



1、2011-2012 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期英語語音課程期末考試A 卷 B 卷口。卷D 卷口Part I Read the words from each group give n below as:1)a. willb. wheelc. well2)a. Shawb. shoec. show3)a. catb. hatc. fat4)a. rateb. latec. mate5)a. awayb. a dayc. obey6)a. Harryb. carryc. hurry7)a. arrowb. sorrowc. n arrow8)a. chargeb. cha ngec. stra nge9)a.

2、 catchb. cashc. cage10a. placeb. prizec. price11a. buzzb. bossc. bus12a. someb. samec. seem13a. liftb. giftc. shift14a. Billb. bellc. bale15a. advaneeb. advicec. advise)Part II Read the phrases give n below as:(1X12=12)1) put it on2) a box of sweets3) an egg4) bottle of ink5) more over6) for an hour

3、7) no object8) highly importa nt9) see off10) a metter of fact11) later on12) here and therePart III Read the senten ces give n below as:(1.5x15=22.5)(2x15=30)a. May I ask you a question?b. Read it again!c. Did you have any trouble in getting in?d. What a beauitful picture!e. It isn t funny.f. How o

4、ften do you go to the cinema?g. How often do I play tennis?h. Shall we do recording next time?i. Which part of the text shall we prepaer for a reading test?j. Lanny turned into Adderley Street.k. Better to do well than to say well.l. Lots and lots of clocks and watches have gone wrong.m. Good health

5、 is above wealth.n. The chief charge against John is that he cheated Joe.o. A stitch in time saves nine.Part IV Read the poems given below as:(5.5)(A) I am coming, little maiden, With the pleasant sunshine laden,With honey for the bee, With the blossom for the tree. Every little stream is bright, Al

6、lthe orchard trees are white, And each small and waving shoot, Has for thee sweetflowers or fruit.(B) Evening red and morning grey, Send the traveller on his way;Evening grey and morning red, Bring the rain upon his head.Part V Read the paragraphs given below as:(2X10=20)(A)The year has four seasons

7、: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are twelvemonths: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,October, November and December.A month has thirty or thirty-one days. February has twenty-eight days, andtwenty-nine in a leap year. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday

8、, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The day has twenty-four hours, an hour sixty minutes and a minute sixty seconds.(B)Most of us like to eat potatoes. But most people do not know what partof the potato is best for food. Take a sharp knife and cut from the middle of the potatoa slice a

9、s thin as paper. Hold the slice between your eyes and the light. You will seethat the potato has a skin, an outside rim, and an inside part. The outside rim which isimmediately beneath the skin of the potato is the most valuable part of all. This is oftenthrown away with the skin. Even the skin itse

10、lf is better for food than the inside.When eating a baked potato, if you scoop out the inside and leave the outside you arewasting the best part of it. If you cannot eat the whole potato, eat the outside rim andleave the inside.Part VI Dialogue (with your patener):(10)2011-2012 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期英語語音課程期末考試A 卷口

11、B 卷。卷D 卷口Part I Read the words from each group give n below as:(1.5x15=22.5)1)a. busb. basec. boss2)a. fairb. fearc. fire3)a. clerkb. clockc. cluck4)a. luckb. lockc. look5)a. moneyb. funnyc. Tony6)a. oddb. oldc. Ed7)a. lowb. lawc. loud8)a. healthb. helpc. held9)a. wan derb. win derc. won der10a. ban

12、kb. rankc. tank11a. timeb. dimec. lime12a. si ngb. ki ngc. thi ng13a. seatb. satc. set14a. sleetb. slotc. slut15a. cupb. budc. mud)Part II Read the phrases give n below as:(1X12=12)1) we agree2) in an in sta nt3) put it up4) a cup of tea5) for a mome nt6) take it off7) for ever8) after all9) a pair

13、of trousers10) no objecti on11) go out12) carry it awayPart III Read the senten ces give n below as:(2x15=30)a. What page is this exercise on?b. How late you are!c. Go to the blackboard!d. How do you pronounce this word?e. Is this word stressed or unstressed?f. He is wrong.g. Why didn t I come to th

14、e party?h. Raise your hands!i. We never know the value of water till the well is dry.j. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.k. The theatre and museum are near here.l. Peter begins to feel sleepy.m. Paul plays the organ in the orchestra.n. Stop aside, please!o. Lanny turned into Adderley Street

15、.Part IV Read the poem given below as:(5.5)January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glew. February brings the rain,thaws the frozen lake again.March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil. April brings theprimrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet. May brings flocks

16、of pretty lambs skippingby their fleecy dams.June brings tulips, lilies, roses, fills the children s hands with posies. Hot July beingscooling showers, apricots and gilly-flowers.August brings the sheaves of corn, then the harvest home is borne. Warm Septemberbrings the fruit, sportsmen then begin t

17、o shoot.Fresh October brings the pheasant, then to gather nuts is pleasant. Dull Novemberbrings the blast, then the leaves are falling fast.Chill December brings the sleet, blazing fire anf Christmas treat.Part V Read the paragraphs given below as:(2X10=20)(A)Haveyou ever seen a forest fire? It is a

18、 terrifying thing to see the flames run along theground licking up the leaves and dead branches. No wonder those whose homes arenear gather quickly to fight the fire. If the fire cannot be stopped, these people will loseeverything. Water can seldom be used to put out a forest fore for most of the ti

19、mewater is not available. Instead of using water the men fight fire with fire. With hoes,shovels,and rakes they make a broad, chean path through the forest some distance ahead ofthe fire. Then they set“ backfires ” along that side of thisclean path which lies toward the coming fire. These backfires

20、burn slowly toward themain fire. When they meet both must die out for lack of fuel.(B)Unlike the aeroplane, helicopter can fly straight up and down. It can hover and alighton the ground as gently as bird settles in a tree. An aeroplane travels very fast evenwhen it is coming down, so it needs a very

