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1、BusinessCombinatBusinessCombinationandstockinvesionandstockinvestmenttmentThe Accounting Concept of A Business Combination APB Opinion No16, Business Combination FASB Statement 141, Business Combinations IAS 22: Business Combinations CAS 20:企業(yè)合并企業(yè)合并APB Opinion No16(1970) 企業(yè)合并指一家公司與一家或幾家公司或非公司組織的企企業(yè)合

2、并指一家公司與一家或幾家公司或非公司組織的企業(yè)合成一個會計個體,這一會計個體繼續(xù)從事以前彼此別業(yè)合成一個會計個體,這一會計個體繼續(xù)從事以前彼此別離、相互獨立的企業(yè)的經(jīng)營活動。離、相互獨立的企業(yè)的經(jīng)營活動。 Business combination, as an accounting concept, occurs when a corporation and one or more incorporated or unincorporated businesses are brought together under the control of a single management tea

3、m. That control is established when: 1 One corporation becomes a subsidiary 2 One company transfers its net assets to another, or 3 Each company transfers its net assets to a newly formed corporation.IAS 22(revised 1998) 企業(yè)合并,指通過一個企業(yè)與另一個企業(yè)的聯(lián)合企業(yè)合并,指通過一個企業(yè)與另一個企業(yè)的聯(lián)合或獲得對另一個企業(yè)凈資產(chǎn)和經(jīng)營活動控制權(quán),或獲得對另一個企業(yè)凈資產(chǎn)和經(jīng)營活

4、動控制權(quán),而將各單獨的企業(yè)組成一個經(jīng)濟實體。而將各單獨的企業(yè)組成一個經(jīng)濟實體。 A business combination is the bringing together of separate enterprises into one economic entity as a result of one enterprise uniting with or obtaining control over the net assets and operations of another enterprise.paragraph 8 IFRS 3 Business Combinations20

5、04 A business combination is the bringing together of separate entities or businesses into one reporting entity. The result of nearly all business combinations is that one entity, the acquirer, obtains control of one or more other businesses, the acquiree. If an entity obtains control of one or more

6、 other entities that are not businesses, the bringing together of those entities is not a business combination. CAS 20(2006) 企業(yè)合并,是指將兩個或者兩個以上單獨的企業(yè)企業(yè)合并,是指將兩個或者兩個以上單獨的企業(yè)合并形成一個合并形成一個報告主體報告主體的交易或事項。的交易或事項。 同一控制下的企業(yè)合并同一控制下的企業(yè)合并(Business combinations involving entities under common control) 非同一控制下的企業(yè)合并非同一

7、控制下的企業(yè)合并Methods of Accounting for Business Combination Purchase Method Pooling of Interests Method購置法購置法Purchase Method將企業(yè)合并視為資產(chǎn)的購置行為將企業(yè)合并視為資產(chǎn)的購置行為Purchase Method Purchase cost is measured by the cash disbursed, the fair value of property given up, or the fair value of securities issued. Direct acqu

8、isition costs are paid to outside parties; include them in the price paid Indirect acquisition costs are internally incurred; they are expensed Issue costs are to issue bonds or stock; they are subtracted from the value assigned to the securitiesuStocks and bonds issued are always recorded at fair v

9、alue in a purchase1Determine the fair values of all identifiable tangible and intangible assets acquired and liabilities assumed.All identifiable assets and liabilities are valued regardless of whether they are recorded on the books of the acquired company (for example a patent where all R&D was

10、 expensed as incurred).No value is assigned to goodwill recorded on the books of the acquired company.Cost allocation procedures 2 The acquiring company records the assets received and liabilities assumed at their fair values.a First, fair values are assigned to all identifiable tangible and intangi

11、ble assets acquired and liabilities assumed. b If cost is greater than fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired, the excess cost is assigned to goodwill.c If fair value is greater than cost, the excess fair value is handled in the following fashion: (1) The excess is applied as a pro rata按

12、比例 reduction of amounts that would have otherwise been assigned to assets except forfinancial assets other than investments accounted for by the equity method, assets to be disposed of處理, deferred tax assets, prepaid pension養(yǎng)老金 and post-retirement assets, and any other current assets. (2) If all suc

13、h assets are reduced to zero value, the reminder, if any, is recognized as an extraordinary gain.商譽問題商譽問題The Goodwill Controversy Goodwill is defined as the excess of the investment cost over the fair value of assets received. This is goodwill? Goodwill is a asset?商譽的本質(zhì)商譽的本質(zhì)亨德里克森在亨德里克森在?會計理論會計理論?中指出

