1、附件I.免關(guān)稅商品清單 ( Annex I. The List of Products for SPT Treatment )序號 No.稅則號列 Tariff Item商品名稱DescriptionTariff rate of 2006 (%)SPT(%)101063990其他鳥Birds, nes100201069090其他動物Other live animals, not edible100303023200鮮、冷黃鰭金槍魚Fresh or chilled yellowfin tunas120403033300凍鰨魚Frozen sole120503033900其他凍比目魚Frozen
2、flat fish (excl. halibut, plaice & sole)100603034300凍鰹魚Frozen skipjack or stripe-bellied bonito120703035000凍鯡魚(大西洋、太平洋鯡魚),但魚肝及魚卵除外Frozen herrings (excl. livers & roes)100803036000凍鱈魚Frozen cod (excl. livers & roes)100903037100凍沙丁魚、黍鯡魚Frozen sardines, brisling or sprats1201003037600凍鰻魚Fro
3、zen eels1201103037910凍帶魚Frozen scabber fish (trichurius)1001203037950凍劍魚Frozen Swordfish1001303037990其他未列名凍魚Frozen fish, nes1001403038000凍魚肝及魚卵Frozen fish livers & roes1001503049000其他凍魚肉Frozen fish meat (excl. fillets)1001603055910干海馬、干海龍Dried pipefish and hippocampi, not smoked201703055920干魚翅Dr
4、ied sharks' fins, not smoked1501803055990其他干魚Other dried fish, not smoked1601903061319其他凍小蝦Frozen shrimps in shell502003061329其他凍對蝦Frozen prawns in shell502103061490其他凍蟹Other frozen crabs, nes1002203062190未凍的龍蝦Not frozen lobster, nes1502303074900其他凍、干、鹽制的墨魚及魷魚Cuttle fish & squid, frozen, dri
5、ed, saltd or in brine1202403075900其他凍、干、鹽制的章魚Octopus,frozen, dried, salted or in brine1702503076090其他蝸牛及螺Other snails o/t sea snails,excl for cultivation1402603079920凍、干、鹽腌或鹽漬的海參Sea cucumbers, frozen, dried, salted or in brine1002703079990其他凍、干、鹽制軟體動物、水生無脊椎動物Other molluscs and aquatic invertibrats,n
6、es,frz/dr/saltd/br;incl flours,meals and pellets,fit for human consumption1002805071000獸牙;獸牙粉末及廢料Ivory, its powder & waste, unworked1002905080090珊瑚及介、貝、棘皮動物的殼、骨Coral; shells of molluscs, crustaceans,etc, not cut to shape1203005119111受精魚卵Fertilized fish eggs1203105119119其他魚產(chǎn)品Other fish eggs120320
7、5119190其他未列名水產(chǎn)品;第三章的死動物Products of crustaceans,molluscs or other aqueous invertebrates;dead animals of chapter 31203305119990其他編號未列名的動物產(chǎn)品;不適合供人食用的第一章的死動物Animal products, nes; dead animals of Chapter 11203406029093菊花Chrysanthemum1003506049100鮮的植物枝、葉或其他部分;草Fresh parts of plants,without flowers/buds,fo
8、r ornamental purpose1003606049900染色或經(jīng)加工的枝、葉、草等Parts of plants, without flowers or buds, for ornamental purposes1003707099090鮮或冷的其他蔬菜Other vegetables, fresh or chilled, nes1303808013100鮮或干的未去殼腰果Cashew nuts, in shell,fresh or dried2003909011100未浸除咖啡堿的未焙炒咖啡Coffee, not roasted or decaffeinated8040090112
9、00已浸除咖啡堿的未焙炒咖啡Decaffeinated coffee, not roasted804109012200已浸除咖啡堿的已焙炒咖啡Roasted, decaffeinated coffee1504209023090每件凈重3kg的其他發(fā)酵、半發(fā)酵紅茶Other black tea & partly fermented tea nes, in packings3kg1504309024090每件凈重3kg的其他紅茶(已發(fā)酵)及半發(fā)酵茶Other black tea & partly fermented tea nes, in packings > 3kg1504
10、409050000香子蘭豆Vanilla1504509070000丁香(母丁香、公丁香及丁香梗)Cloves (whole fruit, cloves & stems)304612074090其他芝麻Sesamum seeds excl for sowing1004712119039其他主要用作藥料的鮮或干的植物Plants and parts of plants, used in pharmacy, nes604812119050主要用作香料的植物Plants and parts of plants, used in perfumery804912122090鮮、冷、凍或干的其他海草
11、及其他藻類Edible seaweeds and other algae, fresh chilled frozen or dried nes1505012129999鮮、干的其他供人食用的植物產(chǎn)品Other edible vegetable products,fresh or dried, nes3005113012000阿拉伯膠Gum Arabic1505213019020乳香、沒藥及血竭Olibanum, myrrh and dragon's blood305314011000竹Bamboos1005414019090未列名主要用作編結(jié)用的植物材料Other vegetable
