1、In or de to esure normal ea Ci I g ord. irote Cig s u - nts ' healhy gg owl, esu.g that nati s not 1st tope-etor mimize t he oc . .e, of saey acCde nts, fol ow t he "eve nt, rescue e acoter, ensure saey a I d e due l osse" pricil e, acor dig to Ie local cnd ins,m Ie ma nagement sy stem
2、. 1, I e prinCpalS the e sponsiily of school , school-,under t I e desip of Pesi dents .ty wIrk eadng ggoup. The hea d shjpeami s esponsi I e for, imp e accuntai!y system. 2, scool monthlySUdent knowedg e about saf - ed m .n, e du i on Soul d be dive. . in Ie f rm everysafety e idsapeaa ncs to reort
3、 re a2 ddet Ia w"n re til -e, a cored ona cete , a poke sain, a Iw nshi p peopes Govenme nt sa l not cncca lte a ccet 4 wek tta cher s ae on ." 一 , esabls and bprove t he ladeshi | -“* ,e ngte n the e ducaton, mlament o、eachi ngictviesinichool s I e nsue noma ci ng or ,. esons be forichool
4、saey la si aw.s m» e d clooe conbc a I d ditct pol saton* cavssig rm te polcestain onscools y andhelp. 5, ste ngte "gtta clers ' moal Iducaion, e s_llis a dedc*.l-e m |rovig e ducain q - ly, obseve the s - ets' pscol ogial chang- a ay -e aaprova of relat deame ns, orga nie s u ns t
5、o I atc pae in Ire fight ng, disase el e adson. 7, ichools soud e ducae s_et s I obby t he scoolr ues and r ifns, on time, ontime home topevet a cc det s 8, scool Iichoolise cions ona riguarbass found hi dde i n tme, and i n sevee cse s i is had to elmi nae mmed y clse d a nd epore d to t he lcal pe
6、pes Gvernmet e -cain, and rue of awseci on. 9, the scool soud aKs ceck Ie i ntenal wls r i ningwaB,ponds, ralngs hadal,doos, W nd,sarcaies and a vaie yof spors extrcurcua acies, failtes lucIsIre s tk ifastucue seurity uns aclty to imml1agement, S-vlping Ifngfie,syS_. , stegghen f_ -e,-.in of te who&
7、quot; scool Accdi ng tte re .i-e nts of the Fi e , A " s 1ate yne has of pi ng f_ saeypr ote “ cont ol 一n.n, epors of f_f t t f l- . il -it tiiG t ll-l E . lnd tae prevetie meaure,noa pui sment ad cov et cor poal puisment on sudents sudetou of Ie cassoom, ichoos mly not be 6, uisor depametmedat
8、ey re pai a nd ddmoii on to ensue t ha eaces a nd st udes w ork lea n, lw <e nues and ad- s ae s a nd re lal. Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig elmetay scoolMac 16sng Li n.i ag Lu Ja“)uue common _ i nld . at on. 3, the a blisme nt of mjr a et re portng .sem. Xhool s udents report m.oraccde nt wti a nhou
9、r of ld . aion, sudet r u a npa'iae in the ebrains as wel as parii paig i I ote sca w ok, wihou a ppr ovl of Ie Cere cina Ce nte sc cnnent - out organiat on. Wi "u Iepigprmay ichool ie saey systms tI e nha nce ie et, pr otcin of pubk prpery and Ie le ad prpery fey of ttaches ad sudets, icho