14、,從會計的角度來看,商譽中指出,從會計的角度來看,商譽有以下三種解釋:有以下三種解釋:對企業(yè)好感的價值;對企業(yè)好感的價值; 對企業(yè)的好感可能來自有利的地位位置、獨占的特權(quán)以及對企業(yè)的好感可能來自有利的地位位置、獨占的特權(quán)以及良好的經(jīng)營管理水平等因素。良好的經(jīng)營管理水平等因素。預(yù)期未來利潤超過不包括商譽的總投資的正常報酬局部的現(xiàn)預(yù)期未來利潤超過不包括商譽的總投資的正常報酬局部的現(xiàn)值;值;這只是商譽的一種計量,而沒有說明其性質(zhì)。這只是商譽的一種計量,而沒有說明其性質(zhì)。 反映企業(yè)總價值超過各個有形和無形資產(chǎn)價值差價的總的計反映企業(yè)總價值超過各個有形和無形資產(chǎn)價值差價的總的計價帳戶。價帳戶。John

15、B. Canning 是最早提出這種觀點的會計學(xué)家之一。是最早提出這種觀點的會計學(xué)家之一。SFAS No. 141 Business Combinations (revised 2007) Goodwill is an asset representing the future economic benefits arising from other assets acquired in a business combination that are not individually identified and separately recognized. 1、商譽是一項資產(chǎn),并在有限的期限

16、內(nèi)攤銷、商譽是一項資產(chǎn),并在有限的期限內(nèi)攤銷理由:理由:商譽是實施合并的企業(yè)為了取得以后假設(shè)干年度的超商譽是實施合并的企業(yè)為了取得以后假設(shè)干年度的超額利潤而發(fā)生的超額支出,根據(jù)配比原那么,商譽應(yīng)額利潤而發(fā)生的超額支出,根據(jù)配比原那么,商譽應(yīng)進行攤銷并與以后各期產(chǎn)生的超額利潤加以配比。進行攤銷并與以后各期產(chǎn)生的超額利潤加以配比。攤銷的理論根據(jù)是什么?攤銷的理論根據(jù)是什么?攤銷期如何確定?攤銷期如何確定? 商譽商譽(Goodwill)2、直接沖減留存收益、直接沖減留存收益理由:理由:商譽的價值很不確定,不能單獨存在和變現(xiàn),而且形商譽的價值很不確定,不能單獨存在和變現(xiàn),而且形成商譽的因素難以為企業(yè)所


18、費用形成了商譽,產(chǎn)經(jīng)營過程中發(fā)生的各項費用形成了商譽,這些費用已計入被并企業(yè)的損益,再將商這些費用已計入被并企業(yè)的損益,再將商譽予以攤銷,不免重復(fù)。譽予以攤銷,不免重復(fù)。 商譽的減值測試商譽的減值測試Testing Goodwill For Impairment FASB Statement No. 142 FASB Statement No.142, Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets : eliminates former requirements to amortize goodwill, rather, goodwill must be perio

19、dically tested for impairmentat least annually impairment testing and adjustment for financial reporting purposes An impairment occurs when the recorded value of goodwill is greater than its fair value. When an impairment occurs, firms must write down goodwill to a new estimated amount and record a

20、loss in calculating net income of a period. Goodwill impairment losses are shown separately in the income statement. Firms will treat goodwill and other intangible assets as assets of the business reporting unit. 1、沖減所購非流動資產(chǎn)價值有價證券投資除外、沖減所購非流動資產(chǎn)價值有價證券投資除外理由:負商譽很可能是非流動資產(chǎn)公允價值高估的結(jié)果。理由:負商譽很可能是非流動資產(chǎn)公允價值高估

21、的結(jié)果。APB Opinion No.17建議,當購進一個企業(yè)所付的本錢小建議,當購進一個企業(yè)所付的本錢小于其所得可識別凈資產(chǎn)公允價值的差額,應(yīng)予以沖減所購于其所得可識別凈資產(chǎn)公允價值的差額,應(yīng)予以沖減所購非流動資產(chǎn)的價值長期有價證券除外;如果這些非流非流動資產(chǎn)的價值長期有價證券除外;如果這些非流動資產(chǎn)價值已沖減為零,那么未分攤的差額作為動資產(chǎn)價值已沖減為零,那么未分攤的差額作為“遞延貸遞延貸項入賬,然后分期轉(zhuǎn)為收益。項入賬,然后分期轉(zhuǎn)為收益。IAS22?企業(yè)合并企業(yè)合并?中要中要求分攤于非貨幣性資產(chǎn)求分攤于非貨幣性資產(chǎn)負商譽負商譽(Negative Goodwill) 2、直接計入資本公積、

