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1、201X年單獨(dú)招生考試試題冊注意事項(xiàng):1、本試題全部為等答題,分為語文、數(shù)學(xué)、英語三部分,共8頁, 滿分150分,考試時間120分鐘。2、答卷前將密封線內(nèi)的項(xiàng)目填寫清楚,密封線內(nèi)禁止答題。3、用鋼筆或圓珠等直接答在答題紙上。第一部分語文DIP皋她一,選擇題(本題共5個小題,每題2分,共10分,每題只有一個正確答案)1 .下列詞語中,劃橫線的字讀音全都正確的一組是A.整飭(chi)著落(zhao)緊筵咒(gU )地犢之情(shl )B.妊娠(chCn)狡抽(ji0)一查紙(da)膛目結(jié)舌(chGng)C.熨貼(ytin)蹊蹺(qiao)解型圖(pdu)戛然而止(jid)D.揚(yáng)守(人)Sflg(y

2、O)劍子手(gul)方拙圓鑿(rul )2 .依次填入下列句中橫線處的詞語,最恰當(dāng)?shù)囊唤M是(“鐵肩擔(dān)道義,著文章”,這是學(xué)界精英應(yīng)該具備的素質(zhì),說白了就是“道德文章”四個字。目前,有部分高中語文教師字詞的教學(xué),以為是小兒科,將其交給學(xué)生自學(xué),對學(xué)生缺乏必要的指導(dǎo)。一晃就是二十年,這中間只有一次見過收獲,是我在東北勞動期間,在一個干部的床頭見到的。A.棘手忽略偶爾B.棘手忽視偶然C.辣手忽視偶然D.辣手忽略偶爾3 .下列各選項(xiàng)中,劃橫線的詞語使用恰當(dāng)?shù)囊豁?xiàng)是()A.近年來,一些正值豆蔻年華的大學(xué)生沉迷在網(wǎng)吧里,忘卻了曾經(jīng)的理想,淡 漠了肩負(fù)的責(zé)任,以致荒廢了學(xué)業(yè),浪費(fèi)了青春,真讓人痛惜不已。B.

3、小說家很像一個修行的人,雖然穿行在繁華世界里,但是內(nèi)心會有那種在深 山古剎的清寂感。修習(xí)好了心性,不管世態(tài)如何變幻,他們都會安之若素。C.以梅艷芳為原形的電視劇梅艷芳菲擇其情感經(jīng)歷為主線,再現(xiàn)了她的一 生?!懊菲G芳菲”,不禁讓人想到她生前的一顰一笑,可謂風(fēng)華絕代。D.歷史是嚴(yán)肅的,是不容任何人竄改的。日本在歷史教科書上肆意歪曲事實(shí), 妄圖蒙蔽其國人,掩蓋其曾犯下的罄竹難書的罪行,這是對歷史的蔑視。4 .下列各句中,沒有語病且句意明確的一句是()A.劇情粗糙,臺詞可笑,并沒有影響赤壁獲得超高的票房收入,這多半要 歸功于三國故事的深入人心及古典文學(xué)名著在觀眾心中占有的分量。B.隨著李開復(fù)的突然離職

4、,可能導(dǎo)致本來就處于弱勢地位的谷歌中國業(yè)務(wù)再次 受到其主要競爭對手百度的打壓。C.京津城際鐵路開通后,京津兩地居民上午11時前交寄中國郵政文件類快遞件, 搭乘京津城際列車,當(dāng)天下午6時前就能送到收件人手上。D.聽說博士村官潘汪聰要給大家講農(nóng)技課,大家興致很高,還沒到上課時間, 村委會會議室就擠滿了很多村民來聽課,場面好不熱鬧。5 .下列句子中,表達(dá)得體的一項(xiàng)是()A.你家母生日,我會蒞臨寒舍,祝她老人家生日快樂,身體健康。B.學(xué)生會經(jīng)過調(diào)查研究,寫出了我校食堂服務(wù)質(zhì)量調(diào)查報(bào)告,文中提出了 改進(jìn)意見,并責(zé)成學(xué)校領(lǐng)導(dǎo)研究落實(shí)。C.聽說貴公司在經(jīng)營方面存在困難,你們?nèi)缧枰更c(diǎn)的話,我們將不吝賜教。D

