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1、Good is good, but better carries it.精益求精,善益求善。w上承式拱梁組合結(jié)構(gòu)橋墩蓋梁施工方案目 錄青浦區(qū)崧泉路(秀湄路青湖東路)新建工程淀浦河橋橋墩蓋梁專項施工方案 編制單位:上海建工一建集團有限公司安裝工程公司施工單位:上海建工一建集團有限公司安裝工程公司0les disposicions pertinents de l'estat a la verticalitat seguretat supervisió i gestió departaments per avaluar operacions especials unita

2、t nacional ha aconseguit qualificat personal format certificat abans de participar en el corresponent treball o gestió. 7, l'ús de la unitat d'equipament especial ha de ser seguretat equip especial d'equipament especial operador educació i formació, i operadors d'

3、equips especials disposen del material necessari especial per assegurar la seguretat operacional de coneixement. 14, pont de normes de seguretat operació 1, capità, el monitor i els principals tipus de treballadors ha entrenat a correus. Unitat 2, el treballador ha de tenir suficient energ

4、ia, temps de treball no pot excedir de 12 hores al dia. 3, personal de la unitat està estrictament prohibit beure. 4, està estrictament prohibit per a erecció màquina de biga moviment longitudinal i l'exterior a la nit. 5, un pont en ambdós costats de l'òrbita l

5、ongitudinal alta els requisits de nivell, per mantenir un equilibri. Els requisits lateral pista d'atletisme i un control estricte de l'espai, tres pistes ha de ser parallel. 6, installació de biga de formigó de biaix pont, poca Erector, 0, 1, 2a fase, deixat per trontollen i torna

6、da, l'import es calcula segons els angles oblics i l'amplada de les rodes d'esquerra i dreta, per tal que els cotxes poden córrer sobre una pista horitzontal. 7, pont de desplaçament longitudinal per fer tots els preparatius, un cop a lloc, Midway pausa el menys possible. 8, in

7、stal lar superior i inferior pendent vertical, desplaçament longitudinal de màquina pont ha de tenir les mesures per evitar la diapositiva, com ara filet triangular rodes anterior i posterior per a la protecció, espai especial columna 1, molt a prop de la biga, al control de l'ate

8、nció. 9, un pont penjant penjant de provar que la installació de la màquina ha de ser corregut, també es pot utilitzar després de la càrrega de la prova de la biga de formigó i pont erigir màquina i llavors córrer per començar la feina d'installa

9、ció. 10, quan erigir installació màquina, comprovacions de seguretat regular, una seguretat integral comprova cada installació un forat ha de ser trobat per aturar el treball i tractada puntualment amb funcionament intermitent, treball mecànic i elèctric amb malaltia no

10、 estan permeses. 11, la sobrecàrrega d'operació d'installació no és permès. Nivell, ha de ser enfortida sobre terreny prou sòlida, coixinets Outrigger cal afegir per a incrementar la capacitat de la terra. (2) velocitat del vent és superior a 13.8M / s (equ

11、ivalent a 6 vent), grua no deures, quan la longitud de braç és superior a 50 m quan la velocitat del vent no podrà ser superior a 9.8M / s (l'equivalent de 5 vent). I prestar atenció als efectes en l'estabilitat de la grua, vent no penjar-se, davant el vent té alguns

12、 perillós, alçant el contrari. (3) estrictament segons la capacitat nominal quan l'aixecament de la taula i aixecar l'operació corba demode and deepen the reform task of industrialization, urbanization and agricultural modernization, but the industry is big and not strong, agr

13、icultural base is still weak, rural development is relatively lagging behind, farmers' income difficult problem is still a lot of; ideological and moral construction has made important progress, but some areas of moral anomie, integrity deletion The National People's life has reached a compa

14、ratively well-off level, but the gap between urban and rural areas and residents' income distribution is stillAlthough large, education, employment, social security and other vital interests of the masses is also more, part of the life of the masses remains difficult; the creative vitality of so

15、ciety generally increased, but the impact social harmony and stability of the various contradictions also many; and so on. These shows, our country is still in and will remain so for a long time the basic national conditions of the primary stage of socialism has not changed, the people's growing

16、 material and cultural needs with the contradiction between the backward social production, the social principal contradiction does not change, our country's international status as the largest developing country in the world has not changed. I have to the problem, make decisions, do things, to

