1、B. I agree with you.C. Please help them.B. Sorry, I can ' t.C. Yes, please.B. Once a week.C. Three times.3.A. Two hours.4. A. Sure.B. Not at all.5. A. Yes, I know.二錄音中有五組對話,B. That ' s great.聽對話兩遍后,從每題B. At a shop.B. Choos ing a gift.C. At a restaura nt.C. Talki ng with herC. Doi ng a part-t
2、ime job.C. It ' s interesting.C. Scie nee.C. Sun days.C. At Peter ' s home.2021-2021學年度第二學期期中考試八年級英語試題時間:90分鐘分值:120分須知:1、 本試題分第I卷和第U卷兩局部。第I卷為選擇題,65分;第U卷為非選擇題, 55分;共120分。2、答題前務必認真閱讀答題卡上的須知,試題答案必須填涂或填寫在答題卡上相應 位置。3、聽力填表題為第U卷的第四大題。第I卷選擇題,共65分一、聽力選擇共15小題,計15分;每題約有8秒鐘的答題時間一錄音中有五個句子,每個句子聽兩遍,然后從每題A、
3、B、C中選出能對每個句子做出適當反響的答語。1. A. Don ' t worry.2. A. Good idea.C. Thank you.C. I ' m sorry to hear that.A、B、C中選出能答復所給問題的正確答案6. Where are they talki ng?A. At home.7. What is the girl doi ng?A. Taking pictures. father.8. How is Jim going to spe nd his summer holiday?A. Read ing.B. Seeing movies.9.
4、How long does Tom usually stay in the library every day?A. One hour.B. Two hours.C. Three hours.10. Whe n will the con cert start?A. At half past six.B. At half past seven.C. In thirtyminutes.三錄音中有一段對話,聽對話兩遍后,從每題A、B、C中選出能答復所給問題的正確答案。錄音播放前你有40秒鐘的讀題時間11. What ' s the matter with Peter?A. He '
5、s unhappy. B. He failed the test.C. His teacher can' thelp him.12. How does Peter like Chin ese?A. It ' s easy. B. It ' s difficult.13. What subject is Peter good at?A. Math.B. Chi nese.14. When are they both free?A. Thursday after noons.B. Saturdays.15. Where do they study together?A. A
6、t school.B. At Ann ' s home.注意:請同學們翻到第U卷第四大題,繼續(xù)做聽力填表題。 二、單項選擇共20小題;每題1分,總分值20分從每題A、B、C、D中選出一個能填入句中空白處的最正確答案。16. Have you see nfilm Where are We Goi ng, Dad?Yes, it ' s quiteuseful film so that I have seen it twice.A. a; theB. the; anC. a; anD. the; a17. look! The flowers were beautiful. Bees
7、 were flyi ngthem.A. i nB. amongC. betwee nD. through18. Though they are far away from school, the children who live in mountains go to school on foot.A. ever B. alwaysC. NeverD. hardly ever19. Your coat isdirty and you have to clea n it.A. a kind of B. all ki nds of C. ki nds ofD. kind of20. This w
8、eek, theseems to cha nge every day. One day is hot; the n ext day is cold.A. timeB. seas onC. weatherD. way21. Hi, Linda! How ' s it going?.We are hav ing great fun in the water park.A. Terrible B. Pretty good C. It ' s boring D. It ' s a good idea22. What does your frie nd Joh n look li
9、ke?He is.A. popular B. frie ndlyC. goodD. tall23. Hurry up, kids! The school bus is coming. We havetime left.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little24. The weather forecast says thata no ther storm tomorrow.A. there will haveB. there will be C. there hasD. there has bee n25. The teacher ofte n tells his
10、stude ntsquiet in class.A. to keep B. keepC. keep ingD. kept26. Jane, what kind of food would you like for lunch, tomato noodles or rice? is OK. I don ' t mind.A. BothB. EitherC. Neither D. All27. Tin a, rememberthe pla nts after lun ch.OK, mum. I ' ll do it.A. water B. to waterC. wateri ngD
11、. waters28. Look!ducks are swim ming in the river.A. Three hun dredsB. Hun dred of C. Five hun dreds ofD.Hun dreds of29. “ I don' t think I amdifferentfrom else. I amjust the son of a farmer,Mo Yan said.A. anyone B. nobody some oneD. every one30. Look at the smog 霧霾.bad weather it is!A. How B. H
12、ow aC. WhatD. What aC.31. Mo Yan is one ofwriters in the world.A. famous B. more famous C. most famousD. the most famous32. How many Ian guages can your pen pal ?Two, En glish and Chin ese.A. say B. tellC. speakD. talk33. I ' m sorry I my exercise book at home this morning.It does n' t matte
13、r. Don ' t forget it here this after noon. A. left; to takeB. forgot; bringingC. left; to bringD. forgot; to bring34.lt is n ecessary for every one toa good habit of readi ng.A. enjoy B. choose C. develop D. accept35. I won der .-Shandon gPro vince.A. where Peng Liyua n came from B. where Peng L
14、iyua n is fromC. whe n will Peng Liyua n comeD. how Peng Liyua n will come三、閱讀理解共15小題;每題2分,總分值30分閱讀以下短文,從每題所給的四個選項A、B、C和D中,選出最正確選項,并 在答題卡上將該項涂黑。It is a cold and dry win ter morning. Whe n you wake up, you feel that your throat hurts. You beg in to sn eeze and later you may cough. You must have a col
15、d! Wait a mome nt. Could it just be a com mon cold or the flu 流感that ' s bee n going around?A cold gives you a runny nose and cough. But it' s usually easy to dealwith. Some take medicine while others drink herbal tea or chicken soup.Usually you feel better after a week.On the other hand, th
16、e flu can be much more dangerous. It usually gives you fever. Sometimes it can cause death.According to an American magazine, the worst flu killed about 50 million people from 1918 to 1919.Don t worry. If you get a flu vaccine疫苗,it can stop you from getting the virus 病毒.Fluvacc ines work by giving b
17、ody a small amount of flu viruses. This causes your body to develop an tibodies抗體.So n ext timeyou get the flu, the an tibodies should help you.The flu virus cha nges every few years. Therefore, there are so many types of flu, such as H1N1amdH5N1. The antibodies for one type of flu can' t help u