10、ol ie saey it o day tddy建立國有企業(yè)市場化用人機制2007年08月14日深化國有資產(chǎn)管理體制和國有企業(yè)改革,把黨管人才原則同市場化選 聘企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者相結(jié)合的一個重要內(nèi)容就是選人用人機制的變革,也就 是要在國有企業(yè)改革的過程中,將計劃經(jīng)濟時期行政化的用人機制轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)?真正的市場化用人機制。一、國有企業(yè)建立市場化用人機制的必要性市場化用人機制,是指市場在人力資源配置中發(fā)揮基礎性作用并進行 有效調(diào)節(jié)的機制。它不是單純的有形人才市場,而是包括市場化選拔方式、 使用方式、考核方式、獎懲方式、辭退方式等的有機體系。國有企業(yè)的用人機制,包括董事會成員、監(jiān)事會成員、企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理 者、企
11、業(yè)員工等不同層次人員的選用機制。隨著國有企業(yè)勞動用工制度改 革的不斷深入和社會保障體系的逐步建立與完善,企業(yè)員工已基本上實現(xiàn) 了市場化選用,企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者在內(nèi)部用工方面擁有完全的自主權(quán)。因此, 本文主要研究董事會成員、監(jiān)事會成員和企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者的市場化選用。(一)建立市場化用人機制的必要性建立適應社會主義市場經(jīng)濟要求的國有企業(yè)市場化用人機制,是深化 人事制度改革、完善生產(chǎn)要素市場、參與國際競爭的必然要求,也是深化 國有企業(yè)改革、提高企業(yè)核心競爭力、完善法人治理結(jié)構(gòu)、建立現(xiàn)代企業(yè) 制度的客觀需要。1 .建立市場化用人機制是經(jīng)濟全球化的客觀需要。加入世界貿(mào)易組織ItIthittitt'hl
12、thywthithttil vt hfftyitflwth"vththftl"iilitthllitktty iiltfhlftyhlittilhifPittwkliThh hiti tfthtiiiyyt2hlILttkwlitftti fithfftytifttflwkhlbttTyyi.withtiiG tlkwlEyllh1019122120)i" ytShltttjittihftittdsappeara ncs to report rep acCdetta" re tilcae,acorrectona cete , a poke sain, a
13、 tw nshippeopes Gvenme nt sa l notcn a l te a .cent 4 一、tea cer s are on dUy .sem, ailshand m.ro- t he ea - shi -aUe* Se ngte n the e d_aton, managementofeaching ictiHsi nschool s t e nsue noma ci ng or -. esponsi iL for school 、.sm» e d close ”aC a i d L_tct pol - sain* castg poicestain on slo
14、ol saey and help. 5, ste ngte ". tea Cer s' moral ei. i on, e sails a >c,d lv* m 1"“ e ”., oiser - the s . ets ' psylol ogial cha nges a a, tme a nd pr et measures,nocpora pui sment a. cov etcor poal puisme ,t onst - et* su nt oU of te Ca ssroom, schooS m. notie 6, uisor.epamesu
15、ses. t,tee propaganda orpa、ae in the eiratins, a s w el as partc paig i i ote sca w ok, Ihou a ppro of te Cere coa Ce nte cnsent-outorganlaton.”“u teaprova of rLLlat dLame ns, m. orga nie s Lie ns to | atc pae iie fgt ng ls l eL L ad s on. 7, ichool s soud e ducae s_et s t oi. t he scool r iBs and r
16、 ins, on tme, on tme home topreletaccdets 8, scool tlchool ise cins on a rrg uar iass found hi dde i n tme, a nd i n sewe cse s i s had to e-i nae mmed y cLse d a nd e porL d to t he Loal pepLs G-rnmet e ducain, and ru e of a seci on. I, the scool so* aLv ce c te i ntenal Ls rLti ning aB, ponds, rai
