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1、 精選公文范文簡愛英文讀后感 2000 字各位讀友大家好,此文檔由網(wǎng)絡(luò)收集而來,歡迎您下載,謝謝篇一:簡愛讀后感2000字難道就因為我一貧如洗,默默無聞, 長相平庸,個子瘦小,就沒有靈魂,沒有心 腸了你想錯了,我的心靈跟你一樣豐 富,我的心胸一樣充實!簡夏洛蒂簡愛是英國文學(xué)史上的一部經(jīng) 典傳世之作,它成功地塑造了英國文學(xué)史 中第一個對愛情,生活,社會以及宗教都 采取了獨立自主的積極進(jìn)取態(tài)度和敢于 斗爭,敢于爭取自由平等地位的女性形 象.大凡喜愛外國文學(xué)作品的女性,都喜 歡讀夏洛蒂的簡愛.如果我們認(rèn)為夏 洛蒂僅僅只為寫這段纏綿的愛情而寫簡愛.我想,錯了 .作者也是一位女性, 生活在波動變化著的英

2、國19世紀(jì)中葉, 一、1精選公又范又那時思想有著一個嶄新的開始.而在簡 愛里滲透最多的也就是這種思想 女性的獨立意識.讓我們試想一下,如果 簡愛的獨立,早已被扼殺在寄人籬下的童 年生活里;如果她沒有那份獨立,她早已 和有妻女的羅切斯特生活在一起,開始有 金錢,有地位的新生活;如果她沒有那份 純潔,我們現(xiàn)在手中的簡愛也不再是 令人感動的流淚的經(jīng)典.所以,我開始去 想,為什么簡愛讓我們感動,愛不釋手 就是她獨立的性格,令人心動的人格 魅力.然而,我們不禁要問,僅這一步就能 獨立嗎 我認(rèn)為,不會的.畢竟女性的獨立 是一個長期的過程,不是一蹴而就的.它 需要一種徹底的勇氣,就像簡愛當(dāng)年毅然 離開羅切斯

3、特一樣,需要"風(fēng)瀟瀟兮易水 寒,壯土一去兮不復(fù)返”的豪邁和膽量.我想,這應(yīng)該才是最關(guān) 鍵的一步,也應(yīng)該是走向獨立的決定性的 一步.而夏洛蒂筆下的簡愛卻把她倔強(qiáng)的 性格,獨立的個性留給我們一個感動.所 精選公文范文2 精選公文范文以她是成功的,幸福的女性.簡愛已作為獨立女性的經(jīng)典,我希望 陽光下,鮮花里有更多的簡愛走出來,不 管是貧窮,還是富有;不管是美貌,還是相 貌平庸,都有美好的心靈和充實的心胸 , 都能以獨立的人格和堅強(qiáng)的個性生活.看了簡愛思緒萬千,激-情澎湃, 我總會被里面的每一個情節(jié),每一句話 深深打動,曾和張哥說過,張哥說:可能簡愛里有我的影子,我才如此熱衷, 很多時候我們

4、都是因為書里面有我們自 己的影子而熱衷于那本書?!比纾核麗燮?凡的世界中的孫少平,紅與黑中的 于連。我冥想,果真有我的影子嗎?也許 有一點點,可是自己和簡比起來,終是 沒她優(yōu)秀,也沒她理智和堅強(qiáng)的。好幾 次想寫簡愛讀后感的,只恐自己才 疏學(xué)淺,道不盡其中的韻味,只能記其 一二,留作紀(jì)念。簡愛是夏洛蒂.勃朗特以充滿激-情的筆法,塑造了簡愛 這樣一個謙謹(jǐn)、堅強(qiáng)而有獨立精神的形 象。簡愛幼年父母雙亡,寄人籬下,飽精選公文范文3 精選公文范文受欺凌;后來又進(jìn)了孤兒院受盡折磨。她 貧窮矮小,貌不驚人,但她憑著一顆堅 強(qiáng)高尚的心靈,自尊自立。她與羅切斯 特的愛真誠熾熱,又堅決建立在平等的 基礎(chǔ)上。最后歷經(jīng)