5、.奉上拙作一本,鄙人才疏學(xué)淺,書中謬誤甚多,敬請斧正。二、填空題(本題共5個空,每空1分,共5分)1.,不盡長江滾滾來。2 .同是天涯淪落人,3 .此情可待成追憶,4 .?楊柳岸、曉風(fēng)殘?jiān)隆? .天下興亡,o三、閱讀理解(本題共4個小題,每空2分,共10分)古之學(xué)者必有師。師者,所以傳道受業(yè)解惑也。人非生而知之者,孰能無惑? 惑而不從師,其為惑也終不解矣。生乎吾前,其聞道也固先乎吾,吾從而師之; 生乎吾后,其聞道也亦先乎吾,吾從而師之:吾師道也,夫庸知其年之先后生于 吾乎?是故無貴無賤、無長無少,道之所存,師之所存也。嗟乎,師道之不傳也久矣,欲人之無惑也難矣!古之圣人,其出人也遠(yuǎn)矣, 猶且從師

6、而問焉;今之眾人,其下圣人也亦遠(yuǎn)矣,而恥學(xué)于師。是故圣益圣,愚 益愚,圣人之所以為圣,愚人之所以為愚,其皆出于此乎?愛其子,擇師而教之; 于其身也,則恥師焉;惑矣!彼童子之師,授之書而習(xí)其句讀者,非吾所謂傳其 道解其惑者也。句讀之不知,惑之不解,或師焉,或不焉,小學(xué)而大遺,吾未見 其明也。1 .這段文字節(jié)選自 的。2 .下列句子中,劃橫線的詞語解釋不正確的一項(xiàng)是()A.從而匣之師:以為師B.其也人也遠(yuǎn)矣出:超出C.愚益愚愚:愚蠢的人D.小學(xué)而大遺遺:拋棄3 .下列句子中,與“師者,所以傳道受業(yè)解惑也”句式一致的一句是()A.吾師道也B.道之所存,師之所存也C .師道之不傳也久矣D.是故圣益圣,

7、愚益愚4 .下列對原文有關(guān)內(nèi)容的分析和概括,不正確的一項(xiàng)是()A.作者在文章的一開頭就指出古代的學(xué)者都要從師學(xué)習(xí),這就強(qiáng)調(diào)了老師的重 要性。B.作者認(rèn)為人無論貴賤、老少,只要有知識就有資格當(dāng)老師,道之所存,師之 所存也。C.作者認(rèn)為很多人小的時候跟從老師學(xué)習(xí),反而長大后卻恥于從師,是極不明 智的。D.作者論證的語言很有特色,既擺事實(shí),乂講道理,文字精練,說理透徹,對 比鮮明。、作文(25分)“心燈”是干渴時的清泉,是迷路時的北斗,是風(fēng)浪中的港灣,是沙漠中的 綠洲,人生不如意事常十之八九。有了心燈,就會有方向,有勇氣;就會臨坎坷 而坦蕩,面挫折而達(dá)觀,處危難而不驚。對“心燈”你有何見解?請以“點(diǎn)

8、亮心燈”為題,結(jié)合自己的生活與感受, 寫一篇記敘文或議論文。要求:文中不得出現(xiàn)真實(shí)的人名、校名和地名。第二部分英語Part I Vocabulary and Structure (15 points, 1 point for each) Directions: Complete each sentence by deciding on the most appropriate words or phrases or expressions.(詞匯語法:選擇正確答案。分值15分,每題1分。)1. The days are short,it is in December.A. becauseB.

9、forC. goesD. want2. The education in China has developed these days.A. quickB. highC. highlyD. wildly3. Will you tell me a story?OK. Shall I it in English or in Chinese?A. tellB. speakC. sayD. talk4. The lady is always in white at the party.A. wearing B. dressing C. wornD.dressed5. They 3000 English

10、 words by the end of next month.A. learned B. had learned C. will have learned D. have learned6. Mr. Black, some boys are going to fight. You'd better thepolice.A. send for B. send toC. look for D.look over7. trees must be planted every year.A. Thousand B. Thousand of C. Thousands of D. Thousand

11、8. The post office is not far from here. Ifs only ten by bike.A. minuteB. minutesC. minute'sD.minutes9. She doesn't know the school, but it's to be quite a goodone.A. told B. spoken C. talkedD. said10. You must leave here now your mother can get somemore rest.A. became B. thoughC. so tha

12、t D. so11. Lucy,all your things on the desk.DIP-H,她A. puts away B. put away C. takes away D. take away12. (At the doctors) Ifs nothing serious, doctor? No,A. youll be all right soonB. You won't be all right soonB. There's some trouble with you D. Ifs very serious13. We can't buy much mut

