1、2021高考英語完形填空專題訓(xùn)練1 (8篇含答案)(1)The bond between mother and daughter is irreplaceable. One of the most famous women scientists of the 20th century, Marie Curie.worked 41 her daughter Irene in the field of radioactivity, each of them 42 earning their own Nobel prizes. Today, there are more 43 mother-and-
2、daughter pairs showing what happens when 44 works together.In April 2020, Dr.Cynthia Kudji and her daughter Dr.Jasmine Kudji have become the first mother and daughter to 45from medical school at the same time and be placed in thesame hospital. Cynthia Kudjiput put her dream of becoming a 46 on hold
3、when she became pregnant (懷孕)at 23. She worked as a nurse for almost a decade 47 making the decision to attend medical school at the University of Medicine and Health Sciences. 48 , her daughter Jasmine attended Louisiana State University School of Medicine.At first, it was 49 for them to live and s
4、tudy so far apart from one another. MI think initially it was hard because my mom and I have always been really 50 so I had to get used to the 51 Dr.Jasmine Kudji explains to AfroTech.Although the experience was difficult, it also had 52 results.” Sometimes people stniggle to find someone who 53 the
5、ir struggles, so for that person to be my mom was extremely helpful/1 she adds.After years apart, both Cynthia and her daughter earned their M.D. Then on'*Match DayHwhen recent med school graduates 54 the results of their residency(實習(xí))applications, Cynthia and Jasmine learned that they were both
6、 55 at LSU Health.This mother and daughter proves that family can do anything together.41. A.underB.alongsideC.forD. around42.A.constantlyB.eventuallyC.permanentlyD.occasionally43.A.inspiringB. movingC.shockingD.satisfying44.A.teamB.communityC.familyD.class45.A.escapeB.skipC.quitD.graduate46.A.nurse
7、B.doc torC.studentD.scientist47.A.afterB.uponC.beforeD.with48.A.ThereforeB. FurthermoreC.AfterwardsD.Meanwhile49.A.naturalB.difficultC.boringD.important50.A.closeB. nervousC.successfulD.rigid51. A.roleB.distanceC.journeyD.relationship52.A.mixedB.apparentC.lastingD.beneficial53.A.relates toB.appeals
8、toC.adapts toD.corresponds to54.A.announccdB.confirmcdC.discovercdD.submitted55.A.rejectedB.rankedC.praisedD.placed(2)Danielle was living in a new city with no local bank of her own. She desperately needed to21 a bank to cash her paycheck. For more than two weeks, she made 22 one afteranother but in
9、 vain.Danielle decided to attend a meeting at the local women's resource center The women tliere had been a strong source of encouragement since she came here. Sitting next to Danielle, Amy began to share die details of her 23situation. She was just days away from 24 herhome and her car. Her pho
10、ne and electric services were both scheduled to be cancelled. Her husband had gambled away their money. She had nothing left.As Amy described die situation, Danielle 25God s soft whisper in her heart:After themeeting, give Amy twenty dollars/' Daiuelle munediately thought, 4tBut I can t. I only
11、have forty dollars/' She heard tlie 26 again. Damelie knew she needed to follow.27die meetingconcluded, she 28 her purse and quietly handed twenty dollars to Amy. Knowing Danielle ssituation, Amy was 29 to accept it at first. But as a crowd of women 30 to giveAmy hugs of support. Damelle told he
12、r tliat God wanted her to have it. Then Daiuelle left.Witli just twenty dollars left in her wallet, Daiuelle decided to try casliing her paycheck at just one more bank before 31 home. She was 32 filled with renewed confidence andoptimism. She walked into the bank next to the women's center Momen
13、ts later, the bank33 her paycheck with no questions asked. Wearing a big smile. Danielle retunied home.Realizing true hope has no 34_ she continues to be 35 for the lifetimesupply that she received for just twenty dollars.21. A. selectB. findC. consultD. search22. A. decisionsB. choicesC. appointmen
14、tsD. attempts23. A. similarB. uniqueC. desperateD. social24. A. ruiningB. leavingC. missingD. losing25. A. receivedB. foundC. heardD. felt26. A. storyB. adviceC. orderD. voice27. A. BeforeB. WhileC. WhenD. Though28. A. reached mtoB. put awayC. gave outD. took on29. A. unwillingB. anxiousC. eagerD. e