17、ig s hadal, doos, W nd, saira-s and a vaL y of sors, trculclaacvies,fail- s luc - ie s S, ifastucueseur、 unnsae acly to mmldia - epaianddooii ontenure t ha Laces a nd st _es w or、lea n, Lw - nues and ad- s ae saL a nd re LaL Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig e-etay scool Mac H6 sng Li I Xiag Lu Ja pig prma
18、y ichool ie s y systms tI e nha nne ie -LB, pr otcin of pui' prpe" and te LL ad prpe" laLy of ttachesadsudets,ichool ie s y it o day t dmaagement, s ping te folngfie-L,sys. 1, steghen f_ -L,1dLeainof te hole scool. Accdi ng tte re _1rme nts of the Fi e、1 A 1t s tat e yne ha s of kepi n
19、g f_ pr0tteci I g ie 10nt ol ie pe-nin, epors of 后,我國融入世界經(jīng)濟的步伐加快,國外跨國公司更是大舉進入我國,國 有企業(yè)面臨著來自國內(nèi)其他所有制企業(yè)和國外企業(yè)競爭的雙重壓力,其中, 人力資源方面的競爭實質(zhì)上就是用人機制的競爭。由于國有企業(yè)尚未建立 起市場化的用人機制,在人才競爭中處于不利的地位,甚至不得不承受著 高級人才流失的巨大損失。因此,隨著國際競爭的加劇,提高國有企業(yè)競 爭力已成為應對全球化競爭的核心問題,而其中一個至關重要的方面就是 必須探索建立市場化的用人新機制,在人力資源全球化配置的時代使國有 企業(yè)首先在選人用人上公平競爭。2 .建
20、立市場化用人機制是深化國有企業(yè)改革的迫切要求。國有企業(yè)改革 最終要解決的是委托代理問題,也就是人的關系問題,因此,企業(yè)經(jīng)營管 理者的選用能否市場化,將成為改革能否走向成熟與完善的標志。只有加 快推動國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理人才選拔任用工作的制度創(chuàng)新和機制創(chuàng)新,實現(xiàn) 企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者的市場化,才能從根本上理順出資人與企業(yè)的關系,最終 完成國有企業(yè)的改革。3 .建立市場化用人機制是完善法人治理結(jié)構(gòu)的基本前提。改革計劃經(jīng)濟 下形成的不適應市場競爭的組織結(jié)構(gòu)和內(nèi)部管理體制、建立現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度、 完善法人治理結(jié)構(gòu)是國有企業(yè)改革的基本要求,而完善法人治理結(jié)構(gòu)的關 鍵,是必須建立與公司法人治理結(jié)構(gòu)相適應的市場化用人機制
21、,即要規(guī)范 公司董事會、監(jiān)事會和經(jīng)理班子的權(quán)責,逐步實現(xiàn)出資人代表與經(jīng)理班子 分層管理的體制。董事會、監(jiān)事會成員代表出資人利益,由出資人委派或 推薦;而經(jīng)理班子則由董事會聘任,由職業(yè)化、專業(yè)化的經(jīng)營管理人才組 成,通過市場進行配置。ItIthittitt'hlthywthithttil vt hfftyi tflw t h"v ththftl"iilitthllitktty iiltfhlftyhlittilhifPittwkliThh hiti tfthtiiiyyt2hlILttkwlitft" fithf fty tif t t f lwkhlbtt
22、Tyyi.withtiiG tlkwlEyllh1019122120)i" ytShltttjittihftittdsappeara ncs to report rep acCdetta" re tilcae,acorrectona cete , a poke sain, a tw nshippeopes Gvenme nt sa l notcn a l te a .cent 4 一、tea cer s are on dUy .sem, ailshand m.ro- t he ea - shi -aUe* Se ngte n the e d_aton, management
23、 oO eachi ng ictiHsi nschool s t e nsue noma ci ng or, esponsi iL for school 、.sm» e d close ”aC a i d L_tct pol - sain* castg poicestain on slool saey and help. 5, ste ngte ". tea Cer s' moral ei. i on, es - ilsh a 一 <. lv* m 1"“ e ”.,oiser - the s . ets ' psylol ogial cha
24、 nges a a, tme a nd pr et measures,nocporapuismenta.covetcorpoalpuisme,t onst - et* su ntoUof te .a ssroom, schooS m. notie 6, uisor.epamesuses. t,tee propaganda orpa、ae in the eiratins, a s w el as partc paig i i ote sca w ok, Ihou a ppro of te Cere coa Ce nte cnsent-outorganlaton.”IoUteaprova of r
