ds18b20s可以同時存在于一 條總線。這使得溫度傳感器放置在許多不同的地方。它的

58、用途很多,包括空調(diào)環(huán) 境控制,感測建筑物內(nèi)溫設(shè)備或機器,并進行過程監(jiān)測和控制。DS18B20內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)主要由四部分組成:64位光刻ROM溫度傳感器、非揮發(fā) 的溫度報警觸發(fā)器TH和TL、配置寄存器。該裝置信號線高的時候,內(nèi)部電容器 儲存能量通由1線通信線路給片子供電,而且在低電平期間為片子供電直至下一 個高電平的到來重新充電。DS18B20的電源也可以從外部3V-5 .5V的電壓得到。DS18B2C采用一線通信接口。因為一線通信接口,必須在先完成ROMS定,否則記憶和控制功能將無法使用。主要首先提供以下功能命令之一:1)讀 ROM2)ROMS配3)搜索ROM4)跳過ROM5)報警檢查。這些指令操作作用在沒有一個器件的 64位光刻ROM序列號,可以在掛在一 線上多個器件選定某一個器件,同時,總線也可以知道總線上掛有多少, 什么樣 的設(shè)備。若指令成功地使DS18B20完成溫度測量,數(shù)據(jù)存儲在DS18B20勺存儲器。一個控制功能指揮指示DS18B20勺演出測溫。測量結(jié)果將被放置在DS18B2C內(nèi)存中, 并可以讓閱讀發(fā)出記憶功能的指揮,閱讀內(nèi)容的片上存儲器。溫度報警觸發(fā)器 TH和TL都有一字節(jié)EEPR0啲數(shù)據(jù)。如果DS18B20不使用報警檢查指令,這些 寄存器


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