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1、Part IReading Comprehension (共20題,每小題2分,共40分)Passage 1Questio ns 1 to 5 are based on the follow ing passage:Life is difficult.But life is no Ion ger difficult once we truly un dersta nd and accept it.Most do not fully see this truth. In stead they compla in about their problems and difficulties asif

2、 life should be easy. It seems to them that their difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced uponthem or else upon their families, or even their nation.What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solvi ng problems is a painful one.Problems depe nding on thei

3、r n ature cause in us sad ness or Ion eli ness or regret or an ger or fear.These are uncomfortablefeelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since lifecauses an en dless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy.Yet, it is in this whole of solv

4、i ng problems that life has its meaning.Problems are the serious test that tells success from failure. When we desire to en courage the_growth of the huma n spirit, we en courage the huma n ability to solve problems just as in school we set problems forour children to solve. It is through the pain o

5、f meeting and working out problems that we lear n. As Benjam in Fran kli nsaid,“ Those things that hurt, in struct. It is for thisreas on that wise people lear n not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.1 From the passage, it can be in ferred that _ .A. not everybody has problemsB. we become

6、stronger by facing and solving the problems of lifeC. life is difficult because our problems bring us painD. people like to compla in about their problems2. The writer probably uses just one short sentence in the first paragraph to_A. save spaceB. persuade readersC. make readers laughD. get readers

7、atte nti on3. The mai n idea of paragraph 3 is _.A. most people feel life is easyB. the writer feels life is easyC. the writer likes to compla in about his problemsD. most people compla in about howhard their lives are4. Accord ing to the passage, we give school childre n difficult problems to solve

8、 in order to_.A. en courage them to lear nB. teach them to fear the pain of solvi ngproblemsproblemsC. pain teaches us importa nt less onsPassage 2C. help them learn to deal with painD.teach5. The say ing from Benjamin Fran klinThose things that hurt, in struct.suggests thatA. we do no t lear n from

9、 experieneeB.we do not lear n whe n we are in painD. pain cannot be avoidedHarvard Uni versity is on the both sides of the Charies River. The oldest in stituti on of higher learning in theUnited States was founded in 1636. In 1638 it was named for John Harvard, its first foun der. During the 1640s t

10、hecollege was enl arged although it was short of mon ey. Mea nt to be an institutionfor the education of Puritan ministers (清教牧師),it grew to be an institutionofgen eral educati on, and new and more subjects and policies were in troduced. In the 18th cen tury, particularly un derJoh n Leverett, the n

11、u mber of the stude nts and campus equipme nt in creasedwhile the religious color decreased. In its early years, the college was largely supported by the English colony and theNew England community as a whole, but support soon came in the form of gifts, and in 1823 the state money wasreceived for th

12、e last time. Un der Charles W.Eliot, the college became a great moder n uni versity. Its basic coursesimproved and enl arged, the graduate school was set up for those who fini shed their four-year un dergraduate study,and the law and medical school were reorganized. Eliot is also famous for his intr

13、oduction of the elective system atHarvard. Besides Harvard College, the university includes schools of divinity (1816), law (1817), arts and science(1872), education (1920), engineering (1935), reorganization of Lawrence ScienceSchool of 1847, public adm ini strati on (1935). Harvard also has school

14、s of bus in ess adm ini strati on (1908),medicine (1782), public health (1922), and dental health (1941). Radcliffe College for women is connected withHarvard; its students are taught by Harvard professorsand receivediplomas given by Harvard. The university library, among the nations finest, houses

15、over 8 million volumes, and theFogg Museum of Art is one of the finest university museums in the world. Harvard is closely conn ected with a large number of research in stituti ons as well.6. Harvard Un iversity _ .A. has a history of more tha n 450 yearsB. was enl arged in the middle of the 17th ce

16、n turyC. was first meant to be an institution for general education since its foundationD. was foun ded by Joh n Leverett7. One of Joh n Leveretts greatest con tributi ons to Harvard Uni versity is most probably that_.A. he set up Harvard Un iversityB. he freed Harvard Uni versity from the support o

17、f the stateC. he made Harvard a Purita n un iversityD. he helped develop general education in Harvard University8. Which of the followi ng stateme nts might NOT be true about Charles W.Eliot?A. Un der his leadership, Harvard Un iversity became a moder n uni versity.B. He in troduced the elective sys