15、mbarrassed30. A. mtendedB. approachedC. managedD. continued31. A. leavingB. sailmgC. headingD. departing32. A. anyhowB. somehowC. tlierefbreD. othenvise33. A. coiuitedB. checkedC. cashedD. tested34. A. priceB. costC. causeD. purpose35. A. readyB. welcomeC. fortunateD. thaiikfiilThe majority of peopl
16、e are convinced that they don't have much imagination. They are 41.Everyone has imagination, but most of us forget how to 42 it once we become adults. Creativity isn't always 43 with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time 44 think of creative ways to solve problem
17、s. Here are three techniques to help you.Make connections! It involves taking 45 ideas and trying to find links between them. Think about the problem to solve or the job to do. Then find an image, for example, a candle. Write down all the ideas 46 with candles. Connect the 47 with the job you have t
18、o do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original 48 ; you could buy him tickets to a match or take him out for the night.No limits! Imagine that normal limitations don't 49 . You have as much imagination as you want. Think about your goal and the new50 , If your goal is to learn to ski. 51,
19、 youcan now practice skiing every day. Now 52this to reality. Maybe you can practice skiingevery day in December, or every Monday in January.Be someone else. Look at the situation from a 53 point of view. Good writers use this technique. Fiction writers often imagine they are the 54 in their books.
20、If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their 55 , The best fishermen think like fish!41.A.mistakenB.accuratec.reasonableD.incredible42.A.fit in withB.become aware ofc.make use ofD.keep track of43.A.equippedB.comparedc.occupiedD.concerned44.A.routinelyB.skillfullyc.apparentlyD.abmptly45.
21、A.relevantB.unrelatedc.creativeD.imaginary46.A.presentedB.markedc.indicatedD.associated47.A.ideasB.assessmentsc.arrangementsD.practices48.A.itemB.sen-icec.presentD.object49.A.existB.occurc.operateD.change50.A.tendenciesB.limitationsc.possibilitiesD.assumptions51.A.as a matter of factB.in other words
22、c.as a wholeD.for instance52A.devoteB.applyc.reviseD.contribute53.A.personalB.globalc.differentD.positive54.A.featuresB.themesc.creaturesD.characters55.A.locationsB.positions(4)c.imagesD.impressionsAlaska is full of adventurous places! One of thoseis aiiold freeway41for decades.My dad loves history,
23、 and he learned it was open to die public.42, when I was 14, we took a bike trip to 43 this road!That was a sunny day. My dad chose a 16-niile 44 of die road for us to ride. Part of itmcluded ail old tiimiel called Sideling Hill which is over a imle long! To45, we checkedour tires and made sure our
24、lights had batteries. And then, we loaded our bikes into the car and set o任 As we approached the tumiel, I felt 46 as it was absolutely black inside! But Dad encouraged me. He said he would be beside me. He reminded me to stay 47 and keep my light on!When we48die tunnel, the sound of our bikes was h
25、eard through the darkness. Ishined my flash light around and saw walls 49 in graffiti (涂鴉).And I felt like I was being50! I was pretty scared, but 51on following Dad helped me relax. After ndinghalf-way through, I could see light coming from the other end, motivating me to keep going. And I was so d
26、elighted to ride out into the bright afternoon?Whenever going through 52 in life, I remember this trip. It reminds me that my fatheris always beside me. He turns on the liglit of hope in my 53, as well as gives me 54to keep ridmg through lifes 55 timiiels.41. A. designedB. destroyedC.abandonedD. loc
27、ked42. A. HoweverB. OtherwiseC. ThereforeD. Meanwhile43. A. exploreB. constructC. protectD. repair44. A. tumielB. sectionC. blockD. course45. A. participateB. registerC. cooperateD. prepare46. A. excitedB. nervousC. annoyedD. exliausted47. A. silentB. curiousC. cautiousD. positive48. A. approachedB.
