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1、We wl cnt nne tm pr<e te com panys i ntenal cont ol . m, ad stady mprovmet i n ai iy tmange a nd cntr ol o pkie bu_es procese ' te lure responsii- s in plce . t urhe stegte n ite na cntol s, ply a cntol pos indeedet ovesgt rl e of auatoncmt sengte nig "I", a nd ERP ad S",le cno

2、logy aiig, m prove -pl oyes aplcatoniformat on systm of caa cty ad evl Hmaisi c ca e tenue "ze o."To streghe nig Hmaie s cae cnines tofse company w I d _a, a nd gas ae and heat Shu of culure amoshee. se ! . .> >> . 一 I J . -H一devlpment i tntain Saeowned alses mehod, fute se ckain

3、busies ianci a managgmet.to peec Isktue contol systm, aci Id rik re cog nton, ad mlasue ad ase -met,ad e port, a id cntrl fedbaplying wic of clsd ri ng mang-e nt, improver h thidparty responsibuy t o acveym use of interna au.i tool s d c”eta management, sengle .、gl o - he pedta pped, . dfcUt emp.yaa

4、 c.-d out sye a ", rc-p,oo> Ie sI reenti on caa c».Tourher .anda trding, a nd st t achi eve "ccdi,seaie a., e e tegtg taw t a i ic.aci aee g -gee-. i .cai ea.he- del- a e g-t-u i I ttsygilaig ev-ost -. . .一 . . . .ploee s "zeo fy". To ste I gte ng -plo connty pee. ERP , a

5、 d BS, and PI, ad MS, andmatin ba_d cnsucioooe heath of caa a I d sale I f mood ad enter prg I f atikie, ceatd friedy -aeniyof Huma.- > . I - > _ - - -> > > . L . L 1 . Inhance -ply - ealat on a nd evl sof e>Ie commuiain to mprove pefmane manngent To lutequa nty ad eie ce. d iform.

6、he nrik manig.» . L I . Iin esurre et e nspl, sadads - Work ffl paypaty aate;o expad Pl ie- of "zend ba nc, and membes ia ese gth Ie terrs siaies ace lleg tes le t perec i y run ma nteal ce opeat cds pr omoe pr oblm resons ana ad systmha,ensue the busnnes ca cntrolto clse cncen - nacial a

7、nd coal eIctric ikge a nd e i . 1. .II. 1. > 、. > . . > > _ _ ad pinner model rol e t cntinne s to ste ngteing fu good" ledesipcnst uuton, ullay eves cdes i n ener pr omoting i .e.atd managgment t ahghe evel hige sada , a hghe l eve of dveopment Empl oyes, toddy is lua lenaron Ie mb

8、e 24, te oxFeel i s aou trng a this tmeof .ar c eay fel te p,eofteXX powe geneain company t lush, to moe. ay hea XX powe geneain cmpae s maue and smmey breahing Real ng ppst one a not he Icroos a al ng ae entu t c adffl of cnfieI . F re deelpmet opporuni , more exiig figt moe srtd.Emplyes et us toge

9、h e Icroos ,1, ffl of c ng- ad opporuniis, tof hhma ne cae of a word.powe ge neaincmpay and wkhad! Ie ocasof the Srig Fesva, my snnee wof the saf i the new yar godhappy測控電路期末試題二以及答案、簡答題(每小題6分,共48分)1、什么是自舉電路?說明圖1所示電路是如何提高放大器的輸入阻抗的?答:自舉電路是利用反饋使電阻兩端等電位,減少向輸出回路索取電流,而使輸入阻抗增大的一種電路。i = iiuo2uiRiR2 -RRiu。R3

10、o2R2u。RiR2RR2uiRi2RiR3o2=2uuiRR2R2-Ri當(dāng)R=R2時,輸入回路阻抗無窮大,達(dá)到了提高放大器輸入阻抗的目的2、如圖2所示電路,Ni、N2、N3工作在理想狀態(tài),Ri=R2=200KQ, Rp=20KQ,R3=R4=I0KQ, R5=R6=20KQ,試求該電路的差模增益解:f bbckone ba ckone roe. t fu l segtening mobes yuh wo*ff! pay y outh emplye s i cmpany deve ol opment in the of fre rolove idepe ndetCcmmssin agaist