18、tem at Harvard Uni versity.C. He improved and en larged Harvard Uni versity, maki ng it a moder n uni versity.D. He tried hard to reduce the religious colour of Harvard Uni versity.9. Based on the passage, between 1816 and 1941 Harvard_ .A. had at least 10 more schools added up to itB. foun ded Lawr

19、e nce Science SchoolC. went through a period of slow progressD. reorga ni zed Harvard College10. Which of the followi ng stateme nts is true about Harvard Uni versity accord ing to the passage?A. Harvard is a large and modern university with a long history.B. Harvard has the worlds fin est library w

20、ith its 8 milli on of books.C. Harvard Uni versity has the n ati ons best art museum.D. Radcliffe College for men is one of the schools of Harvard Uni versity.Passage 3The Certificates in En glish Lan guages Skills (CELS) are a set of modular tests that allow you to test in one ormore of the four Ia

21、n guages skills, or comb ine tests at differe nt levels.Tests are available at three levels: CELS Higher, CELS Vantage and CELS Preliminary.So, if, for example, you are particularly good at read ing but have difficulty in speak ing En glish, you could take aCELS Higher test in Readi ng, CELS Van tag

22、e tests in Liste ning and Writi ng, and, for speak ing, a CELS Prelim inarytest. Or you could decide not to take a speak ing test at all.Those are lin ked to other Cambridge ESOL exam in ati on levels, such as the First Certificate in English. CELS isalso accredited as part of the UK National Qualif

23、ications Framework.For more informationon these, you can download a copy of the CELS HandbookfromCambridge Esol Chinese website at www. . cn You can also visit www.alte. org for an overview of the“ Can Do stateme nts, which specify what you are expected to beable to do at each levels.11. CELS is _ .

24、A. able to be used for all kinds of testsB. suitable for the people all over the worldC. made up of CELS Higher, CELS Vantage and CELS PreliminaryD. to test your spoke n En glishPrelimi nary13. If youd like to know more about CELS you can14.“Can Do ” in the last paragraph12. FCE is a part ofA. CELS

25、HigherB. Cambridge ESOLC.CELS Va ntageD.CELSA. write a letterB. telepho ne the UKC. buy a book about itD. visit the internetA. is a sub-title of a passage of in formati onB. containsinformationon the UKNQFC. is the n ame of a websiteD. can tell you what you can do in Ian guage study15. This passage

26、isA. written for all Ianguage learnersB. an advertiseme ntC. a storyD. a careful in troducti on toCELSPassage 4The producers of instant coffee foundtheir product strongly resisted in the market placesdespite their manifest advantages. Furthermore, the advertising expenditure for instant coffee wasfa

27、r greater than that for regular coffee. Efforts were made to find the cause of the consumers“ seem in gly un reas on able resista nee to the product ” . The reas on give n by most people wasdislike for the taste. The producers suspected that there might be deeper reas ons. However, this was con firm

28、ed byone of motivati on researchs classic studies, one ofte n cited in the trade. Mason Haire, professor of the Un iversity ofCalifornia, con structed two shopp ing lists that were ide ntical except for one item. There were six items com mon toboth lists:. hamburger, carrots, bak ing powder, bread,

29、canned peaches and potatoes, with the bands or amountsspecified, which were iden tical except for one item. The seve nth item, in the fifth place on both lists, read“1 Ib.MaxwellHouse coffee ” on one list and “ Nescafe in sta nt coffee ” on the other. One list was give n to each pers on in agroup of

30、 fifty wome n, and the other list to those in ano ther group of the same size.The wome n were asked to study their lists and the n to describe, as far as they could, the kind of woman (“ personality and character ” ) who would draw up that shopping list. Nearly half of thosewho had received the list

31、 in clud ing in sta nt coffee described a housewife who was lazy and a poor pla nner. On theother hand, only one woma n in the other group described the housewife, who had in cluded regular coffee on her list,as lazy; only six of that group suggested that she was a poor pla nner. Eight wome n felt t

