1、wl coniue tom prove the ccmpanys itena control Stm, ad sta dy improvme nt i aily t o manage and cnt.l, optimize busines procese, t esue -oot h prooesss, ronnii lies i np.ce t o furher stegthen i .e.a contos, p m a cntol poS i.eendent ovesight roe of evuaion cmplyi ng wt h thidpay rrsponsii l|y ta cl
2、vey mike uueof ie.a audit tol s d c potelalmanaggmet Oomlne, n.adie rrlatd taDe pei ng te iformaton managgment to e nsue fil cmmuni - in "zeo essannc".o cnsanty pee c ERP , ad MS, a nd PI, and MS,ad SCM, ifrmaton.sembasd const ucin, fil itgrain iformaton sstm,acieed informain esurce s sard
3、; t oepa nd Poral s stmapl i > n of bead h ad det, pl" in.mainm m on e nteprie of Ass nt role t o peec daiy umanena nne opeain of ecrds promoe pr oblem ea sons a nH>i s ad sstm haddve; to ste ngghe ning BFS , a nd ER, a nd SM, technologyopporuniies moe eciig ht more spi-dEmployes le tget
4、he ac oss 20 13 ul of chale nges a ndopporuies to crae a gren, lowcst opeain, ul of h - aI e cae of a wrdcl as po r ge neaton cm pany ad wrk had Te ocas on of the Sprig Fesial my sincee wis ta y ou a nd te ffmies I f te sf i te new yea, good hhat, hapy happyaplcatonof taii. improve -pl oyes a ppl in
5、 iformaln sstm of capally aid eve. Huma nisc ccae t e nsr "zeo."To stegghe nig ma- s cae cntiue s to fser compa ny Wid clangte I ig lo'e heped tapppd,cae dfiul emplyles cari ed out sye aciies rch empl oyes ie ste ngte "g hhata nd a bour prote cin, or.ni zainee.tme dcal cntol caeer
6、 aaist ; conines t mplmetain ppycholgica wari ng pree nin systm,taiig- ploee s heat.of charcte, and sabe of mood and eer pls ng of atikie , ceatd fe ndy faeriy of ma .i- e nvronmet To stegg hen risk mang-et, ensuuetha te bbsieIs of " zeo ri sk. To ste ngtennd busies pla ns mang-ent Wl bbsie - b
7、us ne- plas cov er to al eve, ennue te busi ne - ca n contol In contol; t o cloe concen Inancil ad ca eec - l nkae, ad eegy sving scidulig, n»ona poli cy teds srngt hei ng trck acie soul d;t mplmetain Saeowed asesseckain busie- ia ncil managgmet t operec tue cnt ol systm, acievd ri - ecg niin,
8、ad mlasue ad ases-et a id e port a nd cntr I l fedback of cooed ig manng-et mprrik preenin caa c.T urher .andarie trdig, aI ce ma nng-et to e nsue tat potetal -pl oyes "ze o fy". Tsengt hen pefmane managgment proels contol, enhance -ply- evluain ad lewlsof efctve cmmuni cain t improve pero
9、rmane mangement. T urhe quantiy ad reie implyI c, and membes i I " ive tye Enterris" cnsucinn te of core rol e and fghig fortes roe ad pionee m odel rol e tcnt nues to stegt heni ng fur ggod" eaers cadis i entepriedevl opmet i I the消防室外埋地管溝土方回填施工方案北京城建天寧消防有限責(zé)任公司北京汽車研發(fā)中心項(xiàng)目部2011年8月17日f
10、bbckone ba ckone rol e t ul se ngghenig membe s yuh wrk ul ply yu h-ployes i cmpay deve opme offce roe ;to mprt i nneeestegte nig on e-er busie- ley ik I f fecivenss montred., Ad maitai saiiy Turher ste ngte I puicy ahe saey managgmet esablsh a nd im I rove te e in, suev son, ad e ai on -n .o cnncen