13、ton with little money.A. so, much B. such, soC. so, soD.such,such14. .We the last bus and didn't have any money for taxi, so wehad to walk home.A. reached B. lostC. missedD.caught15. There's no light on - they be at home.A. can'tB. mustn't C. needn'tD.shouldn'tPart n Reading

14、Comprehension (20 points, 2pointsfor each)Directions: Read the following two passages and choose the best answer to each question.(閱讀理解:選擇正確答案。分值20分,每題2分。)Passage 1Mrs.Wang was seventy eight years old. Her husband worked in a post office. The next year her husband had a long holiday. So they made a

15、journey to another city, their bus hit a rock and began to burn. The husband broke the window and helped his wife get off, but he died in the burning bus. And now the old woman has lived a lonely life for 6 years. She often walks near the garden or sits on a chair quietly. She had a dog and liked it

16、 very much. But she lost it one morning.Yesterday afternoon, Mrs.Wang was sitting on a chair near the garden while a boy was coming to her with a dog. The old woman saw the lovely dog and asked the boy, "Does your dog bite?”“No, it doesn't," answered the boy.Having heard this, the old

17、woman began to touch its head. Suddenly it bit her hand and she began to shout at the boy, "Why did you fool me?”"Ive never fooled you, madam," said the boy. "My dog doesn,t bite anybody, but that dog isn't mine!',16. Where did Mr.Wang work?A. He worked in a company.B. He

18、 worked in a post office.C. He worked in another city.17. Why does the old woman often sit near the garden?A. Because she feels lonely.B. Because she is free.C. Because she can't do anything.18. Which sentence is wrong?A. Mr.Wang and his wife went on a journey to another city in their own car.B.

19、 Mr.Wang died in the accident.C. The old woman was saved in the accident.19. From the passage,we can know that.A. Mr.Wang was not careful enough.B. Mrs.Wang got out of the fire herself.C. Mrs.Wang loved the dog very much.20. The boy.A. is a kind boy.B. fooled the old woman.C. didn't know whose d

20、og it was.Passage 2Once there lived an old man in the town. He always forgot lots of things. So his wife always had to say to him "Don't forget this or that."One day he was going to a long trip(旅彳?。゛lone. Before he left home, his wife said, "Now you have all these things. They are

21、 what you need for your trip. Take good care of your things during the trip." He went to the railway station, he bought a ticket and got on the train with it.About an hour later, the conductor(售票員)began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and said, "Will you please show me your tick

22、et?" The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he couldn,t find it. He was very worried,Ml can't find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train." said the old man.Ml think you are right, I believe you bought a ticket. All right, you don't have to

23、 buy another ticket," said the conductor kindly. But the old man still looked worried and said sadly, uYour don't know why I'm worried. If I don't find my ticket, I can remember my station(車站),where am I going?"21. The old man's wife always had to say to him “A. Remember th

24、isB. Be carefulC. Don't forget this orthat22. The old man bought a ticket.A. when he found he had no ticket with himB. before he got on the trainC. after he got on the train23. About an hour later, the conductor begin.A. to sell the ticketsB. to buy the tickets C. to see the tickets24. The condu

25、ctor told the old man that he don't need another ticket becauseA. the old man was a famous personB. he believed the old manC. the old man had showed him the ticket25. The old man was still worried because.A. he forgot where he was goingB. he thought his wife would get angry with himC. he had los

26、t his ticket and a lot of moneyPart HI Translation (15 points, 3 points for each)Directions: Read the following five sentences and then put them into proper Chinese or English.(翻譯:將下列句子翻譯成漢語或英語。分值15分,每題3分。)26. Some students do homework three or four times a week.27. I felt it my duty to look after t

27、he baby.28. The doctor told him to stay in bed and have a good rest.29. 昨天我們沒上英語課。30. 今天下午我們學(xué)校有場足球比賽。第三部分?jǐn)?shù)學(xué)一、填空題(本大題共10個小題,每小題2分,共20分,把答案填在答題紙 的表格中)1、集合xlx?-x-6 = 0中的元素是;31. 函數(shù)/") =匚,則;3、 不等式/_7x_8v0的解集為;4、 函數(shù)y = 3x + 2反函數(shù)為;5、 函數(shù)y = x2 4x + 6的最小值為;6、等差數(shù)列3,3,4白,的前12項(xiàng)的和為;227、化簡 sin2 200+sin? 70° =;8、在 AA3C 中,已知 4 = 30。,。=應(yīng)力=2,則 8=; 229、橢圓葛+ ? = 的離心率為;210、一斜線是它在平面。上射影的金倍,那么斜線與平面。所成的角是.二、單項(xiàng)選擇題(本大題共10個小題,


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