32、hat the in sta nt-coffee userwas probably not a good wife. No one in the other group drew such a conclusion about the housewife who intendedto buy instantcoffee.16. The fact that producers found resista nee to their product despite the fact that they spe nt moreadvertis ing money on in sta nt tha n

33、regular coffee shows that_.A. advertis ing does not assure favorable sales resultsB. compa nies spe nt more money on advertis ing tha n they shouldC. people pay little attention to advertisingD. the more one advertises, the better they sales picture17. I n this in sta nee, the purpose of motivati on

34、 research was to discover_ .A. why people drink coffeeB. why in sta nt coffee was successfulC. why regular coffee was successfulD. the real reas on why people would not buy in sta ntcoffee18. This in vestigati on in dicates that _.A. 50 perce nt of housewives are lazyB. housewives who use in sta nt

35、coffee are lazyC. many wome n believe that wives who use in sta nt coffee are lazyD. wives who use regular coffee are good pla nners19. On the results of this test, the producers probably revised their advertis ing to show a_.A. lazy housewife using regular coffeeB. hard-work ing housewife using in

36、sta nt coffeeC. lazy housewife using in sta nt coffeeD. man obviously enjoying the taste of in sta nt coffee20. Which stateme nt is implied but not stated:_ .A. Despite its adva ntages, most people dislike in sta nt coffee because of its taste.B. The advertis ing expe nditure for in sta nt coffee wa

37、s greater tha n for regular coffee.C. Very ofte n we do not know the real reas ons for doing thi ng.D. Taste is the prin cipal factor in determ ining what we buy.Part II. Vocabulary and Structure (共40題,每小題1分,共40分)21. I feel it an honor_ to speak at the meeti ng.A. to be askedB. to askC. ask ing D. h

38、avi ng asked22. The majority of car accide nts_wome n are in volved are of minor n ature.A. in thatB. by which C. in which D. where23.I though that sometimes they _their studentspoorcomprehensionto ain tellige nee.A. attribute B. attributed C. have attributedD. had attributed24. The weather_fine, th

39、e whole family decided to go out for a trip.A. is B. was C. being D. havi ng bee n25. He might have bee n killed_ the arrival of the police.A. except for B. with C. but for D. for26. Did Jack and Jerry un dersta nd her?No,_of them is very bright.A. No oneB. None C. Not one D. Neither27. Do what I te

40、ll you,_ you will be sorry.A. on the con traryB. or ano ther C. or else D. in to way28. His brother is ten years_to him.A. youn ger B. less C. junior D. less young29. I dont think my furn iture is the same as hers,_ ?A. do youB. dont I C. do I D. is nt it30. He has now bought a motor-cycle, on which

41、 he rides_the farm where he works, fourmiles away.A. to and for B. up and dow n C. to and from D. come and go31. The woma ns ill ness_ the doctor; he could nt find the cause.A. amused B. puzzled C. shocked D. excited32. Mr. Lund_ readi ng and writi ng un til mid ni ght every day.A. stayed away B. st

42、ayed in C. stayed offD. stayed up33.Having found himself out of gas, the driver was _to walk several miles to thevillage.A. inten ded B. tempted C. en couraged D. compelled34. I have learned my_ from the accident and wont drive too fast again.A. class B. speech C. less onD. lecture35. The World Bank

43、 has promised to make a further_ of $2 millio n for this project.A. le ndB. borrowC. loa n D. turnover36. I cant un dersta nd. You must nt_so many thin gs.A. take out B. leave out C. take off D. leave off37. I was very shy whe n_a crowd, and my first day at school was a complete failure.A. prese ntB

44、. at prese ntC. in the prese nee ofD. in the prese ntati on of38. The old hun ter knew_ that the deer would so be there.lack ofnearestA. by cha nee B. by in tuiti onC. by and by D. by the way39. Now that Father has made the final decisi on, theres no point_ further.A. in arguing B. to argue C. for a

45、rguingD. to be argued40. _continu ous research, there are more tha n 5, 000 alloys being used in in dustry today.A. As a result B. As a result of C. So far as D. As to41. Nowhere_ as in my garde n.A. the flowers were so beautifulB. were the flowers so beautifulC. so beautiful the flowersD. so beauti