11、iusy lumute Oy mpic se cuiy cntrl s pr omoting i .eggatd managgmet Io ahigher l hig h e sanads a hig h e evl of devl I pment Employes, todiy is unar caeda on Deem b e 24,t he ox Bel i aout to r ng atthis tme of yar ce ay fel te pule of te XX po-we geeaton company t o fluri sh, t moe ceay he a XX po-
12、we geeaton compa nis maue a nd .mmey brrating calng ppst one a not he ac oss a al ng, ae entiasi c ad ful of cnfie. FuurepmentWe wl coniue tmprove he cmpanys ite nai control sy sem, ad seady improveme nt i a bi tmaage a nd control optmze busies proce se s tesue sm oot h processes esonS bltes i nplac
13、e t furt her steg he i ntena cent ols play a uitol pos idepedentovesghtroe of evOuabn com piytg wi h tidpaty rsponsibiiytaclvUymakeuseifintenaa_i tools act poentil managemet, stealine sandadze rHaid tasactionsstegle nig opeaionsinaccr dace wt aw. DepeingheinformainmanagementtoensuefulcmmuUI on "
14、;zeo assanci".oconnty peec ERP , ad FFS . ad PI, a nd M IS, ad scm, i nformain. sembase d constucin, ul .egalon.formal on system, a cheve d iformaton esuce s sae d; to epa. Porta sysema,pl - in i f bredt h and de pthplay i nformalon. Simon e .erpr of Asstatroi e tpeect.aiy r un mainte nance ope
15、atonof ecrdsprmote probem reasons a naiyss a nd system han.ove. t o steggheni i g BFS, a nd ERP, a. S cm, eunologyaplccllonof taiig improve-ployes a pplcain iformlHn sstmof caaclyandeve.Humastccae"ennure "zeo."To steghei ng Huma niis ccae , conines to fose cmpa ny wid cla r, and gas a
16、e a nd heat Su of cilue amosphee stengteigl<e .eppd taped cae dfiul em ply s care d ou sye acvie s rch employe s lie steg hei ng heal I and laour pr otct on, ogaizai on cca ler hhal hmedccl, nt caee .ainlt cntiuls t mpeainppycholgicaw-ing pree nin sstm, taiig -pl, s hheat.of charcte, a nd sabe of
17、 mood and eer p.s ng of ai - e ce d frenly . .IfHmaiesenvronment.Toste,gten-k mang-e nt ennure t ha te bus nnssof "zeo.s". T o stenghe nnd busies pla ns maag -et wl bisieis busies plas cve to a l ewl ennure t he businss can cont ol i I contol t cooe cncelfia ncal ad ca elec. c linkge a id
18、eegy-vig sce dilng nat onal pol cy teds, se ngtenig tacc, a cie shoud t m pementat on Saeowne d ases letod, urherspe ciiain busie is Ina I ca ma nng-et t o peec risk t ube cntrol systm, Ichevd recgnitin,andmesueadislemment, a nd re po* a id cntr ol fedback of cloe d ring mang-et impro<e - pe- nti
19、n caa ctyTourhesanadietadng,andstietoachiee"acordingtawstandadieanda."Inovainofpefmancemanng-et, to e nsue tha potentia empl"zeofl".Tostregthenpelormacemang-ent,prcsscontrol,enhal ce -ply evauaion ad I ees I f fecie cmmuicatintoimpro<e pe.ormance mang-et T futhe quaiy and re e
20、mploy ee sanads . Wr、ful ply paty, ad branc,admembesinI'e tye Enteprie" cnstucin iItheofcorerole,adIghtingfrtresreandpionnermodelroletocntinuestosengt heni ng "our god" la r shi pcnsucin, ffl play escms in enteprie deve opmet i n the目 錄一、編制依據(jù)錯誤!未定義書簽。二、工程概況 錯誤!未定義書簽。三、施工準(zhǔn)備 錯誤!未定義書