11、corrup"uoiu02R2i2ui2一 uiiRPii一 uoiRi= uii一旦Rp -uii)42=RLRp(ui2 Ui)ui2wok evel ste ngte I ig on eer I u_e ss ley lnk of efecVees m 1 nitema ntai sabily.To urhe sengtepubliiy ad iduatprove the o'eal egal ss.sals adimp. - the e ion -on, lupevii on, a nd eva uain aoneofteirfic saey management m

12、ecaism.o cnnci eiosy s up the pc - ce cuity cntrls prwl cnti nu tom prove the com panys i ntenal cont ol sysem, ad sea. mprovmet i nabi ” tomaage and cntr o o ptmze b procsse s toesure responsii- sin pace ; to urthe stegte nine na cntol s, pay a cntol pos indeedet ovesgt ri e of iv - alncmpyig tseng

13、te nig BFS+, a nd ERP, ad '"» Cnology aplca mprove -pl oyes aplcatoniformat on systm of caa Cy ad . IHmalsic ca e tenue "-o."To steghe nig Hmaie s cae cniues tfse company w I d Cea, a nd gas ae and heat Shu of -,re amos'ee. sesCedUing, nnHoalpol. tends strenghe ning tra c

14、k, act - shoUd to impementalnSae owned alses mehod, futhese cicain busnes Ina nci a managmet ; to pee c -ktue control sy stm, acievid recog niton, ad miasje ad ase -met, ad e port, a id cntrl fa- ofclsd ring mang-e pment i t h *hidpaty esons biiy t oac y mae e of inerna .ditool s d c potetia manng-e

15、nt, se-.* stadadie eaedtansacingte I igl o. he pedta pped, cae difct emplyes; ca-d out sye a c" , ric-p, ooe - lfe stegle I ig h h and .o nt, mprove rik |r eenti oncaac .Trher landaiXe trding, a nd stie t a chi eve "ccdi ng t law sandadZe ad ai." Inno - instegegeti-a.i a e e g t i.gee

16、t. .x e siacst o*i. e.bF p. Misytes . sl.i l iga-if - ysecivi -es csaexpaPtstaitm aa e etdat. e g-t-u i 1ttsygilnigevistt- . eye eat c esan t sig nt-td .eaeIeiIaei-n te i esegt g ee. a t u-s e c n g tou th eely elstgt _ n ngee cst*i e evuti* fctv-ciefmnc ge-t.tf ne-ei* snndWokl l n yn cev "e*e

17、te.-s saes n c eeee to perec dai y run m. ntea- opeati cds pr om ote probresons an. ad syystmha,ensue the busnes ca cntolt close cncen f nacil, a nd coal e Ictc Ikge a nd egt*si n io e det c u t gt.ig f-g leae sct,.i lie aeUo2R4RUo -UoiR3R5R3Uo1&Uo2R3U0R5U01R4R6 R3R5R3 ; R4R5/、 R5*Ri R2/Uo = -(U

18、o2- Uoi)= -(1-)(Ui2Uii)R3R3RPkd(1Ui2 - Ui1 R3RiR2Rp2010(1200 220)=42I bbckoneba ckone role - ul se ng-e ning -e-bes,u h rk ul p ,u h-plo,es i c-pi,Loeelop.en- i -he ol fre roe.-o -pr-e inneee nLen- C.s»n ag|is- crup-in rk e»Seng-e nig oe nerrie busie一,ikolefec-nss -oni-eb- ano - I rove -he

19、 e ouclion, sue .On, |L evlulion - one ol - e-l.c fe,-l>g»e- -ecanim.o cnnce n-iu- >u- u -e O,-pc se cuin cn-rl s pr o-o-ing i neg - L -lnge-o aIgher le., hghe sil* a hgh e e ol op.e n- E.pl o,es,-ol,is unl clenol onDee- be 24, - he ox Bel s lou-ng a- -his - eol,lr ce l,fel -e pule ol -e

20、XX poe geel-on Lo.pan| -o Ilouri sh, -o -oeOr,he l XX poe geera-on co-pa n - -aue a no .-e,brrl-ing l ngpps- one a no - he ic oss arllng,一3、什么是隔離放大電路?就一種隔離方式簡述其工作原理。答:隔離放大電路是一種測量用的電路,它的輸入,輸出,隔離電路之間沒有直接的電路耦合,即輸入、輸出沒有公共接地端。輸入信號經(jīng)放大進(jìn)入耦合器,使 LED導(dǎo)通,通過光電耦合器件(晶體管)轉(zhuǎn) 換為電壓或電流信號,經(jīng)放大輸出。光耦含器4、相敏檢波電路與包絡(luò)檢波電路在功能、性能與電

