1、閱讀理解基礎部分(來自 2016 中考英語模擬)閱讀下面短文或圖表,并選擇正確答案。All of teachers want to get along well with you and enjoy see ing you lear n. But teachers andstude nts sometimes have pers on ality clashes, which take place betwee n any two people.By deali ng with such a problem, you can lear n someth ing about how to get
2、 along with people whoare differe nt from you.Even if a certa in teacher isnt your favorite, you can still have a successful relati on ship, especiallyif you perform your basic duties as a stude nt. Here are some of ways:*Attend classes on time and always get ready to learn.*Be preparing for classes
3、 with the right pencils, books, and complete studying tasks.*Listen carefully when your teacher is talking.*Do your best, whe never its a classroom task, homework, or a test.After all, many teachers make such a strong impressi on on their stude nts that stude nts may evengo back to visit them long a
4、fter moving on to a higher grade. Thats a real complime nt (the teachers.And theres an even higher complime nt you can give to a favorite teacher: Grow up to becomea popular teacher yourself!根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,并將其標號填入題前括號內(nèi)。()46. What do all of teachers want to do?A. They want to get along with stude nts w
5、ell.B. They want to give lots of homework to their stude nts.C. They want their stude nts to have high marks in exams.D. They want students to listen to them all the time.()47. Which is NOT the suitable way to have a good relationship with teachers?A.Atte nd classes on time.B. Get ready for class.C.
6、 Talk with classmates whe n your teacher is talk ing.D. Try your best to study.贊美)to()48.What does the underlined word clashes mean in Chinese?A.沖突 B.知識 C.考試 D.尊敬3()49. Which of the followi ng is a complime nt to the teachers?A. The stude nts are the cleverest.B. The stude nts finish homework well.C
7、. The stude nts are impolite to teachers.D. The stude nts go back to visit teachers long after graduatio n.()5O.lf you grow up to becomea popular teacher, that will be_ you can give to a favoriteteacher.A. the best gift B. the highest complime ntC. the sweetest memory D. the stron gest impressi on參考
8、答案 46-50 ACADB鞏固部分(來自 2016 中考模擬訓練)閱讀下列短文,從每小題所給的 A、B、C D 四個選項中選出一個最佳選項。When people think of water buffaloes, they often imagi ne wild and dan gerous ani mals. Butuni ess they are hurt or an gered, water buffaloes are probably the gentlest farm animals inthe world. Though they look scary, they are mu
9、ch like household pets. Un like cattle(黃牛),they are quiet and have a natural fondness for humans.Water buffaloes are so patient and gentle that there is no need to control them during milking.Because of the animal s calm nature, water buffaloes almost never have their horns(角)taken off. However, mos
10、t cattlewhich are raised for their milk will have their horns taken off, when they are youn g. It will preve nt them from hurt ing oneano ther whe n they grow up.Another commorwrong idea is that water buffaloes can be raised only near water. Though they love to roll in muddy wa ter,water buffaloes u
11、sually live and have babiesin situati ons where thereis not eno ugh water to do this. However, several researchers report that water buffaloes who roll in muddy water do not need to be treated with in secticides(殺蟲劑)because the mud (爛泥)coati ngthat forms on their skin protects them from in sects and
12、 parasites(寄生蟲).Another untrue belief about water buffaloes is that they can live only in tropical(熱帶的) areas. Actually, buffaloes are able4to live in a wide range of climates. Although they are most com monin the tropics, water buffaloes were used to pull sno wplows(雪犁)in parts of Europe many years
13、ago.34. Why are water buffaloes horns not take n off ?A. They don t use their horns to attack.B. They can t have babies without the horns.C. Taking the horns off is dan gerous to huma ns.D. Taking their horns off can kill the buffaloes.35. The writer seems to think that most cattle_.A. don t give mi
14、lkB. are not gentleC. make good petsD. like people36. Accord ing to the passage, how can rolli ng in muddy water help water buffaloes?A. It protects them from parasites. B. It washes in secticides off them.C. It helps them have more babies. D. It keeps them cool in hot weather.37. Which of the follo