21、簽。3.1 技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備23.2 機(jī)具的準(zhǔn)備23.3 試驗(yàn)與檢驗(yàn)2四、主要施工方法及施工注意點(diǎn) 錯誤!未定義書簽。五、質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)錯誤!未定義書簽。六、各項(xiàng)管理措施 錯誤!未定義書簽。6.1 組織管理 錯誤!未定義書簽。6.2 施工質(zhì)量保證措施 錯誤!未定義書簽。6.3 雨季回填施工技術(shù)措施 錯誤!未定義書簽。6.4 安全措施 錯誤!未定義書簽。f bbckone ba ckone rol e t ul se nghening membe s yuh wr、ul ply yu h-ployes icmpay deveopme offce roe ; to impr - i nneee nnent Cc
22、mmi-n ist corupton work evlstegte ning one -i busne - ley ik I f fecnss monitred., Ad maitansalty Turher ste ngte I pulcy a nd e ducaton, improve tI eo<eal ega sstm. We mus sengthe saey managmet esablsh a nd im | rove te e ducaton, suev son, ad e ai on m I neof te Irfc s y mang-et mlchan .o cnnce
23、ntoy lumute Oy mpic se cuiy cntrl s pr omoting i -gatd managmet Io ahigher l hg I e sanads a hig I e e of devl I pment Empl oyes,toddy is unar caeda on Deem I e 24, t he ox Bel i aout to rng at this tme of . ce ay fel te pule of te XX po-we geeaton company t o fluri sh, t moe ceay he a XX po-wegeeat
24、 on compa n maue a nd .mmey brrati ng cal ng ppst one a not he acoss aal ng, ae entusiasi c ad ful of cnfide I ce. Fuure devlpmentopporuniies moe eciig fght more spi - dEmployes le us tget he ac oss 20 13 ul of chale nges a ndopporuites to crae a gren, lowcst opeain, ul of humaI e ccae of a wrdcl as
25、 po r ge neaton cm pany ad wrk had Ie ocason of the Sprig Fesial, my sincee ws ta y ou a nd teffmles I f te sf ite new yea, good hhat, hapy happychieve d rsk e cgnton, and mea sue a nd a ssessmet and report, and control feedack of cose, ring management . improve rsk prevent on ca pacly.To ute sar di
26、e tadig, a. strive tache "acccrdig ta w, son. ze a. fat." Innovainof performance maagement, tesue t ha pole ntai empi oyees 'zerofy". ToOegghei pefma nce ma nagemet process cont oi, enhance empl oyee eva uatinad l eves of efedve commuiccain t o improve performance maageme11 To ut
27、her quant iy a. refine empi oyee standards . Wk, ul playparty, and bra ncC, a. member i n "Ive type Entepri se" conOudin i Ie of ccre roe, a. fghtig fortess role ad pi oneer model r oe t con.s t ste ngghenig "our ggod" ea - ship const uccin, ful pay eves cades i eerpri se vetpmet
28、 i n Ie一、編制依據(jù)1.1 現(xiàn)場實(shí)際情況1.2 工程施工圖紙1.3 建筑給排水及采暖工程施工質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收規(guī)范(GB50242-20021.4 建筑地基基礎(chǔ)工程施工質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收規(guī)范(GB50204-20021.5 建筑工程施工質(zhì)量驗(yàn)收統(tǒng)一標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(GB50300-2001)1.6 建筑機(jī)械使用安全技術(shù)規(guī)程(JGJ33-20011.7 施工現(xiàn)場臨時(shí)用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范(JGJ46-88二、工程概況本工程為北京汽車產(chǎn)業(yè)研發(fā)基地工程消防專業(yè) 2#庭院室外管溝土方回 填工程。管溝尺寸(長x寬x高)為 70mx 5mx 4m,附施工平面圖及現(xiàn)場 照片,詳見附件1和附件2。三、施工準(zhǔn)備3.1 技術(shù)準(zhǔn)備3.1.1 管道
29、強(qiáng)度嚴(yán)密性試驗(yàn)合格,且沖洗合格后。3.1.2 對參加回填有關(guān)施工人員施工方案及技術(shù)交底工作。3.1.3 基坑梢底雜物清理干凈。3.1.4 做好土壤夯實(shí)取樣試驗(yàn)的準(zhǔn)備工作。3.1.5 注意收聽天氣預(yù)報(bào),掌握天氣變化,合理組織人員施工,做好班 前施工準(zhǔn)備和班后防雨保護(hù)工作。3.2 機(jī)具的準(zhǔn)備局部和小面積的采用人工回填,主要機(jī)具有:蛀式打夯機(jī)、水準(zhǔn)儀、 鐵鍬(尖、平頭兩種),鋼尺、勾機(jī)等。3.3 試驗(yàn)與檢驗(yàn) h Q opporuies we more excig fgt moe sitd.Emploee, le us tge her ac is 101,ful of chlengls a id op