28、 observedC. constnictedD. entered49. A. coveredB. buriedC. absorbedD. dressed50. A. forcedB. watchedC. abusedD. judged51. A. dependingB. survivingC. callingD. focusing52. A. accidentsB. hardshipsC. regulationsD. incidents53. A. chestB. tripC. workD. heart54. A. courageB. prideC. excitementD. enthusi
29、asm55. A. difficultB. distantC. darkD. long3Exercise and I have nevei had a good relationship due to my fear of sports. From a young age.my dad 41 me into a dozen sports. I didn't like any of them,42.When I entered University of Regina, my dad 43 telling me “You have to find away to stay 44"
30、; or ,You don t want to get the Freshman 15, do you?" So I 45to give swimming a shot, but I 46 managed to go to the pool twice durmg the fallsemester (學(xué)期).Worse still, I was 47 to convince myself tliat "Yeah, that's OK/Spring semester came. A friend of mine 48 me one day asking if I wa
31、nted to go toZiunba with her. All I knew about Zumba was that it was basically exercise dancmg to Latm and pop songs. It didn't sound too bad, but I couldn't be 49.I went, and that was it. Zumba became my 50 of tea. The iiistnictor wouldalways say: Don t worry about the steps. Have ftui. Do
32、your own thing.' That removed my51 about sports. I didn't have to be 52. I didn't even have to be good. Ijust need to 53 the music and move. Zumba did 54 me from theFreshman 15, but it also did so much more. It let me make 55 with my impleasant pastwith physical fitness, and enjoy stayin
33、g healthy.41. A. expectedB. allowedC. forcedD. invited42. A. tliereforeB. thoughC. insteadD. besides43. A. avoidedB. riskedC. regrettedD. kept44. A. in shapeB. fbr fimC. at easeD. on business45. A. refiisedB. happenedC. botheredD. decided46. A. hardlyB. merelyC. constantlyD. gradually47. A. eagerB.
34、contentC. embarrassedD. disappointed48. A. teasedB. comfortedC. approachedD. aimoyed49. A. happyB. proudC. carefillD. sure50. A. cupB. partC. shareD. mouth51. A. curiosityB. passionC. scareD. confidence52. A. perfectB. enthusiasticC. adorableD. ambitions53. A. acceptB. feelC. displayD. compare54. A.
35、 witnessB. separateC. discourageD. save55. A. troubleB. senseC. peaceD. contactFor Brittany Schiavone, December 4 was a fantastic day. She was named the 2019 Women of Worth National Honoree that night, beconiuig the first woman with Down Syndrome (唐氏綜合征) ever to receive this 21 .Brittany is like any
36、 other ordinary woman. She works and loves to 22 pictures of herself out with friends onlme. But she also knows that grving back is an essential part of her purpose. In 2014, after insistently tellmg her parents she was 23 about helpmg families that began just like hers, Brittany family gathered sup
37、porters for this 24 . In 2016、Brittany's Baskets of Hope, a nonprofit, was 25 . Its mission is to 26 resources, guidance, and hope to such families. Till now, it's sent ovei 850 baskets of hope to families.Brittany 27 valuable information for parents dealing with a Down syndrome diagnosis (診
38、斷)for the first time, but it is also about celebration. When a lot of parents28 the newstliat their baby will be bom with Do7rli syndrome, they hear, Tm sorry." Brittany doesn't say sorry. 29 、she says Congratulations and uses her own story to give these new parents the 30 that their child
39、can lead a life of joy and purpose just like hers!Brittany's win was a 31 She says the moment she was 32 as the winner, she couldn't believe her ears. 33 Brittany was the tnie star of the evening, her win is not 34 a win for her. Its for everyone witli Down syndrome. There are no limits, onl
40、y a(n)35 journey tliat will not look like anyone else s for every child. Brittany thank you for showing the world whats possible.21. A. creditB. honourC. approvalD. worth22. A. selectB. editC. sendD. post23. A. optimisticB. curiousC. seriousD. excited24. A. causeB. promiseC. positionD. challenge25.