18、s against all type of flu. That' s why we need to get the vaccine every year.However, good health habits may also help stop you developing a cold orflu. Washing your hands often helps stop you from getting viruses. It is also importa nt to get regular exercise and eat healthy food. All these can
19、 help you strengthen your immune system增強免疫系統(tǒng).36. If you have a com mon cold, usually you' ll feel better after.A. a week B. two weeks C. ten days D. twenty days37. According to the passage, which is TRUE of the flu?A. It first happened in 1919. B. It usually doesn' t give you feverC. It is
20、easy to deal with D. It can kill people sometimes38. If you get a flu vacci ne,.A. it can ' t stop you from getting theflu virusB. it won ' t cause your body to develop antibodiesC. your body will develop an tibodiesD. your body will get a large amount of flu virus39. We n eed to get a flu v
21、acci ne every year because.A. we probably have a cold in wi nterB. the flu virus cha nges every few yearsC. the flu is very dan gerousD. you don ' t need to take any medicine after that40. The followi ng way can help stop the flu EXCEPT.A. stay ing in doors B. gett ing regular exerciseC. eat ing
22、 healthy food D. wash ing our hands ofte nBEven in early time, people could realize the important of dreams and knew that dreams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has been the resultof years of dream in g. If a pers on has a dream and holds fast to it, he or she will find a way to bring
23、it into reality 現(xiàn)實.Childre n do not have much experie nee or kno wledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh at them for being na? ve. Many greatmenwere dreamers when they were ehildre n.On esueh dreamer was ThomasEdis on.He used to be ostracized 排斥when he was in primary school,
24、but his aehieveme nts were greater tha n every one else ' s in his time.Tee nagers and young people should also be en eouraged to dream. The world is full of sueeessful tee nagers and young people. They dreamt big and their dreams ehanged their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
25、 are the good examples. They have developed teeh no logy and brought great progress to huma n besides making money for themselves.Older people should believe that it is n ever too late to dream and that huma nmind is n ever too old to makedreams turn in to reality. Colo nel Saun ders realized his dr
26、eams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest fried ehieke n eompany KFC in the world.To dream is a won derful ability whieh can lead to won derful results. Olympie records were broke n by players who were brave eno ugh to dream. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.41
27、. People whocould probably realize their dreams.A. find a way to dreamB. dream and hold fast to themC. get the meaning of lifeD. have very good school results42. Young people should be en eouraged to dream because.A. their dreams are naturalB. they are greater tha n every one elseC. they have much k
28、nowledgeD. their dreams might ehange the world43. What does the example of Colo nel Saun ders show us?A. Setting up a big eompany is a wonderful ability.B. Develop ing teeh no logy can bring great progress.C. Even older people can make their dreams come true.D. People should be brave eno ugh to drea
29、m whe n they are young.44. The underlined word “naive in the passage means “ in Chinese.A.逆反的B.幼稚的C.淘氣的D.沖動的45. The best title 題目for the passage is “ .A. From Dream to RealityB. Good Examples of DreamsC. Aehievements in HistoryD. A list of Sueeessful DreamersIn England reeently three foreign gentlem
30、en eameto a bus stop and waited. About five minu tes later, the bus they wan ted eameal ong. They were just going to get on whe n sudde nly there was a loud no ise behi nd them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Some one shouted at them.The bus eon ductor came rush in
31、g dow n the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreig ners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed 窘迫的.No one had told them about the British custom 習慣of lining up for a bus that the firstperson who arrives at the bus stop is the firstpersontoget on the bus.Lear ning the Ian guag
32、e of a country isn't eno ugh. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host eountry. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there eonside
33、r it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table.The left hand is supposed to be used for washi ng yourself. Also in In dia, you might see a man shak ing his head at ano ther to show that he does n't agree. But in many parts of In dia a shake of the head means agreeme nt. Noddi ng 點頭
34、yourhead when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty. I n that eoun try, you shake your head to mea n "yes"-a nod means"no". At a meal in eountries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up.