5、種種磨難,終于獲得 真誠珍貴的愛情??催^的愛情小說很多,也總癡情與 別人的故事,但唯獨簡愛讓我百看 不厭,愛不釋手,每次翻開總會激-情滿 滿,思緒萬千。簡愛勇敢、獨立、堅強(qiáng)、 外表樸素卻心思綿密,機(jī)智、敏銳,每 一個眼神都具有穿透力、洞察人的內(nèi)心。 貌似平靜,但內(nèi)心深處有著十分絢爛而 甜蜜的幻想,有著火樣的熱情與如水的 柔情。簡愛一直以來都是我的偶像,當(dāng)我 身處逆境時,深受挫折時,我總會想起 她,想起那個簡愛:他告訴我無論經(jīng)歷 什么,無論遇到了什么,都不要放棄自 己,不要對生活失去希望,即使在痛苦 中也要努力,努力讓自己向上,認(rèn)真地 生活。5精選公文范文 精選公文范文印象中有一段是這樣的:羅切

6、斯特 裝成一個巫婆,對簡愛說: 你冷,你不 舒服,且很蠢,你冷是因為你孤孤單單 一個人,你不舒服是因為多少甜蜜以及 美好的東西都與你無緣,你蠢是因為你 明知道有一份幸福在等著你 你卻不愿 向他靠近一步”羅切斯特用心細(xì)致地觀 察發(fā)現(xiàn)了簡愛當(dāng)時的處境和簡愛的所 思,所想。羅切斯特也是讓我很喜歡的 男主人公,若沒有他對簡愛細(xì)致,用心 地愛,也成全不了他們那么刻骨銘心的 愛。當(dāng)簡愛想到阻隔在她和她主人之間 那條很深,很寬的鴻溝財富,地位,世俗時,她的眼淚再也不聽她的意志, 奪眶而出,當(dāng)羅切斯特說: 有時候我有 一種奇怪的感覺-尤其像你現(xiàn)在在我 身邊時。仿佛我左肋下的哪個地方有一 根弦與你那小身軀里同樣

7、的地方一根同 樣的弦打成了結(jié),糾纏得緊緊的,解也 解不開,一旦我們分開,我真怕這兩根糾纏著的弦精選公文范文7套被繃斷,那時候我會緊張不安,我的 心會痛得流血。而你呢你會把我拋 在一邊,忘得干干凈凈吧?” 后來簡 愛反駁說:我一定得離開,你以為我會 留下來,成為你眼中一個可有可無的人 嗎?你以為我是一架機(jī)器一一一架冷漠 無感情的機(jī)器嗎?你以為我能受得了別 人把我僅有的一片面包從我口里奪走, 把僅有的一滴救命之水從我杯里潑掉嗎 你以為,因為我貧窮、卑微、矮孝不美, 我就沒有靈魂,沒有心了嗎 ?一一你錯 了,我也有和你一樣的靈魂,和你一樣 的一顆心!如果上帝曾給我一點兒美麗、 豐富財產(chǎn),我也會讓你感

8、到難以離開我, 就像我現(xiàn)在難以離開你一樣。我現(xiàn)在是 用我的心靈和你的心靈對話,站在上芾 面前,我們是平等的。我被深深震撼: 簡的感情是多么豐富而又理智。當(dāng)我們 深愛一個人時,很多時候,為了怕失去, 我們委屈自己,不敢說出心里的話,甚 至忍受自己在他眼中是一個可有可無的 人,簡愛不能忍受,在我的感情世界里 精選公文范文 精選公文范文我也不允許自己忍受別人不在乎我,假 如不在乎,我寧愿自己像簡愛樣,即使 心里痛苦,絕望也要逼自己離開??v使 我不美麗,貧窮,卑微,但我也是有自 尊的,我也渴望平等。篇二:簡愛英文讀后感簡愛英文讀后感who is jane eyre? as the story exte

9、nds, more and more things are added to theanswer. from the beginning, we know that jane is a young orphan raised by mrs. reed,her cruel, wealthy aunt. from her experience at the lowood school, we found jane aplain-featured but intelligent and honest girl. her courage to fight with all thehardships,

10、oppression and inequality makes a deep impression on us. when she meetsrochester and st. john, jane shows us11精選公文范文both her passion for love and her sticking toher principles of justice, human dignity and morality. while we are getting to know more about jane eyre, she is also exploring herself.whe

11、n she leaves gateshead,the little girl doesn t know what to expect in the future.she has endured so much unfair treatment that all she desires is freedom. however,when jane gets freedom, she finds herself yearning for new experiences, which canchange her life of loneliness and neglect. she follows h