21、路構(gòu)成上主要有哪些區(qū)別? 答:相敏檢波電路可以鑒別調(diào)幅信號與載波信號之間的相位關(guān)系,還可選頻;而 包絡(luò)檢波只是將調(diào)幅信號的包絡(luò)線解調(diào)出來,但不具有鑒相選頻特性。相敏檢波 電路除了輸入調(diào)幅信號外,還需輸入一個參考信號,一般選用載波信號來做參考 信號;而包絡(luò)檢波則不是將調(diào)幅信號輸入,進(jìn)行解調(diào)。5、180腎通型逆變器正常工作的必要條件是什么?答:180 口導(dǎo)通型逆變器正常工作的必要條件是可靠換流。即每一相上、下橋臂主晶閘管交替導(dǎo)通時,須經(jīng)過短暫的全關(guān)斷狀態(tài),以保證可靠換流。6、PWM控制電路在雙極式工作時會不會發(fā)生電流斷續(xù)現(xiàn)象?為什么?答:PWM控制電路在雙極式工作時不會發(fā)生電流斷續(xù)現(xiàn)象。因為雙極式

22、電路中的 四個大功率晶體管分為兩組,同一組中的兩個晶體管同時導(dǎo)通,關(guān)斷,每一組晶We w- c ti uove -s e - staeld iveea -lgctie is s - esu smcss.a - f- e -seg- - BFe l M- c galll-iemail-' -sea 一 - lle Hul sl - esee-eg-. HulD le c-iu-. . . . . . > p.en- i -n-lin .leoneo a Ises -ehoo, lu-hese cfclin buSnes ianci l .anagme-;-o peec -sk-ue

23、 con-ols,eerkg - l eh -hidp -” ponsib” -olU . . u - oin.rnl -di-ols 一 ”.1 .anng-.nt, .eng-e ling l - h.p.-r ppIL, ." .pl, . .-L ou- .0 a ," ,"一.,. 一 “ s 一 一 一 一 I ngei ikI reen-i on caa .To lu-her 1-anLldize -rLing, a nL s- -o achi e "ccoi,seaie lLd e e -eghg -lw -l l i Iconc- l

24、e e g - f igee-. l ci- e e-he-dl- l e gi-iu i l -s,gclnigistl g e. . . 1ploee s "-eo f,". To sre I g-he no .on-,peec ERP , a L BFS, anL PI, Il ", amain ba-l -nasuciooo>- hea- of cia Ue, a I L sll. I I mooLIl en-er pr-g I I 一, cfed,fleni,of .- > . I - > _ - - -> > > .

25、 L . L 1 . Inhance -pl, - elll- on ano e sole co-uilin -o - prove pef-ice -anngen- To lu-hequa n-,|L reie »ce. o ilor-.he nrik -anng.» . L I . Iies cemel e Sl no -kl l n,e -isg -res l“ol AsSs-l- rns c -o al leve - perec oli ,run -l n-eal ce opel- cos pr o-oe pr obresons anl lo s,S_ ha,ensu

26、e -he buSnes cl cn-ol.-close cncen f nlcil, a no coal e lc-c ikge a no e i . l. .II. l. > 、. > . . > > _ _ |L pinner -ooel rol e - cn-i nue s -o s-e ng-eing "fu good" ledeSipcns-r uc-ion, ul ll,eves cdes i n en-er pr<e體管輪流交替導(dǎo)通,截止,并且電流可以反向,所以電樞電流始終連續(xù),不會發(fā) 生斷續(xù)現(xiàn)象7、什么是SPWM控制?采用SP

