1、廣東省高考英語閱讀專題2013概述廣東省高考閱讀理解題選材,一般遵循三個原則:1. 文章一般為5篇(含信息匹配題,閱讀量在2500單詞左右;2. 題材廣泛,包括科普、社會、文化、政治、經(jīng)濟等多方面內(nèi)容;3. 體裁多樣,包括記敘文、描寫文、說明文、應用文、論述文等。因此,學會分析體裁的能力對我們做好閱讀理解來說是非常重要的。由于不同的文體有不同的段落組織方式和脈絡層次,所以我們可以根據(jù)這種特點來快速分析文章的體裁:記敘文往往按時間順序展開段落,文章有明顯表示時間先后的詞語。閱讀時抓住時間這條主線,弄清who、what、where、why與how。描寫文通過細節(jié)的描寫以畫面的方式來反應事物的特征、
2、性質(zhì)。對這種文章要迅速弄清其主題,主題詞往往出現(xiàn)在各個句子里,貫穿文章的始末;緊圍繞這個主題進行閱讀,找到文章與之有關的信息,并確定信息與主題的關系。說明文多見于科普文章,用以解釋或揭示事物的狀態(tài)、特征、演變、結果及其相互之間的關系,這類文體的文章,首句往往是主題句,開門見山,說明文章的關注對象:弄清作者的思路和段落組織的方式;把握次要信息及其與主題的關系。論述文的閱讀難在這種文章處處都滲透作者的個人觀點、態(tài)度。閱讀論述文應該從文體的寫作和結構特點入手。文章的結構往往很容易把握,用主題句開門見山。作者往往通過信號詞(signal words或transitional words和關聯(lián)詞(ref
3、erents來組織段落、文章.對信號詞的迅速反應和對關聯(lián)詞的準確判斷是至關重要的;要特別注意區(qū)分作者的觀點與文章里所提到的人物的觀點,同時注意作者所使用的表示贊同、反對等感情色彩的詞匯。常見問題1. 關于文章主旨和大意的問題此類考題主要針對段落(或短文的主題,主題思想,標題或目的,一般提問方式如下:1 Which is the best title of the passage?2 Which of the following is this passage about?3 What is the main topic of the passage?4 The subject discusse
4、d in this text is _5 Which of the following best states the theme of the passage?6 The passage tells us that_.7 The passage is meant to .8 This passage mainly talks about_.9 The passage is mostly about _.10 The passage is mainly concerned about _.11 The general/main idea of the passage is about _.12
5、 Th e purpose of this article is to 13 In this passage the writer tries to tell us that_.14 In this passage the author discusses primarily _.15 The authors main purpose in writing the passage is to 2. 關于文章事實和細節(jié)的問題此類考題主要針對文章的細節(jié),一般提問方式如下:1 Which of the following is right?2 Which of the following is NO
6、T true according to the information in thepassage?3 Which of the following statements is correct according to the passage?4 Which of the following is Not True in the passage?5 Which of the following is not mentioned?6 Which of the following is mentioned in the passage?7 The author mentions all of th
7、e following except . . .8 The writer mentions all of the items listed below except _.9 What is the example of . . . as described in the passage?10 Choose the right order of this passage.11 According to the passage, when (where, why, how, who, etc. .12 The reason for . . .is . . .13 From this passage
8、 we know that _.14 In the passage, the author states that _.3. 猜測詞義的問題此類考題目要求考生能根據(jù)上下文確定某一特定的詞或短語的準確含義。一般提問方式如下:1 The word “ABC” in the passage probably means _.2 The underlined word “ABC” in the passage refers to/means _.3 Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in thesec
9、ond paragraph?4The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means _.5 The word "it(them"in the first paragraph refers to _.4. 關于對全篇邏輯關系的理解、對文章各段、各句間邏輯關系的理解的問題此類考題主要考查句語句之間,短語短之間的邏輯關系,一般提問方式如下:1 Many visitors come to the writers city to _.2 Some shops can be built Dongfeng Square so that t