12、er innermost feelings andaccepts a governess position at a manor called thornfield, where she falls head overheels in love with her employer, 精選公文范文8rochester. jane eyre sets us a perfect model of inner questioning and self exploring. howabout us?looking back on the development of jane eyre s charac

13、ter, we can see clearlythe important role inner questioning and self exploring has played. “whayou areyou do not see, what you see is your shadow. " senowledge is a hard process thateveryone must go through. there are times when we are overwhelmed by all kinds ofdesires and lose ourselves in th

14、e crowded world. there are times when we just follow what others are doing and abandon our own dreams. to be specific,when asked why you are at school, how many students can honestly say that their answer 精選公文范文well reflects their soul?i didn ' t answer grandpa. only then did i realize how littl

15、e i knew about myself.i have never before questioned myself what i really want. i thought about jane eyre.she is always exploring and questioning herself. that is why she is able to make herperfect life.jane eyre gives me the strength. now it' s time for me to look into my soul tosee who i am an

16、d what i am longing for. i will no longer wander around, the momentmy soul answers me with her deepest voice. i will fix my eyes on the road ahead, myown road, and keep going. i will hold my brilliant life in hand.歡迎使用站內(nèi)搜 索簡愛英文讀后感下載如圖片無法顯示 或論文不完整,請進(jìn) ?上一篇文章: 精選公文范文#精選公文范文老人與海英文讀后感?下一篇文章: 簡愛英語讀后感 free

17、 as noble men0二: 簡愛英文讀后感簡愛英文讀后感:this is a story about a special and ueserved woman who has been exposed to ahostile environment but continuously and fearlessly struggling for her ideal life.the story can be interpreted as a symbol of the independent spirit. it seems to me that many readers english r

18、eading experience starts with janeeyer. i am of no exception. as we refer to the movie “janeeyer " jt is not surprisingto find some differences because of its being filmized and retold in a new way, butthe spirit of the novel remains-to be an independent person, both physically andmentally. roc

19、hester and led to his一.、ii精選公又范又moodiness all the time -rochester was also adespairing person in need of salvation. jane did want to give him a hand, however, she made up her mind to leave, because she didn t want to betray her own principles,becauseshe was jane eyer. the film has finally got a symb

20、olist end: jane inheriteda large number of legacies and finally returned. after finding rochester ' s misfortunebrought by his original mad wife, jane chose to stay with him forever. what' s more, this film didn ' t end when jane left thornfield. for jane eyer herself,there should always

21、 be somewhere to realize her great ideal of being independentconsidering her fortitude, but for rochester, how he can get salvation?the一.、12精選公又范又 film gives the answer tentatively: jane eventually got back to rochester.in fact, when jane met rochester for the first time, she scared his horse and ma

22、de his heel strained,to a certain extent, which meantrochester would get retrieval because of jane. wecan consider rochester s experiencesas that of religion meaning. the fire by hisfrantic wife was the punishment for the cynicism early in his life. after it, rochestergot the mercy of the god and th

23、e love of the woman whom he loved. here we can say:human nature and divinity get united perfectly in order to let such a story accordwith the requirements of both two sides. the value of this film may be due to itsefforts to explore a new way for the一.、13精選公又范又 精選公文范文development of humanism under th

24、e faith ofreligion.life is ceaselessly changing, but our living principles remain. firmly persistingfor the rights of being independent gives us enough confidence and courage, whichis like the beacon over the capriccioso sea of life. in the world of the film, wehave found the stories of ourselves, w

25、hich makes us so concerned about the fate ofthe dramatis personae. heart is the engine of body, brain is the resource of thought, and great filmsare the mirrors of life. in dubitably, “janeeyer”is one of them.篇三:«janeeyre»簡愛讀后感英文版簡愛作者簡介:charlotte jane eyre bront?(1816-1854)charlotte bront?

26、 was born 21 april 1816, third of the six children ofpatrick bront? and maria branwellof herlot ofsisters,bront?. the major event of her young life was the deathmother in 1821, whichcreated a chaos. in 1824,charlotte and her two oldermaria and elizabeth, were sent to the newly-opened cowan bridge cl

27、ergydaughters there were bad even by the standards of the time, and it was not long before both maria and elizabethbecame ill enough to be sent home, where they bothdied of consumption in the spring of1825. patrick brought charlotte and her youngersister emily, who had recently joined them at the sc

28、hool, back home as soon as theother girls became ill, but charlotte in 17精選公文范文精選公文范文particular never forgot what the school had been like. the surviving kids all became each others best friends. they created the kingdomof gondal and wrote all kinds of epic stories and poems set in that realm. charl