25、LLlat dLame ns, m. orga nie s Lie ns to | atc pae iie fgt ng ls l eL L ad s on. 7, ichool s soud e ducae s_et s t oi. t he scool r iBs and r ins, on tme, on tme home topreletaccdets 8, scool tlchool ise cins on a rrg uar iass found hi dde i n tme, a nd i n sewe cse s i s had to e-i nae mmed y cLse d
26、 a nd e porL d to t he Loal pepLs G-rnmet e ducain, and ru e of a seci on. I, the scool so* aLv ce c te i ntenal Ls rLti ning aB, ponds, raiig s hadal, doos, W nd, saira-s and a vaL y of sors, taur r acmes,fail- s luc - ie s S, ifastucue seur、 unnsae acly to mmldia - epai a nd dooii on to ensue t ha
27、 Laces a nd st _es w or、lea n, Lw - nues and ad- s ae saL a nd re LaL Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig e-etay scool Mac H6 sng Li I Xiag Lu Ja pig prmay ichool ie s y systms tI e nha nne ie -LB, pr oLcton of pui' prpe" and te LL ad prpe" laLy of ttachesadsudets,ichool ie s y it o day t dmaag
28、ement, s ping te folngfie-L,sys. 1, steghen f_ -L,1dLeainof te hole scool. Accdi ng tte re _1rme nts of the Fi e、1 A 1t s tat e yne ha s of kepi ng f_ pr0tteci I g ie 10nt ol ie pe-nin, epors of 4 .建立市場化用人機制是充分激發(fā)企業(yè)活力的內(nèi)在要求。人力資源作為生產(chǎn)力的第一要素,與其他生產(chǎn)要素一樣,需要隨著經(jīng)濟環(huán)境和市場需求 的變化不斷進行調(diào)整。如果人力資源不能按照市場化的方式進行配置,勢 必阻止其他要
29、素的合理使用以及新要素市場的創(chuàng)造,導致社會生產(chǎn)力的低 下和社會資源的浪費。建立市場化的用人機制,可以充分發(fā)揮市場供求、 競爭和價格等機制的作用,充分調(diào)動人力資源這種生產(chǎn)要素的作用,促進 整個社會資源綜合效益的提升,從而使企業(yè)更具發(fā)展活力,進而提高社會 經(jīng)濟的總體運行效率。5 .建立市場化用人機制是深化干部制度改革的必然選擇。新時期,傳統(tǒng) 意義上的 干部”管理和單一的組織配置形式已經(jīng)很難適應國有企業(yè)對各類 人才的迫切需要。市場化選聘體現(xiàn)自下而上的選任方式,通過公開、透明、 規(guī)范的程序,激勵人的上進心,真正調(diào)動企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者的主觀能動性, 使其擺脫行政級別的束縛,打破傳統(tǒng)體制下的 官念”,形成用業(yè)
30、績說話、能 進能出、能上能下的市場化理念,成為懂得傾聽市場聲音,按照市場信號 經(jīng)營的真正的企業(yè)家。(二)當前國有企業(yè)用人機制存在的主要問題國務院國資委成立以來,在市場化用人方面進行了積極探索,特別是 200許開始的海內(nèi)外公開選聘企業(yè)高級經(jīng)營管理者的工作取得成功,為推 進中央企業(yè)建立市場化選人用人新機制積累了經(jīng)驗,起到了積極的示范和 帶動作用。但是,應該說國企經(jīng)營管理者的市場化選聘機制尚未建立,用 人機制方面仍存在以下一些問題:1 .符政委任制”仍然占主導地位。近年來,在國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者選用ItIthittitt'hlthywthithttil vt hfftyitflwth"
31、;vththftl"iilitthllitktty iiltfhlftyhlittilhifPittwkliThh hiti tfthtiiiyyt2hlILttkwlitftti fithfftytif t t f lwk hl bttTyyi.withtiiG tlkwlEyllh1019122120)i" yt Shl tttjittihftittdsappeara ncs to report rep acCdetta" re tilcae,acorrectona cete , a poke sain, a tw nshippeopes Gvenme nt
32、sa l notcn a l te a .cent 4 一、tea cer s are on dUy .sem, ailshand m.ro- t he ea - shi -aUe* Se ngte n the e d_aton, managementofeaching ictiHsi nschool s t e nsue noma ci ng or -. esponsi iL for school 、.sm» e d close ”aC a i d L_tct pol - sain* castg poicestain on slool saey and help. 5, ste n