27、WM控制有什么好處?答:在調(diào)制控制中,載波信號采用等腰三角波,基準(zhǔn)信號采用正弦波,這樣的調(diào) 制控制稱為正弦脈寬調(diào)制控制,簡稱 SPWM控制采用SPWM控制時,調(diào)壓,調(diào)頻都在逆變器中進(jìn)行,控制及時,動態(tài)性能好, 且電動機(jī)效率和脈動轉(zhuǎn)矩都比等寬 SPWM控制時高8、圖3所示電路為無限增益多路反饋型濾波電路還是壓控電壓源型濾波電路?若根據(jù)此電路結(jié)構(gòu)構(gòu)成一低通濾波電路,YiY5應(yīng)分別選用何種RC元件?YiUi(t)Y5OOUo(t)答:此電路為無限增益多路反饋濾波電路,若要構(gòu)成低通濾波電路,Y3應(yīng)為電阻,丫4, 丫5應(yīng)為電容Yi, Y2,、分析題(共52分)i、圖4為一單穩(wěn)辨向電路,輸入信號A、B為相

28、位差90口的方波信號,分析其辨向原理,并就A導(dǎo)前B 90口及B導(dǎo)前A 90節(jié)勺情況,畫出A'、Uoi、Uo2的波形。(8分)UoiUo2DG5答:該電路根據(jù)A, B相位相對導(dǎo)前、滯后的關(guān)系實現(xiàn)辨向A導(dǎo)前B90 口時,Uoi有輸出,Uo2輸出為0B導(dǎo)前A90口時,Uoi輸出為0, Uo2有輸出le en-u - - c |L lul ol cnlioe 一. F re uni , - -ore exci-ing lig- -oe * E.pl,es e-us-ogeI e oos 2 013 ul ol ca- ng- -uni-is, -oolhh-a ne cle ol a ordc

29、lSSpo e - nelinc.pl,anL khad!,eodSol -he .rig Fes , -,Snnee ol -he f i -he ne-gooh,3wl cnti nu tom prove the com panys i ntenal cont ol sysem, ad sea. mprovmet i nabi ” tomaage and cntr o o ptmze b procsse s toesure responsii- sin pace ; to urthe stegte nine na cntol s, pay a cntol pos indeedet oves

30、gt ri e of iv - alncmpyig tsengte nig BFS+, a nd ERP, ad '"» Cnology aplca mprove -pl oyes aplcatoniformat on systm of caa Cy ad . IHmalsic ca e tenue "-o."To steghe nig Hmaie s cae cniues tfse company w I d Cea, a nd gas ae and heat Shu of -,re amos'ee. sesCedUing, nnHoa

31、lpol. tends strenghe ning tra ck, act - shoUd to impementalnSae owned alses mehod, futhese cicain busnes Ina nci a managmet ; to pee c -ktue control sy stm, acievid recog niton, ad miasje ad ase -met, ad e port, a id cntrl fa- ofclsd ring mang-e pment i t h *hidpaty esons biiy t oac y mae e of inern

32、a .ditool s d c potetia manng-ent, se-.* stadadie eaedtansacingte I igl o. he pedta pped, cae difct emplyes; ca-d out sye a c" , ric-p, ooe - lfe stegle I ig h h and .o nt, mprove rik |r eenti oncaac .Trher landaiXe trding, a nd stie t a chi eve "ccdi ng t law sandadZe ad ai." Inno -

33、instegegeti-a.i a e e g t i.geet. .x e siacst o*i. e.bF p. Misytes . sl.i l iga-if - ysecivi -es csaexpaPtstaitm aa e etdat. e g-t-u i 1ttsygilnigevistt- . eye eat c esan t sig nt-td .eaeIeiIaei-n te i esegt g ee. a t u-s e c n g tou th eely elstgt _ n ngee cst*i e evuti* fctv-ciefmnc ge-t.tf ne-ei*

34、 snndWokl l n yn cev "e*e te.-s saes n c e ileg tr*s i* t perec dai ly run m. nteal ce opeat cds pr om o* prob-resons an. ad syystmha,ensue the busnesca cntrol;to close cncen f nac, a nd coal *ictric kg* a nd e. . . . I . . L.IL. . > > - L. . . . . > > . I . . 1 I ad pinner model ro

35、l * to cnti nue s to stre ngtheing fu good" ledesipcnst ucton, ul | lay lev*s ccdesi n en*r pilef bbckoneba ckkone rol * to ul s* nghe nig membe s,u h wr、ul ply yu himpl oyes i cmpay d*el opment i the of fre ro* . to imp.1*i nneee ndentCmmsson against cruption wrk evlsengthe nig on e nerrie bus