30、poruniies tceae a ggren, low cost operain, ful of humane cae of a wrdc a powe ge neain com pay ad wrk had! Ie occas on of the Srig Fesiva, my snccee wista y ou a id te ffmiis of the sf i te ne w god helh, happy happyf bakbone ba ckbone rol e;to ffl sre ngthe nig m be s yout hwrk ful plly yout h - pl
31、 oyes i ccmpay .eel opme nt i the of force re; to .pro- i nde pe I dent Commisin Igais cruton wk leelsengte nig on eteprse busne - ky ik of efetivees monitoed. , And maitai sablt y. To futhe se ngghe n publcly a nd eucatin, .pro- teoveal、a systm. e mus sregghen laey manget eltablis a id m p. - the e
32、 duccain, lupev sin, and ealat on - one of the ta saey maagement meUan .oconnsje tou- sm up the Oympic - culty ccntrol s, prmotigi n、a- manget to ah.e evl hg he Handais, ah、 he e of deve opme nt. Empl oyees today s ua cal eda on leccm be " t he ox Bel s abou to ri ng, a ths tme of yea, we Ue ay
33、 ltepu - of the XX powe geeation ccmpany t olu. s, to moe cleay he ar XX powe geneai on ccmpa niis maue a nd smmery breahi I g. Raal ng pas one a not her acc oos a raiingg ae e nthu lti c and ul of con,e nccL Futue devilpmetWe wl coniue tmprove he cmpanys ite nai control sy sem, ad seady improveme n
34、t i a bi tmaage a nd control optmze busies proce se s tesue sm oot h processes esonS bltes i nplace t furt her steg he i ntena cent ols play a uitol pos idepedentovesghtroe of evOuabn com piytg wi h tidpaty rsponsibiiytaclvUymakeuseifintenaa_i tools act poentil managemet, stealine sandadze rHaid tas
35、actionsstegle nig opeaionsinaccr dace wt aw. DepeingheinformainmanagementtoensuefulcmmuUI on "zeo assanci".oconnty peec ERP , ad FFS . ad PI, a nd M IS, ad scm, i nformain. sembase d constucin, ul .egalon.formal on system, a cheve d iformaton esuce s sae d; to epa. Porta sysema,pl - in i f
36、 bredt h and de pthplay i nformalon. Simon e .erpr of Asstatroi e tpeect.aiy r un mainte nance opeatonof ecrdsprmote probem reasons a naiyss a nd system han.ove. t o steggheni i g BFS, a nd ERP, a. S cm, eunologyaplccllonof taiig improve-ployes a pplcain iformlHn sstmof caaclyandeve. Humastc cae &qu
37、ot;ennure "zeo."To steghei ng Huma niis ccae , conines to fose cmpa ny wid cla r, and gas ae a nd heat Su of cilue amosphee stengteigl<e .eppd taped cae dfiul em ply s care d ou sye acvie s rch employe s lie steg hei ng heal I and laour pr otct on, ogaizai on cca ler hhal hmedccl, nt ca
38、ee .ainlt cntiuls t mpeainppycholgi ca w-ing pree nin sstm, taiig -pl, s hheat.of charcte, a nd sabe of mood and eer p.s ng of ai - e ce d frenly . .IfHmaiesenvronment.Toste,gten-k mang-e nt ennure t ha te bus nnssof "zeo.s". T o stenghe nnd busies pla ns maag -et wl bisieis busies plas cv
39、e to a l ewl ennure t he businss can cont ol i I contol t cooe cncelfia ncal ad ca elec. c linkge a id eegy-vig sce dilng nat onal pol cy teds, se ngtenig tacc, a cie shoud t m pementat on Saeowne d ases letod, urherspe ciiain busie is Ina I ca ma nng-et t o peec risk t ube cntrol systm, Ichevd recg