10、hey may _.3 Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because _.4 Why did the writer get off the train two stops before Vienna station?5. 關于推理和判斷的問題此類考題一般針對短文內(nèi)容和考生應有的常識,文章中雖然沒有明確的答案,但考生在理解全文的基礎上可以進行推理和判斷其答案。一般提問方式如下:1 We can guess the writer of the letter may be a _.2 We can infer from the
11、 text that _.3 It can be inferred from the text that _.4 From the letters weve learned that its very _ to know somethingabout American social customs.5 From the story we can guess _.6 From the text we know that _.7 What would be happy if ?8 The story implies that _.9 The paragraph following the pass
12、age will most probably be _.10 The writers attitude toward.is _.11 The author implied(suggestedthat.12 It may be concluded from the passage that.13 Which of the following statements does the passage support?14 With which of the following does the author agree?6. 關于作者意圖、觀點或態(tài)度的問題此類題目的主要提問方式是一般提問方式如下:1
13、 How did the writer feel ?2 The author seems to think that _.3 The writer writes this text to _.4 The writer believes that _.5 The writer suggests that _.6 The author wants to appeal to _ .7 The writer is trying to present a point of view in _.8 The authors style is _ .9 The authors tone would be be
14、st described as _ .10 What is the authors opinion of _?11 What is the author's main purpose in the passage?12 In the author's opinion_?題目類型A類題:可以直接從原文中找到答案的題目A類題為拿分題丟分原因:1憑印象做題,準確率低。2時間把握最容易出問題:忘記內(nèi)容的時候往往會回到文章中去找答案,一篇文章往往要讀好幾遍。A類題解題技巧:看清題目所問的內(nèi)容之后,要在原文中劃出原句,并標上題號。這樣做的目的:1做到萬無一失,保證把該拿到的分數(shù)拿到手。2減
15、少閱讀文章的次數(shù),爭取寶貴的時間。B 類題:不能夠從原文中直接找到答案的題需要經(jīng)過分析、判斷、推理之后才能解答的題。該類題是失分題,往往是出題人用來拉開學生梯度和層次的題。B類題包括:文章主題和中心大意等,一般都是主旨題。B類題解題技巧:1、以原文為依據(jù),不參雜個人意見,要客觀不要主觀。2、答案是比出來的。答案不選對的,只選最好的。因為,有時候四個答案都是對的。所以,當看到第一答案是正確的時候,也要看后面的答案。遇到這種情況,往往有學生鉆牛角尖。老師給學生解釋的時候,也可以這樣說:你的答案沒錯,但是另一個答案更好,更全面。答案不選對的,只選最好的。比答案的原則是:好的>不知道的;不知道的
16、>不對的。3、注意絕對化的詞。如果答案選項中出現(xiàn)絕對化的詞,比如:all,always,never,nothing,every 等等,除非文章當中使用了該類詞匯,否則,一般都要排除。比如,原文中出現(xiàn)了這樣一個句子:Almost everyone likes the music. 答題時,要你判斷如下這個句子正誤(True or False:Everyone likes the music. <該句子應該是錯誤的。4、答案要避免以點帶面,以偏蓋全。尤其是多個選項都有道理,難以挑選正確答案的時候,要注意選擇最符合題目要求的一個。5、“傻瓜”原則。文章中沒有提到的就當時不知道,不要枉自猜
17、測,自作聰明。一切以文章內(nèi)容為準。閱讀理解解題步驟1、第一步:先讀題2、第二步:讀文章3、第三步:解題實戰(zhàn)閱讀方法1巧用主題句并依據(jù)主題句確定短文的中心最有效的辦法是找出主題句。一篇文章(或一段文章 通常都是圍繞一個中心意思展開的。而這個中心意思往往由一個句子來概括。這個能概括文章或段落中心意思的句子叫做主題句。因此,理解一個段落或一篇文章的中心意思首先要學會尋找主題句。主題句一般具有三個特點:(1 概括性強:表述的意思比較概括。(2 結構簡單:句子結構較簡單,多數(shù)都不采用長、難句的形式。(3 受它支撐:段落中其他的句子是用來解釋、支撐或發(fā)展該句所表述的主題思想。在一篇短文或一個段落中,大部分