17、promote reform and development of the any aspect of any field, Should be firmly based on the primary stage of socialism, the largest practical, do is not beyond the stage, and is not backward reality, both best effort, and our capabilities. < the probity of the Communist Party of China self-disci

18、pline criterion > the main content is what? < revised honest self-discipline criterion >, a total of eight, 281 words, including lead, the party honest self-discipline norms and the leadership of the party members and cadres self-discipline norms 3 parts, the main contents can be summarized

19、 as "four must" "eight code". Lead part, reiterated on ideal and faith, the fundamental purpose, the fine traditions and work style, noble sentiments, such as "four must" principle, emphasized self-discipline, accept Higher request for self-discipline supervision subjec

20、t. Finally, the foothold in maintaining the party's advanced nature and purity, to reflect the revised guidelines. Party members standard part around the party members how to correctly treat and deal with the "public and private", "cheap and rot" thrifty and extravagance &quo

21、t;and" bitter and music "the relationship between the four norms". Party leader cadre clean fingered self-discipline norms for the leadership of the party members and cadres of the "vital few", around the "clean politics", from civil servant character, the exercise

22、 of power, moral integrity, a good family tradition and other aspects of the leadership of the party members and cadres "four norms." the Party member of self-discipline norms "and" party members Guide cadre is clean fingered self-discipline norms, "a total of eight, collect

23、ively referred to as the" eight code "." four must "" eight codemanipulator control mode and programmable controllers introduction 2.1 Select discussion with manipulator control 2.1.1 classification of control relays and discrete electronic circuit can control old industrial

24、 equipment, but also more common. Mainly these two relatively cheap and you can meet the old-fashioned, simple (or simple) industrial equipment. So he can see them now, however these two control modes (relay and discrete electronic circuits) are these fatal flaws: (1) cannot adapt to the complex log

25、ic control, (2) only for the current project, the lack of compatibility and (3) not reforming the system with equipment improvements. Spring for the development of China's modern industrial automation technology the substantial increase in the level of industrial automation, completed the perfec

26、t relay of the computer too much. In terms of controlling the computer showed his two great advantages: (1) each of the hardware can be installed on one or more microprocessors; (2) the official designer of the software writing content control is all about. Now in several ways in the context of indu

27、strial automation can often be seen in three ways: (1) Programmable Logical Controller (referred to as IPC); (2) Distributed Control System (DCS for short), and (3) the Programmable Logical Controller (PLC for short). 2.1.2 PLC and the IPC and DCS contrast contrast 1, each of the three technologies

28、of origins and development requirements for fast data processing makes it invented the computer. The men brought in terms of hardware there, using a high level of standardization, can use more compatibility tools, is a rich software resources, especially the need for immediacy in operational systems

29、. So the computer can effectively control is used to control and meet its speed, on the virtual model, real-time and in computational requirements. Distributed system started with a control system for industrial automatic instrument used to control, whereas now it is successfully developed into indu

30、strial control computer used as a central collection and distribution system and transition of distributed control system in analogue handling, loop control, has begun to reflect the use of a huge advantage. Though distributed system has great advantages in loop regulation, but only as a means of co

31、ntinuous process control. Optimization of PLC is the corresponding relay needs was born, its main use in the work order control, early primary is replaced relay this hulking system, focused on the switch controlling the running order of functions. Marked by the microprocessor in the early 1970 of th

32、e 20th century emerged, micro-electronics technology has developed rapidly, people soon microelectronics processing technology will be used in the Programmable Logical Controller (that is目 錄橋0墩0蓋0梁0專0項0施0工0方0案01、工程簡介- 2 -淀浦河橋跨越淀浦河、南北淀浦河路及界三點,橋梁全場478.135m,橋梁寬度28.1m。主橋采用21m+45m+21m上承式拱梁組合結(jié)構(gòu),引橋上部結(jié)構(gòu)采用預支

33、空心板,引橋標準跨徑20m。引橋跨徑組合為:南側(cè)7*20m+21.065m+22m,北側(cè)20m+16.070m+4*20m+20m。- 2 -主橋柱墩在承臺上設(shè)置混凝土拱座,主墩承臺厚度2.2m。- 2 -主橋邊墩采用柱式橋墩,立柱尺寸1.2m*1.2m,周圍均設(shè)圓角;每個立桿下設(shè)置一個承臺,承臺厚度1.5m,承臺之間設(shè)置系梁。- 2 -引橋采用三柱式橋墩,墩頂設(shè)置后張法預應(yīng)力混凝土倒T蓋梁。- 2 -引橋橋墩每個立柱下設(shè)置一個承臺,承臺厚度1.5m,頂面覆土一般取1m,下設(shè)100mm厚C15素混凝土墊層。- 2 -2、施工工藝- 3 -3、人員機械材料配備- 3 -4、橋墩、蓋梁施工進度計劃