29、otteand branwell were in charge of angria proper, while emily and anne (the youngest)ran the neighboring kingdom of next adventure was going to school in brussels with emily in 1842.charlottes time there was brief, less than two years, but it led to her eventualwriting of villette beginning in home,

30、 charlotte lapsed into chronic unemployment and severe hypochondria, actually thinking she was going blind, just like her father was. in 1846 the threesisters published a book of poems, and though sales were very slow, the#精選公文范文精選公文范文reviews weregood and spurred on further literary endeavours. char

31、lottes novel of this time, theprofessor, was actually rather bad,sufferingfroma less-than-believeablemaincharacter. in august of 1846 charlottebegan work on jane eyre. though it was publishedin 1847, charlotte didnt tell her fatherabout it until the next year, when the novelssuccess was plain.內(nèi)容梗概:經(jīng)

32、典語段:you think because im poor, im plain, i have no feelings? i promise you, if godis gifted me withwealth and beauty, i should make it does as hard for you to leave me just as forme to leave you now, but he didn not.一.、17精選公又范又if my spirit can address yours, as we both passthe grave stood before him

33、 equal. 你以為我窮,不好看,就沒有感情嗎? 告訴你把,如果上帝賜予我財富和美貌, 我會讓你難以離開我,就像我現(xiàn)在難以離 開你??缮系蹧]有這樣做,但我的靈魂 能夠同你的靈魂說話,仿佛我們都經(jīng)過了墳?zāi)梗降?地站在上帝面前。我們是平等的 ??至少 我們通過墳?zāi)梗降鹊卣镜缴系勖媲?。讀后感受:in the story,her life can be devided into five parts.一. at gateshead(beforeten yearsold) school life,6 years to study ,2 years to teach)at lowoodschool

34、(years'3, at thornfield(about one year,the一.、18精選公又范又 精選公文范文most important time in her life)4, at moor house(half a year)5, at ferndean manor(maybe the rest of her life) it is known to us,even though living at gateshead,in such a beautiful house withthe reeds, jane eyre's childhood wasn'

35、t filled with happiness. jane eyre's unclereed had taken her to his house when her parents both her uncle's death bedhe had made his wife,anut reed, promise to look after jane eyre like her ownchildren,but she didn't keeping her thought mrs reed was a goodwoman,becasure they didn't k

36、now how she hate jane and are cruel to reed'sattitude made the others change their view to cousins did not love her even bullied and punished her all the servant bessie is the only person精選公文范文21who was kind to her.jane has spent most of her childhood in gateshead,no other than this specialexper

37、ience shaped her personality of brave and strong to challenge her new lowood,she was both excited and nervous about the new place she had see andthe new people she had at lowood wasn't good at the theremust believed in hard work,plain food,simple clothes and no luxury of anymost of them were off

38、ish except miss temple,the headmistress of lowood school. that is true,her life was too short!when jane felt she wasaccepted,learnedto like school and set to work to learn as much as she could,makeas many friends as possible,helen's illness was much more serious than jane firstthought,she had go

39、t a tuber morningmiss temple found jane asleep with精選公文范文 精選公文范文helen burns dead in her have a great effect on jane,she teached jane howto learn to love,forgive and do as the bible tells:"sometimes you have to put upwith some hard things in life even ifother people hurt us. ” jane stayed for ei

40、ght years in lowood,for the last two as a was busyand happy all that time,however,suddenly she realized she had never known any otherworld apart from lowood or wanted freedom,decided to change her lifeor at least a new master to she advertised in a newspaper for a job as agoverness and then came to

41、thornfield.the following story is as what happened inthe film sound of governess of no presence moved mr rochester with her beautiful,simpleheartedand frank dialogue between jane and rochester was interesting. rochester 一.、21精選公又范又 精選公文范文was clever but a little peculiar,jane thought she didn't r

42、eally understand him andnever sure whether he's serious or she always speaking carefully and keepingserious to build a wall that sheon the wedding day,jane found the secret of wedding cannot continuebecause mr rochester was already married and his wife was still alive!his explanationmade jane fo

43、rgive him at once in her heart because she knew what he said was,in her heart she also knew it was right for her to leave. she left mr rochester when he was rich and health butcame back even though hewas bland and think that is true love.篇四:簡愛英文讀后感簡愛英文讀后感簡愛是十九世紀(jì)英國著名的女 作家夏洛蒂勃朗特的代表作,人們普遍 認(rèn)為簡愛是夏洛蒂勃朗特詩意

