1、希望對您有幫助,謝謝愛國英語的句子導讀:本文是關于愛國英語的句子,如果覺得很不錯,歡迎點評和分享!1、愛國,是一種極高貴的感情活動。Patriotic, is a kind of very noble emotional activities.2、愛祖國高于一切。Love the motherland above all.3、祖國如有難,汝應作前鋒。If the motherland is difficult, you should be a striker.4、要愛國,祖國須可愛。To be patriotic, the motherland must be lovely.5、愿以我血獻后土
2、,換得神州永太平。I would like to offer the blood earth, for permanent peace in china.6、為他的國家說謊是每一個愛國者的職責。It is the duty of every patriot to lie to his country.7、戍客望邊色,思歸多苦顏。"The guest at the border, returning more bitter yan.8、我希望在烈火與熱血中得到永生!I want to live in the raging fire and blood!9、愛家的人才能愛國。Love t
3、he family to be patriotic.10、如果胃囊空空,誰也難以成為愛國志士。If the stomach is empty, it is difficult to become a patriot who.11、氣蒸云夢澤;波撼岳陽城。Steaming Yunmeng Ze; a giant wave in Yueyang city.12、寧做流浪漢,不做亡國奴。Better a tramp, not conquered.13、團結起來,振興中華!Unite to revitalize china!14、寧可少活二十年,拼命也要拿下大油田。It would be better
4、 to live less than twenty years, and try to get a big oil field.15、熱愛自己的祖國是理所當然的事。Love your country is a matter of course.16、夜視太白收光芒,報國欲死無戰(zhàn)場!Close to the country Taibai night vision light, die without a battlefield!17、以身許國,何事不敢為?The body Xu, did not dare to what?18、忽聞歌古調(diào),歸思欲沾巾。He heard the song fill
5、s thoughts to stained towel.19、捐軀赴國難,視死忽如歸。Energy-saving, such as the dead suddenly go.20、四萬萬人齊下淚,天涯何處是神州。Forty thousand tears together, where is china.21、欲把西湖比西子,淡妝濃抹總相宜。To the West Lake than the West as woman's light and heavy make-up.22、為了新中國,沖?。or the new China, Chong ah!23、當須徇忠義,身死報國恩。When
6、 required to loyalty, his death at guoen.24、臣心一片磁針石,不指南方不肯休。Chen Xin Shi a needle, not to the South would not take.25、與其忍辱生,毋寧報國死。With patience, rather die for my country.26、為祖國倒下的人,他的死是光榮的。For the people of the motherland, his death is glorious.27、科學沒有國界,科學家卻有國界。Science has no national boundaries,
7、but scientists have national boundaries.28、凡是不愛自己國家的人,什么都不會愛。People who do not love their country, what is not love.29、祖國的命運就是自己的命運!The destiny of our country is our destiny!30、國既不國,家何能存!In neither country can save home!31、愛國是文明人的首要美德。Patriotism is the first virtue of a civilized man.32、生是為中國,死是為中國。
8、Life is for China, death is for china.33、人類最高的道德是什么?那就是愛國心。What is the highest moral of mankind? That is patriotism.34、常思奮不顧身,而殉國家之急。Often think of the death of national emergency regardless of personal danger.35、人類的最高精神面就是愛國。The supreme spirit of man is the love of the country.36、人不僅為自己而生,而且也為祖國活著。
9、People not only live for themselves, but also for the motherland alive.37、中夜四五嘆,常為大國憂。In the night four or five sigh, often for big worry.38、鞠躬盡瘁,死而后已。Keep loyal and devoted to the last。39、寄意寒星荃不察,我以我血薦軒轅。Send Italy when Tsuen not observed, I in my blade heart.40、我以我心愛祖國,我以我行報祖國。I love my motherland
10、, I reported to the motherland.41、為國捐軀,雖死猶榮。One's life is a glorious death.42、位卑未敢忘憂國。Dared not country.43、此生誰料,心在天山,身老滄洲!One who, in the heart of Tianshan Mountains, old cangzhou!44、一身報國有萬死,雙鬢向人無再青。A country has died, but to the people no longer green.45、我隨時等待祖國的召喚!I am always waiting for the c
11、all of the motherland!46、僵臥孤村不自哀,尚思為國戌輪臺。Lying alone in a lonely village without pity, still thinking in Luntai.47、犧牲小我,成功大我。Sacrifice the ego, the success of the big me.48、身既死兮神以靈,魂魄毅兮為鬼雄!The body is dead Xi God in spirit, soul Yi Xi is a male ghost!49、為祖國而死,那是最美的命運?。o die for the motherland, it i
12、s the most beautiful fate ah!50、誰不屬于自己的祖國,他就不屬于人類。Who does not belong to his own country, he does not belong to the human race.51、錦繡河山收拾好,萬民盡作主人翁。Pick up the beautiful rivers and mountains, and the people as masters do.52、即從巴峽穿巫峽,便下襄陽向洛陽。Gap clothing from Pakistan Wu Gorge, next to Xiangyang Luoyang
13、.53、改革開放魅力無限,和諧中國精彩有約。China's reform and opening up the charm of unlimited, harmonious China is about.54、烈士之愛國也如家。Patriotic martyrs of the martyrs.55、國家是大家的,愛國是每個人的本分。The country is all patriotic, is everyone's duty.56、愛國之心,實為一國之命脈。Patriotism is the lifeblood of a country.57、匈奴未滅,何以家為?The Hu
14、n is not out, why home?58、天下興亡,匹夫有責。Everyone is responsible for his country.59、人生自古誰無死,留取丹心照汗青。All men are mortal., according to retain loyalty.60、愛國不分先后。Patriotic or not.61、愛國反倒受窮,誰還敢去愛國?Patriotic but poor, who dare to patriotic?62、為中華崛起而讀書。Reading for the rise of china.63、商女不知亡國恨,隔江猶唱后庭花。Business
15、women do not know their hate, across the river still sing backyard flower.64、遺民淚盡胡塵里,南望王師又一年。The tears of Hu Chenli, rembang Wang Shi year.65、人生難得幾回搏,此時不搏更待何時!Life is a rare few back, at this point not to be more time to stay!66、近鄉(xiāng)情更切,不敢問來人。Near my village, I dare not ask people.67、愛國主義是一種生動的集體責任感。P
16、atriotism is a vivid sense of collective responsibility.68、不愛自己國家的人,什么也不會愛。People who do not love their country, what will not love.69、先天下之憂而憂,后天下之樂而樂。To worry before the common people worries; to enjoy only after the people can enjoy。70、真正的愛國主義是不分黨派的。True patriotism is an independent party.71、我們要把心
17、靈里的美麗的*獻給祖國。We want to put the heart of the beautiful passion for the motherland.72、要想著收咱失地,別忘了還我河山。To think I received lost, don't forget to Restore our lost territories.73、利于國者愛之,害于國者惡之。Which is conducive to the love of the country, and to the evil of the country.74、最大的榮譽是保衛(wèi)祖國的榮譽。The greatest honor is to defend the honor of the motherland.75、國恥未雪,何由成名?No humiliation snow, where the famous?76、一致是強有力的,而紛爭易于被征服。Consistency is strong, and conflict is easy to conquer.77、國耳忘家,公耳忘私。National ear forget, the public ear forget private.78、樂以天
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