34、- 4 -5、橋墩、蓋梁施工方法- 4 -6、橋墩蓋梁施工各項安全措施及安全注意事項- 7 -7、文明環(huán)保措施- 11 -1、工程簡介1.1淀浦河橋工程簡況淀浦河橋跨越淀浦河、南北淀浦河路及界三點,橋梁全場478.135m,橋梁寬度28.1m。主橋采用21m+45m+21m上承式拱梁組合結(jié)構(gòu),引橋上部結(jié)構(gòu)采用預支空心板,引橋標準跨徑20m。引橋跨徑組合為:南側(cè)7*20m+21.065m+22m,北側(cè)20m+16.070m+4*20m+20m。主橋柱墩在承臺上設(shè)置混凝土拱座,主墩承臺厚度2.2m。主橋邊墩采用柱式橋墩,立柱尺寸1.2m*1.2m,周圍均設(shè)圓角;每個立桿下設(shè)置一個承臺,承臺厚度1.

35、5m,承臺之間設(shè)置系梁。引橋采用三柱式橋墩,墩頂設(shè)置后張法預應(yīng)力混凝土倒T蓋梁。引橋橋墩每個立柱下設(shè)置一個承臺,承臺厚度1.5m,頂面覆土一般取1m,下設(shè)100mm厚C15素混凝土墊層。 1.2墩柱蓋梁鋼筋及混凝土用量 詳見施工圖紙C00Q02-02-08C00Q02-02-11,C00Q02-03-02C00Q02-03-04中的材料用量表。2、施工工藝2.1實心橋墩施工工藝鋼筋加工搭設(shè)腳手架、操作平臺鋼筋綁扎,預留鋼筋焊接支模板,加固澆筑混凝土拆模養(yǎng)護下一段施工2.2蓋梁施工工藝測量放線支設(shè)底模澆筑混凝土拆模養(yǎng)護鋼筋綁扎、焊接側(cè)模加固3、人員機械材料配備3.1淀浦河橋人員配備工區(qū)負責人:現(xiàn)

36、場負責人:施工隊長:鋼筋工:46人;架子及模板工:46人;混凝土工:34人;電工:3人;其他雜工:15人;3.2機械配備橋墩、蓋梁、系梁施工主要機械設(shè)備如下表:序號名 稱參考規(guī)格型號數(shù)量(臺套)備 注(1)鋼筋加工機械8施工隊自備(2)鋼筋運輸車3施工隊自備(3)汽車吊25T2施工隊自備(4)混凝土汽車泵32米2項目部準備,配合施工(5)挖掘機PC2202施工隊自備(6)混凝土攪拌運輸車SY5290GBJ4項目部準備,配合施工(7)發(fā)電機100kw2施工隊自備(8)鋼模板實心墩2項目部準備,配合施工4、橋墩、蓋梁施工進度計劃橋墩、蓋梁施工進度計劃應(yīng)符合總體施工進度計劃,根據(jù)具體情況和具備的條件






42、紡土工布覆蓋,外貼隔水塑料薄膜,使用自動噴水系統(tǒng)和噴霧器,不間斷養(yǎng)護,避免形成干濕循環(huán),養(yǎng)護時間不少于7d后,拆除養(yǎng)生毯,再用塑料薄膜緊密覆蓋,保濕養(yǎng)護14d 以上。養(yǎng)護期間混凝土強度未達到規(guī)定強度之前,不得承受外荷載。4)施工縫處理混凝土構(gòu)件應(yīng)盡量一次澆筑完成,施工前必須做好停水、停電的應(yīng)急措施,盡量避免由施工原因造成在混凝土澆筑過程中出現(xiàn)施工縫,當不可避免施工縫時,按規(guī)范要求進入混凝土施工縫處理程序。施工縫處理按公路工程橋涵施工規(guī)范等相關(guān)規(guī)定進行,當施工縫處于水平狀時,澆筑上層混凝土前應(yīng)首先澆筑50100mm厚的水泥砂漿,以提高接縫處混凝土的密實性。6、橋墩蓋梁施工各項安全措施及安全注意事





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