36、ine - ley kof efecivenss monited. , And maittsaiy Turher stre ngthe I pucty a nd e ducain, improve theo<eal *al sytem. must s*ngthen s ty manng-et esabls a nd im | rove the e cain, suev son, ad onisone of tetafc lafety managmet mecan .o cnncentiu-lumute Oympic se cuiy cntrl s pr omoting integaed

37、mang-etto aI gherlee, hg he sandads a hig I * *vl of devl opme nt Empl oyes, today s una c. enda on Deem be 24, the ox “l(fā) s .out toring at this tm. of yar c* ay fel the pule of the XX powe geertion company t o fluri sh, to mo* clary he a XX powe geeati on compa n matue a nd .mm*y brrati ng cal ng pa

38、stone a not he ac oss a r.l ng,一ae entulstc ad ful of cnfie. Fuure uni , more enigfgtmo* sir-Employes let us tog* h * icroos 13 ful of ca* ng- adunis, tof humane cae of a world class powe g* nertin cmpay and wk had! Ie ocas Srig Fesiva, my sncee wof the s.f i the new yar god6n n n n 口 nn n nnnrwirwo

39、un由此可實現(xiàn)辨向A _JIIIIIB I I I I IA' . IIB'A'I I.B' IIUo1 II IUo22、圖5a所示電路中,Uc與Us分別為參考信號與調(diào)相信號整形后形成的方波信號, 其波形如圖5b所示,t#畫出Uo的波形,并分析圖5a所示電路的鑒相原理及輸出 特性。(8分)時鐘脈沖CpUcUswl cnti nu tom prove the com panys i ntenal cont ol sysem, ad sea. mprovmet i nabi ” tomaage and cntr o o ptmze b procsse s toes

40、ure responsii- sin pace ; to urthe stegte nine na cntol s, pay a cntol pos indeedet ovesgt ri e of iv - alncmpyig tsengte nig BFS+, a nd ERP, ad '"» Cnology aplca mprove -pl oyes aplcatoniformat on systm of caa Cy ad . IHmalsic ca e tenue "-o."To steghe nig Hmaie s cae cniues

41、 tfse company w I d Cea, a nd gas ae and heat Shu of -,re amos'ee. sesCedUing, nnHoalpol. tends strenghe ning tra ck, act - shoUd to impementalnSae owned alses mehod, futhese cicain busnes Ina nci a managmet ; to pee c -ktue control sy stm, acievid recog niton, ad miasje ad ase -met, ad e port,

42、a id cntrl fa- ofclsd ring mang-e pment i t h eh thidppry rrsponsibiiy toac y mae e of inerna - di tools d - c,otetia manng-ent, sngte .、g l o<e he pedtr pped, cae difct emplyes; ca-d out sye a c" , ric-p, ooe - lfent, mproverik I reenti on caa c».T rher aandaiXe trding, a nd stie t a c

43、hi eve "ccdie-.e stadadie ae dtansacistegle .igh h and lang t law sandadze ad ai." Innovouth it i-i hl.D i ti f tt tflit i ". i t "ttlyft EBFS PI tytbttifl ittiftprect on, o”zai carer hha.medcontol cae e .ais ; coniues to m i.menat on pschol ogca wa nig pr ntin.sem, t”i i g - plo

44、oe- heat of caa cer a i d sale i f mood ad ener pg i f at' , ceatd fiedy faeniy of maiesenv.nmetf pe.ormance mang-et, tensue tat potekl -ploees "zeo fy". T o ste I gte n perormace mang-et proe - contol, enhance imply- eaat on a nd e s of f - comm uiain t omprove pefmane manng-ent To lu

45、te qua nty ad eie civ i -tn csn expaPtstait e g ee. a t uis e snndWkl l n yn cev yEee trrs siaies n c e llee t perec dai y run mantea-opeat cds pr omoe pr oblmresons ana ad systmha,ensue the busiesca cntol;t close cncen f nacll, a nd coal e Ictc ikge a nd egtesl n i e det c u t gteig f-g leae s0t tf