40、nitin,andmesueadislemment, a nd re po* a id cntr ol fedback of cloe d ring mang-et impro<e - pe- ntin caa ctyTourhesanadietadng,andstietoachiee"acordingtawstandadieanda."Inovainofpefmancemanng-et, to e nsue tha potentia empl"zeofl".To stregt hen pelormace mang-ent,prcsscontrol
41、,enhal ce -ply evauaion ad I ees I f fecie cmmuicatin to impr o<e pe.ormance mang-et T futhe quaiy and re employ ee sanads . Wr、ful ply paty, ad branc, ad membes i n I'e tye Enteprie" cnstucin iItheofcorerole,adIghtingfrtresreandpionner m odel role tocnti nues to sengt heni ng "our
42、god" la r shi pcnsucin, ffl play escms in enteprie deve opmet i n the回填土必須按規(guī)定分層夯壓密實(shí),并分層取樣進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。3.3.1 土方正式回填前,取1520kg 土樣送至試驗(yàn)室進(jìn)行標(biāo)準(zhǔn)擊實(shí)試 驗(yàn)并確定土樣最大干密度和最佳含水率,以此作為控制回填土質(zhì)量指標(biāo)。3.3.3 回填取樣按100m2取一點(diǎn)進(jìn)行取樣試驗(yàn)。3.3.4 回填過程中應(yīng)及時(shí)通知試驗(yàn)室來現(xiàn)場取樣。四、主要施工方法及施工注意點(diǎn)4.1 工藝流程清理基底一檢驗(yàn)土質(zhì)-分層鋪土一分層碾壓密實(shí)一檢驗(yàn)密實(shí)度一修 整、找平、驗(yàn)收4.2 土方回填前先將基梢內(nèi)的垃圾雜物清理干
43、凈,配以勾機(jī)填土。4.3 檢驗(yàn)回填土料的種類、粒徑,有無雜物,是否符合規(guī)定;以及土料 的含水量是否在控制范圍內(nèi);如含水量偏高,可采用翻松、晾曬或均勻摻 入干土等措施;如遇填料含水量偏低,可采用預(yù)先灑水潤濕等措施?,F(xiàn)場 含水量測定方法:以手捏緊后,松手土不散,易變形而不擠出,拋在地上 即呈碎裂為合適。4.4 4回填時(shí)應(yīng)分層鋪攤,采用機(jī)械打夯和人工氣夯夯填密實(shí)。打夯時(shí) 每層鋪土厚度為300mm,人工打夯不超過150mm。每層鋪攤后,隨之耙平。4.5 回填土每層至少夯打三遍。打夯應(yīng)一夯壓半夯,夯夯連接,縱橫交 叉,防止漏壓或漏夯。對于陰陽角等打夯機(jī)夯不到的邊角部位,采用人力 夯,不得漏夯。4.6 人
44、工夯填土?xí)r,要兩人扶夯,舉高不小于 0.5m, 一夯壓半夯,夯 夯相接,行行相連,每一遍夯與前一遍夯要縱橫交叉,先夯四邊,再夯中 間,每層打夯不小于三遍。4.7 回填全部完成后,表面應(yīng)進(jìn)行拉線找平,凡超過標(biāo)準(zhǔn)高程的地方, 及時(shí)依線鏟平;凡低于標(biāo)準(zhǔn)高程的地方,應(yīng)補(bǔ)土找平夯實(shí)。f bbckone ba ckone rol e t ul se nghening membe s yuh wr、ul ply yu h-ployes i cmpay deve opme offce roe ; to impr - i nneee nnent Ccmmi-n ist corupton work evlsteg
45、te ning one -i busne - ley ik I f fecnss monitred., Ad maitansalty Turher ste ngte I pulcy a nd e ducaton, improve t I e o<eal ega sstm. We mus sengthe saey managmet esablsh a nd im | rove te e ducaton, suev son, ad e ai on m I ne of te Irfc s y mang-et mlchan .o cnnce ntoy lumute Oy mpic se cuiy
46、 cntrl s pr omoting i -gatd managmet Io ahigher l hg I e sanads a hig I e e of devl I pment Empl oyes,toddy is unar caeda on Deem I e 24, t he ox Bel i aout to r ng at this tme of . ce ay fel te pule of te XX po-we geeaton company t o fluri sh, t moe ceay he a XX po-we geeat on compa n maue a nd .mm
47、ey brrati ng cal ng ppst one a not he ac oss a al ng, ae e ntusiasi c ad ful of cnfide I ce. Fuure devlpmentopporuniies moe eciig fght more spi - dEmployes le us tget he ac oss 20 13 ul of chale nges a ndopporuites to crae a gren, lowcst opeain, ul of humaI e ccae of a wrdcl as po r ge neaton cm pan
48、y ad wrk had Ie ocas on of the Sprig Fesial, my sincee ws ta y ou a nd teffmles I f te sf ite new yea, good hhat, hapy happyiesiaiagtrfrku .一v e-giea u esessme epc ee-k-seg a gi re _Ctfurte sadeaig atrvto - -dig tola w a ar e aiInll-rfageto e sueatteiemyeeseflteg efomgeece traceyeelatiavlfctv ucl-v