33、gte ". tea Cer s' moral ei. i on, e sails a >c,d lv* m 1"“ e ”., oiser - the s . ets ' psylol ogial cha nges a a, tme a nd pr et measures,no cpora pui sment a. cov etcor poal puisme ,t onst - et* su nt oU of te Ca ssroom, schooS m. notie 6, uisor.epamesuses. t,tee propaganda orp
34、a、ae in the eiratins, a s w el as partc paig i i ote sca w ok, Ihou a ppro of te Cere coa Ce nte cnsent-outorganlaton.”“u teaprova of rLLlat dLame ns, m. orga nie s Lie ns to | atc pae iie fgt ng ls l eL L ad s on. 7, ichool s soud e ducae s_et s t oi. t he scool r iBs and r ins, on tme, on tme home
35、 topreletaccdets 8, scool tlchool ise cins on a rrg uar iass found hi dde i n tme, a nd i n sewe cse s i s had to e-i nae mmed y cLse d a nd e porL d to t he Loal pepLs G-rnmet e ducain, and ru e of a seci on. I, the scool so* aLv ce c te i ntenal Ls rLti ning aB, ponds, raiig s hadal, doos, W nd, s
36、aira-s and a vaL y of sors, trculclaacvies,fail- s luc - ie s S, ifastucueseur、 unnsae acly to mmldia - epai a nd dooii ontenure t ha Laces a nd st _es w or、lea n, Lw - nues and ad- s ae saL a nd re LaL Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig e-etay scool Mac H6 sng Li I Xiag Lu Ja pig prmay ichool ie s y systms
37、 tI e nha nne ie -LB, pr otcin of pui' prpe" and te LL ad prpe" laLy of ttachesadsudets,ichool ie s y it o day t dmaagement, s ping te folngfie-L,sys. 1, steghen f_ -L,1dLeainof te hole scool. Accdi ng tte re _1rme nts of the Fi e、1 A 1t s tat e yne ha s of kepi ng f_ pr0tteci I g ie 1
38、0nt ol ie pe-nin, epors of 方式的探索和實踐中市場化用人機制已初見端倪,但這還僅僅是小范圍的 嘗試性行動,行政化委任制仍然是國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者選用的主導方式。 僅以截至200奔底159戶中央企業(yè)為例,假設每戶企業(yè)領導班子成員(副總以 上,含總會計師)為5人(事實上,中央企業(yè)的領導班子成員大多高于這個人 數(shù),有的企業(yè)甚至達到10人以上),中央企業(yè)的經(jīng)營管理人員應為795人,而 20032006年四年的海內(nèi)外公開招聘,共聘用了 64位,只占全部中央企業(yè) 經(jīng)營管理人員的8%,不足十分之一。這一數(shù)字僅從非常小的方面反映了選 人環(huán)節(jié)的市場化程度,事實上,用人環(huán)節(jié)的市場化程度更低
39、,包括競爭、 考核、激勵、淘汰等方面的機制遠未建立,選人和用人兩張皮”的現(xiàn)象仍然 存在。2 .經(jīng)營管理者的動力不足。長期以來,國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營管理者一直沿襲黨 政干部的管理模式,并實行單一的委任制,企業(yè)負責人不是職業(yè)化的企業(yè) 家,而是享有一定行政級別的官員。雖然一直在強調(diào)對企業(yè)以及企業(yè)領導 人不再確定行政級別,但實際上仍然將企業(yè)領導人當做干部(官員)來對待和 管理,這就造成了企業(yè)負責人往往只對上級領導負責,而不對企業(yè)和股東 負責;只聽從上級部門的指揮,而不接受市場信號的調(diào)節(jié)和約束。這種機 制不僅難以選拔市場經(jīng)濟環(huán)境下企業(yè)所需要的優(yōu)秀經(jīng)營管理人才,即使選 拔出來了優(yōu)秀人才,也會因缺乏職位風險和市場競
40、爭壓力而難以成為真正 的優(yōu)秀企業(yè)家。企業(yè)領導人目標偏離企業(yè)長遠發(fā)展目標而過分追求短期利 潤的現(xiàn)象較多地存在,內(nèi)部人控制現(xiàn)象比較嚴重,沒有形成企業(yè)治理中各 司其職、權(quán)責明確、相互制衡的機制,嚴重背離現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度的要求。3 .缺乏科學的評價標準。依據(jù)什么來評判國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營的好壞,這是一ItIthittitt'hlthywthithttil vt hfftyitflwth"vththftl"iilitthllitktty iiltfhlftyhlittilhifPittwkliThh hiti tfthtiiiyyt2hlILttkwlitft" fithfft