12、plaiting materials, nes1005514042000棉短絨Cotton linters405614049000其他植物產(chǎn)品Vegetable products, nes1505715131900椰子油及其分離品Coconut copra oil (excl. crude) & fractions thereof905816041990制作或保藏的其他魚,整條或切塊,但未絞碎Prepared or preserved fish (excl. minced), nes1205916054090制作或保藏的其他甲殼動物Crustaceans, nes, prepared
13、or preserved506016059090其他制作或保藏的軟體動物及其他水生無脊椎動物Molluscs & other aquatic invertebrates,nes, prepd or presrvd506118010000生或焙炒的整顆或破碎的可可豆Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted806218020000可可莢、殼、皮及廢料Cocoa shells, husks, skins & other cocoa waste1006318040000可可油,可可脂Cocoa butter, fat & oil2
14、206420041000非用醋制作的冷凍馬鈴薯Potatoes, preserved o/t by vinegar or acetic acid, frozen1306521011100咖啡濃縮精汁Extracts, essences & concentrates of coffee1706621039090其他調(diào)味品Other sauces, mixed condiments or seasonings, nes2106723012010飼料用魚粉Flours or meals of fish, used in animal feeding206825051000硅砂及石英砂,不論是
15、否著色Silica sands & quartz sands, whether or not coloured306925059000其他天然砂,不論是否著色Natural sands, (excl. metal-bearing sands of Chapter 26), whether or not coloured307025061000石英Quartz307125062100原狀或粗加修整石英巖Crude or roughly trimmed quartzite307225062900切割成矩形板、塊的石英巖Quartzite cut into blocks or slabs o
16、f a rectangular shape307325084000其他粘土,不論是否煅燒Other clays, nes, whether or not calcined307425085000紅柱石,藍晶石及硅線石,不論是否煅燒Andalusite, kyanite & sillimanite, whether or not calcined307525120090其他硅質(zhì)化石粗粉及類似的硅質(zhì)土Other siliceous earths307625140000板巖,不論是否粗加修整或切割成矩形板塊Slate, whether or not roughly trimmed or cu
17、t into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (incl. square) shape307725151100原狀或粗加修整大理石及石灰華Marble & travertine crude or roughly trimmed407825161100原狀或粗加修整的花崗巖Granite, crude or roughly trimmed407925162100原狀或粗加修整的砂巖Sandstone, crude or roughly trimmed308025169000其他碑用或建筑用石,不論是否粗加修整或切割成矩形板塊Monumental or b
18、uilding stones, whether or not roughly trimmed or merely cut into blocks or slabs of a rectangular (incl. square) shape nes308125171000通常做混凝土粒料、鋪路、鐵道路基或其他路基用的卵石、礫石及碎石,圓石子及燧石,不論是否熱處理Pebbles, gravel, broken or crushed stone, commonly used for concrete aggregates, for road metalling or for railway or o
19、ther ballast, shingle & flint, whether or not heat-treated408225174900稅目2515及2616所列各種石料的碎粒、碎屑及粉末,大理石的除外,不論是否熱處理Granules, chippings & powder, of stones(excl. marble) of heading 25.15 & 25.16, whether or not heat-treated308325251000原狀云母及劈開的云母片Crude mica & mica rifted into sheets or spl
20、ittings508425291000長石Felspar308525309091硅灰石Wallastonite308625309099其他礦產(chǎn)品Mineral substances, nes308726203000主要含銅的礦灰及殘渣Ash & residues containing mainly copper & compound thereof408827101991潤滑油Lubricating oils608927141000瀝青頁巖、油頁巖及焦油砂Bituminous or oil shale & tar sands609028112200二氧化硅Silicon
21、 dioxide5.509128259090其他無機堿;其他金屬的氧化物及氫氧化物及過氧化物Inorganic bases, nes; metal oxides, hydroxides or peroxides, nes5.509228263000六氟鋁酸鈉(人造冰晶石)Sodium hexafluoroaluminate (synthetic cryolite)5.509329071990其他一元酚Monophenols and their salts, nes5.509429095000醚酚、醚醇酚及其鹵化、磺化、硝化、或亞硝化的衍生物Ether-phenols, ether-alcoho