35、 If you think that youhave had eno ugh, you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and giveit a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs whenyou are sitting talking to some one eve n at an importa nt meet ing. Doing this in Th
36、aila nd, however, could bring about trouble. Also, you should try to avoid 防止touehing the head of an adult 成人-it's just not done in Thaila nd.46. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way,because the gen tleme n.A. were foreig nersB. did n't have ticketsC. made a lo
37、ud no iseD. did n't line up for the bus47. Aeeordi ng to the article, if you want to have a pleasa ntjourney in aforeig n eoun try, you should.A. learn the Ian guage of the countryB. un dersta nd the manners and customs of the countryC. have eno ugh time and moneyD. make frie nds with the people
38、 there48. In India it is eonsidered impolite.A. to use the right hand for pass ing food at tableB. to pass food with the left handC. to eat food with your handsD. to help yourself at table49. To cross on e's legs at an importa nt meeti ng in Europe is.A. a com mon (平常的)habitB. an importa nt mann
39、erC. a serious ( 嚴重的)troubleD. a bad manner50. The best title ( 題目)for this article isA. People's Everyday LifeB. Mind Your Mann ersC. Shaki ng and Noddi ng HeadD. Taking a Bus in En gla nd第口卷非選擇題,共55分四、聽力填表共5小題,計5分錄音中有一篇短文,聽短文兩遍后,根據(jù)所聽容完成下面的表格每空不多于 三個詞。錄音播放前你有40秒鐘的讀題時間Beckma n High SchoolNumbers
40、1. It was set upin 1826.2. There are 50 classes, about 2,600 studentsand 200excelle nt(51)3. About (52)percent of the students go to famousuniversities every year.Positi on4. The buildi ng on the left is the office build ing.5. The (53)is on the right.6. The (54)is on the 1st floor of the officebuil
41、di ng.Activitie s7. The school leader will (55)at half past ten.8. All the teachers and student leaders will answer your questi ons after lun ch.五、閱讀下面短文,用括號所給動詞的適當形式填空。(必要時可加情態(tài)動詞或助動詞)(10分)If we want to deal with the associati on (社交)betwee n boys and girlsproperly, here (56)(be) some "dos and
42、don'ts"for you tofollow. Keep a no rmal and healthy state of mind. Our schools and classes (57)(make) up of boys and girls. It is very n ature for the boysand girls to make friends with each other. We should make as many frie ndsas possible. We(58)(keep) touch with the other sex (性另) in pub
43、licin stead of in secret.Don't be too n ervous or too shy. If you are a shyperson, you can also find a way out. First of all, you can make friend with the stude nts who (59)(have)the same in terest and hobby as you. Asboth of you have much in com mon,you mayhave much(60)(talk)about.If you keep(6
44、1)(do)like that, little by little, you gladly(62)(fin d)you are also as free to express yourself as others.Don't fall into the ditch of early love. The boys and girls at a adolesce nee (青春期)are rich in feeling. Theyare easy (63)(regard) thefrie ndship as a sig n of love and fall in love with eac
45、h other at an earlyage. In my opinion, early love is a green apple that can't (64)(eat).An apple won't taste sweet un til it is full ripe. Boys and girls at middle school are too young (65)(carry) the heavy duty of love. Do keepout of early love.六、綜合填空(10分) 閱讀短文,根據(jù)短文容與首字母提示,在空白處填入一個適當?shù)膯卧~。Rob
46、ert was a clever boy and got on well with his classmates. They all liked him and played with him. He hoped to join the army when he left the middle (66)s. Bad luck! One of his legs was (67) hin a trafficaccident. So he couldn ' t join the army. He had to (68) gback to hisvillage and help his fat
47、her to man age the farm. He (69) ra lot ofbooks on farming and did well in it. He got muchmoney and bought a few farms n ext to his farm.Ten years (70) l, he became the richest farmer in his village.One day, Robert met several friends in London. He asked them to (71)vhis farm. They saw a beautiful h
48、ouse (72) wabig garden whenhis friends got there. They found he had a lot of sheep, pigs and cows. Robert and (73) hfamily warmly served the guests. The n ext morni ng heshowed them around his farm. It was (74)slarge that theycouldn ' t see the other end.“ It ' ll (75) tyou two days to reach
49、 the other end of my farmby car! Robert said happily.“You must be joking! I think something is wrong with your ear! oneof the guests said with a smile.七、閱讀表達10分You said you were hav ing trouble because your subject was difficult.83. You thought you had worked hard but still couldn ' t reach your
50、 study goals.We have some tips here that can help you improve your studying habits.Study with a part ner or in groups, and peer teachRather tha n live in a cave with your nose in the books all day, grab a friend from your class and study with him. Group studying helps you to understand the information more deeply. Race to solve a math problem first and discuss it afterwards. Y
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