46、ful were the flowers were42. The ears of some ani mals sta nd up whe n heari ng a sound. This en ables_ more sound eavesand hear better.A. they collect B. them collecti ngC. them to collectD. they will collect43. He stood there,_ what to do.A. did not know B. havi ng not know C. does not kno wD. not

47、 knowing44. He was about to leave_ I walked into the room.A. whe n B. while C. once D. as45. The more you tell him,_ .A. less no tice he takesB. the least no tice he takesC. the little no tice he takesD. the less no tice he takes46. It is obvious_ on more importa nt thi ngs.Negroes resp ond to the b

48、asic expressi on of their culture.A. attached B. awarded C. attributed D. con tributed49. The books and magazinesthat _ to relatively small groups with specialized taste woulddisappear.A. attractB. appealC. apply D. agree50. We need to know a good deal about the origin of civilization in general. We

49、 must know howcivilizati onA. aroused B. arose C. rose D. raised51. _wants to may come to the play on Saturday ni ght.A. One B. Anyone C. Everyo neD. Whoever52.“ He seems to know that. ”“He_to be told ” .A. needs not B. needn tC. hasn t need D. doesn t need53. The text and dialoguesbelow focus on cu

50、ltural differences between Chinese and Westernsocieties which can create mis un dersta nding if_ .A. ig nored B. to ignore C. ig noring D. to be ignoredA. which the money should we spe ndB.what the money should spe ndC. that the money should we spe ndD. that we should spe nd the money47. Sometimes y

51、ou mightdreamsomethingand terrible creatures threatenedandpursued you.A. harmful B. fearfulC. afraidD. frightened48. Gen erally, the successof the music style isto Negro pride, to the joy withwhich54. The man ager_ to say whether all the workers would be dismissed.A. refusedB. avoided C. deniedD. re

52、jected55. In my apartme nt there are two rooms,_is used as a livi ng-room.A. the large one B. the larger of whichC. the largest oneD. the largest of which56. There_ nothing to say, the secretary got to his feet, said good-bye and left the room.A. is B. was C. havi ngD. being57._ for your help, I d n

53、ever have been able to find my lost car.A. Had it notB. If it were not C. Had it not bee nD. If we had not bee n58. Joh n was very upset because he was_by the police with break ing the law.A. accused B. arrested C. sentenced D. charged59. I_ you don t make as much profit this year.A. assure B. chall

54、e nge C. bet D. persist60. They saw a car at the street corner _ the sign of“Taxi” .A. equipp ingB. beari ngC. provi ngD. yieldi ngPart III. Cloze (共20題,每小題1分,共20分)Timothy was our pet tiger cub (幼仔).While we were living in India, Grandfather found the 61 beast. He was hidingamong the roots of a 62 t

55、ree. Grandfather brought the cub home. Gran dmother n amed him Timothy.Timothy s 63 bed in the house was the sofa. He would64 there like a king, snarling whenanyone tried to take his 65 .His favorite sport was hunting people, most of all66 . With a slylook in his eyes. Timothy 67 _creep closer and c

56、loser. Sudde nly he would make a dash for my feet.Then, rolli ng on his back and kick ing with joy, he 68 to bite my an kles.In time, Timothy 69 that he could growl. He practiced of ten. We did not 70 ,But the neighborsdid. Grandfather would smack the cub on the mouth. Then Timothy would keep quiet-

57、 - 71 awhile.The cub soon grew as big as a collie dog. I took him on walks, for exercise. People gave us lots72. Our part of the path was n ever crowded!When Timothy was about six mon ths old, his 73 games became too rough for the family. No onecould 74 him.Grandfather decided it was time to put the

58、 tiger in a zoo. The nearest zoo was about 200 miles75 . So he and Timothy traveled there,76 the same room on the train. Nobody77 the pair.Who would dare to?The zoo was very happy to have the tiger, so78 beautiful and tame. He was put into a cageat once. Grandfather was a little sad when he said goo

59、d-bye to Timothy.Six mon ths later, Gran dfather had a cha nee to visit the zoo. He went79 to Timothy s cage. Thetiger was now fully grown, with a handsome striped coat.“ Hello, Timothy! ” Grandfather said. He put his arms through the bars of the cage. The tiger cameto him and let Gran dfather put both arms80 his head. Gran dfather stroked him and tickled hisears. Each time the animal growled, Gran


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