18、主題句的位置情況有三種:主題句在段首或篇首主題句在段首或篇首的情況相當普遍,其后的句子則是論證性細節(jié)。一般新聞報道、說明文, 議論文、科技文獻等大都采用這種格式,即先總述,后分述的敘事方法。例文1:All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives alone. Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes on
19、e living thing kills another, one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life in order to live, and together they form a food chain(食物鏈. Some food chains become broken up if one of the links disappears.例文2:People have different tastes in food. Some feel that they haven
20、39;t eaten a meal unless they have had steak or other red meat. Some prefer chicken or fish and eat one or the other at every meal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits or grains and would enjoy a meal of spaghetti, eggplant, and fresh fruit. Others could live on what were called fast-foods: a hambur
21、ger or hot dog, French fries and a soft drink.主題句在段末或篇末主題句也會出現(xiàn)在段尾,即作者先擺出事實依據(jù), 層層推理論證, 最后自然得出結論- 段落的主題。這種位于段末或篇末的主題句往往是對前面細節(jié)的歸納總結或者所得出的結論。因此,在閱讀這種文章時,要注意表述細節(jié)的句子通常在前,概述性的句子在后,并以此結尾。例文1:If you buy some well-made clothes, you can save money because they can last longer. They look good even after they ha
22、ve been washed many times. Sometimes some clothes cost more money, but it does not mean that they are always better made, or they always fit better. In other words, some less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.例文2:Some students prefer a strict teacher who tells them ex
23、actly what to do. Others prefer to be left to work on their own. Still others like a democratic discussion type of class. No one teaching method can be devised to satisfy all students at the same time.主題句在段落中間當主題句被安排在段中間時, 通常前面只提出問題,文中的主題由隨之陳述的細節(jié)或合乎邏輯的引申在文中導出, 而后又作進一步的解釋, 支撐或發(fā)展.例文:Nothing is as usef
24、ul as a flashlight on a dark night if a tire goes flat. Few inventions are so helpful to a child who is afraid of the dark. In fact, the modern flashlight brings light to many dark situations. Finding something in the back of a closet is easy with a flashlight in hand. A camper also needs one after
25、the light of the campfire has been out.無主題句有時,一篇文章里并沒有明顯的主題句。這時我們應該怎樣來確定文章的主題或中心意思呢?其實這也不難。我們可以首先找出每一段的中心意思,各段的中心意思往往都是圍繞一個中心來展開的,或者說是來說明一個問題的。這個中心或這個問題就是這篇文章的主題或中心意思。例文:Killer bees started in Brazil 1957. A scientist in Sao Paulo wanted bees to make more honey(蜂蜜. So he put forty-six African bees w
26、ith some Brazilian bees. The bees bred(繁殖 and made a new kind of bees. But the new bees were a mistake. They didnt want to make more honey. They wanted to attack. Then, by accident, twenty-six African bees escaped and bred with the Brazilian bees outside.Scientists could not control(控制 the problem.