21、 large field to land in. A helicopter cannotcarry as many passengers, but it can land in a very small space. It can even land safelyon the flat roofs of buildings.Part VI Dialogue (with your patener): (10)2011-2012 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期英語語音課程期末考試A 卷口B 卷口C 卷 D 卷口Part I Read the words from each group give n below a

22、s:(1.5x15=22.5)1)a. looseb. choosec. whose2)a. eightb. fatec. Kate3)a. hearb. clearc. dear4)a. pla nb. playc. plea5)a. sheepb. sharpc. shop6)a. noteb. notc. n aught7)a. lifeb. livec. knife8)a. whereb. wirec. whale9)a. lightb. latec. let10a. eatb. itc. ate11a. foodb. footc. fold12a. vealb. veilc. vil

23、e13a. sleptb. slappedc. slipped14a. sortsb. shortsc. shoots15a. tonb. ton guec. tool)Part II Read the phrases give n below as:(1X12=12)1) well done2) a waste of time3) everythi ng is clear4) not at all5) one of us6) a bowl of rice7) more over8) later on9) no end10) throw away11) far and wide12) try

24、itPart III Read the senten ces give n below as:(2x15=30)a. Which words are stressed in this sentence?b. I think you are right.c. What language do you study?d. Shall we copy out the text?e. Come along!f. What a hot day !g. Go to your place!h. Did you have any trouble in getting in?i. Lanny turned int

25、o Adderley Street.j. How many syllables are there in this word?k. That s a wonderful idea, to be sure.l. Everyone agreed, didn t thay?m. I think it was an excellent idea.n. I took it to a watch repairer.o. I beg your pardon.Part IV Read the poem given below as:(5.5)Bed in SummerIn winter I get up at

26、 nightAnd dress by yellow candle-light.In summer, quite the other way,I have to go to bed by day.I have to go to bed and seeThe birds still hopping on the tree,Or hear the grown-up people s feetStill going past me in the street.And does it not seem hard to you,When all the sky is clear and blue,And

27、I should like so much to play,To have to go to bed by day?Part V Read the paragraphs given below as:(2X10=20)(A)An airport is a very busy place. Besides the long runways needed by planes whencoming in to land or when taking off, there are many important buildings on it. Theseare all near on another,

28、 and the most important one is the control tower, from whichsignals by wireless are made to arriving and departing planes. There are also hangarswhere planes are kept until they are needed and where they can be overhauled andrepaired, waiting rooms for passengers, customs offices, restaurants, and v

29、eryoften a hotel. If the airport is some distance from a town or a railway station, busesmay be provided for the convenience of passengers.(B)Much of the paper we use is made from trees. Woodsmen go into the forest and cutdown the trees. Other mencut the trees into logs which are taken to the paper

30、mill.There large saws cut the logs into small pieces about sixteen inches long. These arethen cut into very small pieces by many sharp knives. Nowlarge vats which look likebig flat barrels receive the small pieces. In these vats the pieces are madeinto what iscalled pulp. This pulp is laid on copper

31、 nets and run between heavy hot rollers thatpress it into paper. At last, after going between many rollers, much of the paper iswound into rolls and placed in a storehouse ready to be used.Part VI Dialogue (with your patener):(10)2011-2012 學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期英語語音課程期末考試A 卷口B 卷口C 卷口D 卷Part I Read the words from e

32、ach group give n below as:(1.5x15=22.5)1)a. someb. samec. seem2)a. cashb. fishc. fresh3)a. soupb. soapc. shop4)a. shipb. sheepc. cheap5)a. marchb. matchc. much6)a. sportb. stopc. support7)a. realb. vealc. meal8)a. fineb. li nec. nine9)a. castleb. parcelc. can cel10a. touchb. muchc. such11a. sleetb.

33、slotc. slut12a. buzzb. bossc. bus13a. fundb. fondc. found14a. saveb. safec. shave15a. fryb. flyc. cry)Part II Read the phrases give n below as:(1X12=12)1) more over2) a waste of time3) what a crowd4) not at all5) one of us6) a bowl of rice7) here and there8) later on9) an egg10) throw away11) far an

34、d wide12) take it offPart III Read the senten ces give n below as:(2x15=30)a. What page is this exercise on?b. How late you are!c. What language do you study?d. Shall we copy out the text?e. It isn t funny.f. How often do you go to the cinema?g. Why didn t I come to the party?h. Raise your hands!i.

35、Lanny turned into Adderley Street.j. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.k. The theatre and museum are near here.l. Everyone agreed, didnt thay?m. Paul plays the organ in the orchestra.n. I took it to a watch repairer.o. A stitch in time saves nine.Part IV Read the poem given below as:(5.5)Jan

36、uary brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glew.February brings the rain, thaws the frozen lake again.March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil.April brings the primrose sweet, scatters daisies at our feet.May brings flocks of pretty lambs skipping by their fleecy dams.J

37、une brings tulips, lilies, roses, fills the children s hands with posies. Hot July beingscooling showers, apricots and gilly-flowers.August brings the sheaves of corn, then the harvest home is borne.Warm September brings the fruit, sportsmen then begin to shoot.Fresh October brings the pheasant, the

38、n to gather nuts is pleasant.Dull November brings the blast, then the leaves are falling fast.Chill December brings the sleet, blazing fire anf Christmas treat.Part V Read the paragraphs given below as:(2X10=20)(A)The year has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. There are twelvemonths:

39、January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September,October, November and December.A month has thirty or thirty-one days. February has twenty-eight days, andtwenty-nine in a leap year. A week has seven days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.The day has twenty-four hours, an hour sixty minutes and a minute sixty sec


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