22、l-phenols and their halogenatd, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives5.509529157090棕櫚酸及其鹽和酯、硬脂酸鹽、酯Palmitic acid, its salts and esters; salts and esters of stearic acid5.509629392100奎寧及其鹽Quinine and its salts409733011300檸檬油(包括浸膏及凈油)Essential oils of lemon (incl. concretes & absolutes)20
23、09833012990其他非柑桔屬果實的精油(包括浸膏及凈油)Essential oils other than of citrus fruit, (incl. concretes & absolutes), nes1509933019090用花香吸取法或浸漬法制定的含濃縮精油的脂肪、固定油、蠟及類似品;精油脫萜所得的萜烯副產(chǎn)品(柑桔屬果實的除外);精油水溶液及水餾液Concentrates of essential oils in fats,in fixed oils , in waxes or the like; terpenic by-products of the deterp
24、enation of essential oils (excl. citrus fruits); aqueous distillates & aqueous solutions of essential oils20010033029000其他工業(yè)用混合香料及以香料為基本成分的混合物和制品Odoriferous substances used as raw materials in other industry10010133079000脫毛劑、其他編號未列名的芳香料制品及化妝盥洗品Depilatories & other perfumery, cosmetic or toil
25、et preparations, nes9010234011100盥洗用肥皂及有機表面活性產(chǎn)品,條狀、塊狀或模制形狀的,以及用肥皂或洗滌劑浸漬、涂面或包覆的紙、絮胎、氈呢及無紡織物Soap and organic surface-active products and preparations for use as soap, in bars, cakes, moulded pieces or shapes; paper , wadding, felt and nonwovens, impregnated, coated or covered with soap or detergent100
26、10334021100陰離子型有機表面活性劑Anionic surface-active agents, (excl. soap), whether or not put up for retail sale6.5010434031900潤滑劑(含有石油或從瀝青礦物提取的油類且按重量計70%)Lubricating preparations, containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals and their weight <70%10010538099300制革工業(yè)用其他稅號未列名整理劑、染料加速著
27、色劑或固色助劑及其他產(chǎn)品和制劑Finishing agents, dye carriers to accelerate the dyeing or fixing of dye-stuffs and other products and preparations of a kind used in the leather or like industry, nes6.5010639019020線型低密度聚乙烯Linearity low desity polyethylene,in primary forms, monomer of ethylene by weight more than of
28、propylene6.5010739033000丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) copolymers, in primary forms8.6010839072000初級形狀的其他聚醚Polyethers, in primary forms, nes8.6010939076090其他初級形狀聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯Polyethylene terephthalate, nes, in primary forms6.5011039152000苯乙烯聚合物的廢碎料及下腳料Waste, parings & scrap, of
29、polymers of styrene8.6011139159010聚對苯二甲酸乙二酯的塑料廢碎料及下腳料Waste parings and scrap of pdyethylene glycol tevephthalate8.6011239159090其他塑料的廢碎料及下腳料Waste parings and scrap of other plastics8.6011339191099其他材料制的,寬度20cm的其他成卷塑料膠粘板片等Self-adhesive tape, plates, strip, sheet , film , foil & other flat shapes,
30、of plastics, in rolls, width20cm,nes6.5011439211990其他泡沫塑料板、片、膜、箔及扁條Cellular plates, strips, sheet, film of plastics, nes6.5011539219090未列名塑料板、片、膜、箔及扁條Other plates, strips, sheet, film of plastics, nes6.5011639229000塑料便盆、抽水箱等類似衛(wèi)生潔具Bidets, lavatory pans & other sanitary ware of plastics, nes100117
31、39232900其他塑料制的袋及包Sacks & bags (incl. cones) of other plastics (excl. ethylene)10011839261000辦公室或?qū)W校用塑料制品Office or school supplies of plastics10011939269010塑料制機器及儀器用零件Machine or instruments parts of plastics10012039269090其他塑料制品Articles of plastics, nes10012140111000機動小客車用新的充氣橡膠輪胎New pneumatic tyre
32、s, of rubber of a kind used on motor cars10012240119200農(nóng)業(yè)或林業(yè)車輛及機器用非人字形胎面或類似胎面的新充氣橡膠輪胎New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, nes, (excl.of herring-bone or similar tread), of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines25012340169310硫化橡膠制機器、儀器用墊片、墊圈及其他密封墊Gaskets, washers/seals of vulcanized