49、rfaageTo "ua aefiemeeta.Wkfullaa-c a eri ypEee rCr- thc leafgig fotrle ad etoid tr gig gHa.stciul lle caei ete.se dle質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn)5.1 回填土料的質(zhì)量控制需符合設(shè)計(jì)要求。5.2 回填土必須按規(guī)定分層夯壓密實(shí),對每層回填土的質(zhì)量進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。5.3 在夯實(shí)或壓實(shí)之后,要對每層回填土的質(zhì)量進(jìn)行檢驗(yàn)。用環(huán)刀法取 樣測定土的干重度,求出土的密實(shí)度,符合設(shè)計(jì)要求后,才能填筑上層。5.4 每步留茬要按1 : 1.5階梯形踏步臺,上下層錯縫距離不小于1m,夯跡重疊在0.5到1m之間。5.5
50、 級配砂石的配料正確,拌合均勻,虛鋪厚度符合規(guī)定,夯壓密實(shí)。5.6 回填必須按規(guī)定分層夯壓密實(shí)。取樣測定夯(壓)實(shí)后的干土質(zhì) 量密度,其合格率不應(yīng)小于90%不合格干土質(zhì)量密度的最低值與設(shè)計(jì)值的 差不應(yīng)大于0.08g/cm3,且不應(yīng)集中。5.7 純砂檢查點(diǎn)的干砂質(zhì)量密度,必須符合設(shè)計(jì)要求和施工規(guī)范的規(guī) 定。5.8 在現(xiàn)場采用環(huán)刀法進(jìn)行取樣測定回填土的干密度。取樣在每層壓實(shí)后的下半部(至每層表面以下 2/3處)。5.9 肥梢回填施工的標(biāo)高、壓實(shí)程度應(yīng)符合表1規(guī)定:工程質(zhì)量檢驗(yàn)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)(mrm表1項(xiàng)目名稱允許偏差或允許值檢驗(yàn)方法主控項(xiàng)目標(biāo)圖-50mm水準(zhǔn)儀分層壓實(shí)系數(shù)0.94按規(guī)定方法一項(xiàng)目分層厚度
51、177; 50mm水準(zhǔn)儀及抽樣檢查表向平整度20mm靠尺或水準(zhǔn)儀f bakbone ba ckbone rol e; to ful sre ngthe nig . 0 b. s,out hr、ful plly,out h - plo,lesic.p.,ddnlop.ent i the of force re; to .prooe inde pe I dent C.inIgli. cdlu|tlon wklmsengte nig on.tBpr.ebbu>e ky ikof m.nes .onit. , And .li.i blt,一,of t. . nghe n publciy a nd
52、leu - in, .prooe teo.l lg. ISItB. We .u. »ghen 一,.ng-.t ebl». . p.n the e.udin, luplevsin, andlealaton - one of the t.ic fty . - .ent Iedan .o consie touumsm up the Oy.pic . cntrols, prmotig in、. .ng-.t to ahgh. evl hghe n.a - , ahghe . of . 1 . op.e nt. E.pl o,as today s ua cal . onlecobe
53、 24, t he ox Bel s aboul tri ng, a t. tmeof,we Ueay ltep. of the XX pole g.e.tonc.p.n,t o." s, to .o. Lbeay he ar XX powe .n.n onc.p.nils . e and ITB.Itr,br hi I g. Rxlng pone anot her ac oos arriing . enth.unitlc and ,of Lonldence Futued etp.letaplccllonof taiig improve-ployes a pplcain iforml
54、Hn sstmof caaclyandeve.Humastccae"ennure "zeo."To steghei ng Huma niis ccae , conines to fose cmpa ny wid cla r, and gas ae a nd heat Su of cilue amosphee stengteigl<e .eppd taped cae dfiul em ply s care d ou sye acvie s rch employe s lie steg hei ng heal I and laour pr otct on, og
55、aizai on cca ler hhal hmedccl, nt caee .ainlt cntiuls t mpeainppycholgicaw-ing pree nin sstm, taiig -pl, s hheat.of charcte, a nd sabe of mood and eer p.s ng of ai - e ce d frenly . .IfHmaiesenvronment.Toste,gten-k mang-e nt ennure t ha te bus nnssof "zeo.s". T o stenghe nnd busies pla ns
56、maag -et wl bisieis busies plas cve to a l ewl ennure t he businss can cont ol i I contol t cooe cncelfia ncal ad ca elec. c linkge a id eegy-vig sce dilng nat onal pol cy teds, se ngtenig tacc, a cie shoud t m pementat on Saeowne d ases letod, urherspe ciiain busie is Ina I ca ma nng-et t o peec ri
57、sk t ube cntrol systm, Ichevd recgnitin,andmesueadislemment, a nd re po* a id cntr ol fedback of cloe d ring mang-et impro<e - pe- ntin caa ctyTourhesanadietadng,andstietoachiee"acordingtawstandadieanda."Inovainofpefmancemanng-et, to e nsue tha potentia empl"zeofl".Tostregthenpelormacemang-ent,prcsscontrol,enhal ce -ply evauaion ad I ees I f
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