27、The bees increased fast. They went from Brazil to Venezuela. Then they went to Central America. Now they are in North America. They travel about 390 miles a year. Each group of bees grows four times a year. This means one million new groups every five years.Why are people afraid of killer bees? Peop
28、le are afraid for two reasons. First, the bees sting(叮 many more times than usual bees. Killer bees can sting sixty times a minute nonstop for two hours. Second, killer bees attack in groups. Four hundred bee stings can kill a person.Already several hundred people are dead. Now killer bees are in Te
29、xas. In a few years they will reach all over the United States. People can do nothing but wait.找出主題句后,再依據(jù)主題句定短文的中心任意一篇文章通常是圍繞一個中心展開并且由段落組成的;段落之間有著內(nèi)在的緊密聯(lián)系,而表達段落主題的句子叫主題句,通常置于段落的開頭,有時在段落末尾和中間;其它的句子是用來說明和闡述主題句的;若把一個個主題句加以整理,你能悟出其中心思想,同時還可以回避、排除個別生詞、難句(等困難信號所帶來的干擾,但也有一些文章的中心思想常貫穿在全文中,因而要綜觀全文,對全文有一個透徹的理解
30、才行。例如:例題:My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasnt wonderful, but we had everything w e needed (beds, blankets, food, and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cam
31、eron had come along with two friends, Kevin and Simon, while sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other membersI didnt know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoors, but none of us was sure exactly ho
32、w. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves (巖洞 first. Climbing out was harder than going in, but after a good deal of pushing, we were out at last. Though we were covered with mud, we were pleased and exc
33、ited by what wed done.This passage mainly talks about _.A. the writers friends at the Activity CenterB. the writers experience at the Activity CenterC. outdoor sports at the Activity CenterD. how to go rock-climbing and caving在解主題大意時,以下方法可供參考。1 認真閱讀文章的第一段或每段的第一個句子。2 文章的主題作者往往有意識地反復論述。抓住反復出現(xiàn)的中心詞,即高頻詞
34、,也叫做主題詞。例文:If you are a recent social science graduate who has had to listen to jokes about unemployment from your computer major classmates, you may have had the last laugh. There are many advantages for the social science major because this high-tech "Information Age" demands people who
35、are flexible (靈活的 and who have good communication skills.There are many social science major s in large companies who fill important positions. For example, a number of research studies found that social science major s had achieved greater managerial success than those who had technical training or
36、 pre-professional courses. Studies show that social science major s are most suited for change, which is the leading feature (特點 of thekind of high speed, high-pressure, high-tech world we now live in.Social science major s are not only experiencing success in their long-term company jobs, but they
37、are also finding jobs more easily. A study showed that many companies had filled a large percentage of their entry-level positions with social science graduates. The study also showed that the most sought-after quality in a person who was looking for a job was communication skills, noted as "ve
38、ry important" by 92 percent of the companies. Social science major s have these skills, often without knowing how important they are. It is probably due to these skills that they have been offered a wide variety of positions.Finally, although some social science major s may still find it more d
39、ifficult than their technically trained classmates to land the first job, recent graduates report that they don' t regret their choice of study.3.文章或段落的主題句常常會出現(xiàn)在一些標志性的提示后。例如:On the whole, in short,in a word, in brief, to sum up, to conclude thereforeI agree with the opinion thatGiven all these p
40、oints above, I would support the idea thatFor all the reasons mentioned above, I would prefer掌握了找主題句的方法后,就可以依據(jù)主題句歸納主題。但歸納主題容易出現(xiàn)以下三種錯誤,需要同學們注意。1 以偏概全。即只抓住了主題的一個側面就誤以為是主題。2 過于籠統(tǒng)。即歸納的主題太泛,與細節(jié)脫節(jié)或是沒有對細節(jié)加以充分論證。3 把觀點強加給作者。讀者往往根據(jù)自己的常識對文章進行判斷而忽視了作者的見解。2 掌握具體事實和重要細節(jié):做細節(jié)事實題的方法在閱讀理解題目中,有相當一部分是考查細節(jié)和事實的題目。細節(jié)理解題就是
41、我們常見的wh-題,它們大多是根據(jù)文章中的具體信息如事實、例證、原因、過程、論述等進行提問的。有些問題可以在文章中直接找到答案,有些則要我們在理解的基礎上將有關內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)化才能找到,比如計算、排序、是非判斷、圖形比較等。做此類題的方法一般是先用尋讀法找出與問題相關的詞語或句子,再對相關的部分進行細讀,排除干擾項,找出正確答案。2.1.是非題出題形式:a.三正一誤:Which of the following is true except?Which of the following is mentioned exceptb.三誤一正:Which of the following is true?