33、rubber for machines8012440169390硫化橡膠制其他用墊片、墊圈、及其他密封墊Gaskets, washers & other seals of vulcanized rubber, other than for machines nes15012540169990其他未列名硫化橡膠制品Articles of vulcanized rubber, nes10012641041111全粒面未剖層或粒面剖層藍濕牛皮Chrome-tanned bovine leather (wet blue skin leather), full grains, unsplit,
34、or grain splits, not further prepared7012741041911其他藍濕牛皮Wet blue bovine leather, not further prepared, nes7012841044990其他干革(坯革)Bovine or equine leather, without hair on, dry state(crust) , not further prepared, nes7012941051010藍濕綿羊或羔羊皮Wet-blue sheep or lamb skin leather, without wool on, but not fur
35、ther prepared, whether or not split14013041051090其他他綿羊或羔羊濕皮革Sheep or lamb skin leather, in the wet state other than wet-blue, without wool on, but not further prepared, whether or not split10013141053000綿羊或羔羊干革(坯革)Sheep or lamb skin leather, in the dry state(crust), without wool on, but not further
36、prepared, whether or not split8013241062100山羊或小山羊皮濕革Goat or kid skin leather, in the wet state(incl. wet-blue), without hair on, but not further prepared, whether or not split14013341062200山羊或小山羊皮干革(坯革)Goat or kid skin leather, in the dry state(crust), without hair on, but not further prepared, whet
37、her or not split14013441064000爬行動物皮革Leather of reptiles, tanned or crust, without hair on, but not further prepared, whether or not split14013541079200已鞣粒面剖層非整張牛馬皮革Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of bovine (including buffalo) or equine animals
38、, without hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading?1.14, other than whole hides and skins, grain s5013641120000已鞣進一步加工的不帶毛綿羊或羔羊皮革Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of sheep or lamb, without wool on, whether or not split, other
39、 than leather of heading 41.148013741131000已鞣進一步加工的不帶毛山羊或小山羊皮革Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of goats or kids, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 41.1414013841133000已鞣進一步加工的不帶毛爬行動物皮革Leather further pr
40、epared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of reptiles, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 41.1414013941139000其他已鞣進一步加工的不帶毛動物皮革Leather further prepared after tanning or crusting, including parchment-dressed leather, of other anima
41、ls nes, without wool or hair on, whether or not split, other than leather of heading 41.1414014042021290塑料或紡織材料作面的其他箱包Vanity-cases, executive-cases, brief-cases, school satchels and similar containers nes, with outer surface of plastics or of textile materials20014142022200以塑料片或紡織材料作面的手提包Handbags, w
42、hether or not with shoulder strap, incl. those without handle, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials10014242023100以皮革、再生皮革作面的錢包等物品Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of leather, of composition leather or of patent leather100143420
43、23200以塑料或紡織品作面的錢包等物品Articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or handbag, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials20014442029200以塑料或紡織材料作面的其他容器Tool bags, cutlery cases and containers nes, with outer surface of plastic sheeting or of textile materials10014542031000皮革或再生皮