15、wi ng stateme nts best expresses the main idea of this passage?A. People used to keep water buffaloes as household pets.B. Many people have in correct ideas about water buffaloes.C. Water buffaloes used to be com mon around the world.D. Water buffaloes and cattle have many similarities.參考答案 34-37 AB
16、AB(來自 2016 中考模擬訓練)閱讀下列短文,從每小題所給的A、B、C D 四個選項中選出一個最佳選項。THIS year the US Mint will honor one of the country s most famous writers.“ Mark Twain ” , the pen name of Samuel Clemens(1835 -1911) is loved by American readers for hisnovels Tom Sawyer(1876) and The Adve ntures of Huckberry Finn (1844).Now he
17、is going to have his life and work commemorated(纟己念)with special gold and silver coins.But does Twain need to be commemorated? It doesn t seem like people in the US will forget5him. Twa in once joked that a lack(缺少)of money is the root of all evil(牙 E 惡)” but a lack of money with Twain sfamous face
18、on it wouldn t have made people forget about him.The Adve ntures of Huckberry Finn is thought to be his greatest works.Motherless Huck Finn is a young boy who shows the spirit of freedom. But it could be said that Huck s freedom reallycomes from Huck wanting to fly. When Huck gets away from his viol
19、e nt(暴力的)father, he isn t really look ing for freedom, but survival.It s even more of a problem for a slave. Jim, the escaped(逃跑的)slave who Huck helps, makes Huck s life seemeven better. It s easier not to be able to deal withsome one who wants to forceyou to go to school than to have to fight a law
20、 that says you are a piece of property(財產(chǎn)).Huck and Jim s frien dship, as show n by Mark Twa in, is one of the great stories in America n literature because it showsa white character, Huck, who gets an idea of the Africa n America n experie nee.Mark Twain is famous and would still be famous without
21、any special coins. Any way, the coins couldbe a reas on to look aga in at the work of a writer who got un der the skin of the US inthe 19thcen tury.With the race issue(種族問題)far from dead in the US today, perhaps Twa in still has someth ingto teach today s readers.38. Why is The Adventures of Huckleb
22、erry Finnconsidered Twain s greatest works?A. It talks about how a black slave runs away from his viole nt owner.B. It describes an everlasting friendship between people of different races.C. It describes the social problem that a lack of money is the root of all evil.D. It talks about a white Ameri
23、ca n un dersta nding the Africa n America n experie nee.39. Accord ing to the passage, which stateme nt is Wrong?A. Huck gets away from his father for survival.B. Jim escapes from his slave owner for freedom.C. Twain dug deeply into American society of his times.D. Without the spec ial coins, he ll
24、probably be forgotten.40. The underlined phrase“far from dead ” probably means_ .A. still being there. B. Beco ming more serious.C. Being in dan ger.D. Gone for a long time.41. What s the main purpose of the article?6A. To tell the story of The Adve ntures of Huckleberry Finn.B. To tell readers abou
25、t the special coins created to honor Mark Twain.C. To explore why the US still remembers and honors Mark Twain.7D. To draw readers attention to the many race issues in the US today. 參考答案 38-41 DDAC驗收部分【2016 中考模擬】閱讀下列材料,從A B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳的答案。【根據(jù)杭州市西湖區(qū) 2015 學年第一學期九年級英語期末教學質(zhì)量調(diào)研卷中的閱讀改編】When my brother a
26、nd I were childre n, we spe nt a few weeks each summer in the coun tryside with ourun cle. He was a geologist and loved to go on long walks to find stones to add to his collectio nat the university. More often than not, we followed him.One day, we left early, and this time, our un cle gave us two ba
27、ckpacks.“ You can help me carrythe samples( 樣本),” he explained.Surely, why not? The whole day, we walked around the countryside,and every now and then, our uncleput stones in our bags. We were a bit surprised that sometimes he also took some stones out from our bags, but thoughthe had just found bet
28、ter samples.We reached the house in the late afternoon. The backpacks were so heavy that we were really tiredout when we put them on the ground. Yet our uncle s backpack was half-empty.“Why did you give us so many stones?” we asked.“I didn t. You did, ” he said, waiting for a while before continuing