42、這種做題方法主要與三正一誤的下列問法相聯(lián)系:Which of the following is mentioned exceptWhich of the following is not mentioned?這種問題的正確選項所包含的信息通常連續(xù)出現(xiàn)在同一段,而且往往無列舉標志詞,如first,second,third等。做題時只需閱讀有關段落,根據(jù)一個選項中的關鍵詞在其前后找其他兩個正確先項,剩下一個原文中未提到的,為正確答案。2.2 例證題對舉例的考查為高考閱讀理解的常見考點之一,這類題的基本結構為:The a uthor provides in line(或Paragraphan exa
43、mple in order to意思是問文中舉出某現(xiàn)象或例子的目的。文章中舉出一些例子無非是為了說明一定的道理。關鍵在于這個例子在原文出現(xiàn)的位置,但不管如何,這個例子之前或之后不遠處通常都有一句總結說明性的話,這句話就是答案,即舉例的目的。如果例子與全文主題有關,則例證主題,答案為主題句。如果例子與段落主題有關,就例證段落主題,則答案為段落主題句;此外,答案為例子前后總結說明性的話。2.3年代與數(shù)字:這個考點有幾種出題方式,但不管以何種形式出現(xiàn),只要題干問年代與數(shù)字,答案就對應于文章中的年代與數(shù)字。2.4比較:比較考點的表現(xiàn)形式主要有:a.比較級與含有比較意義的詞匯手段和句型結構;b.表示絕對
44、意義的字眼:first(第一,least(最不,most(最等;c.表示惟一性的詞匯:only, unique等;閱讀最好能圈出表示最高級、惟一性和絕對意義的詞匯,便于做題時回原文定位。2.5原因:這種題的答案在原文通常有一些表示因果關系的詞匯手段提示:result, reason;result in(結果,result from(由于,baseon(以為基礎,be due to (由于;because, for, why;as a result, consequently等。閱讀時對這些提示詞應該予以注意。原文相關句出現(xiàn)的格式都是先說原因,后說結果,而在題干中通常給出結果,就其原因提問。In
45、vited by Mr. Ye Huixian, host of the well received TV programme “Stars Tonight”,Miss Luo Lin, Miss Asia of 1991,appeared as the guest hostess on the Shanghai TV screen last Sunday.Born in Shanghai and taken to Hong Kong when she was only six years old,Luo Lin has never dreamed of being Miss Asia. He
46、r childhood dream was to be an air hostess. Before she took part in the competition, she had been an airhostess in Cat Hay Airline for seven years. However,it still took her three months to learn the art of walking on the stage, dancing, singing, making-up and other proper manners, designed by the A
47、sia TV Station.“Its really a hard job for me. I wont enter for such competition any more. Anyhow, I am quite lucky. I am also glad to have had more chance to work for the social welfare since I won the title. This time, in Shanghai, I'd love to make a deep impression on my TV audience, " sa
48、id Luo Lin with a sweet smile.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Luo Lin is a native of Shanghai.B. Luo Lin moved to Hong Kong with her parents.C. Luo Lin won the title of Miss Asia in 1991.D. Asia TV Station helped Luo Lin to become Miss Asia.解析:A、C 和D都可在原文找到答案,而B項原文列的是:taken to Hong Kong可判斷不是mo
49、ved to Hong Kong with her parents,因此選B。3做推理判斷題的方法所謂推斷,就是根據(jù)閱讀材料中所提供的信息,推斷出未知的信息。即把有關的文字作為已知部分,從中推斷出未知部分。據(jù)以推斷的有關文字可能是詞或句子,也可能是若干句子,甚至是全文。因此,解推斷題時應注意:不能以自己的觀點代替作者的觀點,要嚴格按照閱讀材料中所提供的信息進行推理;推理的根據(jù)來自于上下文;如果某選項中的內(nèi)容是閱讀材料的簡單重復,那它就不是推論,也就不是正確答案;如果某選項所表達的內(nèi)容與經(jīng)驗相吻合,文中卻沒有涉及,那它屬于主觀臆斷的結論,也不是正確答案;如果某個選項表達的內(nèi)容雖在文中提到,但很片