44、的生平寫 照”,是一部具有自傳色彩的作品。講述 一位從小變成孤兒的英國女子在各種磨難中不斷追求 自由與尊嚴(yán),堅持自我,最終獲得幸福 的故事。小說引人入勝地展示了男女主人公曲折起伏 的愛情經(jīng)歷,歌頌了擺脫一切舊習(xí)俗和 偏見,成功塑造了一個敢于反抗,敢于爭取自由和平 等地位的婦女形象。簡愛英文版讀后感 Oliver twist, one of the most famous works of Charles dickens' , is a novelreflecting the tragic fact of the life in25精選公文范文britain in 18th centur

45、y.the author whohimself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twentieswith a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horrorand violence hidden underneath the 精選公文范文narrow and dirty streets in london. the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who

46、 was thrown into a worldfull of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beatingand abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the little oliver, i was shockedby his sufferings. i felt for the poor boy, but at the same time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bi

47、ll. to my relief, as was written in all the best stories, thegoodnesseventually conquered devil and oliver lived a happy life in the end. oneof the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little oliver was allowedto recover in the kind care of mrs. maylie and rose and began a new life.

48、 he wentfor walks with them, or rose read to一.、24精選公又范又 精選公文范文him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he feltas if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remainpure in body and mind? the reason is the nature

49、 of goodness. i think it is the mostimportant information implied in the novel by dickens-he believed that goodness couldconquer every difficulty. although i don' t think goodness is omnipotent, yet i dobelieve that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who areevil-minded. for

50、me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person.goodness is to humans what water isto fish. he who is without goodnessis an utterlyworthless person. on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, 'the fragrance alwaysstays in the hand that gives the rose, he who is wi

51、th goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. people receiving his help are gratefulto him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good toboth the people he has helped and himself. to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of thegoodn

52、ess in humanity. they look down on people" s honesty and kindness, thinking itfoolish of people to be warm-hearted. as a result, they show no sympathy to those27精選公文范文 精選公文范文who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. on the other hand, they attachimportance to money and benefit. in the

53、ir opinion, money is the only real object whileemotions and morality are nihility. if they cannot get profit from showing their'kindness' , they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit amanwhen he is down. they are one of the sorts that i really detest. francis bacon said i

54、n his essay, ' goodness, of all virtues and dignities of themind, is the greatest, being the character of the deity, and without it, man is abusy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.' that is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. therefore

55、,精選公文范文-29i, a kind person, want to tell those 'vermin-to-be' to learn from the kindOliverand regain the nature of goodness 篇 五:簡愛讀后感共有范文三篇簡愛讀 后感共有范文三篇范文一:簡愛是一本具有多年歷史的文 學(xué)著作。至今已152年的歷史了。它的 成功在于它詳細(xì)的內(nèi)容,精彩的片段。在譯序中, 它還詳細(xì)地介紹了簡愛的作者一些 背景故事。 從中我了解到了作者夏洛 蒂.勃郎特的許多事。她出生在一個年 經(jīng)濟(jì)困頓、多災(zāi)多難的家庭;居住在一個遠(yuǎn)離塵器的窮鄉(xiāng) 僻壤;

56、生活在革命勢頭正健,國家由農(nóng) 民向工業(yè)國過渡,新興資產(chǎn)階級日益壯大的時代,這 些都給她的小說創(chuàng)作上打上了可見的烙 印??上?,上帝似乎毫不吝嗇的塑造了 這個天才們。有似乎急不可耐伸出了毀 滅之手。這些33精選公文范文 精選公文范文:英文讀后感-簡愛讀書報告(1000 字)Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte(Book Report)As we all know, Jane Eyre was Charlotte Bronte's representative works .It was also a milestone works in English I was p

57、ublished in 1847, it arouse a blow to English it had caused some critics ,it also received popularity among the public. Charlotte Bronte was born in Yorkshire, England on April 21, 1816. Charlotte' s father was a poor pastor in her hometown, and her mother was a quite housewife. She was the third of the children. Her two sisters, Emily and Anne, were also the famous authors. So they were commonly called “thethree sisters of Bronte ”on literature history in England. When Charlotte was very young , Charlotte' s mother died of cancer. Because of her father's tiny incomes, she


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