46、l lel cae解:Uo輸出波形0 tUc與Us經(jīng)異或門輸出Uo,當(dāng)Uo為高電平時,打開與門Dg,使時鐘脈沖進(jìn)入 計數(shù)器,當(dāng)Uo為低電平時,Dg門關(guān)斷,同時鎖存指令,將計數(shù)器中所計脈沖數(shù)存 入鎖存器,并將計數(shù)器清零,以便進(jìn)行下一次計數(shù)。由鎖存器內(nèi)鎖存的脈沖數(shù)可 計算Uc與Us的相位差呼。異或門鑒相時,線性較好,鑒相范圍0n,但要求與的占空比均為1: 1,且 無法鑒別Uc與Us之間的導(dǎo)前、滯后的關(guān)系。3、試畫出數(shù)控機(jī)床位置伺服系統(tǒng)框圖,簡述其工作原理。(10分)時鐘脈沖fo經(jīng)分頻器1, N分頻后形成Uc與Us信號,輸入感應(yīng)同步器,作為 滑尺勵磁電壓,此通道為基準(zhǔn)分頻通道。fo經(jīng)另一分頻器2,

47、N分頻后形成基準(zhǔn)相 位”,送入鑒相器。當(dāng)無指令脈沖時,保持電壓 Ua不變,此路為調(diào)相分頻通道。當(dāng)指令脈沖發(fā)出一個正或負(fù)的脈沖時,Ua的相位“前移或后移一個A0 =,當(dāng) N有個n正向脈沖發(fā)出時,Ua相位前移0 = nA8 =2父,作為指令相位送入鑒相器。N同時感應(yīng)同步器定尺勵磁電壓經(jīng)位移量測量, 轉(zhuǎn)換為Uf的實際相位也送入鑒相器。鑒相器經(jīng)比較后輸出偏差電壓,即速度指令,經(jīng)過放大,送入速度控制單元。速度控制單元驅(qū)動電機(jī),帶動工作臺正向移動一定位移,使Uf與Ua的相位達(dá)到相等時,工作臺停止運動,完成一次位置變化。當(dāng)有負(fù)脈沖發(fā)出時,工作臺負(fù)向移動,直到新的指定位置圖11-13位置伺服系統(tǒng)框圖We wl

48、 cnt nne t im pr<e te companys intenal cont ol .sem, ad stady improvmet in ai liy tmange a nd cntr o| o ptm - busnes procese s telure 0 responsiiltesin p-e ; t urhe stegte n inte na cntol s, p- a cntol pos indeedet ovesgt rl e of auatoncmt sengte nig "I", a nd ERP ad SCM,le cn0101y aiig

49、, m prove -pl oyes aplcatoniformat on systm of caa cty ad . Hmaisi c ca e tenue "ze o."To streghe nig Hmaie s cae cntnnes tfse company w I d cea, a nd gas ae and heat Shu of culure amoshee; se . .> >> . 一 I J . -H 一 pm.nt i tnfn Saeowned aes mehod, futee U'a>n bbn busies ia

50、nci a managgmet;to peeU _k tue contol systm, aci evid rik re cog niin, ad mmsue ad ase met, ad e port a id cntrl fedbaplying wic of clsd ring mang-e nt, mprove rikh - pay esponsi buy t o acveym use of inerna au.i tool s 一 “”- management, Seingte I igl o<e he pedtapped, - e dfcut emplyes; ca-d out

51、 sye a " , rc-p, ooe lfe s1 reenti on caa ciy.Turher landade trding, a nd stie - achi eve "ccdi,selie stadadie re dtansaci e stegle 1 ing h h and laoung t law sandadze ad ."Inno<aton oons stegheing opeatons i a ccdane wi h law De peing te i nfrmainma nng-et t ensue" cmmuni cai

52、n "rr tane".pren on, oraizaion carer hhatmedclcontrol cae e .ais ; coninesto m| ementati onpschol ogca wa nigpr ntin.s em, traniI g - pl-L.IL ., L . I . I . . . . . . L . I .I . . . .ploee s "zeo <y". To ste I gte no connty peec ERP , a d BS, and PI, ad MS, andmain ba-d cnsuco

53、oe heat of caa Uer a I d sale I f mood ad ener prisng I f , ceatd fiedy faeniyof HL - L . I . . _ . L . r . . L 1nhance -ply m ealat on a nd evl sof e - ll - commuiain to improve pefmane manngent To lutequa nt. ad reie ece. d if.he n rik manng.» . L I . Iton esurreet e nspl, sadads - Work ffl paypaty aate;o expad Pl ie of "zend ba nc, and membes iatse g- Ie trrs .aies a c e lleg tes le to perec dai y run ma nteal ce opeati cds pr om ote iroblm resons ana ad systmha,ensue the busiesca cntro|to clse cncen I n


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