50、面或很不完整,那也不是正確答案;文中的虛擬語氣和情態(tài)動詞(should, must, may, etc.往往能流露出作者的弦外之音,這有助于我們確定正確答案;注意作者在文章中的措辭,比如作者在形容詞前用了too,excessively, rather則常帶有否定的口氣;某些過渡詞(例如:however, but, on the contrary, whats more后面所表達的內(nèi)容往往能反映作者的觀點和態(tài)度。當然,解推斷題的方法有多種,但最主要的就是根據(jù)詞義關系推斷具體細節(jié)。通常,高考英語試題中的推斷題主要有以下幾種:1.事實推斷這種推斷常常針對某一個或幾個具體細節(jié),是比較簡單的推斷。例如:
51、例題:Secondly, a news story has to be interesting and unusual. People dont want to read stories about everyday life. As a result, many stories are about some kind of danger and seem to be “bad” news.According to the passage, which of the following can you most possibly watch on TV?A. You often play fo
52、otball with your friends after school.B. Your teacher has got a cold.C. A tiger in the city zoo has run out and hasnt been caught.D. The bike in front of your house is lost.2.指代推斷確定代詞的含義和指代對象是閱讀理解題常見的題目。要確定指代詞所指代的對象,關鍵在于對所在上下文的正確理解。指代名詞的指代詞,其單復數(shù)形式英語被指代的詞一致,因此數(shù)的形式可作為識別指代對象第一個輔助標志。文章中的代詞it,that,he,him
53、或them 可以指上文提到的人或物,其中it, this 和that還可以指一件事。有時代詞指代的對象相隔較遠,要認真查找;也有時需要對前面提到的內(nèi)容進行總結,才能得出代詞所指代的事。例題:In 1901, H.G. Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon. When the explorers(探險者landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities. They expressedthe
54、ir surprise to the "moon people" they met. In turn, the "moon people" expressed their surprise. "Why, "they asked, "are you traveling to outer space when you don't even use your inner space?"H.G. Wells could only imagine travel to the moon. In 1969, human
55、beings really did land on the moon. People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon. However, the question that the "moon people" asked is still an interesting one. A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.What does the underlined word "it"
56、; refer to?A.Discovering the moon's inner space.B.Using the earth's inner space.C.Meeting the "moon people“ again.D.Traveling to outer space.由此可以看出it指上句中的the question,而the question又指第一段中"月球人"所提的問題。所以根據(jù)第一段中的問題"Why are you traveling to outer space when you don't even us
57、e your inner space?"就可以判斷出答案為B。3.邏輯推斷這類題目往往是要求根據(jù)文章所提供的背景,人物的表情,動作和語言來推斷出人物的態(tài)度或感覺,因此需根據(jù)文章中所陳述的事實、論點、例證等一系列論據(jù)材料進行推理,從而得出合乎邏輯的結論,而不是根據(jù)自己的經(jīng)驗、態(tài)度、觀點或愛好去理解文章的內(nèi)涵。做這類題時,應把握作者的寫作思路,預測下文可能發(fā)展的內(nèi)容。文章可按事件發(fā)展的經(jīng)過描寫,也可按因果關系, 對比關系來描寫。例題:We are in the computer age.We often see computers at work.They are especially useful in automatic control,data processing(數(shù)據(jù)處理and solving complicated problems.And they are finding their way into the home.The part played by computers is becoming even more important with each passing day.More and cleverer computers will continue to appear.They will
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