44、革制的衣服Articles of apparel of leather, of leather or of composition leather10014642033010皮革或再生皮革制腰帶Belts of lether or composition leather10014742033020皮革或再生皮革制的腰帶及子彈帶Bandoliers of lether or composition leather10014842050090皮革或再生皮革的其他制品Other articles of lether or composition leather12014944201010木刻及竹刻W
45、ood or bamboo carvings0015044201090其他木制小雕像及其他裝飾品Statuettes and other ornaments, of wood, nes0015144209090木盒子及類似品;非落地式木家具Caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood; wooden articles or furniture not falling in Chapter 940015246012029其他草制的席子、席料及簾子Mats, matting and screens
46、 of grass or straw (other than rushes)9015346012090其他植物材料制席子、席料及簾子Mats, matting and screens of vegetable materials, nes9015446019199其他植物編結(jié)材料產(chǎn)品Plaits materials, plaits and similar products of plaiting materials, bond together in parallel strands or woven, in sheet form, whether or not being finished
47、articles, of other vegetable plaiting material, nes9015546021020草編制的籃筐及其他制品Basketwork, wickerwork and other articles, of grass or straw9015649100000印刷的各種日歷,包括日歷芯Calendars of any kind, printed, including calendar blocks7.5015750071090其他綢絲機織物Other woven fabrics of noil silk10015850072011未漂白或漂白的純桑蠶絲機織物
48、Unbleachd or bleachd woven fabrics of mulberry silk, 85% silk10015950072019其他純桑蠶絲機織物Other woven fabrics of mulberry silk, containing85% silk10016050072021未漂白或漂白的純柞蠶絲機織物Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of tussah silk, 85% silk10016150072029其他純柞蠶絲機織物Other woven fabrics of tussah silk, containing85
49、% silk10016250072031未漂白或漂白的純絹絲機織物Unbleached or bleached woven fabrics of silk waste,85% silk10016350072039其他純絹絲機織物Other woven fabrics of silk waste, containing85% silk10016450072090其他純絲機織物Other woven fabrics of silk, containing85% silk, nes10016550079010未漂白或漂白其他絲機織物Unbleached or bleached woven fabri
50、cs, containing<85% silk10016650079090其他絲機織物Other woven fabrics, nes, containing<85% silk10016751061000非供零售用粗梳純羊毛紗線Yarn of carded wool, not put up for retail sale, with85% wool5016851081000非供零售用粗梳動物細毛紗線Carded yarn of fine animal hair, not put up for retail sale5016951121900重量200g/平米精梳全毛布Woven f
51、abrics with85% combed wool or fine animal hair, >200g/m210017052041100非供零售用全棉縫紉線Cotton sewing thread, with85% cotton, not put up for retail sale5017152042000零售用棉制縫紉線Cotton sewing thread, put up for retail sale5017252051100非零售粗梳粗支純棉單紗Uncombed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs,14mn5017352051
52、200非零售粗梳中支純棉單紗Uncombed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >14mn but43mn5017452051400非零售粗梳較細支純棉單紗Uncombed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >52mn but80mn5017552052100非零售精梳粗支純棉單紗Combed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs,14mn5017652052100非零售精梳粗支純棉單紗Combed single cotton yarn,
53、with85% cotton, nprs,14mn5017752052200非零售精梳中支純棉單紗Combed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >14mn but43mn5017852052400非零售精梳較細支純棉單紗Combed single cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >52mn but80mn5017952053200非零售粗梳中支純棉多股紗Uncombed cabled cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >14mn but43mn5018052054200非零售精梳中支純棉多股紗Combed cabled cotton yarn, with85% cotton, nprs, >14
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