29、.“ You did not know it,but I made you go through a little attitude(態(tài)度)test today. ”“ What do you mean an attitude test ?” we wan ted to know.“ It is someth ing some one once did to me. You see, I liste ned to every word you said. And whe neveryou compla in ed( 抱怨)about anyone or anything, I added a
30、stone to your bags. And when ever you talked about something in an attitude of positive thi nkin g, I took out a stone. And now look at your backpacks. ”We did. They were full.“ I hope you remember this little attitude test. You see, your n egative thoughts are like ston es.You carry them in your mi
31、nd just like those stones and start pay ing atte nti on to what you say andhow you say thin gs.”This little less on was one of the most importa nt less ons I ever had. And I remember my -the power of attitude.8uncle with great love for teach ing us one of the most importa nt less ons in life16. A ge
32、ologist is a pers on who_.A. grows pla ntsB. studies the earth C. sells stones D. draws pictures17. What did the writer and his brother ofte n do whe n stay ing with their uncle in the coun tryside?A. They often followed him to collect stones. B. They often followed him to his university.C. They oft
33、en studied the stones with him. D. They often took long walks to enjoy nature.18. Whe n the writer and his brother returned home late in the after noon,_.A. they were tired but happy that they had helped their un cleB. they wished they could collect more sample stonesC. they found that their bags we
34、re filled with stonesD. they were angry to find their uncle s bag half-empty19. How did the uncle expla in the attitude test to the author?A. By givi ng examples of good ston es. B. By ask ing questi ons about ston es.C. By using famous sayings about stones. D. By comparing negative thoughts to ston
35、es.20. This article is mai nly written to tell us that_ .A. we should do scienee tests from time to timeB.we should spend more time collectingsto nesC. we should be more positive whe n facing difficulties D. weshould pay more atte nti on to ourbackpacks【考點】記敘文的閱讀?!驹O計思路】。此篇雖然大意容易理解,但答題時要注意小細節(jié)的閱讀。要求學生
36、在閱讀中運用審讀文章、 辨析文章結(jié)構(gòu)、梳理文章主線等能力。同時在設計時也注重了情感的培養(yǎng)。因此在選材上選擇了與學生生活 接近,能打動學生情感的文本。難易程度:16易。17中。18易。19難。20易。參考答案 16 20 BACDC【2016 中考模擬】閱讀下列材料,從A B、C、D 四個選項中選出最佳的答案?!靖鶕?jù)九年級 2015 學年雙語報第 22 期中的閱讀改編】9Every one knows it is very easy to cook in sta nt no odles by putt ing them into the boili ng water and add inthos
37、e MSG( 味精)packets( 小包),together with other food like eggs or vegetables. However, have you ever wonderedwhether this is the correct way of cooking them? In order to make the noodlesjoined together nicely side by side it needs some form of wax coating (石蠟涂層 )in order to showan attractive instant nood
38、les infront of us. However, researches have show n that the layer (層)of wax coati ng on the no odles isquite harmful to our body and we should not eat it too freque ntly. We should have a break of 2-3days before we start to eat ano ther packet of in sta nt no odles as our body n eeds about 3 days to
39、clear that layer of wax coat ing away from our body system. Do you know the dan ger of havi ng toomuch wax coating stored in our stomach? It will lead to CANCER if it is stored in our body system for a long period of time.There are 2 key points to take note while preparing instant noodles:1)Wash the
40、 instant noodles with warmwater first, stir(攪禾口 ) it and pour away the watercontaining the wax coati ng.2) Repeat Step 1 and try to stir the no odles aga in to wash away the wax coati ng on theno odles before cook ing it in a new pot of water.If you have eaten other types of noodles, you will notice
41、 that the store seller will wash the noodles in warm water first tokeep the noodles from sticking together and for the case of instant noodles, the wax coating on the noodles is keeping thenoodles from sticking together. It is very importantto wash away the wax coat ing while prepari nga meal as we don t want our body to be in dan ger.Hope this article will let more people have self-aware nessof
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