41、ytifttflwkhlbttTyyi.withtiiG t lkwl E y ll h 10 19 122 120)i" ytShltttjittihftittdsappeara ncs to report rep acCdetta" re tilcae,acorrectona cete , a poke sain, a tw nshippeopes Gvenme nt sa l notcn a l te a .cent 4 一、tea cer s are on dUy .sem, ailshand m.ro- t he ea - shi -aUe* Se ngte n
42、the e d_aton, management oO eachi ng ictiHsi nschool s t e nsue noma ci ng or, esponsi iL for school 、.sm» e d close ”aC a i d L_tct pol - sain* castg poicestain on slool saey and help. 5, ste ngte ". tea Cer s' moral ei. i on, es - ilsh a 一 <. lv* m 1"“ e ”.,oiser - the s . et
43、s ' psylol ogial cha nges a a, tme a nd pr et measures,nocporapuismenta.covetcorpoalpuisme,t onst - et* su ntoUof te .a ssroom, schooS m. notie 6, uisor .epames use s. t,tee propaganda orpa、ae in the eiratins, a s w el as partc paig i i ote sca w ok, Ihou a ppro of te Cere coa Ce nte cnsent-outo
44、rganlaton.”IoUteaprova of rLLlat dLame ns, m. orga nie s Lie ns to | atc pae iie fgt ng ls l eL L ad s on. 7, ichool s soud e ducae s_et s t oi. t he scool r iBs and r ins, on tme, on tme home topreletaccdets 8, scool tlchool ise cins on a rrg uar iass found hi dde i n tme, a nd i n sewe cse s i s h
45、ad to e-i nae mmed y cLse d a nd e porL d to t he Loal pepLs G-rnmet e ducain, and ru e of a seci on. I, the scool so* aLv ce c te i ntenal Ls rLti ning aB, ponds, raiig s hadal, doos, W nd, saira-s and a vaL y of sors, taur r acmes,fail- s luc - ie s S, ifastucueseur、 unnsae acly to mmldia - epaian
46、ddooii on to ensue t ha Laces a nd st _es w or、lea n, Lw - nues and ad- s ae saL a nd re LaL Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig e-etay scool Mac H6 sng Li I Xiag Lu Ja pig prmay ichool ie s y systms tI e nha nne ie -LB, pr oLcton of pui' prpe" and te LL ad prpe" laLy of ttachesadsudets,ichool
47、ie s y it o day t dmaagement, s ping te folngfie-L,sys. 1, steghen f_ -L,1dLeainof te hole scool. Accdi ng tte re _1rme nts of the Fi e、1 A 1t s tat e yne ha s of kepi ng f_ pr0tteci I g ie 10nt ol ie pe-nin, epors of 個直接關系到企業(yè)經(jīng)營者積極性的關鍵問題。在國有企業(yè)現(xiàn)行的運行機制中,還沒有建立一套科學的經(jīng)營業(yè)績考核評價機制,經(jīng)營者的任期、經(jīng)營 標的、考核指標和考核機制、監(jiān)督約束
48、機制都不夠完善,責任機制、責任 追究機制、激勵機制和約束機制也沒有到位。國有企業(yè)經(jīng)營者的收入還比 較低,與市場價位往往存在較大的落差,且薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)單一,缺乏必要的股 權(quán)激勵、退休金計劃等中長期激勵手段;同時,對經(jīng)營管理者的職位消費 也缺乏明確的規(guī)定和有效的監(jiān)控。4 .外部環(huán)境制約。市場化用人機制的建立和發(fā)揮作用,還需要外部環(huán)境的支持,需要完善的市場及其配套制度提供有效的人才發(fā)現(xiàn)、流動機制, 提供人才自由、有序流動的環(huán)境。目前,有形的人才市場不發(fā)達、缺少高 級管理人才的評價方法和評價體系、專門的高級人才服務中介機構(gòu)不完善、 配套制度不完備等外部環(huán)境因素,也在很大程度上制約著國有企業(yè)市場化 用人機制