41、A. expandedB. foundedC. inventedD developed26. A. raiseB. distributeC. acquireD. spread27. A. receivesB. storesC. providesD. obtains28. A. shareB. hearC. breakD. welcome29. A. OthenviseB. InsteadC. HoweverD. Tlierefore30. A. beliefB. knowledgeC. adviceD. mfbnnation31. A. successB. saluteC. surpriseD
42、. signal32. A. recognizedB. admiredC. praisedD. announced33. A. WhenB. WhileC.AsD. Since34. A. justB. evenC. againD. still35. A. toughB. mterestiiigC. uniqueD. meanmgfulEndangered languages can be found tlirougliout the world. Many languages now have fewer than 100 or even fewer than 10 speakers. Th
43、e crisis is not limited to remote regions of die world. When Europeans first arrived in North America, 312 different languages were41, of which123 are now known to be extinct. Of the 42 languages, most speakers are grandparents andgreat-grandparents.Different researchers offer different definitions
44、of endangered'5. Tlie system of 43used by the Catalogue of Endangered Languages evaluates languages in four areas: the 44 of all tlie speakers, how often the language is conveyed to the next 45, die rate at which itis losing speakers and the 46 in which it is used. Based on this data, languages
45、are rankedon a six-point scale from 'safe ' to "severely endangered/' The midpoint, endangered , refers to a language with between 100 and 1.000 speakers who represent about half of the language's community or etluuc group. Tlie language is spoken only by some parents, of whom v
46、ery few teach it to tlieir children. It is 47 used at home and is not taught in schools or used forgovernment business.Languages become endangered due to a munber of 48 factors including globalization,economics, teclmology, education policy, and changes m49 attitudes. As the forces ofglobalization m
47、ake tlie world more interconnected, previously50 language communitiescome under pressure to participate in a larger economy, which means leammg die area s majority language.51, local schools often begm to teach die majority language instead of the local tongue. Local languages also 52 as communities
48、 adopt mobile phones and computers, mostof which run on sofhvare that has been translated into only a handfill of languages. This trend 53 as these devices connect users to tlie Internet. At this point, many communities undergoa cultural 54 in which parents no longer value die language enougli to te
49、ach it to tlieirchildren.Initiatives to 55 endangered languages have become more numerous in recent years.Tliese efforts tend to focus on two mam areas: the documentation of endangered languages, and efforts to increase the use of endangered languages among younger speakers and in the community at l
50、arge.41.A. at handB. at riskC. in useD. in view42.A. ancientB. evolvingC. localD. surviving43.A. assessmentB. classificationC. descriptionD.research44.A. ageB. backgroundC. numberD. religion45.A. committeeB. centuryC. generationD. government46.A. contentB. occupationsC. situationsD. tlieines47.A. ad
51、visedlyB. efficientlyC. primarilyD. rarely48.A. balancmgB. complicatingC. historicalD. interrelated49.A. culturalB. mentalC. moralD. religious50.A. foreignB. informalC. isolatedD. national51.A. For exampleB. In contrastC. hi responseD. Vice veisa52.A. boomB. developC. disappearD. sufier53.A. ceasesB
52、. changesC. increasesD. starts54.A. differenceB. influenceC. shiftD variety55.A. enrichB. purifyC. refreshD. standardizeLi Ziqi didn't own happy childhood. When she was a child, her parents got divorced and her father died early. She started 41 with her grandparents. Their life was poor but affo
53、rdable. Her grandfather was a 42 in the village. When there was a ceremony going on, such as a wedding or a funeral. her grandfather would be in 43 of the cooking.At the age of 14, she 44_ out of school and went to work in big cities trying to support herself and her family. In 2012, her grandmother had an illness, 45 Li Ziqi came backhome to pursue her dream of becoming a web celeb
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