22、直接計入資本公積理由理由:購入負商譽產(chǎn)生的特定原因是不可能確定的,購入負商譽產(chǎn)生的特定原因是不可能確定的,因而找不到根據(jù)來減計一項資產(chǎn)的價值或者因而找不到根據(jù)來減計一項資產(chǎn)的價值或者作為遞延收益來記錄一項負債。作為遞延收益來記錄一項負債。 3、全部作為遞延收益處理,并在一定的年、全部作為遞延收益處理,并在一定的年限內(nèi)分攤計入收益。限內(nèi)分攤計入收益。 理由:理由: 負商譽的產(chǎn)生是在預(yù)期內(nèi)被并企業(yè)由于其劣負商譽的產(chǎn)生是在預(yù)期內(nèi)被并企業(yè)由于其劣勢而可能發(fā)生未來虧損或利潤缺乏,但它們勢而可能發(fā)生未來虧損或利潤缺乏,但它們由不可歸咎于任何可識別的資產(chǎn)和負債。由不可歸咎于任何可識別的資產(chǎn)和負債。 IAS

23、No.22?企業(yè)合并企業(yè)合并?允許負商譽在不超過允許負商譽在不超過5年的期限內(nèi)攤銷,如果自購置日起超過年的期限內(nèi)攤銷,如果自購置日起超過5年年但不超過但不超過20年的期限更為合理的,也可按不年的期限更為合理的,也可按不超過超過20年的期限處理。年的期限處理。權(quán)益結(jié)合法權(quán)益結(jié)合法Pooling of Interests將企業(yè)合并視為經(jīng)濟資源的聯(lián)合將企業(yè)合并視為經(jīng)濟資源的聯(lián)合Conditions for Pooling The pooling of interests concept was based on the assumption that it was possible to unite

24、 ownership interests through the exchange of equity securities without an acquisition of one combining company by another. In APB Opinion No. 161970, the APB sought to prevent pooling of interests accounting for business combinations that were incompatible with the pooling concept. It did this by sp

25、ecifying 12 conditions that had to be met for the pooling of interests method to be used. Twelve Conditions for Pooling (APB Opinion No. 16)Attributes of Combining Companies1 Autonomous (two-year rule)2 Independent (10% rule)Manner of Combining Interests1 Single transaction (or completed within one

26、year after initiation)2 Exchange of common stock (the “substantially all rule: 90% or more)3 No equity changes in contemplation of combination (two-year rule)4 Shares reacquired only for purposes other than combination5 No change in proportionate equity interests6 Voting rights immediately exercisab

27、le7 Combination resolved at consummation (no pending provisions)Absence of Planned Transactions1 Issuing company cannot reacquire shares2 Issuing company cannot make deals to benefit former stockholders3 Issuing company cannot plan to dispose處置 of assets within two yearsSpecial issues in a pooling D

28、irect, indirect and issue costs are expensed Combiner existing goodwill is recorded Adjustments may be made to accounts for: Changes in accounting principles (for uniformity) Changes in accounting period (for uniformity) Record unrecorded items Error correctionAll adjustments are made to combiner re

29、tained earnings before the equity transfer diagram is appliedMajor issuesPurchasePoolingMajor issues (continued)PurchasePoolingEquity MethodA One-line ConsolidationLevel of Ownership0%20%50%100%Influence not significantSignificantinfluenceControlCost MethodEquityMethodConsolidationEquity Method The

30、equity method is required for investments of 50% or less that give the investor an ability to exercise significant influence over the investee. But, what issignificantinfluence?Application of the equity method The investment account moves in the same direction as the investees net assets Original co

31、st increased (decreased) by investors share of investees income (loss) and decreased by investors share of investees dividends and by amortization of the differential.Amortized if related to limited-life or intangible assets of investee.Application of the equity method 1 The investment is initially

32、recorded at cost 2 The investor records its share of the investees income as an increase to the investment account ,whether distributed or not. (losses will decrease the investment account) 3 Dividends received from the investee are recorded as a decrease to the investment account 4Additional adjustments are required aCost-book value differentials are accounted for as if the investee were a consolida


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