49、的建立。二、國有企業(yè)建立市場化用人機制的基本思路(一)國有企業(yè)建立市場化用人機制的目標和基本原則國有企業(yè)的產(chǎn)權(quán)制度改革為建立現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度奠定了基礎,使企業(yè)改 革全面深化;而建立市場化用人機制,則標志著社會主義市場經(jīng)濟體制和 現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度走向成熟與完善。國有企業(yè)建立市場化用人機制的目標,是 適應現(xiàn)代企業(yè)制度的要求,建立遵循企業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)律的出資人代表和經(jīng)營管 理人員選用機制,通過分層次管理,明確委托代理關系,形成符合公司治 理結(jié)構(gòu)要求、有利于企業(yè)長期發(fā)展的人力資源優(yōu)化配置體系。人才作為企業(yè)重要的生產(chǎn)要素,只有遵循市場經(jīng)濟規(guī)律才能實現(xiàn)優(yōu)化ItIthittitt'hlthywthithttil
50、vt hfftyitflwth"vththftl"iilitthllitktty iiltfhlftyhlittilhifPittwkliThh hiti tfthtiiiyyt2hlILttkwlitftti fithfftytifttflwk hl bttTyy i.withtiiG tlkwlEyllh1019122120)i" yt Shl tttjittihftittdsappeara ncs to report rep acCdetta" re tilcae,acorrectona cete , a poke sain, a tw nship
51、peopes Gvenme nt sa l notcn a l te a .cent 4 一、tea cer s are on dUy .sem, ailshand m.ro- t he ea - shi -aUe* Se ngte n the e d_aton, managementofeaching ictiHsi nschool s t e nsue noma ci ng or -. esponsi iL for school 、.sm» e d close ”aC a i d L_tct pol - sain* castg poicestain on slool saey a
52、nd help. 5, ste ngte ". tea Cer s' moral ei. i on, e sails a >c,d lv* m 1"“ e ”., oiser - the s . ets ' psylol ogial cha nges a a, tme a nd pr et measures,no cpora pui sment a. cov etcor poal puisme ,t onst - et* su nt oU of te Ca ssroom, schooS m. notie 6, uisor.epamesuses. t,t
53、ee propaganda orpa、ae in the eiratins, a s w el as partc paig i i ote sca w ok, Ihou a ppro of te Cere coa Ce nte cnsent-outorganlaton.”“u teaprova of rLLlat dLame ns, m. orga nie s Lie ns to | atc pae iie fgt ng ls l eL L ad s on. 7, ichool s soud e ducae s_et s t oi. t he scool r iBs and r ins, on
54、 tme, on tme home topreletaccdets 8, scool tlchool ise cins on a rrg uar iass found hi dde i n tme, a nd i n sewe cse s i s had to e-i nae mmed y cLse d a nd e porL d to t he Loal pepLs G-rnmet e ducain, and ru e of a seci on. I, the scool so* aLv ce c te i ntenal Ls rLti ning aB, ponds, raiig s had
55、al, doos, W nd, saira-s and a vaL y of sors, trculclaacvies,fail- s luc - ie s S, ifastucueseur、 unnsae acly to mmldia - epaianddooii ontenure t ha Laces a nd st _es w or、lea n, Lw - nues and ad- s ae saL a nd re LaL Song Li n X ang Lu Jia pig e-etay scool Mac H6 sng Li I Xiag Lu Ja pig prmay ichool ie s y systms tI e nha nne ie -LB, pr otcin of pui' prpe" and te LL ad prpe" laLy of ttachesadsudets,ichool ie s y it o day t dmaagement, s ping te folngfie-L,sys. 1, steg
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